Pujya Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj ( Babuji ) Messages -(Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service, Real Happiness & Research)
Voice Real (110) - Criticism -by Pujya Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj ( Babuji )
Manage episode 422231297 series 2987053
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Criticism :
Suppose a man goes to the forest, for the sake of penance, and his children are weeping, in the remembrance of God, or, I mean, in remembrance of father or mother. It is a sin they are having. That is my idea. Of course against the literature, what has been written so far. But nobody criticizes me. I'm telling you. A man came to me, I gave him "Efficacy of Raj Yoga" and he was a well-read man. He said, "Well, I am a great criticizer". (Hindi: I said), "Please do it. I shall clear the ... clear all those points in the next edition". But I tell you he will not be able to criticize any of ... any of my words or sentence. After six month he met me. I said, "Well, you have not sent your criticism". Then he put his head down in this way, in shame. A: What he said? A: He put his head down like this, in shame.
B: Because they have no knowledge of real, real reality, I should say. No knowledge, then how you criticize?
A: Probably we ..., the people think you criticise, Master, it's because we project our own guilt. B: I didn't get it. A: If we find that Master is critical it is because we project our own guilt. B: There must be criticism, and I want the people may criticize me, so that I will think further and further. Criticism is not bad, but if it is for good then it is not bad. And simply passing the time, beguiling the time, a man does ... then that is useless.
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