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One of the key functions of the priest under the old testament was to tend the fire burning on the altar in the tabernacle of meeting every day. The new testament is a better covenant with better promises and as a priest under the new testament, it is an even greater requirement to ensure that there is always fire on the altar of your heart. Discov…
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Training is all about equipping and empowering you in order to make you qualified, fit and competent to carry out the desired action on your own to the required standard. The goal of training is to develop you according to your individual gift and bent so that you can perform at a better and higher level. In order for you to benefit maximally from …
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The calling of God is His divine summons to take a journey with Him in destiny. It is what precipitates blessing and increase in your life. A blessing essentially is empowerment. It the empowerment to succeed, prosper and make progress. Increase has to do with productivity and replication. Among other things, when God calls you, inherent in the cal…
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Direction will come to you as you meditate. Insight will come to you as you meditate. Clarity will come to you as you meditate. Customized divine instructions will come to you as you meditate. All of these have the capacity to make you stable and outstanding in every season. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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The tongue of the learned is different from the tongue of the unlearned. The learned knows how to speak the right words at the right time to produce the desired effect in their hearers because he has been taught well by the Lord morning by morning. I believe that the learned first hears to learn before he speaks. Discover more in this episode. Supp…
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Value is the regard that something or someone is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something or someone. It is the relative worth or importance of a thing or someone. When something or someone is valuable, they are rated or considered highly based on their degree of usefulness to you. Discover more in this episode. Support th…
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In order to maximise your possibilities of , profit, you will need to make reading and thinking the word of God a lifestyle. As you do this, take time out regularly for solitude so that you can practice quietness. The early morning season is usually a good time to take hold of. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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Do you desire to be built up spiritually? If you do, then you need to have a firm grasp of the balanced gospel of grace by staying close to it through meditation and prayer. Secondly, it will give you your inheritance as one that has been set apart by God to fulfill His purposes. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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One of your main objectives in life should be to catch a glimpse into this scroll that has your name on it so that you can live your life on the earth from that perspective. If how you live in this mortal realm is going to count in the immortal realm, then your life on the earth must be patterned after the reality that has been written concerning y…
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It is the direction that you set your mind that your life will go because your life always heads in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. If you set your mind on carnal things, your life will be carnal but if you set your mind on spiritual things, your life will be spiritual. Your union with Christ is a reality that you have to allow to per…
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If you have to dwell on the past at all, let it be for reflection and for the lessons that you have learnt from the good and the not-so-good experiences that you have had. This is so that you can apply them in your life today to improve your life tomorrow. There are things ahead of you beckoning for your attention but you have to reach out and grab…
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In this life, you will experience storms and the issue is not whether they will come or not, the real issue is how prepared you will be before they come. The posture, attitude, and mindset that should be adopted therefore are to be proactive and work towards keeping fit, healthy, and being strong before the day of adversity hits. Discover more in t…
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The pattern and principle is that you must minister to God before you can minister for Him because unless God ministers to you, you cannot really minister to men. God doesn't just want you to work for Him, He wants first to work in you so that you can work with Him. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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The word of God encapsulates a dimension of the power of God. This power gets transmitted to your spirit through the Holy Spirit as He opens the eyes of your understanding and gives you revelation on any relevant reality. When this happens, a dimension of the power of God is released to you and you can function and operate from that dimension to bl…
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Repentance is not just something that applies to unbelievers only, it also applies to believers who are constantly advancing on the path of spiritual progress. Repentance implies a complete change of heart and mind that manifests in a change of decisions, actions and behaviours. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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There is a pathway to divine direction and the overarching theme is utter dependence on the Lord. It is dependence on God that will cause you to trust in the Lord with all your heart, not lean on your own understanding and acknowledge Him in all your ways. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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The manifestation of the fruit of the spirit or lack thereof shows the degree of your yieldedness and submission to the outworking of eternal life in and through you. Character trumps charisma and the manifestation of the fruit of the spirit in your life is a function of the degree of yieldedness and submission of your heart, thoughts and ways to t…
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God still leads His people today and He wants to lead you day by day in your particular and peculiar situation but you have to accept the responsibility of submitting to his leadership and guidance. I have observed that some people want to know God's will, leadership, and direction for the big things and decisions in their lives when they have not …
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Your trust in the Lord and dependence on Him has to be total and unwavering. You also have to forget about your limited ideas about how to get yourself out of your present predicament. Give God His rightful place in your heart and watch Him go to work on your behalf as He opens to you new vistas of possibilities because He is the unlimited God. Dis…
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Do you desire to be built up spiritually? If you do, then you need to have a firm grasp of the balanced gospel of grace by staying close to it through meditation and prayer. Secondly, it will give you your inheritance as one that has been set apart by God to fulfill His purposes. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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You cannot claim to love the Lord without giving consideration to His word through meditation because God and His word are one. As you demonstrate your love for God through the practice of scriptural meditation, the attendant benefits will begin to manifest in your life. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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A man who diversifies puts himself in a better position than one who puts all his eggs in one basket. I believe that the principle of diversification can be applied to practically every aspect of your life provided you take time to consider it deeply. Discover more in this episode. Support the showتوسط Francis Ugbeikwu
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Do not be careless with your words because you create your world with your words. You also rule over situations, circumstances, and issues through your words. You are a king and priest after the order of Melchisedek. Exercise your priesthood and your kingly power and authority. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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One major quality of light is that it manifests and shines. If you have been born of God, then you have the nature of God and God is Light. Ephesians 5:8 declares 'For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light ' You are now light in the Lord because God is Light and you have His nature, so live from your t…
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You cannot possess your promise in Canaan with the mindset of Egypt. You cannot enter into a new level, sphere, or dimension with the mindset of the old level, sphere, or dimension. You cannot possess your possessions in a digital age with an analog mentality because this will be grossly limiting. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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It is worthy of note that the spirit of man is that part of man that was God-breathed because God is spirit. It is that factor in man that proceeds immediately and directly from God. It is called the lamp of the Lord and it contains the faculties of communion, intuition, and conscience. As an entity, it has certain abilities and capacities. Discove…
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One thing that I know about physical strength is that it can be built up over time. By the same token, you can also build up your spiritual strength gradually and before you know it you will become spiritually strong, fit, and healthy provided you put your heart and mind to it. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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It has to be said that knowledge alone is not enough. The knowledge that you have acquired must be activated otherwise it is of no use at all. Although many like to say that knowledge is power, I prefer to say that activated knowledge is power. Discover more in this episode. Support the showتوسط Francis Ugbeikwu
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The spark that would cause the sharing of your faith to become effective is the acknowledgement of every good thing that is in you in Christ Jesus. The key to your effectiveness as a believer is in acknowledging every good thing that is in you in Christ Jesus. These good things which are now in you in Christ Jesus are there because of the finished …
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The heart is the core of your being. Although it is often used interchangeably with the human spirit, I believe that it is not exactly the same thing. In psychology, it is called the subconscious mind. It is the seat of your personality, desires, traits, thoughts, feelings, emotions, convictions, and beliefs. It comprises your will, intellect, and …
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The Holy Spirit doesn't just want to be resident in you, He wants to be the president of your life. Give Him total control of your life by asking Him to fill you up with Himself constantly, consistently, and continually as you fellowship with Him. Discover more in this episode. Support the showتوسط Francis Ugbeikwu
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The Father is in heaven. Jesus Christ is seated at the Father's right waiting till his enemies be made His footstool. It is the Holy Spirit that is active with the Church on the earth today. You need to get to know the Holy Spirit for yourself and by yourself. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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An encounter with the presence of the Lord activates joy in your life. When you spend time in the Lord's presence, one of the things that rub off on you is the joy of the Lord and this joy becomes the source of strength for your spirit. Discover more in this episode. Support the showتوسط Francis Ugbeikwu
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The Lord wants to reveal higher dimensions of His glory in you and through you but you must thirst for more of His power, believe that you receive, and yield to the promptings of His Spirit. Being thirsty, believing, and yielding to the Holy Spirit will result in baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. This is j…
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It is quite evident that the discipline of calming and quieting his soul before God in the place of prayer, intimacy, and communion with the Father had a prominent place in the life of Jesus and should occupy a prominent place in your life too. The practice of stillness has many benefits. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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The chameleon takes on the color of its immediate culture or environment but the caterpillar morphs into a better and higher version until it reaches adulthood. The overall objective of not letting the world squeeze you into its own mould is so that you may prove the will of God in your life. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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If you fulfill the condition, you will also walk in the fulfillment of everything that God has promised you. Your love for God is not only demonstrated when the going is good and everything is okay. Your love for God is much more needed to be demonstrated when the odds are stacked against you. Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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One characteristic of living things is growth. Growth happens when and where there is life. In order to sustain and maintain growth, therefore, it is critical to fan the embers of the things that make for the release of life to your vessel. Discover more in this episode. Support the showتوسط Francis Ugbeikwu
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There are many things competing for your attention that may not necessarily be worth your time and attention. I believe that it is important that you are intentional about what you give the attention of your focus because you become what you behold. Discover more in this episode. Support the showتوسط Francis Ugbeikwu
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Every genuine sacrifice that you offer to the Lord must cost you something. The sacrifices that the Lord finds acceptable are not cheap, they are expensive not just in monetary terms alone per se but also in your motives. Discover more in this episode. Support the showتوسط Francis Ugbeikwu
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The Lord's part is to gain your attention and come in to commune with you. Your part is to cash in on the opportunity, perceive Him, recognize His voice, and respond in obedience to His invitation to communion. Will you accept His invitation today and everyday? Discover more in this episode. Support the show…
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Whenever the Lord shows you a picture in the night, persist through prayer and progressive action until the picture you saw in the night manifests as the product in the light. Any revelation that you receive from the Lord is a summon to declare on earth what has been declared by God in heaven until it comes into manifestation on earth. Discover mor…
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