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Orthodox Talks

Priestmonk Kosmas

These talks and sermons were given by Priestmonk Kosmas of the Orthodox Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Sydney, Australia. The Monstery is under the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). Topics include: basics in Orthodoxy, Ecumenism and Covidism, reading the lives of the saints, married life, the upbringing of children, death and the afterlife, spiritual life in the world, advice on prayer, saints and elders, magic and sorcery, and ...
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As we read in the lives of the saints, during periods of heresy God permits plagues, famines, earthquakes, floods, civil wars, invasions, etc., to occur as a means to bring Christians to repentance. The heresy of Ecumenism has been plaguing the Orthodox Church now for 100 years and we can say with certainty that the majority of Orthodox Churches ha…
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We read in several lives of the saints that they had to deal with various heresies in their time. Today the Orthodox Church is faced with two heresies: ecumenism and covidism. The heresy of ecumenism has been around for approximately 100 years, while the heresy of covidism began in 2020. Much has been written about ecumenism by our saints and holy …
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When reading the lives of the saints, Orthodox Christians can encounter several temptations. One of these is doubt or unbelief, especially concerning events that happened many centuries ago. In the lives of saints we encounter supernatural wonders such as their endurance during martyrdom, their miracles, and their great ascetic achievements, and so…
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This talk is a continuation of Talks 78 and 79. In the Orthodox Church there are many beliefs, customs, and traditions, but not all of these are essential for one’s salvation. The beliefs required of all Orthodox Christians are called dogmas. A few examples are the dogmas that Christ was both fully man and fully God, that the Virgin Mary is the Mot…
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This talk is a continuation of Talk 78: “Why Do the Demons Tremble When We Read the Lives of the Saints?” For many years, few lives of saints were available in the English language, leaving the English-speaking Orthodox faithful without this soul-saving spiritual nourishment. Such is no longer the case, and we now have volumes of the lives of saint…
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Veneration of the saints and reading their lives is essential to the Christian way of life. Yet Protestants reject these customs, and accuse the Orthodox Church of placing more emphasis on the saints than on the Holy Bible—a view encountered even among some Orthodox Christians. What these people fail to realize is that the lives of the saints are t…
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This talk is a continuation of Talk 76: “Speak Less to Your Children, and More to God About Your Children!” Many Orthodox parents have a tendency not to ask for help when experiencing problems with their young and adult children. This may be either out of pride or because they simply do not realize that such help is available within the Church. In …
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Wherever one turns, one hears parents complaining and seeking advice about problems with their children—problems with their behaviour, their education, their mental health, and their faith. These problems usually begin in early childhood and increase during the teenage years, but they can also occur in adulthood. Parents find it difficult to deal w…
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Education and psychology are continually offering new theories to parents and teachers on child development. One such theory, developed in the 1970’s, involves praising children to improve their self-esteem, confidence, motivation and performance in school. Followers of this “self-esteem movement” believe it produces children who will go on to form…
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Considerable information is available today on raising children and on various parenting styles, leaving many Orthodox Christians confused as to which style to use when parenting their children. Some of this information is correct, but how are Orthodox parents to know what to accept or reject? There is a lot of Orthodox literature on monasticism an…
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It is becoming increasingly common for Orthodox clergymen to send believers with mental health issues, including children, to psychiatrists and psychologists for treatment. Moreover, many clergymen study and use psychology to help those with spiritual or mental health problems. As a result, many are left without healing because Divine Grace has bee…
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In society today children are increasingly at risk of developing psychological and emotional problems, the effects of which can last long into adulthood. The question arises: why? The Church, doctors and psychologists all seem to agree that many of these problems are caused by trauma children experience in their mother’s womb and in the early years…
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Psychologists and doctors believe that the causes of mental and physical illnesses can be divided into three categories: 1. genetic factors (heredity); 2. prenatal factors (adverse events during pregnancy); 3. environmental factors after birth, including upbringing. The Orthodox Church has always known this but adds something even more important: t…
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For centuries the upbringing of children has been a topic of great concern for parents—a concern that is on the rise due to the negative influences of society and a minimal understanding by parents today of this most important task. Instead of turning to the Church for guidance, all too often Orthodox Christians look to psychologists, teachers, doc…
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Sexual relations are one of the most common areas of conflict in marriage, even for Orthodox Christians, and the resulting problems can even lead to divorce. Yet many in the Orthodox Church avoid any discussion of sexual relations, thinking they have nothing to do with the spiritual life. What they fail to realize is that the reverse is true: the H…
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Married Orthodox Christians are constantly bombarded with misinformation regarding sexual relations in marriage. Mass media and entertainment, the internet, social networks and the educational system tirelessly wage war on the institution of marriage while promoting sexual immorality. Yet frequently when these confused and suffering married Christi…
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Christianity is often accused of repressing women, especially in its teachings on marriage. There are many verses in the Bible, particularly in Saint Paul’s epistles, that many today see as treating women quite negatively. Three such verses cited by Christianity’s accusers are: “Wives, submit to your own husbands,” “the wife must fear her husband,”…
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Over the last few decades a storm has been raging over the roles of men and women in marriage. Saint Paul’s words regarding women have caused many to accuse Christianity of misogyny (the hatred of women). Two particularly controversial statements that he makes are “Wives should submit to their husbands in everything” and “The husband is the head of…
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Feminism is often portrayed as empowering women, and the women’s rights movement has indeed achieved a number of positive changes for them. In recent decades, however, feminism has taken a different direction by attacking traditional marriage and gender roles. Many Orthodox Christians have been influenced by feminism to such an extent that they bel…
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One would have thought that in today’s supposed sexually free and enlightened society sexual problems would be at a minimum. Yet on the contrary we see that sexual problems are worsening, and among married couples can even lead to divorce. Many seek the help of sex therapists, marriage counselors, psychologists, doctors, and those involved in super…
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There exists today a general confusion regarding the topic of sex, due primarily to the considerable conflicting and often incorrect information available on the topic. Many Orthodox clergy and theologians are among those confused regarding sexual relations in married life. There is a growing belief amongst Orthodox Christians that the Church shoul…
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There can be no doubt that an all-out war is being waged against the holy sacrament of marriage. One of the main threats facing marriage is adultery, which is presented to us as normal and enjoyable, even a path to freedom and happiness. This message is emphasized in films, on television, in books and magazines, and on the internet. Online pornogra…
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Despite great advancements in modern medicine, millions of people around the world suffer from bodily and mental illnesses, as well as spiritual illnesses caused by the passions and demonic influence. Many today are seeking help from practitioners of magic and New Age healing techniques. These techniques include homeopathy, hypnosis, yoga, crystal …
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Many Orthodox Christians fall into the great sin of employing psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, fortune-tellers and astrologers to gain knowledge of the unknown or to learn the future. Some are unaware of the Church’s strict condemnation of these supernatural practices, and of the danger involved. Others are aware of the Church’s teaching but choose…
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This talk is a continuation of Talk 58 - "Magic and Demonic Influence - Part 1". There are various views among Orthodox Christians regarding the topic of magic. Some believe that magic does not exist, while others believe that it does, and fear it to such an extent that anytime something bad happens to them they attribute it to magic. Still others …
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Many Orthodox priests sadly admit that it is becoming increasingly common for people to come to confession with sins involving magic. There are many reasons people seek a magician’s help: marital problems, learning the future, healing from sickness, financial success, protection from the evil eye and black magic, communicating with a departed loved…
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It is a sad fact that divorce, so widespread in secular society and other religions, has become a rising problem in our Orthodox Church, as well. People seek divorce for many reasons, but the underlying reason is usually the same: a belief that there is no hope of saving the marriage. We often hear statements such as: “My husband will never change”…
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In the New Testament Christ teaches that a married couple must remain inseparable to the end, and that the only just cause for divorce is adultery. Furthermore, Christ says that those who divorce and remarry for any other reason are condemned as adulterers. Yet, over the centuries the Orthodox Church has allowed divorce for a number of other reason…
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In these times of spiritual ignorance, the true meaning of marriage is almost unknown. Most believe that marriage is all joy and happiness, and when this delusion is shattered the marriage falls apart. It is therefore important for couples to know the true meaning of marriage if they want to have a successful marriage. In this talk, Father Kosmas u…
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Many Orthodox Christians today obtain most of their information on married life from television, films, secular books and magazines, and the internet. Unfortunately, much of this information is incorrect and can not only be harmful to the marriage, but can even cause the loss of one’s salvation. Thanks be to God, there are a number of Orthodox book…
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Many know of the great Greek saint of the last century, Nektarios of Pentapolis the Wonderworker. Saint Nektarios is especially known for the countless miracles that he has performed, and many turn to him for help in their time of need. Yet the majority of these people know very little about this saint’s life, and still less about his beneficial te…
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Christ said, “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.” These words were shown to be true in the life of Saint Nektarios the Wonderworker of Aegina. This saint of God endured from his fellow clergymen exactly wh…
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Many people in the Church today unfortunately hold incorrect views regarding spiritual life. For example, many believe that when they progress in the spiritual life, God sends them fewer temptations and afflictions. The question arises: why do so many hold this view when the lives of the saints and the writings of the Holy Fathers teach us the exac…
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Due to his countless miracles, Saint Nektarios of Aegina is considered a wonderworker like Saint Nicholas and Saint Spyridon. However, few know that the saint suffered greatly from persecution, slander, and afflictions. Many would be shocked to learn that Saint Nektarios’ greatest enemies were actually Orthodox bishops and clergy. Thus, Saint Paul’…
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Saint Nektarios the Wonderworker is one of the best-known saints in the Greek Orthodox Church. Anywhere in the world where there are Greeks, you can be certain of finding a church dedicated to him. Countless miracles attributed to the Saint have been reported in Greece, Australia, Canada, Europe, England, and the United States. Yet many know little…
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Orthodox Christians who read the Holy Bible will have read Christ’s words: “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Regarding these words, the Holy Fathers clearly teach that at the Last Judgment only those who show mercy will obtain mercy. This is why the saints put great effort into fleeing from the soul-destroying passion of merc…
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This talk is a continuation of Talk 46. There is considerable opposition to the teaching of the toll-houses. This opposition has been increasing over the last 150 years, and has long been recognized as one of the signs of ecclesiastical “modernism.” These modernists make a number of accusations against the toll-houses, including that they are not r…
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The Holy Fathers teach that true Christianity consists in the practice of the commandments of the Gospel. It is, therefore, important for an Orthodox Christian to learn what exactly the commandments of the Gospel are. Many spiritual fathers advise that the study of the teaching of the aerial toll-houses is a valuable aid in learning the holy comman…
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This talk is a continuation of Talks 43 and 44. Saint Seraphim of Sarov teaches that we acquire grace through doing good works, not for virtue’s sake, but for Christ’s sake. In these times, more than ever, there is great confusion about what are good works. In the media, celebrities are often portrayed as doers of good works such as helping the poo…
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This talk is a continuation of Talk 43. In his own time, Saint Seraphim of Sarov said that Orthodox Christians had forgotten the true aim of the Christian life. Many had become immersed in the darkness of materialism or in routine and mechanical outward piety. Saint Seraphim revealed the true aim of the spiritual life to his disciple, Nicholas Moto…
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The Holy Fathers teach that prayer, fasting and almsgiving are a means of acquiring the grace of God. Although many Orthodox Christians observe these holy practices, spirituality in the Church is steadily decreasing. While there are many reasons for this, the chief cause is that there are few spiritual guides with the gift of discernment. Because o…
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This talk is a continuation of Talk 41. We live in times of weak faith and a general lack of spirituality. One of the reasons for this is that experienced spiritual guides are very few. This gives rise to a major problem with respect to the inner spiritual life, namely, difficulty in knowing whether our spiritual feelings and experiences are real. …
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For quite a few decades now there has been an increasing interest in the practice of the Jesus Prayer. A large number of books and pamphlets have been made available to the faithful giving detailed instructions on this prayer, which even include breathing techniques. The main focus of this teaching is to force the mind into the heart in order to ac…
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This talk is a continuation of Talk 39. Much has been written on the subject of prayer, both by contemporary authors and by saints throughout the centuries. Yet the topic of prayer remains surrounded by ignorance, distortion and confusion. This is partly because the saints’ writings on prayer are often too deep for today’s Orthodox Christians to co…
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In the writings of the Holy Fathers we often read fearful statements regarding prayer, such as: “Whoever refuses to pray rejects his salvation”; “There can be no progress in the spiritual life without prayer”; “Without prayer there can be no victory over the demons”; “There is nothing more important than prayer”; and “Prayer is food for the soul – …
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Despite advances in medical science, occurrences of cancer are becoming increasingly frequent. Many live in fear of falling victim or losing a loved one to this disease. However, few give thought to a far worse disease, spiritual cancer: that of pride and vainglory. The saints of old did all they could to fight off the spiritual disease of pride an…
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This talk is a continuation of the very popular series “Miracles and Deception.” Since the beginning of time people have been fascinated by dreams, prophesies, miracles, and other supernatural phenomena. While this interest lessened with the spread of Christianity, in recent centuries it has once again increased even among Christians. In reading th…
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In reading the Gospel and the lives of the saints we come across many signs and miracles. These miracles were especially abundant during the time of Christ and the apostles, bringing many to Christianity, and though less frequent they continue to this day. Over the past 2000 years, however, many Christians have also been converted to Christianity o…
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We live in a time of growing interest in supernatural phenomena, as is evident from the numerous films, television programs and publications being produced on this topic. Even many Christians strongly desire to see or experience signs and miracles, either out of curiosity or to confirm their faith in God and the Church. But is seeking miracles trul…
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Christ left us a most fearful warning: “False Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” In our own times we see even pious Orthodox Christians become confused and deluded by phenomena which appear to be Orthodox. Prophesies, clairvoyance, visions, healings, exorcisms…
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