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show episodes


Sad Boom Media

What Went Wrong covers Hollywood’s most notoriously disastrous movie productions, digging into the behind-the-scenes insanity of everything from massive flops to record-breaking blockbusters. In each episode, hosts Lizzie Bassett and Chris Winterbauer dive into a new film to explore the mind-blowing (and sometimes numbing) reasons why making a movie is nearly impossible (especially a good one). Produced by David Boman. JOIN OUR PATREON FOR 'WWW' BONUS CONTENT!
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Die langjährige Radiomoderatorin Tanina Rottmann und der aus dem TV bekannte Patientenanwalt Peter Gellner schildern auf verständliche Art und Weise echte Fälle ärztlicher Kunstfehler und geben wertvolle Tipps aus der Insiderperspektive. +++ Dieser Podcast wird vermarktet durch die Ad Alliance: [email protected] +++
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Wendy Bell is a Wife, Mom, a Proud American and a Radio Broadcast Host. She shares common sense, conservative values Monday through Friday. She provides Real Facts, the Stats, the Science and the Data. Everything you will need and want to make the best decisions for you and the ones you love.
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The Path Went Chilly

Robin Jules Ashley TPWC

Welcome to The Path Went Chilly where Robin Warder from The Trail Went Cold will discuss his favorite cases with friends Dr. Jules from Riddle Me That! True Crime and Criminologist Dr. Ashley Wellman. This will be a deep dive and a fresh perspective, join us as we descend deeper down the rabbit hole & examine these unsolved cases with compassionate consideration towards the families left behind.
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How She Went Global

Laurel Delaney

Produced by Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global, "How She Went Global" shares inspirational and informative stories about women entrepreneurs who have built their businesses in part by selling their products and services around the world.
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The Visibly Fit with Wendie Pett podcast is a show that shares healthy insights and tips to assist in your best health in mind, body, and spirit. From whole-food plant-based nutrition, how to use your body as your gym, mindset renewal, how to glorify God through your daily choices, and more. The ripple effect of how you take care of your health matters. You were created with greatness in mind, it's time to live like it!
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Wendy Kerssens Podcast

Wendy Kerssens

Krijg een frisse blik op online leadgeneratie, marketing en ondernemen. Vol wake-up calls, behind the scenes stories en inspirerende interviews met Conscious Leaders die hun geheimen prijs geven over hoe zij nieuwe leads en klanten aantrekken. Abonneer je direct en mis geen aflevering. Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen zijn Ondernemen, Marketing Strategie, Leiderschap, Leadmarketing & Sales. Ik wil met deze podcast jou inspireren om je business en leven naar een hogere standaard te ...
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Wendy Goes Deep

Wendy Perkins Shoef

Wendy Goes Deep is a multi-faceted podcast that explores the full spectrum of human experience. Wendy sits down with pioneering thinkers, experts, and disruptors to engage in curiosity-driven conversations that uncover hidden truths, dismantle old paradigms, and reveal actionable strategies for a more joyful, successful, and deeply fulfilling life. Whether you’re seeking to expand your business, explore your sexuality, or navigate the challenges of neurodivergence, this podcast invites you t ...
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Podcastshow en coaching voor mensen die veel en intens (over)denken, intens voelen en (dag)dromen, zich vaak anders of eenzaam voelen, een verlangen hebben naar connectie. Ze vervelen zich snel, moeten uitgedaagd worden en stoeien soms met overprikkeling versus onderprikkeling. Hoewel veel mensen helemaal niet in de gaten hebben dat het veelal om onderprikkeling gaat. Veel van mijn klanten zijn/blijken een hoogsensitief, (hoog)begaafd, high sensation seeking en creatief brein te hebben. Het ...
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How It All Went South

Sean Kipe and Jason Hoch

Sean Kipe and Jason Hoch have been making podcasts together for a while now and decided to make ‘How It All Went South’ because they realized they had collected so many stories between them over the years. They've worked together on some of the most popular and beloved podcasts out there - In the Red Clay, Fox Hunter, In the Land of Lies, and Drowning Creek. Along the way, Sean and Jason would call each other constantly, always wanting to share even crazier and more wild stories…and they wan ...
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Jeden Mittwoch & Sonntag eine neue Folge! Zwei Welten prallen aufeinander! Sascha, der so gut wie noch keine Ahnung von Anime hat und Nico, der Anime nicht nur schaut, sondern buchstäblich lebt. Kann Nico Sascha für Anime begeistern? Na schauen wir mal... AnimeAlchemists auf Instagram & TikTok: https://linktr.ee/anime_alchemists
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Don Wenner's Elite Impact Podcast is your source for engaging information on impact investing and much more. Learn from DLP Capital Founder and CEO, Don Wenner, as he dives into how you can make a HUGE impact on the world around you and still make a profit. Don is a Best-Selling Author, Real Estate Investor, Husband, and Father... join him and some of the greatest business minds on earth as they discuss how THEY are making an impact!
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Women Who Went Before

Rebekah Haigh & Emily Chesley

Women Who Went Before is on a gynocentric quest into the ancient world. Join hosts Rebekah Haigh and Emily Chesley as they interview the world’s top scholars and unearth the lives of women from the past. It’s a history podcast and detective journey in one, sifting through texts and tropes to find the women who lived beneath. | Season 2 episodes every other Thursday!
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The Trail Went Cold

Robin Warder

The Trail Went Cold is a weekly true crime podcast which explores baffling unsolved mysteries and cold cases. On each episode, host Robin Warder examines a new murder or missing persons case, tackling a wide variety of mysteries from different countries and time periods. After sharing all the details about each case, Robin offers his own personal analysis and theories about what happened. The podcast is produced and edited by Magill Foote and the music composed and performed by Vince Nitro.
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Hairapy with Wendy Vaughan

Wendy Vaughan

As a hairstylist of 20 years I’ve heard it all. I find myself always wanting to share the stories I’ve heard but I know some of them aren’t my stories to tell. Some are hilarious, some are soul touching and some.. just absolutely crazy. Sit back while I let you get behind the chair with me. It’s time for hairapy.
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My show takes a fun, real life look at life through the eyes of mom‘s, divorcees, married, single, whatever your status may be, I'm so glad you’ve landed here. I love talking to people who have overcome obstacles, and all kinds of creative types. If you like to laugh and have fun, as well as be inspired, you’ve come to the right place.
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Wendie + Wendy = Wendyienator! Wij delen ons ondernemersavontuur ter inspiratie en vermaak! voor onszelf :-) en als jij er ook wat aan hebt is dat mooi meegenomen. This is a dutch podcast of 2 girls (Wendy & Wendie) who are working there way through live and online business. They share their adventures weekly.
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Your Fun and Profitable Online Business with Wendy Muzzy is the perfect blend of fun, fresh ideas, and actionable tips for entrepreneurs who are looking to add fun and profits to their business. Hosted by Wendy Muzzy, a money coach and business strategist who brings her signature confetti-girl energy, this podcast is like having a personal cheerleader and strategic guide rolled into one. Each week, Wendy serves up short, impactful episodes, offering real talk about growing and diversifying y ...
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What School You Went?

PBS Hawaiʻi

A PBS Hawai‘i podcast that explores Hawaiʻi's local cultures, communities and relationships – that help shape our identity. PBS Hawaiʻi President and CEO Ron Mizutani hosts a weekly conversation with unique and colorful individuals from across the state. From rubbah slippahs to unsolved local mysteries, Ron and guests examine and shed light on the real deal of what makes Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi.
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I went to films

Markus und Martin

It's not a film school! Hintergründe zur Entstehungsgeschichte, zu Produktionsbedingungen und zur Besetzung werden angereichert mit subjektiven Eindrücken über Einstellungen, Musik, Schnitte und Motive der Regisseure. Der Audiokommentar von Markus und Martin erscheint einmal pro Monat als Podcast „I went to films“.
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Podcast by Wendy K Laidlaw, Author & Founder of HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and EndoBoss.com Wendy K Laidlaw is the world's #1 expert on mentoring CEO's, executives, and entrepreneurs on how to heal their endometriosis naturally. As a visionary, her mission is to revolutionise and modernise the gynaecological field worldwide and she aspires to inspire and empower women on how to take back power and control of their bodies. She is a multi-best-selling author, online entrepreneur, podcaster ...
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We Went Fast

We Went Fast

We Went Fast's mission is to improve the sport of motocross through stories. Because better stories = a better sport. If you love history, data and details, you'll enjoy We Went Fast.
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Warum gehen, wenn man tanzen kann

Laura Hilti & Kunstverein Schichtwechsel

Ich interviewe Menschen, die ungewöhnliche Wege gegangen und dafür Risiken eingegangen sind, die ihren Leidenschaften gefolgt sind und sich und ihre Tätigkeiten in die Öffentlichkeit gestellt haben. Es sind Menschen, dank denen vibrierende Drähte in der Welt entstanden sind – Drähte, die sich verselbstständigt, vervielfältigt und die Welt in meinen Augen zu einem besseren Ort gemacht haben.
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show series
"Und dann wurde ich eines Morgens wach und wusste: Ich MUSS das jetzt machen!" Holy Moly! In dieser Videofolge hatten wir einen Gast, der gefühlt ALLES macht. Und nicht nur das – SamKat zieht Erfolg quasi magisch an! Als Synchronsprecherin – Unter anderem bekannt als Lilith⁠ (Vegapunk 2) aus OnePiece Als Sängerin – in der Band The Pill Als Creatori…
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Tom Dongo: Author & Explorer of the Unknown Tom talks about Remote Viewing in this segment. Author of eight books, Tom Dongo, is a leading expert on UFOs, paranormal phenomena, and the mysteries of Sedona, Arizona. His research spans decades, documenting strange flying craft, otherworldly beings, and unexplained energy anomalies—many captured in ov…
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Dr. Pam Nelson, CEO/President, Bracane Company Inc., discusses what inspired her to start her business, who her customers are, how minority certifications have helped her, what her global footprint is now versus pre-COVID, and where she wants to make her next impact.
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'Iets missen' in je leven, werk of relatie(s) kan subtiel lijken maar een enorm verschil maken in je geluksgevoel én mentale en fysieke energie. Alsof het innerlijke vuurtje meer een waakvlammetje is dan een vuurtje dat je aanjaagt en de zin geeft om uit je bed te komen. Het is het verschil tussen de energie en zin voelen en: - maar weinig passie v…
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Democrats have the ball with the clock ticking down and America watching. Will they fumble and reject the GOP government funding bill, proving their hard talk about "supporting the federal workers" has been straight jive? Chuck Schumer's defiant speech on the Senate floor has #SchumerShutdown trending as the Democrat brand continues its collapse. T…
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The Swamp's desperation to derail the DOGE wrecking ball has Elon Musk's brand in the Left's crosshairs. Tesla dealerships shot up. Tesla vehicles vandalized. Tesla charging stations set on fire. Trump parks 5 Teslas on the White House lawn and buys one in a show of support for Elon's selfless work and sacrifice to expose and unwind government frau…
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EPA chief Lee Zeldin cuts the head off the green scam viper and announces major changes to drive a dagger into the heart of climate change. Border crossings at the Darien Gap plunge to almost absurd levels as the world seems to understand Trump's message: Don't do it. Greenland is feeling the Trump Effect as the liberal government is ousted for a m…
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November 21, 1979. Craig, Colorado. After spending the evening at a dance, 15-year old Marie Blee heads to a party at a mobile home park, but never returns home. Two days later, Marie’s parents receive an anonymous phone call demanding a $5,000 ransom for her return. The caller is soon revealed to be 18-year old Monty Doolin, who drove Marie to the…
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In de vorige podcast vertelde ik over de innerlijke criticus. Dit deel van ons, heeft bepaalde normen waar wij aan zouden moeten voldoen om 'goed genoeg te zijn'. Maar wanneer ben je dat dan? Volgens de innerlijke criticus zelden of nooit. Ik vertel je erover in deze podcast.#innerlijkerust #zelfvertrouwen #innercritic #hoogbegaafd #hoogbegaafdheid…
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We hebben allemaal een innerlijke criticus die een grote invloed heeft op hoe wij onze leven leiden. En soms lijden met een lange ij omdat de stem van je innerlijke criticus behoorlijk bepalend en zelfs vernietigend kan zijn.Ik vertel je erover in deze podcast.Boekentip over de innerlijke criticus: https://partner.bol.com/click/click?p=2&t=url&s=25…
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Ergibt sich während einer Operation ein für den Arzt sofort erkennbarer neuer Befund, darf er in der Regel nicht ohne neue Aufklärung des Patienten weiter operieren. Er darf sich auch nicht darauf verlassen, dass durch die vorbehandelnden und überweisenden Ärzte umfassend aufgeklärt wurde. Hat der Arzt vor der Operation Hinweise auf eine möglicherw…
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House Republicans pass President Trump's spending plan through September, cutting spending by billions and paving the way for America's "golden age" of common sense responsibility in government. House Speaker Johnson lights up the media for reporting fake news headlines about the spending plan before it was even released and opens the door to a new…
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USAID's acting head orders the remaining staffers to burn and shred "everything" as the scope of the Swamp's grift comes more clearly into focus. The Left lines up behind the Columbia grad student who promotes terror as Secretary of State Rubio plans the Hamas-sympathizer's deportation. Senator John Kennedy says Rubio is completely within his purvi…
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The Department of Education scrambles as the Trump team cuts half its staff and Education Secretary Linda McMahon says it's the first step towards abolishing the department altogether. We're just halfway through Trump's first 100 days and already a blue collar business boom is on with tens of thousands of factory jobs coming back. VA Secretary Doug…
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YO! We are back (I would hate to see how many times we've said this in the past...ha) anyway, check out this new episode with first timer Aaron Edge, a man of many hats, where we discuss the debut EP by Himsa, a band with a lot of hardcore history. Fans of heavy & dark stuff will be stoked. Don't forget to check out our sponsor, Iodine Records for …
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Sean allows A.I. to take over his life, falling for the tech hacker that grabbed millions from Facebook and Google. Jason discusses a breaking case of an 80-year old female victim found near the river's edge in Oregon... in a suitcase. Follow us on all the socials: Instagram: @howitallwentsouth TikTok: @howitallwentsouth YouTube: @howitallwentsouth…
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Not feeling confident in your prices? In this episode, host Wendy Muzzy (also known as Confetti Girl) tackles one of the most challenging aspects of entrepreneurship: pricing. Drawing from her expertise as a money coach and business strategist, Wendy provides actionable guidance for entrepreneurs who struggle with undercharging for their services a…
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October 21, 1985. Brooklyn, New York. Three days after she is born, Marlene Santana is carried out of Brookdale Hospital by her mother, Francesca Santana, before they are confronted by a woman who had been seen hanging around the hospital nursery earlier that night. The woman points a gun at Marlene and orders Francesca to walk six blocks before sh…
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As Tulsi Gabbard strips the security clearances from dozens of former Biden administration bureaucrats, the walls close in on the Deep State grifters who need the money to keep flowing. The liberal excuse mill churns a victim narrative about Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Lisa Monaco and the 51 intel officials who signed the laptop letter now being…
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California's governor begins to MAGAfy his political position leading up to 2028 as Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk shares a behind-the-curtain look at his interview on Gavin's new podcast. Elon explains how DOGE is over the mark and why the loudest squeals come from the pigs who've stolen the most pork. Rep. Tim Burchett says that YES, DOGE…
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Washington gets a facelift as Black Lives Matter gets jackhammered off of a popular district intersection. We're reminded that only 1 member of Congress voted against a bill to eliminate the underground tunnels used by the cartels to traffic drugs into America as democrats howl about DOGE possibly auditing every member of Congress. How did Hakeem J…
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In deze podcast deel ik 2 manieren met je om:- negatieve gedachten te stoppen- je angst te verminderen- je minder zorgen te maken- doemdenken te stoppen- de spiraal van negatief denken en een negatieve stemming te doorbreken.Meer info op www.wendyborst.nl
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Deze video gaat over:- het lastig vinden om goede keuzes te maken- blijven twijfelen en overdenken- niet weten wat een goede keuze is- het moeilijk vinden om beslissingen te nemen- blijven hangen en niet verder komen- onzekerheid voelen bij het maken van keuzes- teveel willen en daarom niet kunnen kiezen.Geen richting in je leven? https://www.wendy…
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While on trial for rape, Brian Nichols overpowered a deputy, stole her gun, and embarked on a deadly rampage. He murdered Judge Rowland Barnes, court reporter Julie Ann Brandau, and Sheriff's Deputy Hoyt Teasley within the courthouse. A massive manhunt for Nichols ensued, causing panic and fear across the Atlanta area. Follow us on all the socials:…
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Zo laat je je minder raken door kritiek of negatieve reacties. Doe hier de mini-cursus: https://www.wendyborst.nl/product/pleaser/#angstvoorafwijzing #zelfvertrouwen #hoogbegaafd #hoogbegaafdheid #hoogsensitief #hsp #hoogsensitiviteit #zelfvertrouwen #mindset #injezelfgeloven
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In deze podcast vertel ik je over de kracht van woorden en taal. En ook hoe je een zin kun veranderen zodat deze voor je werkt in plaats van tegen je. Het thema van deze podcast is: 'je grenzen aangeven'. 👉 Stop met people-pleasen – Nee zeggen zonder schuldgevoel en conflicten: https://www.wendyborst.nl/product/pleaser/ 👉 Website: https://www.wendy…
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An unusually candid Breitbart interview with CA Governor Gavin Newsom peels back the curtain on the Democrat Party's race to the bottom: Their pathological refusal to abandon topics and causes that the majority of America disagrees with. Trans men playing women's sports. Crazy campus anti-semitism. Dangerously open borders. Their insane objections …
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EPA head Lee Zeldin digs deeper into the Biden Administration's $20 billion money dump just days before Trump took office and explains the money laundering operation. With new revelations into Joe Biden's presidential autopen signature, America must ask: Who was running the government? Who was signing the orders? A Columbia University grad student …
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Yes. You read that right. If you think the government is a scam, wait until you hear about the 6,000 youngsters who qualified for hundreds of millions in PPE loans from the Small Business Administration. An MSNBC panel laughs as Elon Musk's SpaceX rocket explodes shortly after liftoff. A scathing rebuke of Congress as lawmakers describe House and S…
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Ever felt stuck with an injury that won’t heal? Whether it’s a sprained ankle, chronic pain, or post-surgery recovery, what if you could speed up the healing process—naturally? In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Jo, a former aerospace engineer turned homeopathy expert, who shares her jaw-dropping journey from satellites to sprains. She reveals ho…
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Chris and Lizzie speak with the incredible, Emmy-winning Casting Director, Wendy O'Brien (Abbott Elementary, Dave, It's Always Sunny, Wyrm). Enjoy a conversation about how this role is different from what you might think, how it has changed in a post-Covid world, what it's like to work with Chris, and much more. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.…
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Dr. Wendy is covering lies in a relationship, how to know if you're dealing with a gaslighter and her famous sayings and what they mean. It's all on KFIAM-640.توسط KFI AM 640 (KFI-AM)
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November 27, 1985. St. Augustine, Florida. While attending a neighbourhood social gathering, 12-year old Martha Jean Lambert tells her mother that she needs to take a brief trip back to their mobile home, but she never returns and is eventually reported missing. Suspicion falls on Martha’s 14-year old brother, David, after he gives conflicting stor…
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"Kunstwichser" ist ein umgangssprachlicher und oft beleidigender Ausdruck, der sich auf jemanden bezieht, der übertrieben intellektuell oder kritisch in Bezug auf Kunst ist, oft als arrogant oder prätentiös empfunden wird. Der Begriff setzt sich aus "Kunst" (Art) und einer vulgären Beleidigung zusammen.…
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President Trump has the drug cartels scrambling and Democrats on their heels. He's rescinded the security clearances from law firms that targeted the left's political opposition. He's blasting through outlandish fraud and waste with overwhelming public support for DOGE and Elon's chainsaw. He's going after spies and child traffickers and grifters w…
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In a stunning commentary, a Columbia University professor claims Trump's DOGE cuts are a racist act of aggression against black people. We truly can't make it up. Democrats drop fake news that Republicans are cutting Medicare and President Trump signs an executive order announcing the security clearances of more than a dozen top law firms that enga…
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Lots of talk about egg prices... but not a lot of chatter about the destructive Biden administration policies that led to the slaughter of millions of chickens while risky bird flu research is being conducted with.... wait for it.... the Wuhan Institute Of Virology. A main arm of Democrat fundraising comes into congressional focus as allegations of…
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