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show episodes
El propósito de BBVA es 'Poner al alcance de todos las oportunidades de esta nueva era'. Y ese es el objetivo de 'Aprendemos juntos 2030': fomentar la educación a través de la sostenibilidad para ayudar a las personas a construir un futuro más verde e inclusivo. Somos el altavoz de mentes brillantes que con sus mensajes animan a luchar por un mundo mejor. Este proyecto cuenta con el reconocimiento de Naciones Unidas por su contribución a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).
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La Luz Del Naturismo

Shaya Michan

Shaya Michán, el pionero del naturismo en México reune a terapeutas alternativos, nutriologos y médicos para crear un programa radio lleno de consejos útiles para logra una mejor salud integral a través de jugoterapia, herbolaria, reflexología, masaje holístico, terapia cuántica, nutrición , flores de bach y, meditación entre muchas más.
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Una investigación sobre la batalla mortal por el medioambiente y quién controla su futuro. En la primera temporada exploramos el asesinato de tres mineros colombianos que trabajaban para una empresa de carbón norteamericana, y desentrañamos una prolongada saga de sobornos, escándalos, guerra civil y muerte. Producido por VICE News. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Bienvenidos al podcast Sweet & Salty, una madre moderna. Lo cual encontrarás temas del motherhood, vida diaria y mis aventuras como doula. Así que acompáñeme todos los sábados en este nuevo proyecto. Sigue el hashtag #SweetSaltyPodcast para más noticias y episodios. IG follow: @sweetsaltypodcast_ & @karina.nature & @renacimiento.doulapr
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Hector Martinez

El podcast donde hablamos de temas de interés relacionados con el nudismo / naturismo. Hablaremos de la práctica, principios, valores y filosofía del nudismo.
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Temas sobre los que trato: * Conexión con nosotros mismos * El Metaverse de la Naturaleza * Los animales de poder y los guías * AI * FOW (Future of Work) * CARRERA PROFESIONAL * SOCIAL SELLING * VENTAS DIGITALES * MARKETING DIGITAL * DIGITAL TALENT * PRODUCTIVIDAD Y SALUD * TENDENCIAS TECH * TRANSFORMACIÓN DIGITAL Puedes encontrarme en: - www.davidmcalduch.es - www.linkedin.com/in/davidmcalduch
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Historias Cienciacionales: el podcast

Historias Cienciacionales

En Historias Cienciacionales Victor, Sofía y Pach comentan las historias más recientes y no tan recientes de la ciencia en latinoamérica y el mundo, junto con diversos científicos invitados. Tu dosis de ciencia mensual para mantenerte actualizado. Síguenos en @Cienciacionales.
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Espacio dedicado a analizar qué es la Política Agraria Comunitaria o PAC, cuál es su historia, sus aspectos ambientales y cómo nos afecta como ciudadanos europeos. Podcasts realizados por Fundación Global Nature y producidos por la Agencia EFE. Acción cofinanciada por la Comisión Europea.
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Miscelánea Supernova

Miscelánea Supernova

Películas, series, música, juegos... de todo un poco. Síguenos!! Instagram/ Twitter/ Facebook: holamsupernova Suscríbete a nuestro canal de Youtube: Miscelánea Supernova holamsupernova@gmail.com
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¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos al podcast! Aquí, donde la sabiduría se condensa en dosis concentradas, nos sumergimos en el fascinante mundo de los resúmenes de no ficción. Cada semana, exploramos los temas más relevantes e intrigantes del mundo actual, desde ciencia y tecnología hasta negocios y filosofía. ¿Te falta tiempo para leer esos largos libros que llevan meses en tu lista de pendientes? ¡No te preocupes! Nuestro equipo de expertos hace el trabajo por ti, destilando las ideas clave y en ...
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VENCEJO SWIFT RADIO La voz de los vencejos / the voice of the swifts ... Un rápido vuelo radiofónico sobre el mundo de los vencejos / A fast radio flight over the world of swifts. .... Dirigido y presentado por Gloria Molina, Bióloga especializada en Zoología, "vencejoloca", y directora del proyecto Trikoto Natur, nacido para la divulgación y formación medioambiental. .... Directed and presented by Gloria Molina, Biologist specializing in Zoology and director of "Trikoto Natur Project", born ...
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El podcast que te trae las ideas más interesantes y reveladoras del mundo de la no ficción, en píldoras de conocimiento que puedes disfrutar y aprovechar al máximo. ¿No tienes tiempo para leer todos esos libros que siempre has querido? No te preocupes, aquí desglosamos lo esencial de los mejores títulos de no ficción, cubriendo temas desde ciencia y tecnología hasta negocios y desarrollo personal (https://resumen-del-libro-en-lnea.squarespace.com) . Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos las m ...
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¡Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast! En el episodio de hoy, exploraremos un recurso valioso y eficiente en el ámbito de la literatura: el resumen de un libro. Discutiremos cómo este compendio conciso presenta las ideas principales, argumentos, temas y conclusiones de una obra escrita, permitiendo a los lectores obtener una visión general sin tener que leer el texto completo. Abordaremos las ventajas de utilizar estos resúmenes, como ahorrar tiempo, facilitar la toma de decisiones sobre qué libros ...
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Tras 19 años como web, Rock Angels cambia de atuendo para engalanarse en formato de radio con el fin de mantenerte al día con nuestra búsqueda incesante de novedades, rememorar atemporales clásicos o descubrir bandas y solistas que no tuvieron la mejor de las suertes en un mundo paralelo de Rock sin etiquetas (AOR, WESTCOAST,HARD ROCK, HEAVY,BLUES, THRASH, MODERN METAL, ETC...). Dirigido y conducido por Jesús Alijo Lux, dejaros seducir por la calidad de nuestros contenidos seleccionados con ...
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Los Carajillos

Los Carajillos Podcast

Los Carajillos se ponen ocurrentes como siempre, pero esta vez contandonos sus experiencias y anecdotas en diversos temas, sin que falte su toque de humor.
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show series
How do CULTURAL ATTITUDES towards nature and the outdoors impact children's access and enjoyment of natural spaces? Cultural attitudes towards nature and the outdoors can have a significant impact on children's access and enjoyment of natural spaces. In cultures that place a high value on spending time outdoors and connecting with nature, children …
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What are some practical steps families can take to connect with nature on a regular basis? 1. Schedule regular family outings to natural areas like parks, beaches, or hiking trails. 2. Create a nature-friendly environment in your own backyard by planting a garden, setting up bird feeders, or creating a wildlife habitat. 3. Limit screen time and enc…
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What role do schools and communities play in promoting outdoor play and exploration for children, as emphasized in the book? Schools and communities play a vital role in promoting outdoor play and exploration for children by providing safe and accessible outdoor spaces for them to engage in active play. By creating opportunities for children to exp…
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Episodio donde Wisto disfrutó y estuvo presente en la totalidad del eclipse, Wisto es llamado por la Fiscalía para ser testigo donde todo sale mal, nuestras opiniones sobre lo sucedido en Wrestlemania XL, y terminamos con la reseña con spoilers de Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire!! Escúchanos: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / YouTube Apóyanos: patreon.com…
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“¿Estamos a tiempo para recuperar el planeta? Siempre se está a tiempo para algo. Lo que hagamos hoy quizá tardemos 10 o 20 años en ver los efectos, como el cambio climático. Pero hay que confiar en hacer bien las cosas hoy, aunque no veamos resultados a corto plazo”. Con un mensaje esperanzador y optimista, Fernando Valladares recuerda los posible…
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Episodio donde Pari da su reseña de Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2, Jenny Ortega iba a ser la nueva Jack Sparrow y declinó por una excelente razón, los inicios y primeras apariencias de algunos actores pueden dar pena ajena, estructuras futuristas para vivir como el VLS Very Large Structure y The Line, Wisto reseña la serie de Fallout, ejemplos…
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Esta semana en Melodías Cósmicas hemos celebrado el 40 aniversario de "Ocean Rain", la cuarta obra maestra de Echo and The Bunnymen. Y además suculentas novedades Bill Ryder Jones y de Steven Munar. Keep cosmic rocking!!!
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How does the author portray the character of MICHELANGELO in The Agony And The Ecstasy? In "The Agony And The Ecstasy," the author portrays Michelangelo as a complex and multifaceted character. He is depicted as a passionate and driven artist who is constantly striving for perfection in his work. Michelangelo is shown to be fiercely independent and…
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What are the ethical or moral dilemmas faced by Michelangelo in the course of his artistic career, and how does he navigate them? A major ethical dilemma faced by Michelangelo during his career was the balance between his personal artistic vision and the demands of his patrons. Michelangelo was often commissioned to create works that aligned with t…
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How does the novel portray Michelangelo's struggles with self-doubt and insecurity as an artist? In the novel, Michelangelo's struggles with self-doubt and insecurity are portrayed through his internal monologues and interactions with other characters. He constantly questions his talent and whether he is truly capable of producing great art. His in…
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How does The Agony And The Ecstasy depict the physical and emotional toll of creating monumental works of art? "The Agony and the Ecstasy" by Irving Stone depicts the physical and emotional toll of creating monumental works of art by focusing on the life of Michelangelo, specifically during the time he was commissioned to paint the Sistine Chapel c…
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How does the novel explore the concept of ARTISTIC INSPIRATION AND THE RELATIONSHIP between the artist and his creations? In the novel, the concept of artistic inspiration is explored through the character of the protagonist, who is portrayed as a struggling artist searching for his muse. The novel delves into the complex relationship between the a…
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What message or lesson does The Agony And The Ecstasy convey about the nature of artistic genius and the pursuit of perfection? "The Agony and the Ecstasy" by Irving Stone tells the story of Michelangelo, emphasizing the struggles and sacrifices that come with pursuing artistic genius and perfection. The novel conveys the message that true artistic…
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¿Podemos entrenar nuestro cerebro para vivir mejor? ¿Es verdad que podemos utilizar los últimos descubrimientos de la neurociencia para mejorar nuestra autoestima, nuestras capacidades o gestionar mejor nuestras emociones? Para Ana Ibáñez, experta en neurociencia y entrenadora cerebral, la respuesta es un rotundo “Sí”. Desde hace 15 años, Ibáñez se…
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How can technology be used in a positive way to encourage children to explore and appreciate the natural world, as suggested in Last Child In The Woods? Technology can be used in a positive way to encourage children to explore and appreciate the natural world by providing them with interactive and engaging experiences that connect them to nature. F…
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What role do public policies and urban planning initiatives play in creating more inclusive and accessible green spaces for all children, in line with Louv's recommendations in LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS? Public policies and urban planning initiatives play a crucial role in creating more inclusive and accessible green spaces for all children in line w…
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How can parents and caregivers balance concerns about safety with the benefits of outdoor play and exploration? Parents and caregivers can balance concerns about safety with the benefits of outdoor play and exploration by taking the following steps: Establish clear guidelines and boundaries for outdoor play. This could include setting specific area…
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Esta semana en Melodías Cósmicas hemos celebrado el 40 aniversario de "La ley del desierto, la ley del mar" de Radio Futura, y lo hemos hecho con la participación de varios invitados amigos y parroquianos cósmicos como Raúl Tamarit, Chema Malvados, Toni Gominola, Jorge García y Manolo Bertrán. Keep cosmic rocking!!!…
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How does Wade's argument resonate with or challenge commonly held beliefs about the origins and evolution of human societies? Wade's argument challenges commonly held beliefs about the origins and evolution of human societies by emphasizing the role of genetic factors in shaping human behavior and social organization. This challenges the more commo…
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How might Wade's research influence public policy and discussions around race, genetics, and identity? Wade's research may influence public policy and discussions around race, genetics, and identity by sparking debate and raising awareness about the complexities of these issues. His findings may prompt policymakers to consider the implications of g…
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What are the potential dangers of misinterpreting or misapplying the findings of genetics in relation to race? 1. Perpetuating harmful stereotypes: Misinterpreting genetics in relation to race can lead to the reinforcement of harmful stereotypes and biases, which can have negative impacts on individuals and communities. 2. Justifying discrimination…
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Episodio donde Pari le cuenta a Wisto sobre The Last Ronin de las Tortugas Ninja que será live-action, cosas que merecen ser calificadas "R" como Conan y Deadpool, platican sobre el nuevo trailer de Deadpool & Wolverine, Wisto cuenta la teoría que los límites de nuestro Universo Observable son los mismos límites dentro de un hoyo negro, reseña de W…
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Esther Duflo is an economist known for her pioneering work in the field of the economics of development and the fight against poverty. In 2019, she received the Nobel Prize in Economics, making her the second woman in history to win this prestigious award, and the youngest to date. An award that recognizes her experimental approach to mitigating gl…
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How does Wade address the ethical concerns and potential misuse of genetic research and theories? In the book "A Troublesome Inheritance," Wade acknowledges the ethical concerns and potential misuse of genetic research and theories. He emphasizes the importance of caution and responsible use of genetic information to avoid discrimination, stigmatiz…
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How does WADE integrate historical, anthropological, and genetic evidence to support his thesis? Wade integrates historical, anthropological, and genetic evidence to support his thesis by drawing on a wide range of research from these fields. He explores historical records to trace the migration patterns of different human populations and how they …
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How might the ideas presented in A Troublesome Inheritance impact future research in the fields of genetics, anthropology, and sociology? The ideas presented in A Troublesome Inheritance, particularly those related to the role of genetics in shaping human behavior and social hierarchies, may have a significant impact on future research in the field…
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Licenciada en Biotecnología, máster en Investigación Biomédica y Biológica, con una trayectoria y excelencia académica reconocida con varios premios, la científica Sara García Alonso recuerda que de pequeña jugaba con un microscopio, para observar lo más pequeño, y un telescopio para contemplar lo más lejano. La curiosidad y la posibilidad de cambi…
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How has the use of checklists improved safety in various industries as outlined in the book? Checklists have improved safety in various industries by providing a systematic way to ensure that all necessary steps and procedures are completed. By using checklists, workers are able to make sure that they do not overlook any important safety measures o…
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How does Gawande argue that checklists can help professionals deal with the increasing complexity of modern work environments? In his book "The Checklist Manifesto," Gawande argues that checklists can help professionals deal with the increasing complexity of modern work environments by providing a simple, systematic way to ensure that critical step…
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What are some key takeaways and actionable insights that readers can apply to their own professional practices from The Checklist Manifesto? The importance of implementing checklists in any profession or industry to improve efficiency, productivity, and reduce errors. The power of simplifying complex tasks into a series of actionable steps that can…
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Esta semana en Melodías Cósmicas hemos celebrado el 30 y 20 aniversario respectivos de "Let Love In" y de "Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus" de Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, y lo hemos hecho junto a un invitado, gran amigo y parroquiano cósmico como es Toni Gominola. Keep cosmic rocking!!!
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How have checklists been successfully implemented in healthcare settings to reduce errors and improve patient outcomes? Checklists have been successfully implemented in healthcare settings to reduce errors and improve patient outcomes in a variety of ways: 1. Surgical safety checklists: One of the most well-known examples is the World Health Organi…
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What are the key characteristics of a successful checklist, according to Gawande? According to Gawande, the key characteristics of a successful checklist are: Clear and concise: The checklist should be simple, easy to understand, and not overly complicated. Specific: Each item on the checklist should be clearly defined and actionable. Relevant: The…
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What are the key takeaways and actionable insights that readers can apply from The Checklist Manifesto in their personal and professional lives? 1. The importance of utilizing checklists in complex and high-pressure situations to prevent errors and ensure tasks are completed accurately. 2. Implementing checklists can help to improve communication a…
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In what ways does Chouinard's unconventional management style challenge traditional business practices? Chouinard's unconventional management style challenges traditional business practices in several ways: 1. Decentralized decision-making: Chouinard believes in empowering employees to make decisions on their own, rather than relying on top-down ma…
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How does the concept of "letting my people go surfing" tie into Chouinard's overall business philosophy? The concept of "letting my people go surfing" ties into Chouinard's overall business philosophy by emphasizing the importance of work-life balance and allowing employees the freedom to pursue their passions outside of work. Chouinard believes th…
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Episodio donde sabemos la identidad del verdadero "Señor Internet", damos nuestra reseña sin spoilers de Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, lo bonito de ir al cine solo para disfrutar tus franquicias favoritas, Pari hará una encuesta en Twitter para definir el siguiente misterio para contar, Wisto opina sobre el contenido vacío de las personas guapetonas…
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In what ways does Patagonia prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility in its operations? Patagonia uses recycled and environmentally friendly materials in their products, such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and non-toxic dyes. The company actively promotes repairing and reusing products through their "Worn Wear" program, wh…
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How does Patagonia's customer base influence its business decisions and product offerings? Patagonia's customer base, which consists of environmentally and socially conscious individuals who prioritize sustainability, greatly influences its business decisions and product offerings. The company has a strong commitment to environmental and social res…
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How has Patagonia's marketing and branding strategies helped the company stand out in a competitive industry? Patagonia's marketing and branding strategies have helped the company stand out in a competitive industry in several ways: 1. Authenticity: Patagonia has built a reputation for authenticity by staying true to its values of sustainability, e…
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What impact has PATAGONIA had on the broader conversation around environmental stewardship and climate change? Patagonia has had a significant impact on the broader conversation around environmental stewardship and climate change by consistently advocating for sustainable practices and environmental protection. The company's commitment to using rec…
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Esta semana en Melodías Cósmicas hemos celebrado el 60 aniversario del álbum debut y del 12x5 de Sus Majestades The Rolling Stones, publicados en 1964, y lo hemos hecho junto a amigos invitados como Gonzalo Aróstegui, Toni Garrido, Néstor Mandela, Antonio Sánchez, Jose Luis Larroca y JF León. Keep cosmic rocking!!!…
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¿Cuáles son los secretos de la paz interior? ¿Cómo alcanzar ese bienestar mental en un mundo con tanto ruido y distracciones? Mónica Esgueva, experta en desarrollo personal y escritora, ofrece algunas claves para conseguirlo. Desde su experiencia y aprendizajes, Esgueva habla de temas tan fundamentales como la serenidad, la aceptación, el altruismo…
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Si nos dicen que cerremos los ojos y pensemos en nuestros días de escuela, muchos de nosotros, entre otras cosas, recordaremos el olor de los libros de texto al empezar el curso, las lecciones de ese profesor que marcó para siempre nuestro camino, el sonido de la tiza en la pizarra de clase… Pero también, esa gamberrada que ideamos con nuestro mejo…
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A recognized thought leader, scholar and presenter, Noreena Hertz was cited by The Observer as "one of the world's leading young thinkers" and by Vogue as "one of the world's most inspiring women". Her previous bestsellers, ‘The Silent Takeover,’ ‘The Debt Threat’ and ‘Eyes Wide Open,’ have been published in more than twenty countries, and her op-e…
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