Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉 عمومی
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Transform & Empower - Pentecost Online Retreat

生命恩泉 Fountain of Love and Life

For 10 days after the Ascension of Jesus, we will journey together and take a look at how the Holy Spirit has transformed the lives of many since the early Church up till now. We will reflect on some of the effects when the Holy Spirit comes in power in our lives. Mother Mary is the first to abide fully in Jesus, and accompanied the apostles to receive the Holy Spirit at the Pentecost. That is why she is the Mother of the Church. All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, togeth ...
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Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things

生命恩泉 Fountain of Love and Life

In the past two years, amid the upheaval of wars and social unrest, the world appears unfamiliar and hostile compared to our previous experiences. People are growing more anxious and restless. We may wonder: ✝️ Why is God so elusive? ✝️ Has He turned His gaze away from us? ✝️ Is He indifferent to the widespread suffering in the world? ✝️ Is God’s omnipresence a mere fiction or a thing of the past? This year’s FLL Farmer of Hearts online Lenten retreat, themed “Finding God in All Things,” aim ...
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show series
中秋節是一個屬於家庭的節日,讓彼此放下不和睦、不如意的事;更是讓我們基督徒反思跟懺悔的節日。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {posit…
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【神修話語】二零二四年九月七日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二四年九月七日 “Spiritual Talk” - September 7, 2024 "Edwin's Blog" - September 7, 2024توسط Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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我們時常要靠天主的啟發去成為更好的人,因為天主的恩寵可以使我們更臻完美。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absol…
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【神修話語】二零二四年八月三十一日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二四年八月三十一日 “Spiritual Talk” - August 31, 2024 "Edwin's Blog" - August 31, 2024توسط Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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教會的本質是在地上建立天國,其他一切憂慮應交予天主。因為福傳不是靠我們的力量,乃是信靠天主的力量。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {po…
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【神修話語】二零二四年八月二十四日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二四年八月二十四日 “Spiritual Talk” - August 24, 2024 "Edwin's Blog" - August 24, 2024توسط Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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今集《,回到加里肋亞 》,,楊葆怡 修女繼續分享《五種 ,愛的語言 》。她分享她透過寫歌和音樂與天主溝通的體驗。寫歌不僅是個人創作,也反映了與天主的親密關係,展現了多種愛的語言。 {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}…
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聆聽之所以是一項慈善的工作,是因為它是一個放下自我,了解他人的過程。我們應求天主賜予我們虛心的恩寵,聆聽他人的需要。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper i…
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【神修話語】二零二四年八月十七日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二四年八月十七日 【保祿家書】羅馬書 Ep 20 - 羅11:25-36 “Spiritual Talk” - August 17, 2024 "Edwin's Blog" - August 17, 2024توسط Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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20)羅11:25-36 天主對以色列的恩賜和召選,是決不會撤回的。 25弟兄們!免得你們自作聰明,我不願意你們不知道這項奧秘的事,就是只有一部分是執迷不悟的,直到外邦人全數進入天國為止:26 那時,全以色列也必獲救,正如經上所載:『拯救者必要來自熙雍,從雅各伯中消除不敬之罪;27這是我與他們所定立的盟約:那時我要赦免他們的罪惡。』28照福音來說,他們由於你們的緣故,成了天主的仇人;但照召選來說,由於他們祖先的緣故,他們仍是可愛的,29 因為天主的恩賜和召選是決不會撤回的。30就如你們以前背叛了天主,如今卻因了他們的背叛而蒙受了憐憫;31 同樣,因了你們所受的憐憫;他們如今背叛,這是為叫他們今後也蒙受憐憫,32 因為天主把眾人都禁錮在背叛之中,是為要憐憫眾人。33 啊,天主的富饒、上智和知識…
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我們要專一地尋求天主的國,愛天主在萬有之上,並善用天主賜予我們的塔冷通光榮天主;造福他人,以換取永恆的恩典。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper ifram…
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默觀和默想都是與天主保持關係的方法,其中聖人們更能出現神魂超拔,神視等情況。請問默觀和默想會否只是一種自我催眠的狀態,滿足喝求內心與主相遇的盼望?這些情況能有科學根據或者論證支持嗎?每天唸聖母經的預期效果也是上述自我催眠情況嗎?توسط Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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我們對天主的感受會有高低起跌,但我們不能忘記追隨耶穌的初心,仍然要熱心地做天主想我們做的事情。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {posi…
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【神修話語】二零二四年八月三日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二四年八月三日 【問問程神父】- Ep 85 “Spiritual Talk” - August 3, 2024 "Edwin's Blog" - August 3, 2024 "Ask Fr Francis" - Ep 85توسط Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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