My goal is to share inspiration, and encourage people to go for their goals, to get you over your finish line. Ready! Set! Goal! is a weekly podcast, which shares insights, skills, knowledge and experience of how to achieve your big scary goals, including fascinating conversations with the most awe-inspiring and motivated people from around the world, who share their secrets in achieving their goals, and will inspire you to do the same.My awesome guests aren’t all from the same industry or b ...
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RISE from Stuck | Trust God, Who Am I, Personal Development, Set Goals, Renew Your Mind, Be Strong and Courageous
Bonnie Jean Schaefer | Christian Author, Speaker, & Servant of God
Are you a single Christian woman who finds yourself perpetually stuck in a state of inaction or despair because you’re waiting for your soulmate? Are telling yourself you’re not in a relationship because: - You aren’t attractive - There is something wrong with you - You are struggling financially on your own? Are you telling yourself you’re not important because you are single? Then welcome to RISE from Stuck with Bonnie Jean Schaefer. I understand what it’s like to feel invisible, overlooke ...
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031 || 10 Fun Responses to the “Are You Seeing Anyone?” Question During the Holiday Season as a Single Christian Woman
Here in the U.S. Thanksgiving is days away. Then the holiday events abound for the next five weeks. If you are single like me, you’re probably dreading the “Are you seeing anyone?” question from family or friends you haven’t seen in a while because the answer is no. That’s not how I’m going to answer that question this year, though. With a little h…
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In this episode, I share my story of how I found significance as a single Christian woman. If you want to feel significant now as a single Christian woman, I invite you to join me on this journey to pursue God and our dreams. I’ve wasted way too much time waiting to start living because I haven’t found my man yet. I’ve spent way too much mental ene…
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In today’s episode, you will hear an encouraging story of bold faith in action as I interview my friend Erika Diaz-Castro, host of the Her Renewed Strength podcast and leader of the 2023 Renewed Conference. She literally thanks God for her cancer diagnosis and talks about how her study of the bible changed as a result of cancer. Powerful stuff. We …
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028 // The Search for TRUTH Keeps Uncovering Evidence (Why Believe the Bible series, part 5)
As a Christian, it’s important to have a strong faith foundation. The more you know about God, the more you learn about you. And people. And the world around you. How can we believe that, though? Should we blindly believe the Bible is true because it claims to be the inspired word of God? Does God expect us to just take His word for it, or does He …
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027 // Medical Facts that Help Prove the Bible is True (Why Believe the Bible series, part 4)
Welcome to the fourth episode in the Why Believe the Bible series taught by my awesome dad Harry Schaefer. The underlying premise of this Why Believe the Bible series is that we can verify the truth of the Bible by looking to outside sources such as the historical record to see if what’s in the historical record aligns with scripture. And we find t…
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Have you ever believed something but didn’t have any practical evidence to prove your belief was true? Well, until the last century or so, Christians had to endure criticism for believing the Bible even though the historical or archeological record could not find any proof that the Hitites or two significant leaders mentioned in the Bible existed. …
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025 // 2 Fulfilled Prophecies Provide Proof of Biblical Truth (Why Believe the Bible series, part 2)
Welcome to the second episode the Why Believe the Bible series hosted by my dad, Harry Schaefer. In episode 24, we learned that one way to confirm the truth of any book, including the Bible, is to compare it to outside sources. We take what’s written, compare it to known facts, and see if it matches. If it lines up, it’s true. The Bible lines up wi…
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Greetings, my friend! If you’ve ever wondered why you can declare with confidence that the Bible is true, you’ll want to tune in to today’s episode. Today marks the start of a five-part Why Believe the Bible series I recorded with a special guest for my other podcast. I’m sharing it because knowing why you can believe the Bible and being able to de…
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Through reading and studying Ephesians, I’m learning so much about who I am in Christ and how to live boldly for Him as a result. God is transforming me through this book, and it’s this book that influenced the speech I’ll be delivering the RENEWED 2023 conference. I want you to be transformed as well. In order for God to do a mighty work in you, y…
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Ready to reclaim the life of purpose God intends for you? In this episode, we’ll explore what it means to be productive, what it means to be mediocre and why you as a female Christian author should embrace productivity and escape mediocrity. Your friend, Bonnie Jean Next Steps: Rise from Stuck Starter Kit Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts “I…
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Ever made a commitment you didn't stick to? Not a good feeling, huh? Today I share about a commitment I made that I shouldn't have and what I learned from it. Then I interview #1 International Bestselling author Lynda Sunshine West. She shares her own writing and publishing journey as well as some great book marketing tips to help you market your b…
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Rules. Ugh. Who wants to talk about rules? Rules are just made to be broken anyway, right? Bad rules are made to be broken. Good rules provide structure and allow you to thrive. So if you could define three rules to follow, what would they be? What rules would keep you focused on God and your dreams? Today I’ll share my three core life rules and th…
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You have a dream of writing a book. But when does that dream become a goal? Is that goal a project? Are tasks attached to a dream, a goal or a project? When your book writing dream remains a dream because you struggle to take action and follow through, you have a productivity problem. To fix the problem and turn you into a lean, mean, writing machi…
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Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the debut of this podcast. Wow. One year. What a whirlwind year it has been! I’ve been whirling behind the scenes anyway as my consistency with creating episodes for this podcast has been seriously lacking. My attention has been focused on creating content for my other podcast, Published Before College. …
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Hey, friend! If you're feeling stuck and in need of inspiration, start by going to God and studying the Bible. That's what I do, and that's what I did on February 13, 2023. Here's a snippet of that prayer. Tune in to listen to the full conversation with God. Heavenly Father, I believe Your word is the source of absolute truth. Why I believe the Bib…
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Hey, friend! If you're feeling stuck and in need of discernment, start by going to God and seeking Him. That's what I do, and that's what I did on February 5, 2023. Here's a snippet of that prayer. Tune in to listen to the full conversation with God. Dear Heavenly Father, I once heard that nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. The mor…
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Hey, friend! If you're feeling stuck and in need of direction, start by going to God and seeking Him. That's what I do, and that's what I did on January 29, 2023. Here's a snippet of that prayer. Tune in to listen to the full conversation with God. Dear Father, You know that when I write books, I like to see the big picture and know where the story…
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When I started Rise from Stuck in May 2022, I was in a dark place career-wise. I liked the people I worked with, but working as a auto insurance claims adjuster did not play to my strengths. The workload was overwhelming. The phone calls were relentless. And it had sucked all creativity from my soul. I felt stuck in a deep, dark hole and didn’t kno…
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013 // One Time Management Strategy to Help You Write with Consistency Even if You Have a Full-Time Job
If you ever struggle to make progress on your book because you are busy with that full-time job and family and staying fit and all the things, then try implementing this one time management strategy to help you write with consistency. Get your free Rise from Stuck starter kit here: Join my free community here: https:…
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012 // Feeling Stuck in Fear, Paralyzed by What If’s and Certain Your Excuses for Inaction are Keeping You Safe? Go to God Like Moses Did.
Today we have our grand finale of our go to God series. This is my favorite of the five because the Bible records for us BOTH sides of the conversation between God and Moses, but it’s also the most convicting because it reminds me that I can’t excuse my way out of God’s calling on my life no matter how scared I may feel. In this conversation, Moses…
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011 // Feeling Stuck in an Identity Crisis, Afraid to Reveal Your True Self Because the Consequences Could be Disastrous? Go to God Like Esther Did.
This episode is the fourth in our Go to God series, and it’s about how to ignite our rise when we are stuck in the midst of an identity crisis. One of the main reasons we get stuck is because we fail to own our God-given identities. It’s easier to own the circumstantial identities thrust upon us rather than consciously identify with the role God pu…
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As we discussed last week, having the ability to follow through with a challenge as well as enjoy life wherever you are amid whatever circumstances you find yourself in are important skills to cultivate in the rise from stuck journey. Let’s practice enjoying life today. Here’s your adventure challenge: Live PHONE-FREE for one hour a day, seven days…
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Having the ability to follow through with a challenge as well as enjoy life wherever you are amid whatever circumstances you find yourself in are important skills to cultivate in the rise from stuck journey. Let’s practice enjoying life today. Here’s your adventure challenge: Within the next seven days, go for a hike at a park, mountain or field ne…
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010 // Feeling Stuck in the Sin of Inaction, Knowing What You Should Do But Lacking the Courage to Take Action? Go to God Like David Did.
Welcome to part three of our five part Go to God series exploring the ways we feel stuck and the one thing that ignites our rise every time—talking to God. How we approach God changes depending on the way we feel stuck, and we’re exploring examples from scripture to teach us how to approach God. From Jonah, we learned how to approach God when we fe…
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009//Feeling Stuck in Hopelessness, Like Your Writing Dreams are Out of Reach and Impossible to Attain? Go to God Like Hannah Did.
Today we’re continuing our Go to God series. In part one, we learned that when you’re stuck in the depths of despair, the way to ignite that rise is to Go to God like Jonah did. In part two, we’re talking about what to do when you’re stuck in hopelessness. Hopelessness is the despair you feel when you want something you don’t have and believe that …
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008//Escape Break with Author DK Drake: The Dragon Collector Chapters 4-5, an Action Adventure Fantasy
It’s fantasy fiction Friday…one day late. I had this episode recorded but debated about publishing it as this week has been filled with lots of prayer and recalibration. Which is also why I didn’t publish a regular episode earlier this week. There is one part of me who wants to help my fellow female authors and entrepreneurs get out of dreaming/lea…
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007//Escape Break with Author D.K. Drake: Chapters 1-3 of The Dragon Collector, a YA Action Adventure Fantasy
It's fantasy fiction Friday! Author DK Drake is here in her usual guest host spot to read the first three chapters of The Dragon Collector, book one of The Dragon Stalker Bloodlines Saga. In these chapters, Javan discovers his heritage as the chosen one from the Collector Bloodline. Which comes as a bit of a does the news that DRAGONS AR…
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006//Feeling Stuck in Despair, As Though You’ve Been Swallowed by the Woes of Life and Can See No Way Out? Go to God Like Jonah Did.
Greetings, Rise from Stuck Warrior! Today we’re starting a five part series that reveals the one secret to rising from stuck whether you find yourself stuck in despair, hopelessness, sin, an identity crisis or straight up fear. These emotions can cripple us and keep us from moving forward, but there is always one thing we can do no matter what kind…
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005//Escape Break with Author D.K. Drake: Prologue of The Dragon Collector, a YA Action Adventure Fantasy
It's Fantasy Fiction Friday! Time for an escape break with Author D.K. Drake. Today you'll hear the prologue of The Dragon Collector, book one of the Dragon Stalker Bloodlines Saga. In The Dragon Collector, fifteen-year-old Javan believes he is simply an ordinary orphan abandoned by his mother at birth--until he is whisked away to another dimension…
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004//One Simple Strategy for Staying Grounded in Your Faith and Connected to God Through Any Life Transition, Struggle, or Success
Greetings, Rise from Stuck Warrior! It’s Seek God Sunday. This is the part of the show where we strengthen our faith foundation as it relates to knowing God, knowing ourselves in light of who God is, and knowing what we want and why in light of who God is and who He created us to be. Do you know what you believe about who God is, what core roles He…
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003//Escape Break with Author D.K. Drake: Listen to the Short Story that Launched Both a Pen Name and a YA Fantasy Series
Rise from Stuck Warrior, I’ve got author DK Drake here with me today. It’s really easy to have her on the show because, well, she is me. D.K. Drake is my pen name, and the short story I’m about to share is the origin of that pen name. Why do I use a pen name? Several reasons. One, to humble my pride. I don’t want to be obsessed with seeing my name …
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002//The Conversation You Need to Have with God So You Can Eliminate Your Excuses, Delete Your Doubts, and Free Your Fears
Rise from Stuck Warrior, Today we’re going to face our fears, own our excuses and voice our doubts. We’re going to whine. We’re going to complain. We’re going to vent our frustrations. But not to ourselves. Not to a friend. To God. As uncomfortable as it may make us feel, we’re going to take our woes to God. I’ll share five questions to ponder to p…
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001//Meet Your Host and Let Her Rise from Stuck Story Embolden You to Seek God and Live a Faithful Christian Lifestyle While Chasing Your Dreams
Rise from Stuck Warrior, Today you'll hear a true story about a woman who had this ridiculous idea that if she could write good books and learn how to sell them via her own publishing company, she could earn a living telling and selling stories. But then she let her doubts, fears and excuses consume her and get her stuck as an employee in a series …
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Are you a single Christian woman who finds yourself perpetually stuck in a state of inaction or despair because you’re waiting for your soulmate? Are you telling yourself you’re not important because you are single? Then welcome to RISE from Stuck with Bonnie Jean Schaefer. I understand what it’s like to feel invisible, overlooked, unimportant, una…
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Amy Jordan is a multi- award-winning author, speaker coach and choreographer. Her work is focused on Transforming Trauma to Triumph. Her mission is motivating and inspiring others to overcome ANY adversity. Amy tells everyone she meets, 'Please Dance Because You Can.' As a coach Amy supports clients to live their happiest life while managing trauma…
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Amy Sanders is a wellness and life coach. For more than two decades she has taught and inspired thousands of women through weight loss, mindset, and relationships. Amy works with women to uncover their purpose and help them release the deep-rooted beliefs that hold them back in life. This includes helping women heal from divorce, abuse, and other l…
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Dr Scott Glassman is a psychologist and author of A Happier You: A new Seven-Week Program to Transform Negative Thinking into Positivity and Resilience. He teaches counseling at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, where he serves as the Associate Director of the Master's Program in Mental Health Counseling. Scott is also a member of t…
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Sana is a courage mindset trainer and facilitator and supports people who seek to create a courage mindset to overcome challenges in business or life. She has had to overcome childhood trauma, health challenges over the years, a breakdown, dissolving a business, and financial struggles …and has had to navigate those challenges. At times Sana needed…
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Dave Barnes is a rock climber who grew up climbing and made a career from climbing. Dave claims, climbing fuels him for whatever life throws his way. David Barnes has lived with type 1 diabetes for close to 50 years. Dave had a curve ball thrown at him in 2018. Whilst training for an Ironman race, he pushed his body to the edge, went to sleep one e…
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This episode is dedicated to the wonderfully flawesome and inspiring Heather Jones. An amazing & inspiring woman I will hold in my heart forever. Marie Kimber is a mindset coach, an inspirational speaker and co-author of ‘Change is not a Scary Word.’ Marie’s backstory isn’t an easy one. Marie found herself at death’s door in April 2006, she woke up…
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Episode 35: Brett Dellar speaks with Donna Campisi
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1:14:33Brett is the Founder of "The moMENtum Revolution". Having suffered from Depression for 30 years because of emotional traumas & events - both as a child and an adult, he found his way out of those dark shadows to now help and inspire other men. From childhood trauma to a heartbreaking betrayal as a young man and then being involved in a siege with a…
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Just a short episode from Donna to share and let you know we are back on air, enjoy! So let’s get to it. On your mark, Ready! Set! Goal! Contact Donna HERE Remember to subscribe to get updates of Ready! Set! Goal! Podcast episodes. You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to r…
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Episode 33: Alexandra André speaks with Donna Campisi
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1:02:19Alexandra André grew up on the family farm in South Australia. Having developed a love of running from an early age she got a taste of what's possible when she completed her first marathon in 2008. After years of injuries that followed, she continued to chase a second marathon, but Alex chose to take on an even greater challenge in 2015 - the toug…
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Nash Mackey is our guest today. As a Rapid Breakthrough & Performance Coach, Nash specialises in supporting people to develop life transforming habits, routines and mentalities. Over the past 13 years, Nash has trained extensively from his time in the military and the medical field, as well as learning from world class mentors in business and the h…
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Why wait for 2021 to be awesome? I know 2020 has been a challenging time for all of us. Covid really stopped the world and left us with all sorts of challenges including mind, body, spirit, career…the list goes on. I’ve spoken briefly about covid in Episode 24, about an analogy I heard, how we are all in different boats, but in the same storm. I ki…
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This episode is a bit different, it’s actually someone interviewing me! I know there are many of you who listen to Ready! Set! Goal! who may already know a little about me, but I have seen my audience grow since I first started Ready! Set! Goal! Which is super exciting, thank you for listening! So I thought I’d use the opportunity to share a fun in…
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Episode 29: The steps to getting the big dreams that seem ridiculously HUGE with Donna Campisi
I find myself a little hesitant about using the word ‘dreams,’ even though I did use it in my book titled ‘Turn Dreams into Reality.’ (a free eBook at HERE) When I think of dreams though, I sometimes have this image in my mind of a person sitting looking up at a cloud above their head with a wondering smile of hope for the image in the cloud…that o…
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Paula Johnson is our guest today. Paula describes herself as a mix of boho hippie, spirited rebel and a regular Kiwi with a ‘can do’ attitude. At the young age of 29, Paula was diagnosed with early menopaue. This was the catalyst that set her on her journey, delving deep into the mental, emotional, the physical and the spiritual self. Finding meani…
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How are you selling yourself? It is important in business to be sales savvy if you have a business product or service to sell, don’t you? But this may be an issue in life also. How do you come across to others? Are we selling ourselves everyday anyway? Just to share a little of my background. I have a background in the sales industry, including rol…
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Malka Silver is my guest today. Malka is a close long-term friend who I know a lot about already, we’ve been friends for over 20 years, so I may even learn more today. Malka Silver is a survivor, who has fought health and life battles, yet she is still smiling. She contributes her courage and strength to her parents, who instilled in her, love, int…
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