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第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3、4季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇 精選15個和外國友人深入聊天的主題,讓齊斌老師帶你一題一題來破解! 第6季 辦公英語通 從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。 第7季 新聞英語通 English All Pass: News 從實用新聞英語中,訓練並提升對新聞英語聽力與理解能力,進而達到雙語的能力。以新聞主題分類的方式,介紹報導情境的英語用語,強化新聞英語聽力的理解,同時讓聽者能體會其新 ...
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Pass:兩性專家數理男,鐵漢柔情同理心 恩莎:滿腦黃腔總宿醉,直率敢說無厘頭 Odin:幹話連篇含滷蛋,接話一流神反應 最新的三個趣聞故事 獨特的三個人格魅力 為各位帶來不同角度觀點 每個『星期四』收聽我們的【新奇事】 歡迎來我們的粉專留言給我們 各項相關連結 合作邀約 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Diego Small Wine Bar

Diego Small Wine Bar

HI guys 我是Diego 歡迎來到Diego Small Wine Bar 在這邊我會和大家分享一些葡萄酒的小知識,小弟不才目前WSET是在Lv.2 pass with distinction 在Diego Small Wine Bar這個節目我會用白話文的方式帶大家認識葡萄酒的類型品種產區釀造方式和一些風格特色 我覺得我們會很適合一些剛開始接觸葡萄酒,或是想要了解但又不知從何下手的朋友們 讓我們一起來打開葡萄酒的世界地圖吧~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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每週談談一些遊戲新聞或是一些狗屁事情,站在一個Player的角度陪你看遊戲。不管你是任何人,我都希望你在這找到樂趣,如果你不喜歡也沒關係,反正我也不喜歡你 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【御宅文青相談所】是聚焦於ACG,次文化,電影,影劇,藝術的Podcast頻道。 🗣因為主持人嘎拉嬉皮,身為一位從小學藝術長大的資深宅女。在成長的過程中,不斷的發現文人相輕,宅宅相輕的狀況一而再的發生。 之後開始好奇文青跟御宅能不能和平相處呢?這個Podcast頻道將會聊宅宅跟文青們都感興趣的話題! 在開始聽之前,先告訴聽眾們這個Podcast的核心價值: ◆輕學術有辦法跟動漫畫結合嗎? ◇流行文化與次文化影響了人類的娛樂,它又教了我們什麼? ◆藝術?能吃嗎?看不懂該怎麼辦? 讓我來回答你。 ▶謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福。 小額贊助或訂閱幫助GALA| ▶訂閱回饋:每月電子報/主題許願池/成為IG摯友/感謝函/ 生日卡/每季動畫新番推薦等好禮,快來一探究竟吧! 方格子文章部落格| 嘎拉嬉皮IG| 來社群平台找我玩| ...
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这个播客是一个有意思人类的收集计划(开发者、创业者、自由职业者,还有你),目前以播主的圈子为起点给大家呈现,在各种新的领域大家都在做什么样的尝试和努力,希望给你未来的可能性提供一些想象力。 符合条件者请自觉自荐,谢谢。 联系邮箱
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👉🏻 EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently under the threat of severe hailstorms, which are expected to impact various areas in the coming hours. A combination of atmospheric instability, strong updrafts, and specific weather patterns has created the conditions conducive to hail formation. Hailstones of varying sizes, including large hailstones, are …
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你是否聽過長輩說出:「一代不如一代。」這句話呢? 跟不同世代的人溝通真的非常困難嗎? 本集Gala與Chris將要以日本鬼才編劇宮藤官九郎的新作-極度不妥 來跟大家聊世代差異!你認為現在的娛樂太過政治正確嗎?來看宮九怎麼說? *本集設有防雷線* 本集大綱| 極度不妥到底不妥在哪裡? 昭和大叔的穿越之旅 淺談昭和時期的不良時尚 極度不妥演員介紹 最感人的橋段 昭和VS.令和你最想生活在哪裡 電視上看得到歐派的年代 Creepy Nuts 二度寢MV 淺談宮九日劇 池袋西口公園/虎與龍/自戀刑警/我家的故事 快一秒的他與消失的情人節 ▶謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福 ■方格子文章部落格 ■嘎拉嬉皮IG ■來社群平台找我玩 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently grappling with heightened landslide risk due to ongoing unstable weather conditions, prompting concerns for public safety. Recent heavy rainfall, combined with factors such as steep terrain and wet soil, has significantly increased the potential for landslides in vulnerable areas. The combination of these fac…
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恭喜排球少年!!垃圾場的決戰票房破億。 看完首映會跟應援場的Gala感到熱血沸騰,終於是時候來聊運動番神作 : 排球少年了 本集邀請了音駒粉絲兼繪師--阿咩跟汪汪。一同來聊我們對於排球少年的愛。 ※本集含有防雷線,有漫畫暴雷請注意 ※內有對於角色的假設性問題 ※來賓言論不代表本台立場XD 可搭本篇收聽 《排球少年!!垃圾場的決戰|貓與烏鴉之戰—酣暢淋漓後才能享受到排球的樂趣》 ▶本集大綱 與排球少年們相遇的契機 最喜歡的角色 在日本看排球少年 : 結果是你當球? 最熱血的一球 喜歡的學校與標語 垃圾場的決戰觀後心得 漫畫與動畫的差異 排球少年們長大之後... 市面上買不到的珍藏周邊 快問快答:…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is facing an unprecedented and devastating wildfire event, characterized by record-setting fire activity that is posing a severe threat to communities and natural landscapes. A combination of extreme weather conditions, including drought, exceptionally high temperatures, and gusty winds, has created an environment for rap…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is in the middle of a relentless heatwave, with scorching temperatures and oppressive conditions in the weather forecast. The mercury is soaring, with daytime highs consistently exceeding 120°F. The combination of high temperatures, minimal cloud cover, and low humidity levels is creating an environment of extreme heat. R…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently experiencing a significant weather event of strong winds, which are having various impacts across the area. Winds have intensified, with sustained speeds reaching 90 mph. These strong winds are attributed to a growing hurricane, and they are expected to continue throughout the day. The powerful gusts are affe…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is struggling with a severe weather event as heavy rainfall continues to flood the area, resulting in widespread flooding and dangerous conditions. Intense and relentless rainfall over the past several days has led to rising water levels in rivers, streams, and urban areas, causing significant flooding. Many regions are s…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently facing extreme wildfire conditions, with elevated fire risk and rapidly spreading wildfires posing a significant threat to communities. Unfavorable weather conditions, including high temperatures, low humidity, and gusty winds, have contributed to the spread of wildfires. The combination of dry plants and the…
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👉🏻 EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is facing a critical weather emergency as severe flooding conditions continue to worsen. Heavy and continuous rainfall over the past several days has led to rising water levels in rivers, creeks, and low-lying areas, resulting in widespread flooding. Current river levels indicate that many have surpassed flood stage, wit…
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御宅文青相談所堂堂邁入第100集啦 本集Gala參加了 藝情指揮中心的Podcast串聯,主題是《烏托邦瞄一眼》 不過比起烏托邦我更想跟大家分享反烏托邦作品(真的是很叛逆) 從動物農莊、1984小說,到電影,影集跟動畫。 —這就是突破極權體制人民的奮鬥史 也歡迎大家到各串聯頻道去一探究竟 ※本集節目會有劇情討論,歡迎先看完作品再來聽喔! ※串聯節目名稱為挺挺動物輕鬆聊 ▶本集大綱 終於突破第100集啦!! 烏托邦與反烏托邦 動物農莊其實不是在講動物 1984-老大哥正在看著你 人人都是V怪客 使女的故事給女性的恐怖故事 一切都是為了生育嗎? PsychoPass真的有效降低犯罪率? 當人類成為牲畜 回答問題時間 謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福 ■方格子文章部落格 ■嘎拉嬉皮IG ■來社群平台找…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Uji, the picturesque city in Kyoto Prefecture, is in for a peaceful day of weather with clear skies and pleasant conditions. As the sun rises, it will light up cloudless skies, offering sunshine throughout the day. Daytime temperatures are forecasted to reach around 72°F (22°C), creating an inviting atmosphere for outdoor activities…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 A powerful hurricane is currently stirring in the Atlantic Ocean, posing a significant threat to coastal regions in its path. The hurricane, named Gordon, has grown rapidly and is now classified as a Category 2 storm, with sustained winds exceeding 96 mph. As Hurricane Gordon advances, it is expected to make landfall in the south ea…
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不知道宅青們過了一個怎麼樣的農曆年呢? 去了哪裡旅行?見到了什麼樣的人呢? 今年Gala帶著父母前往日本京都這個歷史悠久的千年古都 帶著父母自由行真的是地獄選擇嗎?在這趟旅程之中我們又遇到了什麼特別的人事物呢? 除此之外我也想推薦一部跟京都有著深刻連結的作品 : 舞妓家的料理人 相信大家會對舞妓文化有著更深的理解 本集大綱 | 帶著父母自由行的難易度 第一次睡機場就上手 日本計程車一趟要O萬日圓? 大阪 VS. 京都 御朱印不只是旅遊章 會講英文的日文歐吉桑 舞妓家的料理人 是枝裕和導演風格 追尋夢想的孩子們..然後呢? 謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福 ■方格子文章部落格 ■嘎拉嬉皮IG ■來社群平台找我玩 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Hey, Julia! W: Oh! You scared me! M: What are you doing? You seemed like you are excited about something. W: Yeah, I am excited about the guest speaker’s presentation. M: I heard the topic is provocative and intriguing. W: I can’t wait to hear what the guest speaker is going to say. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. scare [skɛr] (v.) 驚嚇 2. gue…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: The presentation is over now. I think everyone had a better understanding of your proposal. W: Can I ask you something? M: Go a head. I’ll see what I can do. W: How did I do up there? Can you give me some feedback as an audience? M: I think you were great! W: Come on! Be honest with me. Is there anything I can improve to make the …
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👉🏻 CONVERSATION M: So is everyone clear on the idea of controlling your budget precisely? W: I am sorry but I didn’t get what you meant by controlling budget precisely. M: Which part didn’t you understand? W: All of it. I don’t understand the process of controlling budgets. M: Ok, I guess you didn’t hear what I said about evaluating necessity, righ…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: If we don’t control our buget precisely, then we are very likely to waste a lot of money on things that we do not really need. W: You have a good point. M: Thank you, and I have one more thing to say. W: I am sorry, please continue. M: When the budget is precisely controlled, the company can not only save money, but also cultivate…
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感謝果陀劇場邀請,讓Gala有機會可以跟《我在詐騙公司上班》原作漫畫謝東霖,還有舞台劇演員徐浩忠面對面對談 兩人擦出的火花絕對精采,想聽浩忠為了舞台劇如何鍛鍊腹肌嗎?想聽謝東霖老師曾經被詐騙的經驗!?千萬別錯過這集 我們3月劇場見~ ※ 即日起到2/16為止,Gala要送你去看《我在詐騙公司上班》舞台劇 完成活動任務就有機會得到舞台劇門票 詳情請洽御宅文青相談所IG活動貼文 >> 《我在詐騙公司上班》舞台劇門票現正開賣中! >> 本集大綱 | 從廣告業踏上漫畫家之路 謝老師是怎麼樣從生活中汲取創作靈感? 浩忠後援會 兩人最喜歡的角色跟劇情橋段 兩人對於我在詐騙公司上…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I think the proposal is nice. W: Let’s give our presenter a big hand first. M: Does anyone have other solutions to help us solve the company’s crisis? W: If not, should we vote on this proposal? M: After everyone agrees, the proposal is elected. W: We will try our best to save our company from this depression crisis. 👉🏻WORDS & PHR…
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作為歷史控又喜愛虐心作品的BL讀者,這次要來推薦大時代的黑暗系BL作品 分別就是彩景老師的螳螂之檻跟渡瀨悠宇老師的櫻狩 最近補完十幾年前的漫畫櫻狩,就想要推薦給所有的宅青們,這不能只有我看到。 如果只吃高甜戀愛的腐腐們這兩部作品可能不適合你 不過如果看慣大場面,喜愛劇情派的腐腐們,這兩部應該會會打中你的口味 本集大綱 | BL交心DAY 夢幻遊戲作者也畫BL? 櫻狩的劇情大綱 抹布攻你可以嗎? 櫻花飄散之時 有些狗血的大宅門 螳螂之檻劇情大綱 令人害怕的禁慾系BL? 我真心不懂典彥想幹嘛 不再是花瓶-BL中的女性角色 前後呼應手法 延伸閱讀 : 愛情啊,名為一座逃離不了的牢籠,黑暗系BL翹楚之作|螳螂之檻…
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👉🏻 CONVERSATION M: If we want to earn big money, we may have to give up the system we use right now. W: Then what kind of system should we use? The one you said in your presentation? M: There are two proposals in my presentation. W: Which one should we use if we want to earn more fortune? M: Let’s not use the second proposal. The first proposal is …
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Is everything ready? The presentation has to start on time! W: Uh…can someone help me with the computer? M: Sure. Let me take a look at what’s wrong with the computer. W: The projector isn’t working properly. M: I see. I think you need to press control and the function key. There. W: Thanks. 👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES 1. on time [ɔn taɪm]…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Finally, the presentation is over. W: Why do you make such comment? M: I just felt the presentation was boring and useless. W: I thought the presentation went well. M: Well, I had a hard time staying awake just now. W: I thought it was interesting. Let’s hope the next presentation wouldn’t make you feel so bored. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES…
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真是不可思議,一眨眼就到了2023年最後一周,馬上就要迎接2024 這一年GALA日常生活中有著極大的變化,繁忙生活中也不忘補動畫、讀漫畫 本集來賓邀請到好久~~不見的Podcaster Huahua來聊聊這一年發生的點點滴滴 在此也祝福宅青們 2024年 新年快樂!!希望大家的目標都能實現 本集大綱| 花花的2023年 動漫IP產業甘苦談 兩人的年度動畫推薦 花花推薦小說-佛說 GALA看的影集都很沉重? 說到最後還是要來推BL 新年目標 謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福 ■方格子文章部落格 ■嘎拉嬉皮IG ■來社群平台找我玩 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: ht…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Good morning, everyone. I am thankful to have the opportunity to give a presentation on this occasion. I want to present three things today. They are all interrelated. W: I have a question. What can we benefit from it? M: The three things I am going to talk about are major factors that can lead our company to success or failure. W…
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勇者打敗魔王的故事不足為奇,但是擊敗魔王後的勇者一行人該何去何從? 秋季新番葬送的芙莉蓮講述千年精靈魔法使重啟旅程,藉由旅行悟出了人生的點點滴滴 另一部作品迷宮飯,則是結合奇幻故事與美食番 你可有想過史萊姆、寶箱怪變成料理!?好吃嗎??? GALA推薦兩部奇幻故事作品保證打破你對奇幻冒險的想像 本集大綱| 年末線下活動與線上活動宣傳 Gala逛龍山寺奇幻市集 葬送的芙莉蓮簡介 壽命長短的差異 Gala竟然最喜歡葬送的芙莉蓮的這位角色!? 從漫畫悟出人生哲理 九井諒子奇幻短篇集 迷宮飯=迷宮中的美食 史萊姆好吃嗎? 謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福 ■方格子文章部落格 ■嘎拉嬉皮IG ■來社群平台找我玩 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Where did you get that information? W: As you can see from the pie chart, the largest percentage is the red one. M: I doubt of this pie chart’s credibility. W: I got this pie chart from the governmental website. I don’t think the data would be delusive. M: I just don’t want to trust the data entirely. W: Or should I show you anoth…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Now, we are running out of time. Any more motions? Or opinions? W: I think everyone is very tired after the meeting. In fact, our meeting lasted 3 hours already. M: If no one wants to speak, then the meeting is over. W: Really? M: Yeah, that’s all for today. But make sure to have the computers ready before the meeting starts. Next…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Can you elaborate on this month’s sale? W: I am sorry to point out, but our sale has declined since we adopted the new strategy. M: Are there any other reasons that might affect the sale? W: According to the data, nothing really changed. If we need to stop the decline, I think we have to adopt new strategy. M: So, we’ve decided to…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I am glad that today’s meeting went well. W: I think we all did a wonderful job today. M: Is everyone clear on what the company will do next month? W: We have to get an endorsement, exploring the proper market, questionnaires… M: Can you put it in short? W: In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 👉🏻WORDS & PH…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Our product sale has reached a stop lately. W: Maybe we can have some sales promotion. M: But we don’t have a proper sales promotion toward this product. W: How about TV commercials? M: I like that idea. W: We can get the hottest pop idol to endorse our product. M: TV commercials can push the product to sell more and even differen…
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時間回溯到千禧年,想知道Y2K時期的少女都在看哪些少女漫畫點開這集就對了! 本集邀請到Podcast節目《那些漫畫教我的事》主持人藍琳 跟我一同聊聊7年級女子的都在看哪些少女漫畫? 當然現在我們也涉足到淑女漫畫跟TL還有BL漫畫了 都2023了,我們還能保持著少女心嗎? 本集大綱 | 女孩們心目中都有一位美少女戰士 辣妹與龐克時尚辣妹當家&NANA 現實中罕有的長髮美男子 穿越歷史成為尼羅河的女兒 始祖級骨科天使禁獵區 女人你擋到我了!比起霸總我更喜歡強X強 X到底甚麼時候會完結?CLAMP你怎麼說 印象最深刻的劇情 金魚妻不可戲,TL中的情與慾 少女漫畫怎麼形塑我們的戀愛觀? 謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福 ■方格子文章部落格 ■嘎拉嬉皮IG ■來社群平台找我玩 小額贊助支持本節目: htt…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: We are not gaining any profit from the branch stores so far. W: What do you think we should do about it? M: We could either close it or sell it. W: I think selling it to other companies would be nice. M: Yeah, that’s what I thought. The customers can still use their membership cards. W: I think it would be a win-win for the compan…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Everyone settle down. The meeting is about to start. W: Shall we start with the agenda? M: The first item on the agenda is taxation. Anyone got anything to say? W: What kind of tax is it? M: It’s government’s new policy. Our product is going to be taxed. W: So our price has to go up again? M: I am afraid so. W: But we have increas…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Is everybody here? W: Yeah, everyone except our manager. M: Where is he? Does anyone know where he is? W: He’ll be here later. He is still on the airplane. He’s plane is arriving at noon. M: Well, since our manager is not here yet. Let’s postpone the meeting until this afternoon. W: Should we meet at 3 P.M.? I’ll send text message…
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九月初嘎拉前往宅宅之國--東京取經 作為動漫迷有哪些好玩、好逛,不可不去的地點 本集嘎拉邀請到在同人圈打滾已久的汪汪跟阿咩一同來聊日本東京旅行二三事。 PS.如果想要聽我跟花花聊詳細的宅青歡迎到IG直播補完 本集大綱| 疫情前後的日本 寶可夢中心最近有什麼酷東東? 日本KTV跟台灣日K的差異 排球少年與壽司郎之間的愛恨情仇 灌籃高手平交道與太宰治曾經跳過的海 如果能在鬼太郎神社抽到吉 好的旅伴帶你上天堂,不好的... 不可不去的哈利波特影城 謝謝你為這個世界獻上美好祝福 ■方格子文章部落格 ■嘎拉嬉皮IG ■來社群平台找我玩 ■來社群平台找我玩小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這…
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