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我們的節目可以在APPLE Podcast、Spotify、SoundOn平台上收聽。 想找我們聊天可以去我們的IG留言或私訊我們呦~ GOOGLE信箱: 已經荒廢的網誌: 錄音設備: 疫情前-RODE-PodMic、RODE-Caster Pro(感謝正成集團提供獎品讓我們有幸被百靈果抽中)、疫情後-很爛的遠距錄音品質 Hosting平台: SoundOn 節目配樂:Celebration Day by Make Music,力求有一天可以自己做音樂,1500元賺起來。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Welcome to "What's Up with Chengyu," your weekly dive into fascinating Mandarin idioms! 🎧 We explore the origins and meanings of "chengyu," offering insights for 📚language learners, 🏺history buffs, and 🌏culture enthusiasts alike. Uncover ancient wisdom and expand your Mandarin vocabulary with me! 🎙️ Follow "What's Up with Chengyu" wherever you listen to the show, and Instagram @whatsuppwithchengyu for updates and bonus content. Join our community of language lovers - hit follow now! For inqu ...
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無論蛇在腿上,蛇在嘴巴,蛇在鄰居的客廳,蛇在表哥的鍵盤,蛇在裡面還是外面都可以... 我們在此祝福大家蛇年快樂,終於蛇出來了! 感謝台灣濱崎步的加持!#王彩樺 還有MV裡的特別演出嘉賓 #LuxyGirls #NataliaManikhina #Mita艾蜜塔 #林敬傑 #鄒政翰 #R瑞 #GreenFather比杰 當然還有我們的讚助商 #東方不敗 的鼎力支持!打麻將一定要用東方不敗! 【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download: 【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming 越南鼓Remix】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:…
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Leave a comment and share your thoughts: tanya aku kenapa tulis lagu ni, jgn tanya maksud lirik ni, jgn tanya aku cerita dalam MV ni pasal siapa, yang paling penting jgn bagitau polis... Lagu Bukit Mak ni kapak rock klasik Melayu, kalau suka, send je kat member korang, lagi-lagi yg…
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聲東擊西 Master the art of surprise to outsmart your opponents! Discover how a Han Dynasty general used a clever decoy tactic to secure victory. Tune in to this episode to learn more! 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, …
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The season of graduation approaches once more... Memories surface of you and me, you and her, me and her... Sunshine spills across the playground, intertwining our shadows. Now, each of us strides down our separate paths, striving with earnest. Perhaps no one can freeze time in those moments of laughter and every frame of the landscape... As a song…
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Have you ever thought about how your own funeral would be like? This was something I was curious about, so I filmed this music video and participated in the entire process of my own funeral. Surprisingly, after finishing the shoot, I didn't feel any sadness. I just realised how insignificant life can be, and that death is not to be feared. What's m…
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Dannok's a small place with a small population, bringing the whole town together to make this music video ain't easy. We cancelled shooting about four times! After all the hardships, we finally did it in the end! Big thanks to @salammusik for the collaboration, and making this song shine. Thanks to the neighbours in Dannok for helping us, and also …
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This song for the Year of the Dragon from the People of the Dragon. 非常荣幸!这一次能够受邀飞到北京跟我们尊敬的主席(小熊为你)一起合唱这一首弘扬中国5000年的龙年贺岁歌曲-『龙的传人』,献给每一位海内外来自世界各国(包括新加坡 ,马来西亚,香港,台湾)的中国人,一起捍卫中国人的尊严! 从小我们都是喝黄河的水和吃中国的海鲜长大的。我们一定要记得我们的根在哪里,一定要学会科目三怎么跳,不要数典忘祖! 作为一个“龙的传人”,要时时刻刻记得爱党,爱国,爱主席! 在这里我要代表中央恭祝各界龙年快乐! 祖国万岁! #龍的傳人 #ThePeopleOfTheDragon #龍年賀歲歌曲 #YearOfDragon #新年歌2024 #…
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新歌到!黃明志Ft.吳宗憲【慢慢做起來 Step by Step】。我想要把這首歌獻給所有在努力中,不被看好,不被理解,鬱鬱不得志,或者生活上面臨著各種問題的朋友們。。 生活上總有許多難關要過,這些經曆將會成為我們的養分,讓自己變得更強大。當有一天我們更強大的時候,才會遇到你的貴人。千里馬也必須先跑完1000里,才能夠證明自己是千里馬,而伯樂也會站在1000里的外等著你。。 切記莫忘初心,最重要懂得感恩幫助過你,以及提拔過你的人。因為他做了連你父母都無法完成的事情。。 感謝 #吳宗憲JackyWu 為這首歌注入了生命。他是最有分量能夠撐起這首歌的人。 因為他也是從最低做起,而且一路上也提拔了許多人。。 【慢慢做起來 Step By Step】YouTube 高清版 MV: https://y…
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最新MV終於來了。【夜霧 Foggy Night】MV的背景是中元節,裡面有黑白無常,各種紙扎人,蒙古的傳統樂器-馬頭琴,還有來自世界各國的冤案往生者,請問你知道哪一個呢? 善惡終有報,天道好輪迴, 不信抬頭看,蒼天繞過誰... - 【夜霧 Foggy Night】YouTube 高清版 MV: 數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【夜霧 Foggy Night】: The making of【夜霧 Foggy Night】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版 : Lyric Version【夜霧 Foggy Ni…
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世界各國的人民要注意!抬頭天空有架大飛機。劃破天際越過所有禁區,沒有人可以阻擋我前進! 不要怪我愛到處踩紅線,要就怪你自己到處都是紅線... 這次的MV有點太過分了!(我是指MV裡的是 @LUXYGIRLSTAIWANofficial 的服裝😎) It's been a long time since I created a reactionary song. Don't blame me for always stepping on red lines, you should blame yourself for having red lines everywhere... 這是【黃明志大飛機世界巡回演唱會】的主題曲。“大飛機”接下來會飛向哪個國家?敬請期待,我們將在近期宣佈接下來的旅程!…
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萬籟俱寂 How do you describe silence? You might be able to pick up some idea from the poet 常建 cháng jiàn, who's known for his crafted words in portrait the mountain scenery and temples. Join me in this episode as we delve into the beauty of nature through the eyes of the ancient Chinese poet, and get to know a little more about what mot…
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Are you a music enthusiast? Music has the power to trigger our emotions, evoke memories, and transport us to different states of being. But there is a type of music that can be described as "music of dissipation", according to the philosopher Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子). In this episode, we'll explore the origin of 靡靡之音 mǐ mǐ zhī yīn, and discover what this p…
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This is an ENCODE SONG that needs to be DECODE... 啊來!很久沒有唱“這種”歌了😎聽得懂的自然聽得懂;聽不懂的... 反正市面上很多歌聽不懂你們還不是照樣聽的很爽。 黃明志最新專輯『高清無碼』主打歌【鎖碼歌】MV終於來了!感謝兩位美女 Joanne Tan Scarlette Soh 和大馬男版Lisa @BryanWee 的客串,不然我就要自己扮女裝了🤓 #高清無碼 #HDandUncensored #鎖碼歌 #EncodeSong 數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【鎖碼歌 Encode Song】: 【鎖碼歌 Encode Song】YouTube 高清版 MV: …
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We all experienced this frustration. Spend a lot time and energy talking to others and only realize they didn't get it or not evening listening. Here is the advice from 牟子/móuzi/, an ancient Chinese scholar, don't play music to cows 對牛彈琴 More about 琴 ✅琴瑟和鳴 from S2E04. Relationship goal. More about this episode on …
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“現實愛情”和“虛擬愛情”的差別在於,虛擬的愛情依然是愛情,而現實的愛情始終現實。 《偷偷》收錄在黃明志第十張全新創作專輯《高清無碼》 我要獻給所有網戀中的朋友們。 這是第二次跟 @SWAGLIVE 合作,之前的《買鮑鮑換包包》 被YouTube黃標了,這一首.. 大家趁黃標前趕快看一看吧.. What's the difference between virtual love and reality love?Virtual love is still “Love” ; and Reality love is still in the cruel “Reality”... @user-bu7…
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The relationship has always been an essential element toward happiness in life. A poetry published in 700 BC tells us what a perfect relationship looks like or sounds like in the case of this weeks idiom And when communication fails, is what you are about to experience. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone 😺 M…
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🐰Lunar New Year 🧧 is just around the corner! Before I head to Japan for a long waiting (3 years!) holiday, here are the idioms commonly used to describe the new year celebrations. If you are the FOMO type, is the perfect description for the places you should not miss. And if you spot a place that’s …
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這是一首關於“賭徒”的歌曲。講到“賭”的題材,就一定要請來 “新加坡賭王” @mygwanglei ,和“馬來西亞賭后” @ybb8486 一起來共襄盛舉😎🇸🇬X🇲🇾 我本身從來不賭,連買彩票都沒有,但一路以來看到了很多跌入深淵的朋友,所以一直想創作一首關於賭徒的歌來分享給大家。一直到某一天,我看到了一則王雷大哥的訪談,才讓我有了這個靈感,創作了這首【二十樓】,並邀請了王雷大哥一起來合唱。希望大家會喜歡! 之前在疫情期間,娛樂業受到了嚴重的打擊,加上自己官司纏身,必須賺夠賠款馬幣一千萬,於是在捉襟見肘的情況下,我們決定接一些國外的博弈網站的MV及影片贊助,才渡過了難關。雖然網站是國外的,不構成違法行為,但我仍舊堅持不為其做廣告及代言,因為我認為不能以藝人身份去號召大家賭博,頂多只能接受“贊助…
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Is there a track that keeps playing in your head even when the music stops? And who’s voice is euphoric that you just can’t have enough? is the idiom to describe that music or voice brings euphoria to you and lasting in the air as if you can still hear it. Not a spooky story at all, let’s find out! More about this episode on…
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Sexy Bunnies + Mambo + @djsodaofficialtv + Namewee = I Love You TU 兔! We wish everyone a Happy Lunar Rabbit Year 2023!🇰🇷 X 🇲🇾 這是一首以100多年前移民潮為背景所創作的新年歌曲。那時候的華裔,韓裔,還有其他亞洲國家的人,有移民,有經商,有逃難的,還有被賣到各國當豬仔的。 這就是為什麼現在在世界的各個角落都在慶祝農曆春節... 在此預祝各位兔年快樂!兔飛猛進,揚眉兔氣,不兔不快,大展宏兔,下面兔兔的。 數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【I Love You Tu 兔】: 【I Love Yo…
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Have you ever worked with someone you admire and heard so much about before you actually meet them? If so, this is the idiom to describe your reaction, like you hear thunder⚡️ Make sure you use it next time when you want to impress someone you first meet and express how exciting you are! ✅久仰大名 如雷貫耳, jiǔ yǎn…
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還記得當她宣佈結婚的那一刻,多少人心如刀絞,痛哭流涕... 她把無數的男孩變成了男人;如今卻成為了別人的老婆... 今天,我要藉著這首歌,致敬我們心中永遠的“蒼老師”。 黃明志2022全新創作專輯【高清無碼】在本月七日於香港和台灣的唱片行全面正式發行!在外國的朋友可以網購,請到 This is a story about how a boy became a man, and his teacher became someone else's wife... @aoisolanet Namewee's 2022 music album [HD & Uncensored] will be officially released on…
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How long do you usually spend on writing an essay or a piece of article? 2 hours? A day? a couple of weeks? Meet Zuǒsī 左思, the man spent a decade to compose ONE piece but initial feedback was rather underwhelming. Find out what he did to make his work went viral causing a paper shortage in the capital city Luoyang.
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Leave a comment and share your thouالسلام عليكم قطر This is my first time to Qatar and also to the Middle East for the World Cup 2022⚽! I met 3 cute girls there and invited them to shoot the MV with me😍. What an unforgettable trip... Btw, singing in arabic really hurts my tongue!😂 Asalamualaikum Ya Gamila~ This is the second time Asia is hosting th…
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Shout out to the audience from Richardson Taxes. Thank you for your support! Sometimes silence is golden. Sometimes, you don't want to have people 噤若寒蟬 jìn ruò hán chán. Find out the origin in today's podcast! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, review and follow thi…
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Back from my family trip and something else so I had to take another week off from it. First, if you are looking for a catchy name for your clinic, our first idiom is something to consider. 十全十美 shí quán shí měi. Find out why in today's episode! 樂極生悲, lè jí shēng bēi. Means happiness to the extreme and turns into unfortunate. 宥卮, yòu zhī. A…
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Leave a comment and sFinally I collaborated with my dream lover. This is the so-called “Dream Come True”. 😍 古人雲:明日復明日,明日花綺羅. 五年前,我特地到一場活動上追她;五年後,我終於鼓起勇氣到日本找她,並一起完成了我們的第一次合作。 這首《我愛的》我要致我們的青春歲月,致我們的單身時光,致我們永遠的D槽女神 @明日花キララのKIRALAND 〜キラランド〜 《我愛的》已經在所有數位音樂平台上線 → 也請大家多多支持黃明志第10張全新創作專輯2022《高清無碼》,現在預購中!→…
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Fight doesn't always involved guns and knifes. Morden day competition at office and politics have more conspiracy plots and intrigue. You don't need to participate in any but definitely would be useful to spot the 勾心鬥角 at workplace. Let's find out the story behind the idiom. ✅ 杜牧, dù mù, poet from Tang Dynasty. The author of ē fá…
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A student's achievement is the teacher's too. And the only reason we made progress is the younger generation outdo the pervious. And 青出於藍 qīng chū yú lán is the best way you express your gratitude to those who helped you accomplished your challenges. ✅ 荀子 xún zǐ ✅ 靛青 diàn qīng, indigo blue ✅ 蓼藍 liǎo lán, indigo plant or the diffi…
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<> When Ukraine fights back with courage, stamina and dignity, the best description for its recent victory is 勢如破竹 shì rú pò zhú 竹筍炒肉絲, zhú sǔnchǎoròusī, bamboo shoots & pork stir fry. Common Taiwanese family dish also a form of corporal punishments. More about this episode …
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It's Mid Autumn Festival 中秋節 zhōng qiū jié this Saturday! People celebrate differently throughout the time but it's always about the moon 🌕 and mooncake 🥮 Find out why when 光風霽月 guāng fēng jì yuè is the perfect time to take a walk in this episode. More info about Mid Autumn Festival Poem in the episode 天垂六幕水浮空,霽月光…
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It's September! For some, it's the end of summer. How would you summarize your summer? 汗流浹背hàn liú jiá bèi is something we all shared I believe. Listen now and tell me if you are one of us! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, follow and share this podcast ⭐️ Music by…
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Do you agree it's all fair in love and war? Especially at war, is deception part of the strategy? Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子), the icon from Legalism gave his thought in one idom bīng bú yàn zhà 兵不厭詐 and an intriguing story. Let hear it. ☑戰國時代 Jhànguó Shíhdài, Warring States Period ☑法家 Fǎjiā, Legalism ☑儒家 Jújiā, Confucianism More about this…
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A different arrangement was made this week, tell me how do you think about it? Today’s idiom is guǐ guǐ suì suì A ghostly idiom for the Ghost Month! What to find out what’s the Ghost Month and more spooky facts? Hit the play button! *雷公 léigōng, the God of Thunder *普渡 pǔdù, or 中元普渡 zhōng yuán pǔdù, Ghost Festival in Taiwa…
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Katak-katak di Malaysia hampir pupus tidak lama lagi... Mari kita meratapi mereka melalui lagu KATAK ini!🐸 不知道這首歌推出後會不會又惹事... 馬來西亞這兩年言論很自由不是嗎?😏 其實我只是要紀念一下馬來西亞的“青蛙”。牠們從全盛時期到最近變成“瀕危物種”,在這裡祝這些Puki入土為安。 Thanks to everyone who involved in our music and MV production. Let's do the frog dance together! #syedsaddiq @5forty2 #TheRealMastaClan #KATAK #CumdyC…
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Welcome to the second episode of show! The idiom of the week is chē shuǐ mǎ lóng Car, Water, Horse and dragon. Is this about wildlife? Quite the opposite, it’s mostly used to describe living in the city. Find out why in today’s episode. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ amofutbol@gmail…
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Welcome to the FIRST episode of show! Our very first idiom is suǒ xiàng pī mǐ 所向披靡 It's from one of the most well-known stories between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. So let's find out what happened between them. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, review and follow this pod…
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Welcome to what’s up with Chengyu! What’s Chengyu? Chengyu is idiom in Mandarin Chinese. Fascinating history in a 4 characters term, well mostly 4. It’s not difficult to learn if you know the context. Join me to tackle it with stories of its origin and examples. Get more on Instagram 📱 whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, corrections, inquiries ✉️amofu…
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Leave a comment and sEDM + Hip-Hop + World Cup + Thierry Henry + Namewee + Priscilla Abby + A Touching Story... Let's celebrate the World Cup 2022 through this song! Hope you'll enjoy it! 每個人心中都有自己的偶像,他不一定是明星或名人,他可能是某個領域的佼佼者,甚至可能是我們身邊的人,同學,親戚或朋友。“偶像”最大的功能是在當你迷失的時候,給你指引方向,你平時生活上一個精神的力量💪🏾 在此我要感謝每一位參與【像他一樣】 MV的台前幕後的工作人員,演員和音樂人。我們飛了兩個國家,耗盡了大量的人力和物力,終於完…
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Leave a comment and share yHigh-key or Low-key depends on purpose rather than personality... Listen to my new song【Low-key】。 大部分的歌手或藝人都不會明確表達自己的立場和對事情的看法,是因為藝人和歌手這份職業主要靠的是商家和粉絲的支持,支持的人數越多,就可以賺越多錢。於是當歌手和藝人面對社會上不公不義的事件,哪怕心裡再憤憤不平,他們仍然會選擇莫不吭聲 。因為只有保持冷漠,才不會有機會得罪任何一個粉絲或商家,才能夠把利益最大化,賺更多錢。 但對我而言,我做創作的目的,除了是在分享怪懶的創意和分享音樂作品以外,本來就是要透過網路的力量把一些我認為對的事情傳達給大家知道,不平…
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Leave a comment and share your thougHappy Tiger Year! Let's see what happens when the Metaverse comes... 這應該是我請過最多大咖的名人參與的MV了,單單演員費就花了幾千萬美金。感謝金症恩,敵力熱巴,堵神,搖眀和美國隊漲熱情演出。 希望大家會喜歡這首改編自兒歌“兩隻老虎”的新年歌,記得多多讓小朋友聽。也預祝大家虎年快樂! - 《兩隻老虎 Two Tigers》Youtube 高清版MV: The Making Of《兩隻老虎 Two Tigers》幕後花絮高清版: 數位音樂下載 O…
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這集在2020.07月錄音,隔了將近快一年才上架。 絕對不是因為我們花了一年剪輯,而是因為我們的剪輯人員罷工不剪,對!我說的就是切心跟C大。 去年我們整個拖延病大爆發,全體裝死。 結婚的結婚、上班的上班、裝忙的裝忙,怎麼輕鬆怎麼來。 但我內心深處覺得我們有義務對我們充滿熱情的訪談者-豆豆負責,所以今年元旦連假多魚我本人親自下海剪輯。 看來我真的不能當長官,根本不是當渣男的料捏。 希望你們可以感受到豆豆的熱情,因為他人真的很好,快一年了才跟他說剪好了;他竟然完全沒有記恨還說很高興我們的來信!!!真的善良到不行!!!! 雖然錄音跟剪輯都不是業界最優,但我對豆豆真的充滿敬意。RESPECT!توسط 公務信箱
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Leave a comment and share y這是我在人生低谷的時候創作的歌曲。之前被禁了6年多不能拍電影,於是離開了家漂向北方到外國去發展。當時候的我一無所有... 一直到2018換政府之後,我才有機會回到家鄉重新當導演,拍攝了【Nasi Lemak 1.0/辣死你媽傳人】。所以我決定要把這首歌放進電影裡。 【Nasi Lemak 1.0/辣死你媽傳人】將在2022年1月27號新年賀歲檔,在馬來西亞,文萊和新加坡三個國家上映。請大家多多支持! I wrote this song when I was at the lowest point of my life, I was banned from the movie industry for 6 years. I was left…
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Leave a comment and share yoThis is the hardest way to shoot a MV ever! 來聽我和謝和弦合作的熱血新歌!不要太敏感,歌詞裡面寫到的國家都是疫情一開始爆發的重災區,沒有特別意思,就只是希望這些重災區可以重整旗鼓,將來我們還要舊地重遊!這是全人類的夢想。 We wish that the epidemic will end as soon as possible, so that everyone can travel around the world。 Btw, 這支MV我一定會拿去報名國際獎項。因為真的太難拍了... @謝和弦 R-chord馬槽音樂 @眼球中央電視台 #如意Ruyii #錢昱慈Bella - 《揪你出去玩…
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這是關於兩位小孩的故事...他們互相認識,互相欣賞,對彼此並沒有惡意。但在他們之間一直隔著一道高墻,沒有人能夠跨越... 這是我特地為金門縣政府量身打造的觀光推廣歌曲【墻外】,也請來了中國歌手 #小花 一起來合唱。慢慢細品歌曲和MV,裡面有很多奧妙的細節和想要傳達的訊息,希望大家能看懂... 非常感謝 #金門縣政府觀光處 的邀請,讓我有榮幸成為他們的2021年度觀光代言人。為了籌備和拍攝,從台灣來回金門好幾趟,對那裡的食物和風景,尤其它的歷史真的意猶未盡... Thanks to the Kinmen County Government for giving me the opportunity to make such a beautiful MV and also assigning m…
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Leave a comment and share your thoug這是一首充滿了粉紅色的浪漫甜蜜情歌,請玻璃心患者慎入... 也請大家關注黃明志最新剛剛開的微博賬號 @Kimberley Chen is in the house! Opps! We didn't mean to break your heart...💔 ⚠️Please be cautious if you are Fragile Pink⚠️ 黃明志2021最新實體專輯【鬼才做音樂】11月正式發行,今天開始預購!Namewee's latest music album of 2021 [Ghosician] will be officially relea…
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Whether it’s trap or old-school, as long as we are still showing our middle finger when we don’t want to obey...This is the real Hip-Hop spirit! 當你創作的每一首歌都在擔心能不能上電視電台?能不能上KTV?能不能去到某個市場?能不能賺到錢?會不會被黃標?會不會被禁?會不會被酸民罵?贊助商會不會跑掉?的時候... 那就代表你當初創作的初衷已經被扭曲。這時候,你應該去做直銷... 某一天,我在網絡上看到了這兩位神經病 Asiaboy & Lizi 的作品。我覺得很驚訝,沒想到在這個大家在這個人人自危,怕被禁,怕酸民,一心想撈錢的“假嘻哈”時代,居然還有人…
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Adversity weeds out the weak from the strong and persistent. Check this out my new song!【LIKE A BULL.金牛】 這些年默默的打拼,創作屬於我的作品,說我想說的話。為了追求夢想,為了做到“忠於自我”,我付出了慘痛的代價。當我越想證明自己,遇到的挫折反而越多。一路被人針對,被打壓,在網絡上被黑被攻擊,甚至還遭到了夥伴的背叛和利用... 這首歌寫的就是我的心路歷程,也表達出身為一個“金牛座”的態度 - 固執,堅持,不做到底絕不善罷甘休的精神。在此分享給每一位朝著夢想邁進的朋友們。共勉之。 謝謝《金牛獎》這一次找我來合作這首作品。商場如戰場,這就是企業家的精神! From emerging growth…
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I'm Namewee,I come from Muar,and it is MY OLD HOUSE, the place where everything starts.... 每個人都有自己的夢想,我在出社會以後,夢想一直都是搶救這一個破敗的70年老房子。因為那是我的童年,我成長的地方,它擁有我美好的回憶,也是我一切的起點。在經歷了兩年的努力,幾經波折之後,也終於完成了這個不可能的任務!感謝每一位幫助過我和參與這個工程的朋友們。 雖然夢想已經完成,但我最希望能見證這一切的人卻已經不在了... 紀錄片主題曲《我成長的地方 MY OLD HOUSE》Youtube 高清版 MV: 黃明志搶救70祖屋紀錄片Namewee’s 70-Ye…
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