每人在生命中都會遇到不同的人和事,有沒有想過用靈性角度探討剖析不同經歷,換個新思維,察覺生活更多色彩。這是我的靈修備忘錄。我哋一齊靈修,一齊進化,一齊蛻變。每周有新嘅話題,預埋你一齊分享。 我哋嘅廣東話頻道會每週定期喺 YouTube, Apple podcast, Google podcast & Spotify 等更新不同嘅主題同大家分享和探討如何達至身心靈平衡.快啲訂閱我哋嘅 Podcast頻道並按下小鈴噹, 準時收聽更多精彩內容!記得 follow 埋我哋嘅 Instagram IG: 90degreegq,了解更多最新資訊. 點擊收聽及了解更多!
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人生就像是一部電影,精不精彩取決於你怎麼看,和怎麼感受。 Life is like a movie, it’s only as exciting as how you see and what you feel about it. 《那些電影教我的事》,在FaceBook、Instagram專頁,以及YouTube頻道上共有300萬名訂閱者。是由一對夫妻水尢與水某,共同經營的影視評論自媒體。每週更新電影、影集、動漫等等內容帶給兩人的啟發。 歡迎來到我們的Podcast頻道收聽我們想要盡情聊的大小事,同樣的內容也可以在YouTube頻道上收看,配有影視畫面的影音呈現版本,也可以觀看更多,其他作品的深度解析! 其他平台資訊 FB:https://www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommovies IG:https://www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/ YT:https://bit.ly/2wOTHd8 LINE:@lessonsfrommovies Email:shuimou@gmail.com
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I come from China! Your can find some amazing songs here~ Or you can even make it like a Chinese language leaaring class! Thank you for a visit!
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tctl/subscribe 我们尝试着与你们一起通过了解哲学、心理学、艺术、和文化来解答我们现在生活里面对的诸多困难。 -- 如果您喜欢我们的频道,欢迎给我们留下评论,这对我们真的很有帮助! If you’re enjoying the Chinese Talk Lab, please leave us a review. It really helps! -- 如果你想要支持一下节目可以点击:https://afdian.net/@thechinesetalklab If you would like to support our podcast: https://www.patreon.com/tctl
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説故事的人終會找到聆聼者。一名相信人具有能動性(agency)的馬來西亞女性錄製的播客,荒謬世界中練習持續發聲。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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This is the community of creators/builders/makers who are passionate about a cause. These are the stories of those who are just like you. These are the people who are not afraid to act with conviction. "Just do it" 感谢大家的支持。在这大家都是激情满满的小伙伴。
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三位各自畢業於柏克萊與南加大,有著多年實務經驗的升學顧問,為你精闢分析變化多端的大學入學審核,與你討論升學趨勢與脈動。在這裡,我們聊聊關於申請大學的大小事,帶你輕鬆進大學。We know it is difficult to navigate the often overwhelming and competitive nature of college admissions. On this podcast, we share valuable insight, tips, and perspective on topics such as how to write the perfect essay to what applications look like in a post-COVID world. Our hosts will take you beyond the admissions process so you’re fully prepared to apply to the school of your dreams.
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Welcome to the COBS Podcast (Community of Broken Spirit Podcast). We are a group of people who unwittingly became a community when we found ourselves together in a business. Through years of meeting and working together, we, from different church backgrounds, discovered just what it takes to love one another, warts and all. As God empowered us to comprehend His incredible love, we found ourselves more and more distant from the institutional Church, finding it somewhat consumed, preoccupied a ...
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以全球視野去探討現代在科技和社會快速轉變中,來跟大家聊聊貼近生活時事或是近期大家討論度高的議題,及生活有趣的大小事,比較各類議題在美國跟歐洲和台灣的異同以及科技教育思維的寬拓及有趣的實驗。 We are Becca&William 曾經在美國跟歐洲生活及就學過的我們,分享各自經驗給大家:) 來跟著深呼吸~~~ 啊~這個世界多麼美麗! 啊~空氣多麼清新! 來試試~~~~~ Hello, everyone we are Becca&William. In the following episodic series, we would like to share our own experiences with you from different points of view. And.....Let's get started At the end of every episode, don't forget to take a deep breath with Becca&William, try it !!! You are gonna have a new brillian ...
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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每天都臭美 I like looking myself in the mirror almost everyday 出门前 Before I go to work or travel to somewhere 尊重 show my respect to other people 前置摄像头 the front camera
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学点东西 study something 一次集中注意力 stay focused on one thing at a time 学习效率 my efficiency at study 被提升 be certainly improved or enhanced
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不好说 Actually it's really tough to say 牛马生活 my life is very tough 之后一天有很多时间 I would have a lot of free time the day after 电影或者剧 movies or episodes
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重點摘要:1. 劇情回顧2. 名聲的奴隸3. 權力的奴隸4. 慾望的奴隸5. 謊言的奴隸6. 掌聲的奴隸7. 信念的奴隸加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/YT:bit.ly/2wOTHd8LINE:@lessonsfrommovies合作洽談:shuimou@gmail.comتوسط 水尢水某
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我有两个计划 I got plan A and plan B 在教室乖乖听课 sit in the classroom and listen to the teachers 放空休息休息 rest my mind and relax a little bit 遛个弯 go for a walk
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Send us a text 太陽天蠍座 Sun Scorpio 月亮金牛座 Moon Taurus 水星人馬座 Mercury Sagittarius 金星山羊座 Venus Capricorn 火星 獅子座 Mars Leo 木星 雙子座 Jupiter Gemini 土星雙魚座 Saturn Pisces 天王星金牛座 Uranus Taurus 海王星雙魚座 Neptune Pisces 冥王星山羊座 Pluto Capricorn 大家亦可以回顧返之前:- Moonology ~ 新月 初一 2024年11月1號 天蠍座 Moonology ~ 原諒排行榜 Moonology ~ 原來真係月亮代表我的心㗎 Moonology ~ 滿月光臨 Full Moon ZoTime Supp…
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不呀 Not really nope 留着老物件很久 keep the old things for a while 充满干劲儿 I would be full of energy 老话说 In my culture, as an old saying goes
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就是运动健身这件事 the physical exercise could be the thing 焦虑不自信 I was quite upset and not that confident 工作不理想 I couldn't hunt a decent job 负面情绪和压力 My bad emotions and fatigues
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重點摘要:1. 美魔女的底線是?2. 媽媽試鏡媽媽跟《懼裂》一樣駭人?3. 三流經紀,一流演技!4. 悲劇喜劇一起做成撒尿牛丸!加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/YT:bit.ly/2wOTHd8LINE:@lessonsfrommovies合作洽談:shuimou@gmail.comتوسط 水尢水某
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这件事儿背后有两个原因 There are two reasons behind this topic 大公司 super large enterprise 职业发展 a great career 比过去更成熟 become more mature than before
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不经常 not very often in my life 一周一两次 once a week or twice a week maybe 去旅行的时候 when I am going on the journeys 我会很开心 I would put a smile of joy on my face
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在我心底看来 from the bottom of my heart 成为工程师 to be an engineer 希望 I wish 奋斗 struggle for 谋生 earn a living
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学习或者工作的时候 When I am at work or when I am trying to stay focused on my study 完美搭档 a perfect partner to me 做事效率 my efficient at work 效果一般 but it didn't work well
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【WANIN 不藏私學堂】泛娛樂影視產業講座報名:https://lihi.cc/5jO3L日期 : 2024. 11/23(六)時間 : 13:00-17:00 (13:00開始報到)地點 : 政大公企中心A646教室( 台北市大安區金華街187號)重點摘要:1. 感性信仰2.實用教育3.在商言商4.領導風範《美國的反智傳統》:http://moo.im/i/BnoeY▎註冊成為讀墨會員享 30 天首購享 79 折、$150 購書金▎60 天內單筆訂單滿額再送 $100 購書金加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/les…
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网络和社交软件 the Internet and its related social apps 很方便 be very user-friendly 近乎免费 it is nearly free of charge 社交活动 social activities
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Send us a text 我希望個腦唔係裝草同 同埋一隻烏鴉飛過. 我的一塊鏡 ~ Base 零 多個人,多把聲 ~ 陰天,晴天,我又點呢 [Guest: 阿女人] 多個人,多把聲 ~ 殿 [Guest: LWC 光行者中心 Santa Lau] 我的一塊鏡 ~ 我有兩個我? 我的一塊鏡~ 高興認識你「真正的我 」1.0 & 2.0 Support the show 快啲 Follow & Subscribe 我哋嘅 IG & Podcast 頻道並按下小鈴噹, 準時收聽更多精彩內容!了解更多最新資訊! Instagram: 90degreegq Podcast 主頁👇 https://zoritehk.buzzsprout.com 專屬分享區 👇👇 https://www.buzzsp…
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去餐厅约个饭 go to the restaurants and have a dinner 昂贵的 some very luxurious products or something quite expensive 适用每个人 And it is right for almost everyone 从男性到女性 from male to female
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对每个人免费 be free for almost everyone who lives in the world 年轻人 老年人 上班族 企业家 from young adults to old people, from employees to entrepreneurs 参加 take part in 必须的 it's required
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【WANIN 不藏私學堂】泛娛樂影視產業講座報名:https://lihi.cc/5jO3L日期 : 2024. 11/23(六)時間 : 13:00-17:00 (13:00開始報到)地點 : 政大公企中心A646教室( 台北市大安區金華街187號)重點摘要:1. 劇情大綱2. 事不關己與拼命對抗4. 誰才是正統美國人加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/YT:bit.ly/2wOTHd8LINE:@lessonsfrommovies合作洽談:shuimou@gmail.com…
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我觉得很有趣 I found it quite fun in my life 过去尝试 I used to give it a try 现在比以前年纪大了点 at the moment I am a bit older than the past 现在需要和想要的是简单生活 what I need and what I want at the moment is just a simple life
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在大城市出生和长大 I was born in a super large city and then I grew up there 家乡 my home city 众所周知 as is known to all 定居 settle down
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昂贵的东西 expensive products 贵重的 ridiculous expensive 人们趋之若鹜 millions of people are super fan 炫耀 it's a good way for them to show off
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玩耍一会(小盆友之间)after playing with my best friends for a while 很放松 it could be very relaxing 现在成年了 but now, I have become an adult 放空 watching the sky without thinking anything
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【WANIN 不藏私學堂】泛娛樂影視產業講座報名:https://lihi.cc/5jO3L日期 : 2024. 11/23(六)時間 : 13:00-17:00 (13:00開始報到)地點 : 政大公企中心A646教室( 台北市大安區金華街187號)重點摘要:1. 最強業配2. 大叔與我們的日常4. 樹是當下,過去與未來都只是樹影?Nina Simone - Feeling Good:https://youtu.be/oHRNrgDIJfo?si=gY4yKtVn1Zi6wK2H加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/le…
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两个原因 There are two reasons behind this topic 传统教育 classroom based education 学点喜欢的 learn something that they like 不靠谱 it's not reliable
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Send us a text 太陽 天蠍座 Sun Scorpio 月亮 天蠍座 Moon Scorpio 水星 天蠍座 Mercury Scorpio 金星 人馬座 Venus Sagittarius 火星 巨蟹座 Mars Cancer 木星 雙子座 Jupiter Gemini 土星 雙魚座 Saturn Pisces 天王星 金牛座 Uranus Taurus 海王星 雙魚座 Neptune Pisces 冥王星 山羊座 Pluto Capricorn 大家亦可以回顧返之前:- Moonology ~ Zo 新月報到 New Moon in the house Moonology ~ 原來真係月亮代表我的心㗎 Support the show 快啲 Follow & Subscrib…
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公共节日和假期 public holidays and vacations or even on weekends 业余生活 a very important part of our leisure activities 有趣 It could be great fun 环境更糟糕 the environment would be getting worse than before
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一周两次 Probably twice a week 从喜剧到动作片 from comedies to action movie 从文艺片到爱情片 from literature films to romance 一年最多一次 probably once a year at the most
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重點摘要:1. 拖別人下水會好過點?2. 趁虛而入操弄世界?3. 趕快贖罪免下地獄?這邊可以閱讀哈拉瑞的《連結》:http://moo.im/i/BnoeY ▎註冊成為讀墨會員享 30 天首購享 79 折、$150 購書金 ▎60 天內單筆訂單滿額再送 $100 購書金加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/YT:bit.ly/2wOTHd8LINE:@lessonsfrommovies合作洽談:shuimou@gmail.com…
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年轻人 the young adults and teenagers 发生过的事 something that has happened in the past 和前人对话 they could talk to the great people in history 开拓眼界 wide horizons
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我的日常生活 my regular life 十多个小时 more than ten hours each day 和邻居交朋友的机会 opportunities to make friends with my neighbors 寒暄 make greetings
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强烈推荐两个办法 Two ways are highly recommended in my mind 从偶像身上学习 learn from some great people they admire or look up to 一个手工时间表很有效果 a handmade schedule would work well 找到平衡 strike a balance between them
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理想的房子就在郊区 My dream house would certainly be on the suburb ‘ 慢节奏生活适合我 the slow pace of life would be right for me 太吵闹了 I mean that would be too crowed and noisy in my mind 房价是另外考虑的因素 the price is another reason that I have to think about
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重點摘要:1. 故事大綱2. 他人即地獄3. 相較下,整溶液太弱?4. 性轉還成立嗎?5. 幕後秘辛加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/YT:bit.ly/2wOTHd8LINE:@lessonsfrommovies合作洽談:shuimou@gmail.comتوسط 水尢水某
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家人朋友最重要 The friends and family members could be the most important part 在家乡长大 I grew up in my home city 出去玩 hang out 遛个弯 go for a walk
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Send us a text 真的嗎? Royal Scepter 香港灣仔道151-163號 新世紀廣場地下10/B鋪 Shop 10B,G/F Grand Century Plaza, 151 - 163 Wan Chai Road Hong Kong 嘉賓意見不代表本台立場 Support the show 快啲 Follow & Subscribe 我哋嘅 IG & Podcast 頻道並按下小鈴噹, 準時收聽更多精彩內容!了解更多最新資訊! Instagram: 90degreegq Podcast 主頁👇 https://zoritehk.buzzsprout.com 專屬分享區 👇👇 https://www.buzzsprout.com/2073779/subscribe 吸收…
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不是那么方便 Not that convenient, actually 买便宜东西的时候 when we tried to buy some products that were not very expensive 每天都要带着 we would carry coins almost everyday 很久没见过硬币啦 Till now, I haven't seen the coins for a while
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我有不同的观点 But now I hold a different opinion to it 顶尖学府 the top universities 教点东西 I would show my students something one or two 我接受 I am fine with it
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重點摘要:1. 金鐘三溫暖?2. 遺珠推薦名單3. 不良執念清除師4. 有生之年加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室:pros.is/4wzu8a 密碼:lesson99FB:www.facebook.com/lessonsfrommoviesIG:www.instagram.com/lessonsfrommovies/YT:bit.ly/2wOTHd8LINE:@lessonsfrommovies合作洽談:shuimou@gmail.comتوسط 水尢水某
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团队精神 it is about teamwork spirit 有的人正能量 有的人负能量 some could be very positive, some could be very negative 同一个追求 the same goals and the same ambition 工作效率 it's about our efficiency at work
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拒绝 戒掉 give up 人们不适应了 People are not used to it 过时的 because it's old fashioned 万事大吉 then everything will be okay
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在过去 in the past 流行 very popular and fashionable 人们不需要等待 people don’t have to spend a lot of time waiting for it in the restaurant 越来越流行 becoming more and more popular than before
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这个问题背后有两个原因There are actually two reasons behind this topic 和好的教育资源有关it has got to do something with the better resources for education 努力奋斗millions of people today are struggling for a better life 考虑think about
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人们适应啦a lot of people are used to it 年轻人老年人喜欢一起住Old people like to live with their children or the young adults live with their parents 买不起房they can't afford a house 大家庭we usually have a big family, a family of ten people, a family of twenty people
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Send us a text OH? Royal Scepter 香港灣仔道151-163號 新世紀廣場地下10/B鋪 Shop 10B,G/F Grand Century Plaza, 151 - 163 Wan Chai Road Hong Kong 嘉賓意見不代表本台立場 Support the show 快啲 Follow & Subscribe 我哋嘅 IG & Podcast 頻道並按下小鈴噹, 準時收聽更多精彩內容!了解更多最新資訊! Instagram: 90degreegq Podcast 主頁👇 https://zoritehk.buzzsprout.com 專屬分享區 👇👇 https://www.buzzsprout.com/2073779/subscribe 吸收和…
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有两个理由Two problems can be identified 和效率有关it has got to do something with the efficiency 如果你想学点啥if you want to have a better understanding of certain skills or related knowledge 你很容易被干扰you would be easily distracted by other stuff
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