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show episodes

Wild at Heart

John Eldredge

This podcast is hosted by John Eldredge, an author, counselor, and president of Wild at Heart, a ministry that helps people find God's love and Kingdom. With his experience as a counselor and teacher, John shares insights on how to discover the heart of God, recover one's heart in God's love, and learn to live in God's Kingdom. The podcast covers topics related to faith, personal growth, and discovering one's purpose in life, providing guidance and encouragement to listeners who are seeking ...
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The Wild At Heart Podcast

Emily Priestley, CTC, CDBC, SAPT

Emily Priestley, CTC, SAPT, CDBC, has worked professionally with dogs for over a decade. Specializing in reactivity and herding breeds dogs who are struggling to fit into pet homes, Emily has a passion for helping the underdog. The Wild at Heart Podcast is designed to help you understand the dogs she loves so much and help you learn how these dogs think. The podcast will bring you the top minds in the field and will help both professionals with experience in training and pet owners who want ...
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show series
The way to render a man happy, is to engage him with an object that will make him forget his private troubles. — Pascal Don't be fooled by the apparent innocence of the object you've chosen as an idol; what is the function of it? Most of our idols also have a perfectly legitimate place in our lives. That's their cover, that's how we get away with o…
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John invites singer and songwriter Josh Garrels back into the podcast studio to talk about the difference between knowing about God and knowing God, friendship with Jesus, how to risk well in loving others, and Josh's song "What A Friend." Show Notes: Josh Garrels' song "What A Friend" from his Chrysaline album is used with permission and available…
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I was reading the prophet Jeremiah a few weeks ago when I ran across a passage that referred to God as "the Lord Almighty." To be honest, it didn't resonate. There's something too religious about the phrase; it sounds churchy, sanctimonious. The Lawd Almiiiighty. It sounds like something your grandmother would say when you came into her kitchen cov…
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I think everyone prays at some point in their life, even if they’re not sure someone is listening. And I’ll bet that one of the most common prayers goes something like, Lord help me; give me strength. I really like that prayer. It has a genuine humility to it. We find ourselves facing something that overwhelms our personal resources, and we cry out…
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Years ago some kind soul sent me a book on the devil. It was rather dated, from the 1960s I believe, complete with little caricature drawings of Satan as our adversary. I’m ashamed to admit my first thought was, I know plenty about spiritual warfare; this looks juvenile. I was put off by the outdated style and comic drawings of the devil as a horne…
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Spiritual warfare often tries to work like a computer virus — it loves to transfer around to as many people as it can, infecting whole households or even churches. You can witness this with great clarity when you are standing outside of it. You will step into certain fellowships and immediately feel an arrogant attitude, or perhaps something that f…
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You can tell a lot about a person by his effect on others. What is Jesus like to be around? What is the aftertaste he leaves in your mouth? Is this someone you’d want to take a long car ride with? We saw Zacchaeus’ reaction. Here are two more, from people quite different from each other and from Zacchaeus: One of the Pharisees asked him over for a …
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! To be a human being is to be stained glass—beautiful in our brokenness, but a collection of many parts nonetheless. Someone once wrote, “You are every age you have ever been.” They were speaking poetically but also naming something literal. You are six, eight, twe…
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Written centuries ago by St. Patrick, this is a profound and simple prayer for protection. We find ourselves returning to again and again: I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity. Through belief in the threeness, Through confession of the oneness, Of the Creator of Creation. I arise today Through the strength of Chris…
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What difference does it make to choose an experiential life with God? It quite literally changes everything! In Part 4 of the Experience Jesus Really series, John and Allen are joined by friends Gloria and Sylvia to talk about what it looks like to pursue all we do with God as everyday, ordinary mystics. Show Notes: Experience Jesus. Really. book, …
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! Jesus sustains all creation by the mighty power of his command. Obviously, or Satan would have torn all creation to pieces long ago. Jesus—through whom all things were made—is currently, at this moment, holding all things together; he sustains all creation. The lo…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! We are seeking refuge as ordinary mystics growing into mature mystics who recognize that the refuge of God is dynamic and requires our participation—as when we consecrate our lives to God daily, when we stay in the truth, or when we crush the scorpions trying to h…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! In Deuteronomy and in Hebrews we are reminded that our God is a jealous God, a consuming fire: Be careful not to forget the covenant of the LORD your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the LORD your God has forbid…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! Love is something we are going to have to firmly protect. Now here is the problem—as soon as I say the word “love,” many different things come to your heart and mind. Oh great, now I have to take care of everyone. I guess I have to let my toxic mom back in. I don’…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! For you bless the godly, O LORD; you surround them with your shield of love. –King David You are safe and secure in the refuge of God. That is the major theme. The minor theme is the war raging outside, which we do need to take seriously. The enemy is arrogant, an…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! Remember now—we are maturing in our understanding of how we actively participate as ordinary mystics in God as our refuge and stronghold; these passages are critical to God’s provision for us. “Trampling and crushing” are active and definitive movements—there is n…
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In Part 3 of our series, John shares a video session from the new Experience Jesus. Really. curriculum. Then John, Allen, Jamie, and Alex process what it means for Jesus to be the integrating center of everything, including our humanity. Show Notes: Experience Jesus. Really. book, audio book, and 5-session study guide/streaming video series are ava…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! Let’s return to that gripping scene in the Judean wasteland. Imagine Jesus walking around his desert camp, fasting, praying, quoting Scripture, and no doubt declaring aloud Psalm 91, “El Shaddai is my refuge and fortress ...” It’s interesting to know that El Shadd…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! The spiritual warfare of the hour we are living in is no different than what Patrick and his disciples faced. It might be worse because of the lateness of the hour, and it can be withering when you are under it. In those desolate moments, when my heart feels aband…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! Let me suggest for you one practice that is sustainable and very fruitful: the daily declaration, or proclamation, of essential truths. Returning to Psalm 91, notice the importance of the second verse: Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest …
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! More corrosive than all of these are the personal assaults of the enemy’s lies whispered to our hearts. They are far more brilliant than AI and utterly precise in their tailored messages to us. The evil one knows your story, your hurts and fears, your every vulner…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (Romans 12:1). Our bodies are a very practical expression of something “under our rule,…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available now – order your copy today! The mighty refuge psalm, Psalm 91, has a progression to it. First comes the promise: Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Then, a recitation of the many ways that El Shaddai will protect us. Rescue from every…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is available today! Order your copy here. “Turn to God with all your heart,” wrote Thomas à Kempis, “and Christ will come to you.” First thing every morning, I pray something like this before I do anything else: I run to you this morning, Father. I run to you this morning, Jesus. I hide myself in you. I r…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Order your copy today! One of my favorite Gospel stories takes place on Easter morning; it centers around Mary Magdalene. Heartbroken, devastated, Mary has gone to the tomb of Jesus to grieve, but his body is no longer there. Most of you have experienced grief; it is concussive, de…
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John's new book—Experience Jesus. Really.—releases this week! In Part 2 of the series, John reads from one of the book's most important chapters, exploring the nourishment of God and his full Kingdom that we need in order to flourish in an hour like this one. Show Notes: Experience Jesus. Really. book, audio book, and 5-session study guide/streamin…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Order your copy today! David was a hunted man. He often had to hide in severe wilderness conditions from his pursuers, who would kill him in an instant if they found him, just like many persecuted people groups today. Harriet Tubman had to hide from her enemies as she guided slaves…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! When the author of Psalm 91 invites us to take refuge in the shelter of the Most High, where does he have in mind? What actual place in the actual universe are we invited to? The word for “shelter” in the opening verse (“Those who live in the shelter of t…
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We don’t know much about stages of development in our instant culture. We have someone else make our coffee for us. We no longer have to wait to have our photos developed — not even an hour — for now we have digital cameras that deliver back to us the image, instantly. We don’t have to wait to get in touch with someone — we can e-mail them, page th…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! Twice, the refuge of God is described in terms of rescue, or deliverance: “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.” (Psa…
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Of all the prayers that rise from human lips on this troubled planet, the vast majority must be some version of, “Help!” That’s why we began with the Cry of the Heart. But second place of “most often prayed” has to be in the genre of, “God — what am I supposed to do?” Guidance, clarity, direction — doesn’t that seem to be one of the main reasons we…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. –Psalm 91:1–2 I will tip my hand—the refuge described her…
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“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when …
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This new series begins a remarkable journey into the core ideas and practices of John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really. In Part 1, John shares why he felt compelled to write this vital message of refuge, strength, and wonder. He also reads extended passages from two chapters, revealing how we're all Disciples of the Internet, what it means to b…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! For every beautiful being God created, he has provided a habitat in which to flourish. Brook trout thrive happily in cold mountain streams. If you were to put them in the warm waters of the Caribbean, they would die. Stingrays, however, love that warm sal…
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No discussion of holiness is true or helpful without a healthy appreciation for how earnestly Satan wants to destroy us. Steal, kill, and destroy is how Jesus described it (John 10:10). Satan lured Adam and Eve to compromise one single act, one slip of holiness, and from there he has brought unspeakable carnage to the human race and to the earth. F…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! When our boys were young, they would gather blankets, pillows, and cushions in the basement and build elaborate forts. This was their most-played game, a weekly if not daily affair. Once constructed and made secure, blankets tucked into sofas, cushions pi…
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God has a beauty to unveil. There's a reason that a man is captivated by a woman. Eve is the crown of creation. If you follow the Genesis narrative carefully, you'll see that each new stage of creation is better than the one before. First, all is formless, empty and dark. God begins to fashion the raw materials, like an artist working with a rough …
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! In the dawn of our childhood, we lived with God in a garden paradise. We walked with our Abba Father in the cool of the day, in conversational intimacy. We were ordinary mystics, drinking in the rich company of God and the fullness of his Kingdom. Eden wa…
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I have counseled thousands of men and women, and I can tell you with utter confidence — both from their experiences and my own — that whatever else the enemy brings against you, he will always bring with it a feeling of I don’t want to fight this. This feeling is called ennui, a weariness of spirit, a malaise, that sense of I just don’t want to fig…
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Chesterton conducted something of a personal experiment to see what the overall impression would be if a person simply read the Gospels without any previous information regarding Jesus. What he found surprised him: It is full of sudden gestures evidently significant except that we hardly know what they signify; of enigmatic silences; of ironical re…
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Our Wild at Heart podcast reaches countless people around the world with weekly conversations on how to love God and live free. Yet it's actually not the epicenter of our work but simply an entry into a world of incredible resources for the restoration of your humanity and for a deeper life in God. In this week's podcast, John and Allen take you on…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! Repeated processes shape the soul; this has been core to discipleship for millennia. It was inevitable that years of Internet life would shape our souls whether we wanted it to or not. As a friend said, “It’s not that we’ve done something wrong; something…
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If then you are wise, you will show yourself rather as a reservoir than as a canal. A canal spreads abroad water as it receives it, but a reservoir waits until it is filled before overflowing, and thus without loss to itself [it shares] its superabundant water. (Bernard of Clairvaux) A beautiful picture. The canal runs dry so quickly, shortly after…
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Waiting can be an experience of emptiness. Our hands are empty. Our desires unfulfilled. Our hearts feel empty as well. George MacDonald described it this way: ’Tis hard for man to rouse his spirit up— It is the human creative agony, Though but to hold the heart an empty cup, Or tighten on the team the rigid rein. Many will rather lie among the sla…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! The Internet has taught its disciples that there shall be no mystery to anything. We can get to the bottom of any question, lay open the bare facts to any secret. In fact, if there is mystery, we’ve been thoroughly discipled to question it. Mystery equals…
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The book “Killing Lions” is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face. [Sam] Should you have killed a lion before you commit? Many traditional cultures like the Maasai require a young man to prove himself before he can marry or own land. He needs to "kill a lion", so to speak. It seems wise. What do you think? [Jo…
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It might help you to ask, How is my hope these days? Where is my hope these days? To shepherd your first hope for the treasure it is, you need to be aware of what you are currently doing with hope right now. Have you attached precious hopes to causal things, your first hope to just about anything? Several years ago I had a dream come true, a lifelo…
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John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really., is releasing March 4th! Pre-order your copy today! Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:23–24 NKJV Faith has always been a fragile thing in the hu…
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If someone came and lived with you as your disciple for a week, what would the effect on them be from adopting your ways of life? That's just one of the intriguing questions John asks the Wild at Heart team during this Q&A session from Survival School. The focus is on our dailies, because the choices we make each day determine the trajectory of our…
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