When a young Eva Kollisch arrives as a refugee in New York in 1940, she finds a community among socialists who share her values and idealism. She soon discovers ‘the cause’ isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Little does she know this is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to activism and her determination to create radical change in ways that include belonging, love and one's full self. In addition to Eva Kollisch’s memoirs Girl in Movement (2000) and The Ground Under My Feet (2014), LBI’s collections include an oral history interview with Eva conducted in 2014 and the papers of Eva’s mother, poet Margarete Kolllisch, which document Eva’s childhood experience on the Kindertransport. Learn more at www.lbi.org/kollisch . Exile is a production of the Leo Baeck Institute , New York | Berlin and Antica Productions . It’s narrated by Mandy Patinkin. Executive Producers include Katrina Onstad, Stuart Coxe, and Bernie Blum. Senior Producer is Debbie Pacheco. Associate Producers are Hailey Choi and Emily Morantz. Research and translation by Isabella Kempf. Sound design and audio mix by Philip Wilson, with help from Cameron McIver. Theme music by Oliver Wickham. Voice acting by Natalia Bushnik. Special thanks to the Kollisch family for the use of Eva’s two memoirs, “Girl in Movement” and “The Ground Under My Feet”, the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College and their “Voices of Feminism Oral History Project”, and Soundtrack New York.…
StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers
क्या आपको कहानी सुनना अच्छा लगता है? स्टोरीजैम में सुनिए कहानियां, कुछ जानी पहचानी, कुछ अनजानी. प्रेमचंद के गाँव हो या मन्नू भंडारी का कनाट प्लेस, भीष्म साहनी का पंजाब या फणीश्वर नाथ रेनू का बिहार, देश भर की चुनिंदा कहानियां आप यहाँ सुन सकते हैं तो सुनो कहानी स्टोरीजैम में आरती की ज़ुबानी ! I read aloud stories/ kahaniyan to you. Stories that are sometimes well known, sometimes lesser known, always memorable! From Premchand to Mannu Bhandari, Bhisham Sahani to Renu, you're sure to find a stor ...
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Birthday | Swayam Prakash | बर्डे | स्वयं प्रकाश | StoryJam #157
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22:53With a diploma in mechanical engineering, Swayam Prakash worked many jobs- in shipping, zinc industry and postal department but his heart was not in anything as much as writing. A keen observer of human nature, he became an important voice in modern story writing in Hindi. मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग में डिप्लोमा हासिल कर, स्वयं प्रकाश ने कई नौकरियाँ कीं …
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Puranda aur Tel ka Kanastar | Ashok Pande | पूरनदा और तेल का कनस्तर | Hindi Kahani | Audio Stories
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16:40Ashok Pande writes. In a world increasingly driven by the “business” of writing, Ashok Pande just keeps writing regardless. He translates works because he likes to, not because a publisher asked him to (though it would be great to see his translations published!). He blogs. His social media page is a rage amongst his readers. He wrote a book of poe…
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नींबू का स्वाद | उषा किरण खान | Nimbu Ka Swaad | Usha Kiran Khan Hindi Kahani | Audio Stories
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19:22पदामश्री सम्मानित हिंदी और मैथिली भाषाओं की साहित्यकार उषा किरण खान ने उपन्यास, कहानियाँ और बच्चों के लिए लेखन किया। उनकी पचास से अधिक पुस्तकें प्रकाशित हो चुकी हैं। साथ ही वे एक सेवानिवृत्त अकादमिक इतिहासकार भी थीं और पटना कॉलेज में प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास और पुरातत्व विज्ञान की विभागाध्यक्ष रह चुकी थीं। उनकी कहानियों के महिला किरदार अविस्मरणीय हैं।…
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Biradari | Gulsher Khan Shaani | बिरादरी | गुलशेर खाँ शानी | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories | StoryJam
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28:09गुलशेर ख़ाँ शानी का जन्म 16 मई, 1933 में जगदलपुर में हुआ।वे एक प्रसिद्ध कथाकार एवं साहित्य अकादमी की पत्रिका 'समकालीन भारतीय साहित्य' और 'साक्षात्कार' के संस्थापक-संपादक रहे ।साथ ही 'नवभारत टाइम्स' में भी इन्होंने कुछ समय काम किया। इनकी रचनाओं का अनुवाद अनेक भारतीय भाषाओं के अलावा रूसी, लिथुवानी, चेक और अंग्रेज़ी हुआ । शानी साहित्य और प्रशासनिक पद…
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Na Kinni Na | Suryabala | ना किन्नी ना | सूर्यबाला | Hindi Kahani | Audio Story ॰ Storyjam
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47:10सूर्यबाला जी को वर्ष २०२४ के व्यास सम्मान की बहुत बहुत बधाई! सूर्यबाला का जीवन परिचय, व्यक्तित्व, कृतित्व और उपलब्धियॉ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------सूर्यबाला जी का जन्म 25 अक्टूबर 1944 को वाराणसी में हुआ। वे एक लेखिका और व्यंगकार के रूप में सुप्रसिद्ध हैं। अपने जन्मस्थान वाराणसी से सूर्यबाला जी…
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Mujhe Chand Chahiye | Surendra Verma | मुझे चाँद चाहिए | सुरेंद्र वर्मा Hindi Kahani | Audio Stories | StoryJam
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17:23Varsha Vashisht speaks her mind, calmly and clearly. Just the way girls her age and of her social background were not supposed to. When Surendra Verma created her character in 1993, little could he have known that Varsha would continue to speak to women years after her character was born on the pages of “Mujhe Chand Chahiye”. For Varsha takes ‘birt…
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Shah Mohammad Ka Tanga | Ali Akbar Natiq | शाह मोहम्मद का ताँगा | अली अकबर नातिक़ | Urdu Hindi Story
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38:11Ali Akbar Natiq was born in a village in the Punjab province of Pakistan, where he received his initial education. Later due to financial constraints he started to work as a mason, and became skilled at building domes, mosques and minarets. His love for education, literature and history specifically, had him complete his BA and MA degrees privately…
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Oscar Wilde's 'The Devoted Friend' translated into Hindi by Dharamvir Bharti as 'निःस्वार्थ मित्रता'
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22:28When two literary giants meet, not in person but in a common creative playground called ‘translation’, the results are always interesting and satisfying. Oscar Wilde’s short story “ The Devoted Friend” is a satire about a friendship that is anything but nurturing or even reciprocal. Dharamvir Bharti translates without losing any nuance and makes th…
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Rabbi |Naresh Kaushik | रब्बी | नरेश कौशिक Hindi Kahani | Urdu Kahani | Audio Stories | Storyjam
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31:39The stories of losing home are the most profoundly disturbing. Yet these “stories” are the reality of millions of people across the world, everyday. Today there are over 117.3 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. We forget and we repeat ad infinitum the same patterns of greed, revenge and loss. And yet, in the midst of …
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कैसा था प्रेमचंद का बचपन? | क़लम का सिपाही (अंश) | अमृत राय | Qalam Ka Sipahi (Excerpt)| Hindi Urdu Audio Stories
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18:53If Premchand was looking down from the heavens above at school kids across Hindi speaking India, reading the same two or three stories of his, with the teacher blaring ‘morals’ at the end of class, he would be appalled. In popular imagination over the last seventy five years, Premchand’s writing has come to mean stories set against a depressing pov…
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Jai Gange | Rajendra Yadav | जय गंगे | राजेंद्र यादव | Storyjam | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories
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13:22हिन्दी के सुपरिचित लेखक, कहानीकार, उपन्यासकार व आलोचक राजेंद्र यादव हिन्दी साहित्य में ‘नयी कहानी आंदोलन' के संस्थापक माने जाते हैं। मुंशी प्रेमचन्द द्वारा सन् 1930 में स्थापित साहित्यिक पत्रिका ‘हंस’ जो की सन् 1953 में बन्द हो गयी थी, के पुनर्प्रकाशन की बाग डोर राजेंद्र यादव जी ने सँभाली और उसे प्रेमचन्द की जयन्ती के दिन 31 जुलाई 1986 को पुनः प्रा…
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Asli Baat | Nasira Sharma | असली बात | नासिरा शर्मा | Hindi Urdu Kahani Podcast
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18:29Sahitya Akademi and Vyas Aamman awardee Nasira Sharma pens a poignant story of how amidst mindless violence and bleak poverty, humanity sprouts in small gestures and kind words. साहित्य अकादमी और व्यास सम्मान पुरस्कार विजेता नासिरा शर्मा द्वारा लिखी मार्मिक कहानी जिसमे हिंसा और दरिद्रता के बीच पनपती है इंसानियत और करुणा।#hindi #kahani,#hindisahitya…
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Beta Kiska | Vijaydan Detha | बेटा किसका ? | विजयदान देथा | Rajasthan | Hindi Story | Audio Story
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17:04Vijaydan Detha, popularly knowne as “Bijji”, spent several decades collecting folk stories from in and around his village Borunda in rajasthan. In their retelling his stories straddled myths and legends, reality and fantasy, observation and a commentary on the world of his beloved Rajasthan. His work received national and international acclaim – he…
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यही सच है | मन्नू भंडारी | Yahi Sach Hai | Mannu Bhandari | Hindi Audio Story | Kahani | StoryJam
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59:48Love is a complex emotion. One that few have been able to understand, let alone explain. Mannu Bhandari delves into the mind of a young woman at crossroads, as she tries to untangle the emotions she feels for the two men in her life.There are few love stories as candid and powerful as this one. The story was made into a memorable film by Basu Chatt…
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Mughalon Ne Sultanat Baksh Di | Bhagwati Charan Verma| मुग़लों ने सल्तनत बक्श दी | भगवतीचरण वर्मा |
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22:02मुग़लों ने अपनी सल्तनत अंग्रेज़ों को कब और कैसे बक्शी, ये जानिए गप्पबाज़हीरो जी से। लेकिन अगर वाकयी हिंदुस्तान पर अंग्रेज़ी हुकूमत के पीछे की कहानी पता लगानी है तो William Dalrymple और Anita Anand की podcast 'Empire' सुनिए यहाँ -https://open.spotify.com/show/0sBh58hSTReUQiK4axYUVx?si=659c1a5311b94616 Thumbnail Art:Title: Shah 'Alam, Mughal Emperor …
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Raag Darbari | Shrilal Shukla | राग दरबारी | श्रीलाल शुक्ल | Hindi Kahani | Audio Stories | StoryJam
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19:19Shrilal Shukla was a civil servant and a very observant one too! What he saw around him the hinterlands of Uttar Pradesh and in the corridors of power in big cities gave him ample material for his rich life as a writer. Rural decay and urban apathy, all found their way in his satirical novels. The best known of which remains ‘Raag Darbari’. The nov…
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Sarkari Ghar| Ajay Jugran | सरकारी घर | अजेय जुगरान | Hindi Urdu Kahani | Audio Stories | StoryJam
There are some relationships that have copious amounts written about them, and then there are a handful that we seldom read about. One such is that of a father-in-law and daughter-in-law. In India their conversations are seldom spoken about, often buried under the heavy burden of familial hierarchy. This story by Ajay Jugran offers a glimpse of ten…
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Fence Ke Idhar Aur Udhar | Gyanranjan | फेंस के इधर और उधर | ज्ञानरंजन Hindi Kahani | Audio Stories
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18:411960’s was an era of literary experimentation and introspection. The stories often reflected on the juggernaut of rapid urbanisation and the social changes transforming post-independence India. Gyanranjan, despite having written far fewer stories than his contemporaries became one of the most popular names in Sathotri Sahitya (literature of the 60’…
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Dajyu | Shekhar Joshi | Story from Uttarakhand | Hindi Audio Story
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10:17Shekhar Joshi was born in Almora, Uttarakhand. His stories carried his home in them. An important voice in the ‘Nayi Kahani’ movement of Hindi literature, Joshi’s stories talked of the struggles of his people, their poverty, exploitation and resistance. This story ‘Dajyu’ was also made into a film by the Children’s Film Society of India. हिंदी सा…
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नेताजी कहिन | मनोहर श्याम जोशी | Netaji Kahin | Satire | Manohar Shyam Joshi | Hindi Audio Story
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11:39देश का राजनैतिक तापमान बढ़ता जा रहा है। इस पसीने छुड़ा देने वाली रस्साकशी के माहौल में दो पल रुक कर मीठे व्यंग का शरबत पीजिये। और हाँ, एक सहानुभूति भरी नज़र ज़रा उस छुटभैये नेता की ओर भी जिसका भविष्य हर इलेक्शन से पहले थाली में कंचे सा डोलता है।As the mercury rises on the nation’s elections, we are all sure to get caught in the crossfire of barbs and b…
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Tamasha | Swadesh Deepak | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories | StoryJam
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29:54Born in Rawalpindi in 1942, playwright and author Swadesh Deepak made Ambala his home. He lived there until 2006, when one day he stepped out of his house for a walk and never returned. His play “Court Martial” is said to have had over 5000 shows across the country and yet Deepak shunned fame. Battling Bipolar disorder he stepped away for treatment…
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Manto | Saadat Hasan Manto | Manto writes about himself | मंटो | एक आत्मकथ्य | Audio Story |
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14:02Much has been written about Manto. In his times, he was perhaps talked about more than his written works. Dragged into court, condemned by the custodians of culture, ridiculed by the scholars of “serious literature”, Manto lived and wrote as he pleased. He was asked why he wrote and he replied with a honest and witty article, “Main afsana kyunkar l…
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Ve Zari Ke Phool | Suryabala | वे ज़री के फूल | सूर्यबाला | Hindi Kahani | Audio Story
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29:24नमस्कार, मेरा नाम आरती है और में Storyjam में हर हफ्ते आपको सुनाती हूँ हिंदी में एक कहानी। अगर आप को कहानियां सुनना अच्छा लगता हैं , तो इस चैनल को सब्सक्राइब ज़रूर करें। धन्यवाद! सूर्यबाला जी का जन्म 25 अक्टूबर 1944 को वाराणसी में हुआ। वे एक लेखिका और व्यंगकार के रूप में सुप्रसिद्ध हैं। अपने जन्मस्थान वाराणसी से सूर्यबाला जी की बहुत सी यादें जुड़ी है…
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Beti ka Dahej | Kulwant Singh Virk | बेटी का दहेज़ | कुलवंत सिंह विर्क | Punjabi Hindi | Audio Kahani
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10:08Winner of the Sahitya Academy Award in 1968, Kulwant Singh Virk wrote inboth Punjabi and English. His stories that revolve around the partition of India and Pakistan are especially poignant.I was intrigued by the ending of this story. It could mean different things to different readers, based on their gender, age and when in history they read it. W…
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ग़ालिब पुरुस्कार से सम्मानित कन्हैया लाल कपूर , जिन्हे केएल कपूर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, व्यंग हास्य और उपहासपूर्ण पैरोडी के लिए जाने गए। अविभाजित भारत में उनका जन्म 1910. में लायलपुर में हुआ। विभाजन के उपरांत वे मोगा पंजाब में आ बसे और यहाँ कॉलेज में प्रिंसिपल के रूप में कार्यरत रहे। Listen to Hindi kahaniyan and Urdu Kahaniyan by famous as wel…
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बोलनेवाली औरत | ममता कालिया | Bolnewali Aurat | Mamta Kalia |Hindi Urdu Kahani | Audio Stories
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19:19Mamta Kalia started writing in the 70’s, around the time when the role of women in society and family was undergoing a rapid transformation. Her stories often revolve around the themes of love and marriage. They carve out in great detail the quiet desperation of family life and the aching desire for the woman to be more than a sum of her roles as a…
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We carry with us stories of people with whom we crossed paths years, sometimes decades ago. Some are inspiring stories and others, a cautionary tale. Hariram is the kind of unforgettable character we all have known or heard about. He lived a life of greed and misfortune and died an unremarkable death- only to be remembered by a young boy who saw Ha…
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रोज़ाना इस्तेमाल | ऐलिस वॉकर | Everyday Use | Alice Walker | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories
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28:34ऐलिस वाकर एक अमेरिकी उपन्यासकार, लघु कथाकार, कवि और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हैं। 1982 में, ऐलिस वाकर फिक्शन के लिए पुलित्जर पुरस्कार जीतने वाली पहली अफ्रीकी अमेरिकी महिला बनीं। उन्हें उनके उपन्यास ‘द कलर पर्पल’ के लिए पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया। वॉकर ने सत्रह उपन्यास और लघु कहानी संग्रह, बारह गैर-काल्पनिक रचनाएँ और निबंध और कविता के संग्रह प्रकाशित क…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

उसका बिस्तर | मनोहर श्याम जोशी | Uska Bistar | Manohar Shyam Joshi | Hindi Audio Story
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17:55मनोहर श्याम जोशी ने भारतीय टेलीविज़न को बहुत सी यादगार कहानियां दी- हम लोग, बुनियाद, मुंगेरी लाल के हसीन सपने इत्यादि। आधुनिक हिन्दी साहित्य के गद्यकार, उपन्यासकार, व्यंग्यकार, पत्रकार होने के साथ साथ वे जनवादी-विचारक, फिल्म पट-कथा लेखक, संपादक, कुशल प्रवक्ता तथा स्तंभ-लेखक थे। #hindi #story #storytelling #stories #kahaniyan #urdu stories,#audiostor…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Bargad Baba | Keval Sood | Translation from Punjabi | Hindi Urdu Audio Story
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13:07Some tragic love stories are legendary- Shirin-Farhad, Laila-Majnu, Sohni-Mahiwal, but for each that became a saga, there are probably millions of love stories that were extinguished and never remembered or retold. You’ll find them in the forgettable inner pages of the newspaper, in whispered gossip at social gatherings and very often buried somewh…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Photographer | Qurratulain Hyder | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories
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17:14Qurratulain Hyder was one of the most influential and successful progressive writers post Independence. She was bilingual, writing and translating in both Urdu and English. Her literary life was rich as a novelist and a short story writer, an academic, and a journalist. Her magnum opus, ‘Aag Ka Dariya’ is her best known work. The women in her stori…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Samay Kaatne Wale | Harishankar Parsai | समय काटने वाले | हरिशंकर परसाई | Hindi Kahani | Audio Story
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14:04Did you know that “Timepass”- that uniquely Indian term, meaning passing of time in an aimless and unproductive way, gets harder as you get older. With his astute observations satirist Harishankar Parsai paints a picture of the “Time passer” (here’s a new word for you!) as one who is funny in his pursuits but also pitiful in his aspirations. podcas…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Pachees Chauka Dedh Sau | Omprakash Valmiki | पच्चीस चौका डेढ़ सौ | ओमप्रकाश वाल्मीकि
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21:45Om Prakash Valmiki’s novel, 'Joothan' is considered a landmark in Dalit literature. His writing has been long considered to be a searing document of the caste system in India. In this story, a son returns home with his first salary. He wants to hand over the money to his father along with the bitter truth that his father had been oblivious to and o…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Saag Meat | Bhisham Sahani | साग मीट | भीष्म साहनी | Hindi Urdu Audio Story | Storytelling
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29:28In the hands of a great writer everyday life is anything but mundane. It begs a closer, more nuanced examination. In ‘Saag Meat’ Bhisham Sahani weaves an intricate story where the talkative narrator tells the story of a man who is silenced by his circumstances. Is she apathetic? Does she herself deserve empathy? What about those in the story who we…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Ek Baazi Shatranj Ki| Ajay Jugran| एक बाज़ी शतरंज की| अजेय जुगरान| Hindi Urdu Kahani | Audio Stories
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11:22Nothing slows time down like a good game of chess, unless you have a kingdom falling (Shatranj ke Khiladi) or an urgent errand missed, as in this story.नमस्कार, मेरा नाम आरती है और मैं Storyjam में हर हफ्ते आपको सुनाती हूँ हिंदी में एक कहानी। अगर आप को कहानियां सुनना अच्छा लगता हैं , तो इस चैनल को सब्सक्राइब ज़रूर करें धन्यवाद!------- Contact me: In…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Akeli | Mannu Bhandari | अकेली | मन्नू भंडारी | Hindi Urdu Audio Story | Kahani | StoryJam
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18:53A new kind of Hindi writing emerged post-independence approximately from the late 1950s to the early 1960s. The subjects that writers focussed on came from a newly independent, rapidly urbanizing and industrializing India. The narratives dealt with problems between the sexes, especially with the emergence of the working woman and the scenarios mirr…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Angad Ka Paon | Shrilal Shukla | अंगद का पाँव | श्रीलाल शुक्ल | Hindi Urdu Kahani | Audio Stories
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13:06Shrilal Shukla, one of the greatest satirists in Hindi language was a Jnanpith awardee. A civil servant in his day job, Shukla had an upclose view of bureaucracy as well as the systemic rot that plagues it. Shukla’s acerbic, witty examination of rural life revealed a world of flummoxed villagers and petty politicians, of witty one liners that shine…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Bade Bhai Sahab | Premchand | Hindi Urdu Audio Story | StoryJam
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25:00I have to confess that for a long time I associated Premchand’s writing with a kind of morose sentimentality. How and why that thought anchored itself in my head I have no clue, but it was no doubt a result of my ignorance. I “discovered” Premchand in the last few years and am glad to be proven wrong. His writing has the depth and breadth that few …
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Bachcha Ye Roye Kyun | Mulk Raj Anand | Why Does the Child Cry | StoryJam
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17:54It was a personal tragedy that propelled Mulk Raj Anand into a writing career. His first essay was in response to the suicide of an aunt excommunicated by her family for sharing a meal with a Muslim woman. It is the rigidity of the caste system and the deplorable condition that the poor of the country live in that became his literary preoccupation …
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Khuda aur Khuda ki Ladai
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23:30Yashpal's life was so full of twists, turns and intrigues that it could inspire an OTT series! Born into poverty, ridiculed by school mates but with a head full of ideals, Yashpal youth was marked with conflict and strife. It was when he met Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev in college that his life took a definitive purposeful turn and he jumped headlong i…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Dus Paise Aur Dadi | Gulzar | दस पैसे और दादी | गुलज़ार | Hindi Kahani | Urdu Kahani | Audio Stories
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10:33Gulzar, the modern day bard has songs (and stories and dialogues) for all occasions. Few others can speak of ardent love with such brevity-“Tere bina zindagi se koi shikwa to nahi…” or be in sync with the rhythms of a playful child, “Sare ke Sare Gama ko le kar…” or my personal favorite- an apt comment on the human condition- “Goli maro bheje mein,…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Gulki Banno | Dharamvir Bharati | गुलकी बन्नो | धर्मवीर भारती | Hindi Kahani |Audio Story | Storyjam
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44:15Dharamvir Bharati was considerd was a colossus of Hindi Sahitya. In a story like Gulki he shows us why. All the characters straddle somewhere between good and bad, honest and dishonest, caring and mean. They live in the same greys that we real humans live in, outside the books. ------- धर्मवीर भारती आधुनिक हिन्दी साहित्य के प्रमुख लेखक, कवि, नाटकका…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Phaans | Govind Mishr | फाँस | गोविन्द मिश्र | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories | StoryJam
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16:11Listen to a short story to one of the most celebrated writers of our times- Govind Mishr. Watch an interview with Govind ji on the Nayi Dhara's youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFD0aw_-p1g&t=157s Subscribe to Nayi Dhara's Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@NayiDharaHindi गोविन्द मिश्र का जीवन परिचय गोविन्द मिश्र का बचपन बचप…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Toba Tek Singh | Saadat Hasan Manto | टोबा टेक सिंह| सआदत हसन मंटो | Hindi Urdu Audio Story |
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20:49The stories of partition carry in them a searing pain, a reminder to those who will bother to remember, of what we humans are capable of doing to ourselves and our own. When the lust for power blinds us, how quickly we let go of the rope of love, only to fall into the abyss of hate. The British drew the line of death on the ground, but it is we who…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Poonch Ki Cleopatra | Krishan Chander | पुँछ की क्लियोपैट्रा | कृष्ण चन्दर | Audio Story | StoryJam
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28:58What is beauty? Everyone from ancient Greeks to Umberto Eco to Instagram influencers have mulled, or been baffled by this question. Does beauty have a responsibility towards those that admire it? And how does it affect the behavior of those who bask in its presence? A small town in Kashmir is besotted with a young girl and so is the author. Will sh…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Chheh Aane Ka Ticket | Bhagwaticharan Verma | छह आने का टिकट | भगवतीचरण वर्मा | StoryJam | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories | Hindi Kahaniyan
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17:57Do you find it difficult to say ‘no’? If your answer is yes, you are in good company. Presenting, Bhagwaticharan Verma’s delightful story about an unwanted guest and his soft hearted host. May this predicament never be yours! ---- भगवती चरण वर्मा का जीवन परिचय /Bhagwati Charan Verma ka Jeevan Parichay भगवती चरण वर्मा का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के उन्नाव …
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Kshamadan| Tolstoy's story translation Premchand | क्षमादान लेव तोलस्तोय की कहानी | अनुवाद: प्रेमचंद
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20:23What would two great writers from history talk about if they were to meet? We may not find that out, but when one translates the works of the other, what is evident is a sense of common concern, a shared worldview and a hat tip to the greatness of the other. When Premchand translated works of Leo Tolstoy, he didn’t just use his vast and rich vocabu…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Chatur Gonu Jha Ki Kahani | Nehle Par Dehla | नहले पर दहला | चतुर गोनू झा की कहानी | Audio Story
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20:49Gonu Jha is to Mithila, Bihar what Birbal is to North India. When the greedy, corrupt or miserly make trouble for the common man, Gonu Jha with his wit, common sense and humour saves the day! ------ Listen to Hindi kahaniyan and Urdu Kahaniyan by famous as well as lesser known writers. You will find here stories from everyone from Premchand to Isma…
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Garam Coat | Rajinder Singh Bedi | गरम कोट | राजिंदर सिंह बेदी | Hindi Urdu Audio Story | Kahani
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26:44राजिंदर सिंह बेदी ने गरम कोट, निकोलाई गोगोल की कहानी, ओवरकोट से प्रभावित हो कर लिखी, और फिर उसी कहानी को और आगे बढ़ाया जब उन्होंने फिल्म का स्क्रीनप्ले लिखा। जहाँ गोगोल की कहानी मूलतः एक ऐसे आदमी की है जो एक ओवरकोट बनवाने की ख्वाइश रखता है, बेदी की कहानी, गरम कोट बन जाती है एक ऐसी दम्पति की कहानी, जिसे ज़िन्दगी की “सस्ती सी खुशियां” तो मयस्सर नहीं , …
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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers

Behnon Ka Jalsa | Suryabala | Hindi Kahani | Audio Kahaniya | StoryJam | बहनों का जलसा | सूर्यबाला
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50:55There is no easy way to describe the bond that women share. You have to be there- in the long satisfying evenings (or lazy afternoons) when time stands still. In that brief time wounds are healed, plans are hatched, memories are unwrapped, hearts leap with hope and the parched soul finds the elixir of calm. Do you have friends/sisters who make you …
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