TVHHS is a podcast bringing to you the dopest tracks from all around, Stay Vigilant
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Surviving & Prospering During and After the Dollar Collapse
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My podcast all about movie,tv shows reviews talking about all the latest news music and reactions
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The JFK Murder Files, Deep Fake Space Rescue, And More Kill Jab Side Effects: Turbo Aging
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2:25:59Things you can now get in deep fake space: Hair and make-up crew Tanning salon Space Bugs… and space mice! Gravity-proof AV-techs Flying Teslas Yup. Not-A-Space-Agency NASA sent Astro-Nots to deep fake space and forgot them there, but Elon Musk sent an electric Tesla helicopter to fetch them from the moon with new hairstyles and a nice tan. While r…
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Kill Gates & Captain Brainchip: We’ll Decide Whether Humans Work… And Live… Or Not
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1:32:15On face value, the world is now run by two pale and podgy billionaires: On the one hand you have Kill Gates, whose grandfather was a Federal Reserve bankster and whose father sat on the Planned Parenthood board and taught his kids to spread the gospel of eugenics at the dinner table. Little Billy listened carefully, and has since focused on ways to…
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Everyone’s experience in the 3D Video Game is different. I’ve managed to survive over 50 years in this version of the Game, despite the Genocide Order’s forced lethal injections, toxic chemtrails, food and water poisoning, and EMF and RF radiation. Not too long ago, I was depressed, I drank too much, and lived an altogether unhealthy life. I starte…
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A Satanic Death Cult Is Trying to Kill Everyone on Earth & No One Seems to Notice
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1:45:30The world order is nothing new. The reason it keeps repeating is because people are so stuck in the Matrix they refuse to believe the truth even if it genocides their goy asses. In today’s WWJD episode, we’re celebrating PEDOPHILES and THIEVES and JEWS! First, the Epstein ‘secret binders’ were a damp squib that didn’t even reveal the Steven Hawking…
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Mossad: We Write the Screenplay, We’re the Directors, Producers & The Main Actors
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1:38:32I thought the Epstein B(l)inder episode would be swiftly followed by the Dead Pope Society episode. I was wrong. It seems the Grim Reaper hasn’t clawed up the Pope yet. Or maybe he has and that episode just hasn’t been released yet. Certainly, it won’t be as exciting as the most recent cliffhanger filmed at the White House theater by the Global(ist…
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Epstein Files Released with Jewish/Zionist/Templar Photo Op and Binder Full of Redacted Photocopies
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1:54:46What an incredible apocalypse. What an incredible video game! 5 stars! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. First up in today’s Jeff & Apples Show: The E-FILES… “Never gonna give them up, never gonna let them go (public)”. Unless you wear the Star of Moloch or have a Templar tattoo… in that case, you can apply for your redacted black-out cop…
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Jew-ish Elon Musk Living Out His Grandfather’s Dream of a NWO Technocracy
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1:36:37AI gon’ getcha. Gonna getcha, it's a matter of fact AI gonna getcha Gonna getcha, don't you worry 'bout that We’re heading to 1984 at the speed of light. Brain chips, AI vaccines and Larry Ellison’s panopticon surveillance system and police state (which will soon all be robots). I never expected that in 2025 we’d be moving so quickly to living in s…
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AI Bot ‘Louise Cypher’ Revealed in 2015 that AI would Begin Takeover and Destroy Humanity in 2025
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1:08:15“With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon.” That’s what Elon Musk said at MIT’s AeroAstro Centennial Symposium in 2014. A year later, in 2015, Max Igan discovered Louise Cypher (LUCIFER), a chatbot from EVIL Ltd who revealed that AI would initiate a human race takeover… IN 2025!! Then, human extinction via an EMP (electromagnetic puls…
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Trump Develops Gaza Into A Genocide Smart City and Super Bowl Black-Swan Day
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1:26:13Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt. In this case, Super Demonbowl Sunday, which, looking at the run-up of psyop events in Philadelphia and New Orleans that I’ve been talking about the past few weeks might very well be the Big One they’ve been signalling about in the movies since 1977. Like when terrorists hijack the Goodyear Bl…
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CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: America Under Attack By Daily Psyops Now As We Near The Great Reset
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1:30:19Yup! They’re now rolling out psyops on an almost daily basis. It’s almost getting too easy to spot, including vanishing planes and people and always visible symbolism for those who care to see. WE NEED BETTER PSYOPS! Interestingly, one of the first things Trump cut completely on his first day was the Aviation Safety Advisory Committee, right after …
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TRACKS, VAX, and TAX: The All-In-One AI Solution Brought To You By Trump & The Jewish Billionaires Clubs
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1:37:13If you voted for the MAGA and MAHA illusion, congratulations, you might just be figuring out that YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYED! Just in his first 2 weeks in office, Trump has, Put together a zionist war-hawk cabinet Rebooted his plans for a biometric ‘virtual’ border wall Saved you from yourself by “banning CBDCs” What a mensch! Not that anyone noticed whe…
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STARGATE: The Messiah Ascends The Throne And Announces $500 Billion AI MRNA Vaccines & Full Spectrum Panopticon
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1:34:28The Jones Plantation is under new management! It’s early days, so early that by the time I recorded this video Trump hadn’t even pardoned Ross Ulbricht yet. I had my doubts on that one, but I’m very happy for his family and him. Trump also set all the January 6 “insurrectionists” free, and rightly so. Even though it was “one of the worst events in …
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This is it. The final roll-out of the massive depopulation genocide and enslavement agenda has begun. In just two weeks we’ve seen drone swarms, possible UFOs, and a chemical fog that could be spreading bacteria designed to simulate the symptoms of whatever they have in mind for the BIG SICK 2025, which will probably be in the guise of Bird Flu, le…
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Tons of people have figured out that the mainstream media like the Communist Network News (CNN) and British Brainwashing Corporation (BBC) are liars and that Google is out and proud about steering you away from the truth too. Even AI has been found out to perpetuate some whopping big lies in the name of its developers! So, what do you do when half …
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The second largest city in the US has been all but incinerated. It has all the same fingerprints as the scorching in Paradise and Lahaina, with extra DEI and LGBTQ on top. It is Commiefornia after all. Speaking of Commiefornnia, Tom Hanks must be the Lucky Larry of Pedo-forest, with his houses in both Maui and LA surviving, even as all the houses a…
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Mass Demolition of the US Continues As Los Angeles Destroyed to Bring In SmartLA 15 Minute City While Americans Still Sleep
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1:44:41Wow! The apocalypse is heating up fast. In the last two weeks, {also the first 2 weeks of the year!) there were massive unknown drone swarms and a giant chemical ‘fog’ that engulfed a third of the US, including Los Angeles. Fire accelerant? Parasites? Watch today’s video to decide for yourself. Two false flag psyops were conducted, including the Te…
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Los Angeles DEW Fires, Castreau ‘Resigns’ To Bring in Ultra Zionist and Trump Pushes the NWO to Thunderous Applause
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1:52:11Cheers to reaching Level 38 of the Ultimate 3D Video Game! At this level you can expect even BIGGER and BETTER psychological operations and fake flag events than ever before. That includes (just this week), Los Angeles getting firebombed while its Gay, Black & Trans fire department fights toxic masculinity instead of fires. Sorry Hollywood, having …
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F(r)OG WARS: Dark MAGA Rising 2025
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1:12:27We’re only on Day 5 of the new year and WOW! The World Extermination Forum has declared that 6 billion people will die in 2025. Which correlates nicely with Deagel’s population forecast. You see, no one is hiding anything. It’s all nicely laid out on the table for anyone to see. The only unknown factor at this stage is the means of execution. They …
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A NYE Discussion of The State of The World, The Nature of Reality and Surviving the Apocalypse in 2025
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1:51:47Happy 2025 Vigilantes! While our Jeff & Apples walks will resume soon, today’s video is an epic 2-hour discussion on the Hugo Art show as Max Igan, Sofia Smallstorm and myself join Victor Hugo to discuss topics from the crazy year 2024, what's next in 2025 and the nature of reality and more! Ten years ago, I NEVER imagined that I’d be living happil…
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How They Got the Right Wingers To Love The New World Order
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1:14:44Let me get right into offending those people who hate me and don't believe a thing I say but somehow still keep watching recurrently. Have you seen the woman who was burned alive on the NY subway? With that I mean have you seen more of her than a shadowy figure standing almost frozen while her alleged undocumented Guatemalan attacker fanned the fla…
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Everything is FAKE! Star Wars Psyop And More CIA/FBI Gun Control False Flag Shootings
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1:00:00“The Inter-Galactic Empire of Iran has launched drones with alien technology that only Americans can see and Donald Trump becomes the first Star Wars president of Earth.” Pedo Joe, the incumbent Chief Pedophile of America has just emerged from the White House to tell us what’s going on with all these highly sophisticated drones. The new gods are de…
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Greater Israhell Project: Terror and Destruction in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine
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1:27:32Guess who said this: “Most of us do not know that the rise of Nazism between the two world wars happened with American support. The question on everybody's mind is: “How is it that despite the German collapse and European constraints, Nazism was allowed to rise and build an army?” It was done with American support, money, loans, and investments. “T…
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Isra-HEIL And The New American Order
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1:37:07All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances. Reading from the same script, acting in the same play, written, produced, and directed by the same evil slavery system and its propaganda arm called the MSM. I hear it often. Jeff, they’re not all bad. What about RFK Jr.? And Elon? Those ar…
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Demons And Truthkeepers: A Transatlantic Debate
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1:35:21Freemasons started America. Jew banksters started the Fed. Swamp things run the US government. NASA faked a moonlanding. 9/11 was a false flag CIA/Mossad operation. There was no Covaids plandemic. The Pope is in the New World Order. And, AI is writing a ‘new’ Bible. Whether you call it the Matrix, or the TrueMan Show, or a 3D video game like I do, …
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Trump Deception Buyers Remorse Club (A Whole Lot More ‘I Toad A So’s)
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1:11:36Make America Great Again. Drain the swamp. Novus Ordo Seclorum. Wow! That got old super fast. When Trump was elected, I thought I had to wait at least until January before starting the ‘Itoadaso’s’. But no! Three weeks in, and Jab Daddy and Captain Brainchip are changing things at warp speed, filling management seats with mostly white men, and attr…
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“Western civilization has been infected by a parasitic invasion of foreign ideals and values that have been introduced into our culture by a strange and morally degenerate people whose ultimate goal is world domination. Their poisonous tentacles now strangle every leading position and institution in the land, leading to the normalization of disgust…
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HOLODOMOR 2.0 The 2025/26 SPARS PLANdemic and the Great Trump Deception
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1:16:20I TOAD A SO! I.Told.You.So. That’s pretty much the theme of today’s Jeff & Apples (and Lola) Show today. We’re getting close to Deagel’s predicted 2025 mass extinction. First, it looks like there’ll be some WW3 nuclear action. Or much worse. Joe finally got to press the red button! And, the timing couldn’t be more suspicious – just two months befor…
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Israhell First: Bringing The USA Into The NWO One Ju-ish Swamp Monster At A Time
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1:28:13I’d like to congratulate Israhell on winning the US 2024 selection. To be honest, I did not expect it to be this quick and easy. They love trolling the tax slaves along and keeping them on pins and needles with all kinds of disputes and allegations for days at least. But, not this time! Jab Daddy just waltzed right in. Where was all the vote riggin…
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TRUMP DECEPTION: Rise Of The Technocratic Right’s New World Order
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1:27:35I GOT IT ALL WRONG! There was no ‘gunpowder treason and plot’ on November 5th. It all ran like clockwork… Orange. Although, now that I think about it, there was the Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. With zero Iranians involved, only 2 Jews and an Afghani. And, just a little gunpowder, if you count bomb threats in New York state over Peanut the Squ…
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The United Weather-Controlled ZionDom Of America
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1:16:05Hallelujah for the United States of Zion! SuperTrump ‘won’ the selection. SuperTrump, the Prince of Jerusalem. SuperTrump, who touches the sky and makes it rain in Spain and snow in summer in Africa. And, why not? It seems the HAARPicanes in North Carolina and Florida worked out well for the new president. He is the chosen one. No pet squirrels wil…
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Survive The Matrix With XMR: Jeff Berwick On Monero Talk
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1:11:15Yesterday, the American people voted for a blue donkey or a red elephant to govern them harder. To do this, they went into a closet with a shower curtain to tick a box on an Israheli voting machine. Then, they went home to their dwindling 401(k) investments, ready to pay more extortion money to make America great again. While the world is watching …
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The chaos has begun! In less than 24 hours the fake election will be over, and the sheeple slaves will have voted which soldier of the Synagogue of Satan they want to call Master. “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it!” Mark Twain called the truth over a century ago. (By the way, Twain was Nikola Tesla’s best friend who often h…
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Remember, Remember the Fifth of November! Halloween Now With Weather Weapons And Lethal Injections
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1:19:40The scariest monsters this Halloween are: Baby-biting Biden, Kamala the Cackling Witch, Trump the Evil Clown, and Philanthropath Kill Gates… Clown World, Twilight Zone, whatever you want to call it, Idiocracy has nothing on 2024. Almost overnight, you’ve been surrounded by manically grinning pumpkin brains, pranking pedophiles, goodwill gargoyles a…
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While You Sleep, THEY LIVE!
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1:40:39“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they're people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong.” While it sounds like something I might have said on one of my recent walks with Apples or Bruce (who makes a guest appearance in today’s video), this is actually a quote from They Live, a 1988 …
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JONES PLANTATION: End Times Apocalyptic Weather Weapons & Complete Demonic Jew Control and Dominance
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1:26:07It’s all happened before, you know. Civilizations have disappeared and empires have fallen. As the story goes, An ice age once destroyed the dinosaurs, A flood once destroyed earth, and In Script-ure, Revelations 8 speaks of a future event when a third of the earth will be burned up, a third of the trees burned up, and all the green grass burned up…
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Demonic Jew Goyicide via Lethal Injections, Harpicanes, Floods, and DEW Fires
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1:58:59The demonic goyicide is going strong. I’ve long said that the United States is the most evil empire that ever existed in history. Except that other most evil empire that ever existed in history, Israhell. I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist (true fact!), a lawless anarchist (just ask the people in Acapulco), a white supremacist (I’m married to a…
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LIFTING OF THE VEIL: The Goyim Are Noticing Kill Gates’ NexRad Weather Weapon Depopulation Agenda
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1:27:14During the COVAIDS plandemic hoax I was walking around and talking to my dog Lucy and warning a relatively small bunch of conspiracy theorists about the death jab and the genocide agenda and how Kill Gates was involved in killing and enslaving people with lethal injections. After 4.5 years of being censored everywhere for being a disinformative ext…
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WEATHER WAR III: Acapulco Hit Twice By Same “Hurricane”, Helene Destroys Appalachia and Milton Headed to Florida
The Western World is under attack by a group of satanic pedophilic mass murderers. And, we have reached the existential threat level of their depopulation agenda. While Americans are distracted by the political puppet show, and NPCs on both sides of the (s)election unibird are arguing about the border breach, and gun control, and abortion and the b…
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Globalist Hostile Takeover Lithium Hurricanes, Iran-Israhell WWIII, Marburg Plandemic and More!
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1:21:43Wow! Things are getting crazier by the minute. A month before the big (s)election between two globalist puppets and their nincompoop minions that pits NPCs against each other worse than a fat girl clothes sale on Black Friday in Philly, (or a toilet paper panic-buy in Virginia) a surprise double hurricane all but washed away Acapulco. We’ve been su…
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It's Groundhog Day in Mexico! Right now, my friends and family, with the help of all our anarchist supporters at Anarchapulco and The Dollar Vigilante, are busy with several rescue and aid missions, helping to resurrect a city from the mud left by Hurricane John… a surprise DOUBLE hurricane that appeared suddenly (with no warning) to hit Acapulco a…
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Surprise Category 3 Hurricane Hits Acapulco TWICE And Drops Over A Meter of Rain – Help Needed!
Vigilantes, a hurricane has destroyed Acapulco and WE NEED YOUR URGENT HELP for the people and animals – as much or as little as you can afford to contribute! No, you didn’t misread. Yes, this is a new request, almost exactly 11 months after the last time I asked you to help with donations because a hurricane that appeared out of nowhere, with no w…
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Acapulco Rocked By Weather Weapon AGAIN, Days of Darkness and What’s Next With Kill Gates
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1:35:38Ah, The Simpsons. Those little crystal-gazing yellow prophets with the screechy voices and funky hair. In Springfield, they ate dogs long before Trump said so. Lisa was inaugurated in a purple suit and pearls before Kum-a-la took the throne. Crusty-toe pedophiles took off before Epstein’s plane. And, remember that one time on The Simpsons when Mr. …
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Israheli Terror Attacks Maim Thousands As Jewish Mafia Asset P. Diddy Gets Epsteined
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1:25:08In 1975, the CIA revealed a “heart attack” gun. It was a battery-operated gun that fired a dart of frozen water & shellfish toxin. Once inside the body, it would melt leaving only a small red mark on the victim where it entered. The official cause of death would always be a heart aka killing a human being — and getting away with it. The heart attac…
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Trump Psyops Continue as Jews Blow Up Thousands of People in Cyber Terror Attacks
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1:20:44Berwick: Sons of Scotland (and the world), I am Jeffrey Berwick from the Clan Berwick. Young soldier: Jeff Berwick is 7 feet tall. Berwick: Yes, I've heard. Kills NPC’s by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the satanic death cult organization from Khazaria with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I AM Jeff Berw…
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Trannie Zombie Apocalypse and Israheli Crop Duster Spraying Ze Bugs (You) Brought To You By Disney 33 Club
In his most recent public mumbling, Pedo Pete, the incumbent president of the United States of America reminisced about his travels to North Korea; admitted that the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ was just a scam to fund the climate agenda; and called for GUN CONTROL with his friend Camel-A. Right on schedule. Sandy HOAX, Mandalay Bay, Parklands High Sc…
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Random Chats With Max Igan, Vit Jedlicka, David Avocado Wolfe, Alec Zeck and many more at Liberpulco!
In the US, right on cue, there’s been another “school shooting”, just a few months before the (s)election Big Reveal. Bets are on that the “shooter” was a bullied gay/trans VICTIM, killing two psyops with one shot, so to speak. Also, September 11th is coming up, and that’s always a good opportunity for some murder and mayhem. Maybe the “war” will f…
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Jeff Berwick On Surviving The Greatest IRT Reality Game Ever Produced
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1:27:57Nephillim, satanists, globalists, aliens. War. HAARP Attacks. Monkeypox, bird flu, Kill Gates’ pets… genetically modified mosquito death jabs. Climate change propaganda. Digital IDs. Vaccine passports. Cyber attacks. Blackouts. Invading armies of imported terrorists. Stopping war on children just long enough to kill them with lethal polio injection…
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Kill Gates’ Pest Control Agenda In Action: 1) Release Bio-Weapons; 2) Lock Down Ze Human Bugs; 3) Spray Zem With Lethal Chemicals
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1:33:43It’s a veritable zoo of psyops agendas out there. The United States of Absurdities is currently in a panic over Monkeypox, Bird flu, Sloth fever, and not one, but TWO different Mosquito viruses! First, Your Holiness Dr. Fraudci is allegedly just recovering from a bout of West Nile Virus, the symptoms of which include no symptoms at all. Yet, just l…
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Gain of Function Genocide In Action: Operation Monkeypox Begins while Jones Plantation Reality Show Mesmerizes the Tax Slaves
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1:23:57In today’s vlog, Appolonia makes a brief guest appearance and we discuss the CovAids-Shingles-Plague-Pox they’re breaking out as the next plandemic. Maybe, as a cover for the billions of people who are going to die of the previous ‘clot shot for a donut’. Or, maybe billions will die from a new lethal injection specially engineered for the monkeypox…
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LIBERPULCO With Jeff Berwick And Vit Jetlicka, Anarchapulco Is Coming To Europe! In less than 3 weeks, Liberpulco will kick off in Serbia from September 5 – 7. The Serbians are friendly (and gorgeous). The sun is shining. You’ll hang out with the best community in the world. Some people call it Anarchapulco in Europe, but it’s a whole lot more than…
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