I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe
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Real Synthetic Audio EBM and Industrial net radio show blog and RSS feed.
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'n Reeks dokumentêre programme deur 'n span gesoute RSG en SABC omroepers en joernaliste
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Onderhoude met uitvoerende en beeldende kunstenaars oor die teater- en die kunswêreld.
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SEGA News, Reviews, and more!
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freie-radios.net (limited to Beitragsart Hörspiel)
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Keep up with news from your local ABC station.
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Matt Waldman’s NFL and college football scouting podcast.
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“The Trusted Advisor,” powered by the Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA), is a content series designed specifically for point of sale resellers and software developers.
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Conservative Talk Radio
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Interviews, messages, & more by Rock Solid Ministries Evangelists.
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World-changing ideas. For free. For everyone. Featuring the world’s most exciting public thinkers, innovators and changemakers, RSA talks bring people and ideas together to shape a better future for all.
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Exile FM Radio - Podcasts RSS
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Listen to the latest informational podcasts from RSC New Jersey fertility experts Dr. William Ziegler, Dr. Alan Martinez, and Dr. Virginia Mensah.
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www.adnkronos.com mette a disposizione dei lettori le news pubblicate con il sistema Rss. Con Rss è possibile infatti ricevere in tempo reale sul proprio computer le notizie che vengono messe on line dal Gruppo Adnkronos.
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The CEO of RSVP conducts informal conversational interviews with the top professionals in the global wedding and party industry. Expect colourful characters and a touch of salaciousness.
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Katy Bisraor, Miri Maman, Julien Bahloul, Rina Bassist et Emmanuelle Adda décryptent l’actualité israélienne, du lundi au vendredi, à 8h08.
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Haos semi-radiofonic de umor și de viață
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RSG Geldsake is die grootste sakeprogram in Suid Afrika. Dit fokus op belangrike sakenuus, menings en beleggingsinsigte. RSG Geldsake word elke weeksdag tussen 18:10 en 19:00 op RSG (101 – 104 FM) uitgesaai. Moneyweb redakteur Ryk van Niekerk bied die program aan.
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Latest Off The Hook radio shows!
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L'émission jazz sur Radio Campus Angers
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A list of recent events from the New Church Audio library for Westville, RSA.
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Dnevna informativna regionalna emisija Radija Slobodna Evropa o dešavanjima u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i svijeta. Svaki radni dan u 18:00.
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RSM’s talkBIG podcast will make you better with money. This is edutainment at its finest, suited for financial geeks or newbies. We discuss all things financial with straight-shooting opinions from our hosts. Sit back and relax with a cold one and get your hit of personal and business money talk. This podcast delves into real-life stories and inspires listeners to talk and think BIG, setting them up to save, create and protect their wealth.
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The Investment Perspectives podcast from RSMR helps financial advisers understand the economic landscape by analysing current events from an expert investment perspective. With two decades of experience delivering independent fund ratings to advisory businesses, our forward-looking research process is dedicated to constant market monitoring and assessment. Our investment team is a fountain of knowledge and as Client Engagement and Marketing Manager at RSMR, I’m always looking for ways to get ...
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Music RSS Feed
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Pour ceux qui se posent encore la question : Radio Méridien Zéro, une web-radio aux émissions engagées et au ton résolument corsaire !
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Information is power. And wherever there’s power, there are people looking to steal it. But that’s also where you’ll find us. We’re RSA Conference. And we’re here to stand against cyberthreats around the world. That means being here for you. Connecting you with the people and insights that will empower you to stay ahead of cyberthreats. We do this through our online outreach and with our events around the globe. And we make a great host, if we do say so ourselves. Some say it’s impossible to ...
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Latest available episodes from your Iono.fm playlist
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Latest available episodes from your Iono.fm playlist
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“Hear” for the music
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Podcasts e programas de rádio produzidos pela Gerência de Comunicação da Emater/RS-Ascar com informações sobre o meio rural e o serviço oficial de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e Social (Aters) do Rio Grande do Sul. Apresentação: Mateus de Oliveira. Edição: José Cabral. #AgriculturaFamiliar #Agronegócio #Agro #Saúde #Alimentação #MeioAmbiente #Sustentabilidade
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RCJ Midi est une session quotidienne d’information diffusée à la mi-journée sur RCJ de 12h à 13h. Du lundi au jeudi, Elsa Pariente, Rédactrice en chef RCJ, reçoit l’invité(e) de RCJ Midi
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RSLASH Best Of Reddit Stories 2025 Dive Into Anything Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you. Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, wh ...
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Tips and techniques that demonstrate how to coach, counsel, or mentor people with problems. Great interviews with people whom Dr. Cecil Cockerham coached, counseled, or mentored.
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「カモナ・マイRadio!」番組内(月~金/10:30~12:35) 「美味しく食べていつまでも健康に! 守屋先生の歯の健康、インプラント相談室」 (隔週水/12:15~12:30放送)歯科医師で医療法人社団東風会の理事長でもある、守屋啓吾先生が、リスナーからの歯科に関する質問にお答えしています。
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Clara und Cédric beleuchten zusammen mit Expert:innen deutsch-französische Themen und fragen bei Studierenden, Alumni:ae und Dozierenden der deutsch-französischen Studiengänge nach, was sie beschäftigt und antreibt. Der Association Gerhard Kiersch Verein wird von der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule (DFH) gefördert und unterstützt. Clara et Cédric thématisent avec des expert·e·s les questions actuelles et importantes à la France et l‘Allemagne et discutent avec des étudiant·e·s, des alumni·a ...
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Co Host Shadow Soul, Divine Guest and Myself will speak about various things in life and in love. Personal opinions and facts..We will be doing interviews as well be over all encouraging and just honest opinions and touchy topics most shy away from.
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Keep up to date with what's going on in nature. Host Stephen Magee will have the latest news on wildlife, policy and what's going on on RSPB Scotland's amazing reserves. Get in touch @RSPBScotland on Twitter or podcast.scotland@RSPB.org.uk
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Stephs Case Files RSD Feed: True Crime
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iOS, Android, gadgets, tecnologia e essas coisas que a gente curte.
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Com apresentação de Taline Schneider e edição de Jamile Duarte.
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Posebna sjednici Skupština RS-a o prijedlogu da se Dodik više ne pojavljuje pred Sudom BiH. Hiljade domaćinstava u BiH bez struje, snijeg izazvao probleme u saobraćaju širom BiH. Organizacije civilnog društva podnijele krivičnu prijavu zbog 'špijunaže' novinara i aktivista u Srbijiتوسط Radio Slobodna Evropa
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Here’s your latest ECR Newswatch bulletin from the team at East Coast Radio. Mark as Listened · Websiteتوسط East Coast Radio - Catch Up
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Com apresentação de Mateus de Oliveira, Adriane Bertoglio Rodrigues e Taline Schneider. Edição de Jamile Duarte.
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The City of Philadelphia is in an extended code blue, which means more resources specifically for the most vulnerable.توسط Annie McCormick
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Today on Moneyweb@Midday ... A debate is raging among human rights activists, mining companies and legal experts about illegal miners’ right to access food. Why zero-emission transport will be among 2025’s key trends. Plus, how the United States will influence conflict in the Middle East, should it go through with its $8bn arms sale to Israel. Mark…
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Winter winds continue today and tomorrow before we track another chance for snow on Saturday.توسط Karen Rogers
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The blaze broke out just before 7 p.m. Tuesday on the 500 block of Dekalb Street.توسط 6abc Digital Staff
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Matt Damon and his wife Luciana are matching donations up to $100,000 to help families with high health care expenses.توسط KABC
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Vai kādreiz esat domājuši, kā jūsu mūzikas klausīšanās pieredzi ietekmē smaržas, ko jūtat apkārt? Apzināti pievērsties ožas un dzirdes mijiedarbei varēs 8. janvāra vakarā Latvijas Komponistu savienības telpās, kur notiks pasākums „Smaržu mūzika”. Tajā varēs klausīties un smaržot argentīniešu komponista Bruno Meša darba „Osmosonic Study No 5” fragme…
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Convicted kidnapper Matthew Muller is facing more new charges and investigators now say Muller may have begun his crime spree all the way back in 1993.توسط WPVI
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Transformative Authenticity
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08.01.25 Pt 2 - Gareth Cliff and Jack Motlanthe are joined by the ever-hilarious Nina Hastie for an episode packed with laughs and intriguing discussions. From the unique traditions of a Serbian Christmas to the brilliance of the musical Wicked, and Nina’s candid take on her decision to get a boob job Mark as Listened · The Real Network…
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Pēc septiņu gadu darba klajā nācis Bībeles atjaunotais tulkojums. Pie tā plecu pie pleca strādāja dažādu kristīgo konfesiju, neatkarīgo draudžu un Valsts valodas centra pārstāvji. Revīzija tika veikta trešajam pilnajam Bībeles tulkojumam, kas nāca klajā pirms 12 gadiem. Mērķis bija uzlabot tulkojumu, lai tas būtu precīzāks un saprotamāks mūsdienu c…
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Запасы донорской крови во время зимних праздников существенно истощились, поэтому центр доноров крови на этой неделе проводит специальные мероприятия для приема доноров на местах. В том числе, пройдут выездные рейды автобуса VADC. Подробнее об этом в утренней программе “Домская площадь” рассказала директор Государственного центра доноров крови Эгит…
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Stāsta Rīgas ielu pētnieks Edgars Lecis Vecrīgā starp Grēcinieku ielu un Peldu ielu atrodas nelielā Ūdensvada iela. Kaut arī ielas nosaukums vedina domāt par salīdzinoši nesenu pagātni, ielas nosaukumam ir cieša saistība ar Rīgas pilsētas ūdenssaimniecības attīstību 17. gadsimtā. Iela izveidojās 13. gadsimtā kā daļa no senās Trauksmes ielas – tā bi…
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Medicīnas tūrisms Latvijā ir konkurētspējīgs un tas jāattīsta - pārliecinātas ir gan privātklīnikas, gan arī Veselības ministrija. Medicīnas iestādes norāda, ka ir spējīgas uzņemt vairāk ārzemju pacientu nekā patlaban, taču būtu nepieciešams arī valsts atbalsts. Veselības ministrija skaidro, ka patlaban ir ieviests rīcības plāns veselības aprūpes p…
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The hackers may have gained access to customers' social security numbers and/or bank information used for direct deposit, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday on behalf of a resident living in Philadelphia.توسط 6abc Digital Staff
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Augot ekonomikai, pieaugs pieprasījums pēc darbaspēka, taču pašreiz tirgū brīvo vakanču skaits ir samazinājies. Jau pērnā gada beigās konkurence uz vienu vakanci atsevišķās amata kategorijās bija ļoti liela. Brīvo vakanču samazinājums rāda, ka arī uzņēmēji ir piesardzīgi. Pērn brīvo vakanču skaits turpināja sarukt un bija par 10 % mazāks, nekā gadu…
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Sabiedriskajam medijam būtiski aktualizēt jaunas tēmas, uzsākt jaunus satura virzienus. Tā uzskata Latvijas Sabiedriskā medija valdes (LSM) priekšsēdētāja Baiba Zūzena. Intervijā Latvijas Radio rīta programmā viņa atzina, ka noteikti jāturpina strādāt pie domas, kā veicināt sadarbību abiem spēcīgajiem informācijas sniedzējiem – Latvijas Radio un La…
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Overall, crime was down 8%.توسط Caroline Goggin
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Vai miljardieris un sociālo mediju platformas "X" īpašnieks Īlons Masks cenšas ietekmēt Eiropas politiskos procesus? Šāds jautājums pēdējās dienās izskanējis vairāku Eiropas valstu politisko līderu diskusijās, tajā skaitā Francijas, Norvēģijas, Lielbritānijas un Vācijas. Šādas bažas raisījis Maska atbalsts Vācijas galēji labējai populistiskajai par…
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Keith McLachlan from Integral Investment Management shares insights on offshore investing, evaluating executive performance, and uncovering value. Mark as Listenedتوسط Simon Brown
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Nearly 44 years after Jimmy Carter left the nation's capital in humbling defeat, the 39th president returned to Washington for three days of state funeral rites starting Tuesday.توسط AP
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RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS 1/7/25 Topics: ObamCare; DEI Catastrophies; Election Certification; Laken Riley Act; J-6 Pardons
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RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss 'It Started With ObamaCare'; 'The Catastrophic Consequences of DEI'; Kamala Harris certifies the 2024 election; Joe Biden cleared the way for Trump's January 6th prisoner pardons; and the Laken Riley Act finally heads to Congress.توسط rspradio1
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'Shifting Gears' stars Tim Allen, Kat Dennings talk on set fun and fab cars. The new sitcom premieres Wednesday at 8p|7c on ABC.توسط OTRC
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Calvin Sutton says his daughter was taking an Uber to hang out with friends so she didn't have to drive her own car in the city on New Year's Eve.توسط 6abc Digital Staff
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It's a new era on the Pennsylvania Turnpike as Open Road Tolling rolled out over the weekend, making traditional toll booths obsolete.توسط Beccah Hendrickson
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The people of Valencia are still trying to come to terms with the events of 29 October - in a matter of hours, the Spanish city was hit by flash floods, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction. But, as news of the floods began circulating on social media, so did rumours about the supposed causes behind the torrential rain. “This is not norm…
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Peter Yarrow, the singer-songwriter best known as one-third of the folk-music trio Peter, Paul and Mary, has died in New York, his publicist said.توسط AP
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Julien Bahloulتوسط RCJ
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The town of Pennsauken, which is racially diverse, has had an African American mayor and a woman mayor, but never an African American woman.توسط TaRhonda Thomas
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Disneyland is kicking off 2025 in style, and this year is extra special because it's their 70th anniversary.توسط WLS
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The 56th NAACP Image Awards honors "Mufasa: The Lion King," "Inside Out 2," "The Bear," "Abbott Elementary" and more with nods. The show airs Feb. 22.توسط OTRC
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A massive sinkhole opened in a Hunting Park roadway just moments after a SEPTA bus passed over a buckling section of the street.توسط Walter Perez
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Com apresentação de Taline Schneider e edição de Jamile Duarte.
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Ryk van Niekerk – Moneyweb Volg RSG Geldsake op Twitterتوسط Ryk van Niekerk
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Kakaopryse het onlangs met 180% gestyg. Pierre le Roux, eienaar van Sengi Kakao gesels oor die impak wat dit inhou. Volg RSG Geldsake op Twitterتوسط Ryk van Niekerk
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Bekendes en belangrike rolspelers in die bedryf spreek hullle wense uit vir 2025.توسط RSG
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'n Jong koorleier het vroeg verlede jaar die leisels by Renette Bouwer oorgeneem as hoof van die Universiteit van Johannesburg se koor. Terrance April gesels met Sizwe Mondlane oor dié grootse taak, en wat sy toekomsplanne vir die koor is.توسط RSG
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Paul Vaandrager is ‘n deeltydse musikant. Hy gesels oor sy instrument, en die rol wat hy vertolk by die Pretoria Simfonieorkes.توسط RSG
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In 'n argiefonderhoud uit 1972, gesels Johan Stemmet met Arnold van Wyk oor sy skeppingswerk as komponis.توسط RSG
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Piet Nel, onafhanklike belastingkonsultant gesels oor Suid-Afrika wat nou ’n internasionale minimum belasting van 15% op groot multinasionale maatskappye gaan hef. Volg RSG Geldsake op Twitterتوسط Ryk van Niekerk
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ArcelorMittal het gister 'n aankondiging gemaak oor die sluiting van sy langstaalbedrywighede. Neels van Niekerk, bestuurshoof van die Internasionale Staalvervaardigers van Suid-Afrika, verduidelik wat dit vir Suid-Afrika beteken. Volg RSG Geldsake op Twitterتوسط Ryk van Niekerk
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