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RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

Marjorie Cole

It’s time to speak up and confront the lies. The battle between God and Satan is being fought within our very souls, and it’s time to have an honest conversation about it. Although the Lord has already won the battle, the Enemy still has a lot to say, leaving many of us feeling doubtful and confused. Join us for discussions on spiritual warfare, generational curses, deliverance, sin, relationships, addiction, depression, anxiety, healing, suffering, and more. Tune in to our podcast and exper ...
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Souls are being caught “like birds” (Ezek. 13:17-23) with the drugs, Pharmakia, charms, and the Enchantments of the Evil One. We are living in the Devil’s Snake Pit, being seduced by the spirit of divination and bewitched by the sorcery of those who have been bewitched by the Enemy themselves. How did we get here? Or has this always been the case? …
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"For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything be kept secret but that it sould come to light." Mk. 4:22 The hidden works of darkness, the deception, the treachery, the secrets that have kept our souls locked in fear and bound in the treachery of the Devil's snake pit are being uncovered. The Enemy's blackmail and bullyin…
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Jesus reduced life into one power question, "For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mk. 8:37) "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" How much is your soul worth? The worth of something is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it. How much was God willing to pay for the redemption o…
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How big a deal is the Fear of the Lord in a believer's life? What does is do? Where has if gone? The first first sign of the loss of fear of the Lord is the subtle corrusion and corruption of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. The lack of fear of the Lord promotes the fear of everything. We are overtaken by fear of man, fear of failure, fea…
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Do not be deceived, Jesus said. “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ And will deceive many.” -Mt 24:4-5 “If anyone says, here is the Christ, do not believe it.” Mt. 24:23 Paul was afraid that if anyone came preaching “another Jesus” the people might put up with it. -II Cor. 11:4 One thing we…
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The Apostle Paul addressed that issue in Romans chapter 7 when he said, ”If I am doing what I will not to do, then it is no longer I who do it but the sin that dwells in me.” Jesus very distinctly told us to cast out demons as one of the jobs he gave us to do on a regular basis. He did not call us to exert more willpower, work on a course of self-i…
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We all have mothers. Our relationship with our mother is our first connection with life. The bond is strong, but the diabolical work of the enemy to undo the foundations of the righteous begins with how we treat our mothers and how they treat us. The pain of children losing their mothers and mothers losing their children to the wiles of the Evil On…
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Are you caught circling around old habits, stuck in a rut, living your life in passive un-fulfillment, up against a mountain of resistance and difficulty? It is time to speak to the mountain, as Jesus told us and move out, into the place of the promise. For the Hebrews, it was going to reclaim the land God had promised to Abraham. For us, it is the…
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As Moses charges the Children of Israel with his last words before he dies, he tells the people they have hung around this mountain long enough. They had been going in circles for forty years, and it was time to move on. Their inheritance was waiting to be reclaimed. What are the mountains you have been hanging around too long? Is it a mountain of …
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Mary needed faith to move the promises of God forward in the redemption of mankind. We look for results, outcomes, answers to prayer. God looks at the process, the refining of our faith to believe in the faithfulness of God. He promises to go with us through the flood and the fire. Jesus's identity and faith was forged in the heat of the 40 day tri…
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As the world faces upheaval and turmoil, we are reminded of God's mercy, ever-present and unyielding, in keeping His Promises. From Genesis to Bethlehem to Revelation, God overshadowed HIs people with mercy and strength. Through the stories of Mary, Zacharias, Elizabeth, and the shepherds, we see how their faith kept the glimmer of hope alive for a…
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Today, we will treat you to a scene from the audio Drama God On Trial, a 28-episode radio drama. The premise of the story is the war between God and Satan for the souls of men, told from Satan’s point of view. The series is inspirational, entertaining, educational, and good to use as an outreach tool for evangelism. The title, God on Trial, examine…
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We are still is grave danger as a nation, until we get to the root of the problem in this world. The issue is one of idolatry, our fascination with the pursuit of everything other than the One True God. Until the spell of the enchantments of the Evil One is broken, we will be captivated by our own opinions, our experiences and the enslaved to the p…
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It is time to wake up and realize where we are at and what time it is. “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.” Rom. 13:11. It is time to be transformed, not just to change. We have all tried to change, but now it is time to walk in the Spirit and know …
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The disciples asked Jesus the same question. The kingdom would not be recognized physically because it would be revealed from within. This is not what they wanted to hear, nor did they understand it. Jesus’ prediction and description of the end events were solid and sure, but they were not going to be easily discerned. Men would be distracted, like…
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Where is Your Justice, Oh God? The righteous are pushed down, persecuted, and perish, while the godless mock, toast, and relentlessly pressure the innocent. The Psalms are full of the prayers of those being persecuted, hunted, and suffering from the injustices of those who resist them. We know God is just and will repay those who plunder our lives,…
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The nation of Israel in Nehemiah's day was in a crisis. The only thing that could restore it was in recognizing a need for revelation and repentance. The cycle of blessing and rebellion and rejection of God's commandments had left the people of God again in a desperate situation. The ongoing spiritual battle for our souls, our nation and the preser…
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How do we, as Christians, participate in today's politics? Do politics and religion mix? We have all heard that there must be a separation of church and state. But is this the way things are supposed to be? The Bible tells us the opposite. Prophets warned kings. Prophets like Daniel served many administrations. The kings, like Josiah, cleansed the …
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"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint." Pr. 2:13 God tells the prophet Hosea, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hos. 4:6 Isaiah continues the theme speaking for God, "Therefore , My people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge." The loss of the knowledge of the revelation of Jesus Christ, God'…
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Join us as we examine the biblical insights from Luke 11 and Ephesians 6, revealing the roles of the strong man in our spiritual battles. Discover the significance of the armor of God and how truth, righteousness, faith, and the Word of God can protect us from the enemy's deceitful schemes. Gain practical wisdom on identifying and breaking free fro…
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Have we learned to accept life without miracles? It was the compassion of Jesus that compelled Him to heal the people. (Mt 4:23-25) But what blocks us from receiving our healing? Some people resign themselves to accepting pain and sickness as inevitable, as punishment, or as their cross to bear—unforgiveness, bitterness, unworthiness, guilt, and co…
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What has happened to those called to be the salt of the earth? Salt mixed with impurities loses its saltiness and is good for nothing but to be cast into the street and trampled underfoot. Have we become disillusioned with holiness and truth and left our first love? Even as Peter warns us of scoffers and scoundrels coming in the last days who disda…
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Where does all this insanity, the zombification, and dullness of hearing that has erupted among us come from? Jeremiah says, “For it is a land of carved images, and they are insane with their idols.” (Jer. 50:38) So, how does idolatry produce insanity among the worshippers? And why did God make it such a big deal about not having any other gods bef…
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Idolatry, iniquity and declaring the sticks and stones to be their gods, was Jeremiah’s warning to the people, a warning they did not heed. Jeremiah’s message written thousands of years ago is as relevant to what is going on today as it was when Judah went into captivity back then. My people are foolish, silly children who do not see the truth or w…
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We have been overstimulated and undernourished. Apathy, confusion, and dullness have overtaken the body of Christ. Who would have suspected a full-on assault of the Enemy to look like this? Not hand-to-hand combat, not spiritual air strikes, but grogginess and exhaustion. We are tired of trying to be good and worn out trying to get well. So, what i…
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We are in a war where the weapons are not carnal as the Bible tells us, but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds. What does that mean? What are the weapons and how do they work? It might surprise you to learn that the weapons God gives us are words, love, patience, the sword of truth, and the name of Jesus. Join us to understand how to …
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Jesus warned us about being deceived in the last days. With the rapture eminent, that means it could happen at any time, we do not what to be tricked into thinking we are ready to go when we could just be going through the motions of being a real believer. He told us to strive to enter in through the narrow gate. He said many will seek to enter in …
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How do we know who is telling the truth? In these days, spiritual deception is ramping up, and people are confused, who are we to believe? Great distress is mounting over what the truth is, what the true nature of God is, and who we are. Is God good, and if He is, what about all the controversy about what He does? Why is it necessary to put the dev…
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Panic praying is like being thrown overboard into the deep end of the lake when we have never taken swimming lessons. Praying in a crisis is terrifying. It comes out of a relationship with fear and unbelief. Jesus said if we abide in Him and His word abides in us, we can ask what we will, and it will be done for us. Praying in faith comes out of co…
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How do we deal with fear and anxiety in these perilous times? Praying proactively and prophetically secures the day and aligns the future with God's will. We must know how to pray, “Thy Kingdom Come!” Preventative prayers for protection take us into the future to bind our will with God’s for the day, the time, places of the day, where we will be go…
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Are you living in the third kingdom of "I don’t know?" Are you giving passive agreement to the lies of the Liar? Jesus said there are only two kingdoms: God’s and Satan’s. However, the Enemy sets up the illusion of the third kingdom, which causes us to live in a world where we function in a perpetual state of “I don’t know, or I’m not sure. Satan w…
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Join us today for a special interview with the author of the new best-seller "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life." The spiritual war is real, and it is being fought every day, inside of us. There are 20,000 books written on the subject of Spiritual Warfare. Find out why we need another book on it and how this book on Spiritu…
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Easily distracted and deceived. This is what God has chosen to work with in the rescuing of His Children. Because children have only limited experience, they have no knowledge of the danger or the consequences of their actions. The only hope we have is to listen and take heed to our Father who, in this case, "knows best" because He knows everything…
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Is there a spirit of resistance operating in us that is making it difficult for us to stop what we cannot quit? Are we so familiar with that spirit of fear and confusion that we do not step up to deal with the sin which is present in me, as Paul describes it, because I do not notice it or its activities in us? Resistance to the truth is a common fe…
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What time is it? I'm late! Time's up. We are eternal creatures who live in a corridor of time. The scripture admonishes us to redeem the time for the days are evil. Our life is given to us as a gift measured out as an allotted amount of time. We can invest that time in anything we choose. The pauper and the rich man alike, are both given the same a…
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Faith is founded on the Word of God. Faith is a link that releases the will of God from heaven to earth. What God wants done on earth in people's lives comes to pass through those who obey and speak His Word, and wait to see its fulfillment. Get your copy of “Spiritual Warfare And How Deliverance Can Change Your Life” at Amazon. Also check out the …
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Adam's cures made it hard for him to admit he was wrong. Thisis came down upon Eve as being blamed. Eve's curse is to want to be desired by her husband and that he would have the rule over her. If he was a tyrant, that would be her fate. If he were a godly man, she would be covered and blessed. Many women, however, suffer today because their husban…
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What makes faith such a big deal with God? Faith is not defined by its outcomes. Faith is speaking into the future through the men and women who live by faith to declare the hope of a future. They believe in the Word of God even amid impossible circumstances to bring forth His promises. They are willing to surrender how things look and feel to rece…
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Living by faith is continuing to obey God and trust Him, even though we often don't see the results. Hebrews 11 gives us a brief list of men and women who exemplified what it it means to follow God and trust Him no matter what. We see how their actions of faith were prophetic, reaching far into the future to today and beyond. Check out the Life Rec…
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The Curse on Adam was more than just fighting weeds and sweating. The real curse the Enemy picked up on to use against the man came when Adam refused to admit he had eaten of the forbidden fruit. He blamed the woman that God had given him. There is no record of him ever admitting he had done anything wrong. To this day, men have a very hard time ad…
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What do we do when life is hard and God does not seem to be helping. We are being tested to become fearful and disappointed. Why are things so hard? What happened to having our “best life now”? The Bible is full of stories of people who went through hard things. David comforted his soul be reminding himself the God was his rock. He was not going to…
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Marriage was meant to be a covenant between a man and a woman. In Genesis, God made a help mate for Adam to keep him from getting lonely and help him with the Garden. But after they sinned, everything changed. Adam refused to admit he had any part in the disobedient act of eating the fruit. Instead, he said, “it was the woman You gave me.” This ope…
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The definition of covenant is basically two parties entering into an agreement that makes all of my things your things, and all of your things my things. God's strengths become our strength. God's resources become our resources. God invited Abraham to walk away from the paganism of the world and enter into Covenant with Him. That Covenant was cut w…
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Cries of "Hosanna!' had turned to cries of "Crucify Him!". Once on the cross, the religious leaders mocked Jesus saying, "If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." "If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him..." Jesus would not come down from the cross because He came down to earth for the…
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As we delve deeper, we discover the significance of Jesus' sacrifice and the divine timing that aligns with the Passover festival. Jesus fulfills the Passover as the ultimate sacrificial lamb, signaling the end of the old covenant and the ushering in of a new era of love and servanthood. Check out God On Trial at the Life Recovery Store. "Because T…
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The hostility against Jesus mounted as it became more apparent who He was. The Honeymoon with Jesus and His enemies was over. He was a threat the them and everything they had built out of the bricks of religion and fear. They were losing control of the people who were shifting their faith over to a new commandment of love. As the time drew nearer t…
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An eye for an eye does not promote the law of love. Satan is the god of this world. What would ever make us think that he would promote the justice due a man? Or that his administration of this world would right the wrongs and distribute the goods and opportunities of his "Snake Pit" fairly? We are left with several options, to trust God to bring j…
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The Lord instructs His people to have other gods before Him and that He is a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the fathers onto the children to the third and fourth generation. Unless we put the devil into the equation this sounds like a threat from God to punish those who do not serve Him. If God were acting independently, He would have to be…
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The symptoms of chaos in our lives are anxiety, depression and fear. Chaos comes as one of the after-effects of childhood trauma. The trauma has gotten us to permit disassociation and "I don't want to know" to rule in our souls. Disassociation does not allow us to see what is going on, so we live our lives in a cycle of fear, destruction and chaos.…
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Life is the place where love and fear meet and make war. It is the co-mingling of the two most powerful and compelling forces on earth. "Perfect love casts out fear." But what is love? We are told that God loved us even when we were still sinners. We are conditioned to define love as conditional, contingent upon our behavior. Love, according to the…
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