Scientifically speaking the funniest podcast on the internet [citation needed]. On every episode of The Science Jerks, co-hosts Ciaccio and Chan bring in a guest comedian to help them take a deep look at the cutting-edge world of science and technology. They analyze current science news with barely-researched, gleeful abandon, often diving recklessly off the philosophical deep end, but more often than not devolving into tangents about sci-fi, film, politics, comics, culture and music.
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245: Gravity, IQ, Governance and Change
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1:18:53Just Chan and Dave this week, as we greet Chan's new baby, Egon, and talk about the future of the show. Please stay tuned for our new show format coming soon! Gravity measured IQ and Anxiety …
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244: Erik Barnes on A Trip To The Moon, Minority Reporting with Music and the Social Pressures of Duck Penises
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1:21:27Comedian Erik Barnes (@ErikWBarnes) joins us to talk about the new political push to go to the moon, an attempt to pick out psychopaths by music tastes and how duck penises respond to a drake's position in society. Don't Fall on the Moon MINORITY REPORT IS COMING…
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243: Erik Barnes on Falling Chinese Space Stations, Psychedelic Depression Treatments and Texture Camouflage
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1:06:18Comedian Erik Barnes (@ErikWBarnes) joins us to talk about the impending crash to Earth of a disabled Chinese Space Station, how microdosing psilocybin, AKA magic mushrooms, has had positive results treating depression and anxiety, and a new type of camouflage that incorporates texture, much like the mighty octopus. THIS IS GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR …
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242: Winston Carter on Liquid Cremation, Enumerating Emotions and The Persistence of Human Evolution
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1:15:23Filmmaker Winston Carter returns to talk about the controversial new method for cremating human remains with chemicals instead of fire, how many distinct emotions humans have and the ways in which humans are still evolving. WRING OUT YOUR DEAD W…
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241: Winston Carter on Immortal Fruit Flies, Amazing/Terrifying Face Detection and Skin Cell Transmutation
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1:01:06Filmmaker Winston Carter joins us to talk about a new technique to extend the lifespan of fruit flies, how amazingly good face detection algorithms have become and a way to turn skin cells into motor neurons. WE'VE MADE FRUIT FLIES IMMORTAL BAD NEWS FOR INCO…
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240: Nate Siggard on Zika Killing Cancer, The SELF-DRIVE Act and Postpartum Depression in Men
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1:08:31Artist Nate Siggard ( returns to chat with us about how the Zika virus is being used to fight Cancer, what the new driverless car legislation means for the future of driving and how postpartum depression in new fathers can lower stress in mothers. Plus we talk about the biological roots of racism. ZIKA CURES CANCER! SORT OF. https://…
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239: Nate Siggard on Neutron Star Collisions, Democratic Dogs and Heat-Resistant Streets
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1:03:28Artist Nate Siggard ( joins us to talk about a possible collision of neutron stars found by the LIGO gravitational wave detector, how packs of wild dogs in Africa vote by sneezing, and how the city of Los Angeles is fighting warming by making white streets. LIGO TRACKING BIGGEST EXPLOSION EVER RECORDED…
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Gerard Dean Peters returns to talk to us about the recent discovery that there's way more Black Holes than we thought, the fact that marathon runners have a special runners' biome and what's the deal with roving jewelry. Plus we look into what Neil Armstrong or Buzz would have done if they had gotten stuck on the moon. THERE'S SO MANY BLACK HOLES h…
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237: Gerard Dean Peters on Asteroid Fly-Bys, Super-Volcano Solutions and Language Ethics
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1:06:23Comedian Gerard Dean Peters stops by to help us take a look at some near-Earth Asteroids headed our way, what we should be doing to fight super-volcanoes and why speaking in your non-native language helps you to be more logical, and less emotional. EARTH GRAZIN'…
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236: Miles Roberts on The A.I. Apocalypse, Ebola Semen and Augmented Reality Ads
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1:02:48Miles Roberts (@milesboberts) returns to talk about what it means that two artificial intelligence robots learned their own language, why Ebola RNA is still showing up in survivors semen and how the "Third Space" of Augmented Reality is already selling adspace. A.I. APOCALYPSE HELP! THERE'S …
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235: Miles Roberts on NASA's Planetary Protection Officer, Americans Getting Slower and The Cockroaches & The Bees
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1:04:45Comedian Miles Roberts (@milesboberts) joins us talk about NASA's job posting for a Planetary Protection Officer, why American runners have been getting slower and cockroaches that farm mushrooms. Plus we take a close look at sexuality in space. PLANETARY PROTECTION OFFICER IS PROBABLY NOT THE JOB YOU THINK IT IS…
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234: Riley Silverman on Bacteria That Make You Altruistic, How Your Health Might Affect Your Children and How to Tell if Someone is Poor
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1:24:24Standup Riley Silverman (@ryesilverman) returns to help us figure out if your gut bacteria can make you a good person, if your health choices can affect your offspring and why poor people look like poor, plus we get deep into genetic engineering, CRISPR, the transporter dilemma and debate the existence of a soul! Can your guts make you more altruis…
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233: Riley Silverman on Radio Signal From The Stars, Insomnia Evolution and Those Indestructible Water Bears
Standup Riley Silverman (@ryesilverman) joins us to talk about some weird signals from deep space, is it aliens? Plus has insomnia evolved in humans for a reason? And can anything kill Tardigrades, a.k.a. Water Bears? ALIENS!? IT'S ALIENS, ISN'T IT?!…
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232: Kash Abdulmalik on Bacterial Dust Storms, Punk Rock Cockatoos and Disinfecting Nanobots
Kash Abdulmalik(@KashAbdulmalik) returns to look into how dust storms can affect your allergies, biomes and general health, one of the only animals that plays the drums in the wild and the invention of a passively self-powered nanobot that can clean up stagnant water. Plus can we build a highway to the moon? SANDSTORM BIOMES https://www.sciencedail…
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231: Kash Abdulmalik on Geckoskin in Space, The Yellowstone Super-Volcano and How Not To Tell If Someone Is Attractive
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1:09:51Kash Abdulmalik (@KashAbdulmalik) joins us to talk about how the superior gripping power of geckos is helping clean up space junk, what would happen if the Yellowstone Caldera exploded and why judging your attraction someone based on their headshots isn't very accurate. Plus we look into claims that B17 cures cancer. Is it true? GECKOS IN SPACE htt…
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230: Elyssa Phillips on Entangled Codes, Multi-Dimensional Brains and Electric Pee
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1:00:51Comedy writer and actor Elyssa Phillips (@elyssamp) returns to chat with us about chinese entangled particle technology, how brains are wired to store info in up to 11 different mathematical dimensions, and how a waste urine processing plant started making electricity. Plus we figure out if water is wet and what constitutes music! THE CHINESE GO QU…
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229: Elyssa Phillips on A City On Mars, Cybersleep and The Willpower of Kids
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1:11:29Comedy writer and actor Elyssa Phillips (@elyssamp) joins us to discuss Elon Musk's plan to start a civilization on Mars, a new way to possibly induce long-term sleep, and why some kids in Africa have more willpower than kids in the western world. Plus we take a look into nuclear power and the water in New York. MUSK ME TO MARS https://www.scientif…
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Filmmaker Peter Hyoguchi ( returns to talk with us about T-Rex's newfound lack of feathers, the results of China testing gene editing on humans and a conspiracy-rich hole on Mars. Plus we figure out if it's possible to talk to squirrels. FIRST THEY HAD LIZARD SKIN, THEN CHICKEN FEATHERS, NOW FISH SCALES?…
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227: Peter Hyoguchi on Ancient Human Skulls, Reading Monkey Brains and Electrically Stimulating Creativity
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1:27:11Filmmaker Peter Hyoguchi ( joins us to get into the new oldest human bones ever found, a technique for reading human facial representations in the brains of monkeys and how electrical stimulation to the head might increase creativity. Plus we talk about climate science and get deep into some conspiracy theories. HUMANITY GETS OLDE…
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226: Bryan Musil on Crash-Resistant Microbes, The Odds on Future Science and Caligula's Orgy Ships!
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1:15:09Comedy Writer Bryan Musil returns to help us figure out microbes that can travel through space as well as survive the landing, the betting odds on which technologies will happen soon and Italy's search for Caligula's missing orgy ship. Microbes are unbreakable…
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225: Bryan Musil on 4D Drug Modeling, Endangered Mexican Dolphins and Shocking Coma Patients
Comedy Writer Bryan Musil joins us to talk about new ways of modeling drugs on the molecular level, why the last few dozen vaquitas (mexican porpoises) may soon be gone, and a new shock treatment that might be helping coma patients. ALGORITHMS - NO, WAIT! DRUG ALGORITHMS! Mexican Dolphi…
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224: Andrew Fernandez on Robots Teaching Doctors, Poop Velocity and How To Go Back In Time
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1:00:05Comedy writer Andrew Fernandez (@frankwarden) returns to discuss artificially intelligent robots that can help doctors on their bedside manner, brand new science on the poop rates of different mammals, and a math teacher who claimed to have figured out it how might be possible to go back in time, plus we look into where missing socks go and try to …
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223: Andrew Fernandez on Traveling To The Stars, Making Bricks Out Of Mars and Making a Game Out Of Brains
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1:10:04Comedy writer Andrew Fernandez (@frankwarden) joins us and we talk about how long it would take to get to the nearest stars, how the first settlers might make bricks on Mars, and a new game that helps researchers trace neurons in the human brains. WE COULD GET TO ANOTHER STAR IN A LIFETIME or 69 IS THE BEST NUMBER FOR A SECOND REASON or *69 https:/…
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222: Gil Baron on The Music of Meteors, Algae Biofuels and How to Ride an Escalator
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1:16:13Gil Baron (@gjbaron) returns to help us figure out why some shooting stars make a sound, how we can get fuel from algae and what's the best way to ride an escalator for the common good. MUSIC OF THE METEORS GAS FROM ALGAE YOU SHOULD BE …
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221: Gil Baron on Dark Matter Imaging, Fast Radio Bursts and Real Life Tricorders
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1:17:45Comedy Producer Gil Baron (@gjbaron) joins us to discuss the first ever image of dark matter in the universe, tracking down the source of random bursts of energy from deep space and the X-prize winner for a device that can diagnose diseases in humans, plus a time-travel question sets us on a long tangent about human nature. "SEEING" DARK MATTER htt…
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220: John Wyatt on Rings Around Mars, The Randomness of Cancer and Vibrating Your Way To Health
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1:00:16John Wyatt (@johnwyattt) returns to help us look into a possible future ring forming around Mars, how some cancers depend more on randomness than lifestyle and why full body vibration might be as healthy as exercise. MARS MIGHT BE GETTING THAT RING BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE ... JUST BECAUSE https:/…
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219: John Wyatt on Black Holes on the Loose, Smart Phone Fertility Tests and Google Methane Maps
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1:09:25John Wyatt (@johnwyattt) comes in to insult our moms and talk about how a black hole got pushed out of its Galaxy, a way to check male fertility with your phone and why Google is mapping gas leaks around the world. IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US - BLACK HOLE EDITION HEY SIRI, I NEED …
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218: Jolene Kim on Designer Yeast, Nose Evolution and The End of Moore's Law
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1:22:13Jolene Kim (@jolenekim) returns to chat with us about designer organisms from yeast, how your nose shape can indicate where your ancestors lived and how we might be approaching the smallest possible memory size. PLAYING GOD WITH YEAST…
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217: Jolene Kim on The Trappist-1 Planets, The Longest Neuron and Sneaky Beetles
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1:15:41Jolene Kim (@jolenekim) drops by to help us name the seven new Trappist-1 planets, explore consciousness after the news of a new super-long neuron just found in mouth brains, and figure out why so many beetles have evolved to look like mice. THE NEW PLANETS…
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Erika Heidewald (@erikaheidewald) joins us to talk about the science behind the movie Arrival. We dive deep into linguistics, perception of time and reasons to live! Find us at and Email us Subscribe for free on Stitcher or iTunes:…
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215: Hector Navarro on Shoebox Satellites Over Africa, Making Hydrogen With Mopeds and The Lost Continent of Zealandia
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1:01:51Hector Navarro (Geek & Sundry, @Hectorisfunny) returns to help us take a look at how tiny satellites are revolutionizing farm research, a Russian moped conversion that turns methane into hydrogen and carbon dioxide and the new micro-continent surrounding New Zealand, plus we tackle the Yahoo Answers question, what is color? SMALL SATELLITES SPY ON …
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214: Hector Navarro on Making New Mammoths, Eating Young Meat and Reanimating Old Bacteria
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1:08:12Hector Navarro (Geek & Sundry, @Hectorisfunny) joins us to talk about the new effort to genetically engineer Mammoths from Elephants, why eating meat from young animals might be healthier and 50,000 year-old bacteria found in a cave. OLD FOOD MAKES YOU OLD…
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213: Jake Goldman on Bigger, Better Batteries, Why Immigration Lowers Crime and Refreezing The Arctic
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1:10:18Jake Goldman (The Powerpuff Girls, @thedragoeffect) returns to talk to us about bigger, better and more long-lasting batteries, the positive effect that immigration has on communities and a super-villain level plan to save the planet by cooling down the arctic. BIGGER BATTERIES SORRY LI…
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212: Jake Goldman on Mission to Europa, Robotic Bees and CRISPRing Dinosaurs
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1:24:37Powerpuff Girls writer Jake Goldman joins us to discuss a NASA mission to Jupiter's moon Europa, robotic drones that might someday replace real bees, and how much we should resist or embrace new technologies. Plus we talk about a user question about creating dinosaurs out of chickens. SEARCHING FOR EUROPEANS IN SPACE…
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211: Nicky Urban on Heart-Hugging Robots, Optogenetic Mouse Armies and Bad Science in Wyoming
Nicky Urban returns to talk with us about a new robotic implant for heart patients, how to turn on a mouse's killer instinct with lasers and why GOP legislators in Wyoming are trying to outlaw clean energy. DOES YOUR HEART NEED A HUG? KILLER ZOMBIE MOUSE ARMY https://www…
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210: Nicky Urban on A Cure For Old, Virgin Shark Births and An In Depth Look Into Porn Statistics
Comedian Nicky Urban (@tweetsattoilets) joins us to take a look at a serum that might make old blood act like new again, how a shark spontaneously cloned three kids, and what porn habits of the world. STOPPING EFFECTS OF OLD BLOOD VIRGIN M…
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209: Erika Curry on New Zealand's Extermination Plan, Right-Handed Cave People and The Milky Way Is Stealing Stars
Erika Curry (@gillygal) returns to help us figure out New Zealand's plan to get rid of all non-native species, evidence that shows neanderthals and early humans were also mostly right-handed and why The Milky Way galaxy is being accused of theft. NEW ZEALAND TO HOST GIANT FUR SALE…
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208: Erika Curry on The Many Moons Theory, Genital Biomes and Should You Baby Talk Your Dog
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1:05:47Erika Curry (@gillygal) joins us to talk about how genital biomes affect the transmission of viruses, what if the moon was made of many moons and the pros and cons of talking baby talk to your dog. VAGINA BIOME AFFECTS HIV RISK MOON FORMATION MAY BE EVEN CRAZIER THAN WE THOUGHT…
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207: John Conroy on Lava Tubes on the Moon, The High Costs of Big Brains and What's Killing Off Rudolph
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1:00:32John Conroy (@juanitoelgato) returns to talk to us about satellite evidence of underground caverns on the moon and a giant frozen lake on Mars, why having a big brain is a privilege that not every animal can afford and what's killing off the world's reindeer population, is it Christmas? Plus we answer a yahoo question: "Would a horse age differentl…
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206: John Conroy on A New Gravity, Slime Mold Memories and Predictive Text Making Us Dumber
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1:08:05Writer, Comedian and Playwright John Conroy (@juanitoelgato) joins us to talk about a new theory of gravity that might get rid of dark matter forever, how to teach a slime mold about the world and is predictive text a net positive or negative in helping us communicate. Plus we discuss a question from listener Ian: "Do you think that gene manipulati…
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205: The Science Jerks Holiday Special with Nicole Villela
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1:33:31Nicole Villela (@itchybrained) from the TBToonz podcast joins us to talk about what we want for the holidays and what we could possibly look forward to in the darkly impending new year. Listen to her podcast at: Cute Animals:…
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204: Stacy Rumaker on Parkinson's Cures in Your Guts, Diabetes Treatments From Platypus Butts and Is The Planet Just Doomed Now?
Stacy Rumaker (@StacyRumaker, The Night Cap With Stacy Rumaker, The Dick and The Dame) returns to chat with us about how Parkinson's Disease might originate from unhappy gut bacteria, why a hormone in Platypuses and Echidna might help Diabetes, and what happens now that the US government is getting into the climate change denial business. GUT BUGS …
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203: Stacy Rumaker on Memory Implants, Baleen Whale Evolution and Tornado Multiplicity
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1:00:18Stacy Rumaker (@StacyRumaker, The Night Cap With Stacy Rumaker, The Dick and The Dame) joins us to discuss The Black Mirror episode that is memory implant research, how baleen whales lost their teeth and why tornados are multiplying. MEMORY IMPLANTS, WHAT COULD GO WRONG?…
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202: Josh Simpson on How Life Finds a Way, Pluto's Big Heart and Why Bragging is a Bad Plan
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1:02:15Josh Simpson (@MrJoshSimpson) from The Meat Improv podcast on @BoardwalkAudio returns to chat with us about new evidence that life might have sprung up many times on Earth, why Pluto is lopsided, and why being humble is a better life strategy than bragging. LIFE FINDS A WAY…
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201: Josh Simpson on Human Gene Editing, Flying Cars For Real and How To Nudge An Asteroid
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1:03:11Josh Simpson (@MrJoshSimpson) from The Meat Improv podcast on @BoardwalkAudio joins us to discuss the pros and cons of the Chinese government's plan to test CRISPR gene editing techniques on humans with cancer, how a new autonomous drove might actually be the flying car we've always wanted, and the first planned tests of possible asteroid deflectio…
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200: Live at The Pack Theater in Hollywood!
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1:39:59Recorded at The Pack Theater in Hollywood in front of a live audience, it's our 200th Episode Spectacular! We took a look back over the first 199 episodes with some of our favorite past guests, culminating in the ultimate Quiz Showdown! In this episode we talk to Jacob Harper (@JacobRayHarper), from episodes 7 and 8, about mannequins spying on us. …
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Asterios Kokkinos is still here and we were having so much fun riffing on the quiz that we decided to just make it Episode 199. It's all quiz! We talk about Saturn's Rings, what hip bones are connected to, and the offspring of Lions and Tigers! Plus we pitch a New Girl spec script! Join us next week for the 200th Episode, recorded live at The Pack …
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198: Asterios Kokkinos on The European Space Agency's Bombing of Mars, Planet Nine From Outer Space and The Plight of The Titicaca Scrotum Frog
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1:00:43Comedian and Author Asterios Kokkinos (Toys '4' Cheap, Devastator Press) catches up with us since the last time he was on the show during Episodes 23 and 24 over 3 years ago, and this time we get really tangential talking about how the European Space Agency (ESA) tried to land a rover on Mars, but ended up with a very expensive bomb, more about thi…
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197: Mark David Christenson on Alcohol From Thin Air, Brave New Alloys and The Ecological Benefits of Whale Poop
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1:11:12Comedian and Improvisor Mark David Christenson joins us to discuss how to make Ethyl Alcohol from water and air, how brand new metal alloys are revolutionizing metallurgy and how whale poop and increased whale populations help fight air pollution and create a healthier ocean. Find Dave on twitter @hobbit138 and his podcast "I Will Watch Anything On…
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196: Mark David Christenson on Making Babies from Skin Cells, The Non-Death of the Great Barrier Reef and How Placebos Work Even If You Know!
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1:25:04Dave Christenson joins us to figure out how they can turn skin cells into egg cells and then into babies, how the reports of the Great Barrier Reef's demise has been greatly exaggerated, and why the placebo effect works, even if you know it's the placebo effect working! Find Dave on twitter @hobbit138 and his podcast @IWWAO And look for his podcast…
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