Reaching People Transforming Lives
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Ps. Bernard discusses the significance of this season as we anticipate the coming of Christ.Passage: Luke 1:45-55; Romans 8:19-22توسط C3 Metro Manila
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Ps. Jake Betlem speaks on God’s gift of grace and encourages us to make this the foundation of all that we do.توسط C3 Metro Manila
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Ps. Gillian lead us to the spiritual practice of lament to voice out our pain and ultimately find hope in God.Passage: Lamentations 1:17-22; 3:16-26توسط C3 Metro Manila
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Joel leads the discussion on God's comforting presence by reflecting on Psalm 23.توسط C3 Metro Manila
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Ps. Bernard reflects on the name of YHWH and its implications to our livتوسط C3 Metro Manila
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