In the second part of our interview with Rowena Chiu, we examine the culture of quid pro quo that permeates industries like Hollywood, creating unsafe environments for women. We discuss the conflicting image of creative geniuses who are also sexual abusers, and how society grapples with separating their contributions from their misconduct. Through Rowena’s lens as a survivor of Harvey Weinstein, we explore the ethical dilemmas surrounding these issues: Why does speaking out about abuse often come at a higher cost for women? Should talent or artistic contributions ever excuse harmful behavior? And who, beyond the abuser, should be held accountable for enabling this culture? This conversation challenges us to confront the uncomfortable realities of power, accountability, and justice. Special thanks to my cohost in this episode, Amy Ip, who facilitated this interview. 在Rowena Chiu的訪談第二部分中,我們探討了創意產業中普遍存在的「權色交易」(quid pro quo)文化,如何讓女性處於不安全的環境中。我們討論了那些被視為天才的人同時也是性侵者的矛盾形象,以及社會如何在他們的才華與不當行為之間尋求平衡。從Harvey Weinstein受害者的視角,我們深入探討了這些倫理難題:為什麼女性揭露性侵行為的代價如此高昂?除了施害者,還有誰應該為助長這種文化負責? 特別感謝本集節目的Cohost Amy Ip,促成了這次的訪談。 Instagram and other links:…