Documenting But With A Twist - Part 4: A Special Series KDS: 135
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Kim [00:00:00]:
Hey, guys. Welcome back to part 4 of this special series called Everything is Content. First of all, thank you so much for listening this far this week. And if you haven't listened to the first three, I highly recommend them because they all kind of build on each other. But today, we're gonna talk about documenting. We're gonna talk about documenting with a little bit of a twist. And if you've not registered yet, I am hosting a live Everything is Content workshop next week, March 6th at 11 AM Pacific time. Or if you can't attend live, of course, there will be a recording.
Kim [00:00:32]:
And if you've reached this or listened to this, after March 6th, you can still get the on demand workshop. Alright, guys. That's it for now. Let's jump into today's episode. Hey there, it's Kim Doyal, and welcome to my show, where digital marketing meets real stories, experiences, and strategies. You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at what's working and not working in my business, as well as other experts who show up and share their stories. As much as I love talking about marketing principles and tactics, we'll dig a little deeper with mindset and explore what's required to create a business you love on your terms that also supports your life. I wanna help you understand the why behind the how.
Kim [00:01:13]:
Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just dipping your toes in, remember that marketing is a journey, and the goal is to enjoy it. My desire is to guide you on your journey and remind you that no matter what life throws at you, you've got this. Alright, guys. Welcome back to video 4 of the everything is content series. Now today, we're gonna talk about documenting, but with a little bit of a twist. And I believe I I I'm gonna quote Gary v as saying document, don't create. I don't know if he's the originator of the statement. I'm gonna assume he is, but, and to some extent, I agree.
Kim [00:01:49]:
But unless you're you're somebody like Gary v or you have someone like Gary v. What was his his video guy's name was d rock? I don't know if he still does. I'm assuming he does, because he's pretty he's consistent. Right? When he believes in a philosophy, he's he sticks with it, and it's worked well for him. And I like him. He's a nice guy. I met him in an elevator one time, you guys. Just me and him.
Kim [00:02:13]:
He took a selfie. I didn't have my phone, and he emailed it to me. So he really is a nice person in real life, too. Anyways, for me, my day-to-day life looks a little bit boring. Even when I was in Costa Rica, and moving back there, I intend to be a little more interesting regarding what I share behind the scenes. But, you know, my day-to-day looks a little bit boring. So the only difference might be what I wear unless I decide to record 4 or 5 videos in a row, all in the same hoodie, but so be it. You know, people would be bored watching that.
Kim [00:02:48]:
So I wanna give you an example of something I'm documenting, and then the twist that I intend to put on this piece of content directly becomes it's because it's gonna become a profitable asset. And so I recently shared with my email list that I will move from Convertkit to Beehive for my email marketing. I made this decision just a couple of weeks ago, and I shared in an email that I was gonna do it, and that it would be done in phases. And so I'll go way more in-depth into the post but I have loved beehives since they first came out, but it didn't have the capabilities of doing a lot of stuff that you need email marketing to do. Like, I mean, you could do a solo broadcast, but at the same time, the tagging and the segments and automations and stuff. However, a lot of that is changing, and it just was not a full-blown robust email service provider. And out of the gate, it was incredible to publish newsletters, but there were just too many missing parts. So a little birdie told me about some updates.
Kim [00:03:51]:
They're adding, not to mention all the segmentations and automations that they have already added because from the original time that I saw, I mean, they deploy updates like nobody else I know. But when I heard this, I knew it was time to make a move. And I'm not here to bash on ConvertKit. I just I really do love Beehive. But because I will do this anyway, I figured why not document the process and create an epic blog post about it. And, so the epic blog post piece of it, there's a whole point where this becomes a profitable asset, but here's how I'm gonna do this. So I'm separating the why and the how, and then I went into chat GPT and I created an outline for this. Now, I've been working on the behind-the-scenes for this for a little bit because I need to make sure I'm not missing integrations.
Kim [00:04:42]:
So, as an example, I have a ton of opt-ins throughout all my content on my site using Convertbox. Well, I needed to make sure that because there's no native Beehive integration, there's probably a webhook, but I could do something with Zapier or, a tool called Integrately actually does this also. So that way I don't have to change the opt ins, I just have to change the code inside Convertbox. Anyway, I know it's a little, tacky there. By the way, if you download the PDF of Everything is Content, I'll put the link in the first comments again. I've got the link to the whole chat GPT thread that I walked through to create the outline for this post, right, and the structure of of creating the content. I'm not gonna use chat gpt to write the content. I don't ever do that for any of my content.
Kim [00:05:28]:
And not because it's good, bad, or indifferent. I just like to write my content. I just wanted an outline, which will probably then become the table of contents in the post, right, to structure the process and get started, right, and then there's gonna be edits. It's all about iteration, guys. Keep iterating iterating. So one thing to keep in mind is that, you know, we've heard the term build in public, and I have a good friend, Kevan, Chong who does this brilliantly, he's got an incredible cohort that I've gone through. I kind of think of this more as practicing in public, because when I think of building public, I think of having a finished product versus creating and practicing creating content publicly, if that makes sense. So maybe it's splitting hairs semantics, but I like to think of this as practicing in public.
Kim [00:06:17]:
And let me come back. I see this is what happens when Kim goes off script. But what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make this move, document it, and work on the post. And then when all is said and done and everything's working, then I'll publish the post. Because I need to make sure it works. And by the way, I found an incredible tool that I'm gonna use in this post, it is called supadem0, s u p a d e m o, because with AI you just record your screen and it does the hot spots and the annotations like click here then do this. You don't have to record your voice. It picks up through the HTML, like, it is amazing.
Kim [00:06:56]:
Anyways, you'll probably see me using that for a handful of things with content. So once I have officially completed the move in the content, then I'll go ahead and publish the post. Now I will also convert the entire post into a PDF if people don't wanna have to come back to the post because the other thing you guys with super demo, you can export the screenshots and instructions into a document. So, well, I could embed the video and take them back to the site, but I could also put in the PDF the step by step instructions with the screenshots and the annotations. It's amazing. And then I'll have a a simple checklist to make sure that they have not missed anything, I e, I've not missed anything, like, did you check, you you know, which integrations? Did you check it with HighLevel? Did you check it here? Any other integrations, Thrivecart, like, where do you have integrations out on the web? So that way I create this really valuable asset. So here's where this becomes a profitable asset. The first and most obvious is that it is, I'll have my affiliate link, right? I I've referred, I don't know, 4 people or something to Beehive And with Beehive's affiliate, you get like half 50% for the 1st 12 months.
Kim [00:08:07]:
And so that's one way. Right? But here's here's the long term game that I want you to think about here. Throughout the post, I will have opt ins for for the guide. Right? The the convert kit to beehive complete playbook, migration or something. Horrible name off the top of my head but you get the point. And again it will have my affiliate link in it but the goal is to capture the email subscribers. But here's the thing, not just any subscribers, these are my ideal subscribers because one, if they're on ConvertKit they're already either using email, want to be using email and they understand the important importance of email marketing, and then both platforms have newsletters. So these are also people that probably have or considering doing a newsletter.
Kim [00:08:55]:
And so all of these things integrates email content and newsletters. Right? And then of course there's an element of chat gpt that I can tie into all of that. So the point is to get my ideal customer onto my list and serve them something, serve them, provide them something of value, but I know because of what I'm giving them that there's a definitive interest there. Right? Like I you have to be careful because the truth is, you know, I will also let them know they're getting the newsletter, the spark, but I also don't wanna get caught up in doing a ton of how to videos. Right? I I've got courses, everything is content, like, I'm teaching this stuff, but to be able to show you how to do the framework is gonna be a a paid product probably at some point. But the thing is, you have to be careful with how to because you can also build a list of freebie seekers who just want to learn from you for free. So there's a fine line there, and then at the end of the sequence once somebody opts in, the goal then of course is to have a low price product relative to the follow-up sequence. So here's what I'm gonna do too.
Kim [00:09:57]:
I'm gonna pour the gas on this. I'm gonna run paid traffic to this post. I am in Laurel Porter's $7 a month Facebook advertising, if you wanna get into Facebook ads, the value that Laurel provides is bar none, it's amazing what this woman provides for free, and her ad strategy is definitely for the long term, right, it's it's video views for content, which you will see me probably doing very shortly with everything is content. But I'm gonna test, like, $5 a day ads to this piece of content because the goal again is people who are interested in doing this probably aren't gonna wanna read and are who are interested in doing it are gonna want to read and see the videos and the step by step instructions. And so those people are my ideal subscribers. So we'll test, right, on and I'll see. I'd give it probably a couple weeks to test running, like, $5 a day ads to see how that works. And then the beauty is that once a post is done, it becomes an evergreen piece of content that provides massive value.
Kim [00:10:56]:
Now this post will be highly SEO optimized. I will make sure that I've got the right keywords, possibilities for ranking, you know, I have a, a blog post I did why happily chose BeHive over ConvertKit, it was for another newsletter, and that shows up on page 1. I forget what I had searched, but this is gonna be much more in-depth. Right? And then the other piece of this is there are additional ways I can support people through courses and coaching about email and newsletters and content, you know, because truth is it's unlikely they would be using Beehive if they weren't in this creator space, digital marketing space, and weren't interested in pursuing 1 if not all 3 of those things. So in other words, because I don't provide done for you services, I don't want to get back into the hamster wheel of a tonne of how to content. But if I can have a couple pieces of pillar content that pull my right audience to me, that's where I'm gonna run with it. Alright. And just like everything else I have talked about creating this content will be something I can repurpose into a multitude of ways for different platforms.
Kim [00:11:59]:
I'm thinking Carousel would be really good for this post. And then naturally, tag the beehive team every time I share it with, of course, the hope that they share it too. And here's a little hat tip, hat tip, ninja tip from my brilliant friend Jason Resnick, who if you wanna get, you know, into email automations and, a little bit advanced segmentation and really even setting up your ConvertKit account. Here's your guy. Anyways, this this was so brilliant. He suggested that I set up a zap so that anytime someone mentions ConvertKit and Beehive in the same tweet on Twitter, I can automatically tweet them with just a link to an article. I'm not selling them anything and talk about content karma. Right? Basically, it's here's an article that solves your problem for free.
Kim [00:12:43]:
And side note, if you're not on Jason's list, go to and you can get all of his brilliance, like that zap and tweet strategy, but he's got all these great email strategies. I kinda think, like, we do regular calls and I think of myself as sort of the content story person and he's much more the, I'm more right brained, I think he's more left brained, although he does an incredible job writing too. So wrapping up you guys. Okay. I get that this post might seem like a lot of work, but I would rather do one really good piece of content that I get massive leverage from and I'm having to do it anyways. Right? So instead of just documenting stuff, think about what you're documenting. And I get it. Some people might wanna do, you know, documenting I'm going for a walk, all those things work too.
Kim [00:13:28]:
You have to test and try things out. So I'm doing this specifically with the intention of leads and sales. And the sales for me preference would be long term, but the there's a bonus that I can do it as an affiliate as well. You know, they're kind of the icing on the cake. So I know this was kind of meaty, there was a lot in this. And then last but not least, video 5, we're gonna talk about zigging when everyone else is zagging. So I'll see you in the next video. And again you can grab the full pdf of all of these videos in the first comments, I've got the link below.
Kim [00:14:05]:
Thanks, guys. If you're watching this somewhere else, it'll be in the description. So, again, we gotta repurpose. Right? Thanks, guys. Alright. That is it for part 4. Tomorrow, we're going to wrap up the special series on Everything Is Content. We're going to talk about zigging like everyone else is zigging.
Kim [00:14:26]:
How's that for a fancy title for you? Yeah. And if you have not registered yet, go ahead and go to Kim Doyal. com forward/workshop for the live everything is a content workshop that is happening on March 6th at 11 AM Pacific time. As always, guys, thanks for listening, and I'll catch you tomorrow for the last in this special series of Everything is Content.
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