Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The Office Episode Title: Halloween Episode #3 You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva. In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I’m going to discuss multiple Halloween episodes of The Office, and this time, I’m going to be switching up the regular schedule, by calling in a guest who loves The Office as much as I do, and asking them some questions and fun Halloween related conversations! So, I want to give a warm welcome to my amazing guest in this episode, a lover of The Office, and the best cook and baker you’ll ever meet, Erin Lee. Segment 1: Asking questions Okay, so, as I said, this podcast episode is gonna be running a little differently than my usual style. So going in order, the Halloween episodes of The Office are season 2, episode 5: “Halloween”, season 5, episode 6: “Employee Transfer”, season 7, episode 6: “Costume Contest”, season 8, episode 5: “Spooked”, and finally, season 9, episode 6, ‘Here Comes Treble”. So now I’m going to turn my attention to the guest, and let’s hear some of her opinions. TO GUESTS: So, what is your favorite Halloween episode of The Office and why? Okay, in the “Costume Contest” episode, they, obviously, have a costume contest, right? So, a lot of people end up voting Oscar as the winner, who didn’t really dress up. He was just in normal clothing, but for the sake of the holiday, called himself a “rational consumer”. Everyone votes for him because they think he’s the least likely to win, but he ends up winning because basically, everyone voted for him. So now I wanna ask you guys, who would you vote for in this episode? And I mean like based on how good the costume is, not like who would least likely win, like who do you think you would actually vote for, for best costume? Going back to the first Halloween episode of The Office, called, “Halloween”, Michael has to choose a person in the office to fire, and he had been putting it off for the whole month. So, in the end, he chooses to fire Devin. Now, we don’t really know a lot about Devin because he didn’t have, much of a role for the episodes he was in, and then he was, you know, fired, so we didn’t see him after that. If you were Michael, who would you choose to fire based on performance and how their work performance is? Also, you can include people who weren’t in this episode yet, so like Andy, Erin, Gabe, Pete, Clark, basically whoever has had a somewhat main role in the show. Segment 2: Looking into the past Now, I think in this Halloween episode, it would only be fair to discuss our previous Halloween costumes, and fun stories, and all things Halloween. So, let’s just dive into this because honestly, I’m curious to know what stories you could have to share, and what you dressed up as in the past. TO GUESTS: Okay, so, what has been your favorite Halloween costume that you’ve dressed up as, ever? I wanna take another look into the past to discuss just, all of your Halloween costumes, from the first one that you remember, so up to this year, what have you been for Halloween in the past, and are there any stories or reasonings behind your previous costumes? This one is a little quick, but, what is your favorite Halloween candy? And by that, I mean, if you went trick-or-treating, and your whole bag could be full of only one type of candy, which candy would that be? Talking about stories, were there any situations in which something weird had happened, or do you have any cool or even just random stories from any Halloween? *talk about your story with the m&ms* Okay, I’m going to relate this one question back to The Office, so, we know that Jim was never a very, big person when it came to Halloween costumes. Like in the first Halloween episode of the show, Jim dressed up as a piece of paper, wearing a white button-up shirt with three black circles taped to it. Then, another year, he dressed up as a guy named Dave with one of those name tags that say like, “hello my name is, and then Dave”. And then in another episode, Jim had no costume, while Pam was Olive Oyl, and she wanted Jim to be Popeye so she bought him this whole entire grand costume which was never Jim’s thing. But, towards the end, he finally caved in and decided to dress up as Popeye and Pam was really happy. So, now I want to ask you, were you always like, lowkey, when it came to Halloween? Or were you the type to go full out in a complete costume and in the full spirit of the holiday? Segment 3: Alright, now let’s make this a little more fun than it’s already been. We are going to play some The Office Halloween-related trivia! TO GUESTS: What was Dwight’s costume in the season 2 Halloween Episode? So, I’m gonna make this easier for you and give you some options: Recyclops, the Scranton Strangler, Darth Vader, or a Sith Lord? (sith lord) Who even is sith lord? I think it is someone from StarWars, but I’ve never heard of them What was Jim’s costume in season 5? Facebook, Popeye, Dave, or Himself? (dave) In season 7, who was in charge of planning the Halloween party? Now, I’m not gonna give you options for this one. (pam- she did the costume contest where oscar won) Which 3 employees all dressed up as the joker on Halloween? Your options are Dwight, Kevin, and Toby; Michael, Ryan, and Kevin; Creed, Dwight, and Kevin; or Kevin, Andy, and Oscar? (Creed, Dwight, Kevin) Okay, thank you so much for answering all of these questions and for being a guest on my podcast! You have been amazing and it would be so much fun to have you here again with me. I hope you guys enjoyed listening to today’s very special episode, happy Halloween, and I can’t wait to be back with you! Music Credits: Countryside by Balkan Jingles, and Mark by Eric Van der Western. Subscribe to our Podcast Apple Podcasts Spotify Google Podcasts Stitcher YouTube Connect with us on Social Media @theHVSPN…