Costa's Audio Book: Agatha Christie "And Then There Were None" Ch9,10,11 讀你聽2.2《一個都不留》
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Presenting Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None"
阿加莎 克里斯蒂《一個都不留》
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Ch 9,10,11
00:10 偵探指控醫生給管家太太過量安眠藥 隊長揭示他受 Morris僱用並有備而來 午膳時醫生發現將軍死於頭部重擊 既然島上找不到外人 法官宣佈兇手就在他們當中 警示沒人有不在場證明 提醒眾人保持警惕 風暴徐徐加劇
30:48 秘書和隊長討論凶手身份 前者懷疑醫生 後者懷疑法官 偵探暫時保持沉默 法官認為知道兇手是誰 老婦在日記中寫下凶手正是死去的下人Beatrice 質疑自己神智不清 管家報告客人們 發現浴室窗簾失踪 衆人焦慮不安
44:50 隊長睡得很晚 注意到管家失踪 搜索小組發現管家屍身在柴房 有明顯斧頭傷痕 秘書因應驗詩崩潰 隊長打了她一巴掌讓她回到現實 偵探懷疑老婦是兇手並坦白了過去收受利益出賣隊員Landor 衆人早餐時表現得禮貌而拘謹
Character in order of appearance
Justice Lawrence Wargrave link to Constance Culmington, death of Edward Seton
Vera Claythorne the hired secretary link to Mrs Hamilton, Hugo her love interest, death of Cyril Ogilvie Hamilton
Captain Philip Lombard allegedly killed twenty-one members of an East African tribe
Emily Brent link to Mrs Oliver, Miss Ogden, death of Beatrice Taylor
General John Macarthur link to Spoof Leggard, Johnnie Dyer, Armitage, Leslie (Elsie MacPherson) his deceased wife, death of Arthur Richmond
Dr Edward Armstrong allegedly murdered Louisa Mary Clees (Sister?)
Anthony Marston (poisoned) link to Badger Berkeley, death of John and Lucy Combes
Detective William Blore allegedly murdered James Stephen Landor
Housekeeper Thomas and Ethel Rogers (died in sleep) allegedly murdered Jennifer Brady
Elmer Robson the American millionaire and his third wife, Mr. and Mrs. Owen: Unknown?, Gabrielle Turl the hollywood actress, Merriweather the columnist, Lord L, Jonas the columnist, Issac Morris the Jew, old seafarer, Jim the driver, Fred Narracott, Llewellyn the prosecutor, Matthews the defense attorney, Purcell gang
Costa's Lexicon
Trional n Perjury n Idiosyncrasy n Heliograph n
Tousled adj Sangfroid n Gimlet n
Also Available: Don Quixote Volume Two ch 43
Count of Monte Cristo Volume Three ch 48
Jane Eyre Ch 6,7,8
The Brothers Karamazov Book 2 all
Complete Collection: Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, Great Expectations, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie
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