Manage episode 299424199 series 2967419
The Amiga Ireland podcast trio have something in common this week; we’re all very tired! But that won’t stop us bringing this months news, events an games. And as always, the Ask Amiga section covers something technical before we finish with Amiga music.
PPC boards for Mediator-equipped Amigas link
AmiKit for Mac including “Rabbit Hole”
ReAmiga 1200 from John Hertell link
The Amiga Future Archive 4 DVD was launched at launched at Gamescom in Cologne. Contains issues 11 – 130 link
Modern Amiga Demo Cross – Development – a seminar from the “Evoke” demoparty.
Banjo Guy Ollie has released a brilliant cover of Lemmings level 6 music link
Stephen Jones’ Checkmate 1500+ Kickstarter launched
David Pleasances book has returned from print and distribution should begin in coming days September.
A new diskmag ‘A-Mag’ is starting up and has an online group you can join link
Insidia link
RocketSmash is a JetPac type clone for the C64 link
You have to win the game – c64 link
Sir Ababol has been ported to the Amiga link
Portal for C64 in the making
The AGA-A3000: Amiga fans equip boards of the Commodore prototype AA3000
Discovered that the Bifrost is pronounced and spelled Bifrost while watching Ms MadLemon’s Youtube video link
Fusion games magazine, covering retro and current computer games as well as arcades, card and table top games
Upcoming Events
The Computer and Communications Museum of Ireland are hosting an event on Friday Sept 7th and once a month from there with their First Friday Club. All the Amiga and Commodore machines will be up and running. The CD-32 will be hooked up to a projector.
Ask Amiga
Kickstart ROM location in the Amiga memory map.
Online Activity
Inbox: Hi to George in Athens who emailed us recently! George’s webste is here: link
Twitter: Top tweets were photos from our previous museum meetup link
On Facebook: James posted a receipt from his 1990 Amiga purchase of the A500 Batman Pack with extras. link
And Seamus has started a brilliant series of game posts. link
Winners so far have been Gavin Byrne & Moya Jackie McGeough.
In two weeks we’ll release an interview with David Pleasance & Trevor Dickenson
Music by Virtual Dimensions and Banjo Guy Ollie link
Bonus audio from Carrier Command (1988)
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