A show dedicated to the discussion of theology, worldview and mission work in Iceland hosted by the Stranded Baptist, Gunnar Ingi Gunnarsson
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Becoming participants in God's amazing work - Matthew 14:22-36 What can we learn from the story of Jesus walking on water? This amazing work of God teaches us a lot about faith, grace and leaves a question asked by Jesus himself.
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The miracle of God in our sacrifice - Matthew 14:1-21 Today we jump back into the book of Matthew, we learn about the death of John the Baptist and the expectations of people concerning Jesus and how he took the small sacrifice of a boy to do an amazing miracle.
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The hopeful reaping in the hardship - Daniel 12:1-13 Today we wrap up our series going through the book of Daniel with the last chapter dealing with the end of days and eternity in view.
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War of empires and the perseverance of God's people part 2 - Daniel 11:14-45 Today we go over the latter half of chapter 11 dealing with the unfolding infighting in the Greek empires leading up to Antiochus Epiphanes and the persecution of the jews, giving us hints as to what the anti christ will look like and do.…
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The war of empires and the perseverance of the people of God - Daniel 11:1-13 (Sermon) In the 6th century Daniel writes down a detailed prophecy of the coming centuries, the development of the Persian Empire and the coming of Alexander the Great, his rise to power and the division of his empire followed by war within those divisions. Today we read …
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Our God who calls and qualifies the called - Daniel 10:1-21 In Daniel 10 we see Daniel writing about his experiences in receiving the visions in coming chapters, and their heavy burden. Today we look into the text, see what Daniel is seeing and also see the hard calling on his life, but get encouraged that our God does not only call people to hard …
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Theological Thursday - Council of Nicea, Emperor Constantine and why you can't add to the Bible.
A lot of topics today, so we went a bit over the time we expected, if you liked this you can share, comment, subscribe to get the word out. If you'd like to contribute financially for more tech gear including a Canon M50 camera, gimbal for it and mics so we can use it for street evangelism and hopefully some more good content for future episodes yo…
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Prophecy concerning when Christ would come - Daniel 9:20-27 Today we go over four points: The Reliability of our Faith (Verse 22) The Hope of our Faith (Verse 24) The Accuracy of our Faith (Verse 25-26) The Hardship of the Faithful (Verse 26-27)
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Daniel, in a prayer of repentance for Israel points out to us our complete reliance on the grace and compassion of God, and in so doing underlines one of the distinct characteristics of the Christian faith.
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What does eschatology teach us? What good is it to focus on what has yet to happen? Is it for us to predict the coming of Christ? To make charts and become doomsday preppers? Today we jump into Daniel 7 dealing with the end times, and prophecy yet to be fulfilled with Daniel 8 in view of events that had been delivered as a prophecy of events yet to…
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A question overheard at the ice cream store that is heard elsewhere! Did God kill 42 children for mocking Elisha the prophet by sending two bears? We dive into the passage of 2. Kings 2.
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Today we look at a vision Daniel sees in the 6th century BC about events about to unfolding in the coming centuries and see how God has shown his sovereignty over history as we look at events in the 2nd century BC when the prophecy is fulfilled.
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To celebrate Christmas we read through the story of the birth of our Savior Jesus Chirst.
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Well we've been a bit all over the place this year, but today I set up a vision for 2019 and what to do with the stranded baptist podcast/videos.
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How important is the unity of the church to you? Could it be that God's desire for unity and emphasis on it far outweighs our own emphasis on it?We read Philippians and God's call, through his Word, for godly unity, the recipe for it and the reason for it.
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The genealogies of the Bible are often overlooked, even skipped when reading the Bible.To our modern eyes it can be difficult seeing any point in them, but how can our perspective change if we look at it more carefully and try to understand it from the perspective of a culture from 2000 years ago?
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Ask 10 different people to give you their take on the Bible, and you may very well get 10 different answers, for our first Sunday of Advent in 2018 we go over the purpose and overall story of the Bible, the Biblical Story of Redemption.
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Today we dive a bit deeper into the prophecy of Daniel, spoken of around 500 years before the coming of Christ future empires and rulers that we regard as history today, and future prophecy about what will unfold at the end of times.
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The book of Daniel is very often attacked, but is different from other books of the Bible in the way it's attacked.Today we went over the most common and strong objections to the historicity and reliability of the book of Daniel before diving further into the contents of the book.
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OneEightFour • Daniel 6:16-28 • OneEightFour
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If you want to give to our family you can do so here:https://www.paypal.me/GIGunnarssonIf you want to watch the video on our situation you can do so here:https://www.facebook.com/gunni01/videos/vb.504804428/10156778942979429/?type=2&video_source=user_video_tab
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Grocery list: [ ] Broccoli [ ] frozen pizza [ ] yogurt
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Jumping into the Roman Catholic scandal, and going into the authority and sufficiency of Scripture just a tad bit.
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Hey mom, thanks for listening, hope you feel filled in on what’s been going on with Logan and Carla and Loftstofan.
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Well, well, well! Hello mom, thanks again for listening, I think you’ll absolutely love the content of this show, to aunt Gertrude, don’t worry I am very thankful for you as well.
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In this episode we (the microphone and I) will be filling you in on:Logan & Carla updateExciting Iceland Project ChangesUpcoming events, including a pastors vision trip & informal debate.Plans for the summer, sabbatical and some questions answered.
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The Stranded Baptist coming at you soon in an audio podcast format! :)
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