Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tune in each Tuesday for weekly insights that will increase your consciousness.
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
Each week, we share an essential, relevant spiritual teaching from the religion of Islam designed to let you re-discover the simple beauty & spiritual depth of Islam – beyond the headlines. From insider-views to guest-expert interviews, each week, you’ll find a safe-space in which you can openly explore the most controversial religion on earth. Tun…
How Ramadan & the Quran can transform your life --in small, 3-6 minute daily reminders. Today we'll explore an important Quranic concept called the "nafs", and a useful psychological definition of it, insha'Allah.
How Ramadan & the Quran can transform your life --in small, 3-6 minute daily reminders. Today, you'll discover the new paradigm of Psychology & Spirituality that lays the foundation for Quran Coaching, insha'Allah.
How Ramadan & the Quran can transform your life --in small, 3-6 minute daily reminders. Today we'll discover the new paradigm of Psychology & Spirituality that lays the foundation for Quran Coaching.
How Ramadan & the Quran can transform your life --in small, 3-6 minute daily reminders. Today we look at a key distinction that will lay out the context for our future sessions.
How Ramadan & the Quran can transform your life --in small, 3-6 minute daily reminders. To kick start the series, let's look at the real purpose of Ramadan.
In this episode, I introduce you to the world's leading expert in Thought - someone who has far more than 10,000 hours of experience and the only person who has the power to transform your life. (Perhaps you can guess who it is.)
"Timeless Wisdom", Chapter 2.3: The 21 Dis-eases of the Heart (...And The Simple, Powerful Cure). The discomforts of the mind pull us out of our natural state of peaceful happiness and ultimately cause many different forms of un-happiness for us and those around us. The root cause? Listen and learn about the one simple, yet completely powerful cure…
"Timeless Wisdom", Chapter 2.2: The Key To Happiness. Happiness as a goal is illusive. In reality, unwavering happiness is the unavoidable consequence of having a heightened state of inner consciousness --which is the true purpose of life.
"Timeless Wisdom", Chapter 2.1: The Law of Consciousness. Wondering how to get rid of negative thoughts? Understanding this law will trigger your in-built wisdom to effortlessly guide you out of negative, painful thoughts, creating space for a clear mind & heart.
13 "Timeless Wisdom", Chapter 1.5: The Reality: You Only Have One Problem. What if all the challenges and problems in your life were just symptoms of one 'real' problem. And what if, once you see what that 'real' problem is, it automatically resolves itself...? In this episode, you'll discover one of the most life-changing implications of the Law o…
"Timeless Wisdom", Chapter 1.4: The Illusion of Three Models. What if life's circumstances had no power whatsoever to cause happiness or sadness, success or failure? This groundbreaking episode reveals the only psychological model that explains how life actually works.
"Timeless Wisdom", Chapter 1.3: The Goal Delusion keeps most people running in circles, as opposed to tapping into their true, powerful selves. In this episode we'll break down the Goal Delusion, and show you how to sidestep this trap.
"Timeless Wisdom", Chapter 1.2: The Grand Illusion has been addressed by almost every religion, throughout history, but humanity for the most part still hasn't caught on. In this powerful episode you'll discover what the Grand Illusion is and how to see through it.
In this week's podcast, you'll discover a universal, spiritual truth that has the power to transform your life. You'll hear a reading of the first instalment of my upcoming book, "Timeless Wisdom: 7 Spiritual Laws to Access the Life-Changing Power of the Quran". Quiet your mind, listen in and enjoy Ch 1.1…