“That's taxpayer’s money that is going to support research and development and pilot projects to develop a food system that is based on environmental destruction and greed and disregard for animals, fish, and any of the other marine mammals that might be around it.” - Andrianna Natsoulas Andrianna Natsoulas is the campaign director for Don't Cage Our Oceans, an organization that exists to keep our oceans free from industrial fish farms. Offshore finfish farming is the mass cultivation of finfish in marine waters, in underwater or floating net pens, pods, and cages. Offshore finfish farms are factory farms that harm public health, the environment, and local communities and economies that rely on the ocean and its resources. Don’t Cage Our Oceans are a coalition of diverse organizations working together to stop the development of offshore finfish farming in the United States through federal law, policies, and coalition building. And, although it is not yet happening, right now the US Administration and Congress are promoting this kind of farming, which would be nothing short of disastrous for the oceans, the planet and the people and animals who live here. dontcageouroceans.org…
Introductory lecture about computer graphics given by Wolfgang Hürst at Utrecht University in 2007/2008, period 2.
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엔지니어링 분야 podcast 방송(BIM, 컴퓨터 그래픽스, 소프트웨어 공학)입니다. 기존 Podcast 업체 서비스 종료(2011~2014.12)로, 해외 서버로 옮겨 다시 시즌 3(2015.4~)방송을 시작합니다.
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CGW is the only publication exclusively serving the CG industry for over 40 years. Subscribe to the free digital edition for the latest news in VFX, animation, virtual production, game development, CAD, and more on our website: https://CGW.com
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CG artist & animator Eric Carlsen chats with fellow CG folk about the art, business, and lifestyle of creating computer graphics.
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CGW Industry Insider Podcast: VFX Masters Series - Episode 1
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23:58Explore the future of the VFX industry with experts from AMD. Guests: James Knight, AMD Global Media & Entertainment Director & Andy Parma, AMD Director of MNC Workstation Processor Division Host: Kendra Ruczak, CGW Managing Editorتوسط Kendra Ruczak
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오늘 방송은 레전드 게임 DOOM과 함께 하는 게임엔진기술 개발 뒷이야기를 나눔해 보겠습니다. DOOM(1993.12) 개발자 존 카맥 DOOM4 graphics 둠은 존카멕이 3차원 게임의 한 역사를 만든 작품으로, 발매된 1993년 이후로 큰 인기를 끌었습니다. 이 게임은 1997년 오픈소스로 깃허브에 등록되어, 게임엔진 내부 구조를 잘 알 수 있게 되었습니다. 둠을 통해 게임엔진 구조와 기술에 어떤 것이 있는 지 알아보고, 개발 뒤에 있는 이야기들을 나눔해 보겠습니다. 이를 통해, 요즘 게임엔진에 들어간 기술이 어떻게 발전되어 왔는 지 이해해 보는 시간을 갖겠습니다. 컴퓨터 그래픽스 다이제스트 팟캐스트 방송 No.…
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안녕하세요. 이 방송은 요즘 언론에 자주 나오는 스캔 기술 중 이동하며 LiDAR 스캔을 하는 이동식(Mobile. 모바일) 스캔 장치를 간단히 만드는 방법 및 고려사항을 나눔해 보도록 하겠습니다. LiDAR는 Light Detection and Ranging의 약자로 레이저로 빛을 대상물에 발사해 반사되는 거리를 정확히 측정하는 기술이죠. 이 기술을 이용해 이동을 하면서 주변 공간정보를 정확히 얻고, 다양한 서비스를 구현하는 사례가 점차 많아지고 있습니다. 이 방송에서는 손으로 들고 다니는 핸드헬드 형, 매고 다니는 백팩형, 로버 및 드론 기반 스캔 등을 이야기하겠습니다. 이와 관련해 LiDAR로 스캔하는 장치를 개발…
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 최근 무인자율차, 로보틱스, 리모트 센싱(remote sensing) 등에 많이 사용되는 라이다(LiDAR. Laser Detection And Ranging)와 SLAM(Simultaneous localization and mapping)에 대한 이야기를 나눔해 보겠습니다. 라이다와 SLAM의 동작 원리 등을 간략히 설명하고, 쉐도우 현상, 정합 등 스캔의 개념을 소개합니다. 그리고, SLAM의 구현 알고리즘과 대표적인 오픈소스를 간략히 소개합니다. 아울러, 임베디드에서 벨로다인 센서를 사용한 경험 등을 나눔해 보겠습니다. LIDAR와 SLAM No.75 - 인공지능, 컴퓨터 그래픽과 미디어아트 -…
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 인공지능, 컴퓨터 그래픽과 미디어아트에 대한 이야기를 해 보도록 하겠습니다. 최근 인공지능, 특히 머신러닝의 대표기술인 딥러닝 기술이 도구화되고 있습니다. 올해는 개발자가 아닌 일반인도 딥러닝 기술을 손쉽게 사용하기 시작하는 해가 되지 않을까 싶습니다. 이 글은 그래픽스를 사용하는 미디어아트에서 사용되는 딥러닝 도구와 올해 2월 워크샵했던 인공지능을 이용한 미디어아트 사례를 간략히 공유합니다. 미디어아티스트를 위한 딥러닝 플랫폼 (RUNWAY) No.74 - 인공지능, 컴퓨터 그래픽과 미디어아트 - 팟케스트 방송توسط Tae Wook, Kang
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안녕하세요. 컴퓨터 그래픽스 다이제스트는 관련 핵심 기술과 개념을 짧게 끊어 방송합니다. 이미 방송한 기술 토픽 방송해 달라고 하시는 분이 계셔서, 이런 분들이 참고하시도록 2011년부터 진행했던 방송 목차를 소개합니다. 아울러, 이 분야에서 유명한 책 레퍼런스인 Graphics Gems 시리즈를 함께 소개합니다. 이 책은 요즘 우리가 사용하는 컴퓨터 그래픽 프로그램 기능이나 API가 어떤 알고리즘으로 만들어졌는 지 잘 설명되어 있으며, C++언어로 전체 코드가 잘 설명되어 있기도 했습니다. 기본 알고리즘부터 고수준 그래픽스 알고리즘까지 잘 설명되어 있어, 연구개발할 때 많은 도움을 받았었죠. 이와 관련된 이야기를 간략…
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 컴퓨터 그래픽스의 대부 이반 서덜랜드 교수에 대한 이야기를 해 보도록 하겠습니다. 이 분이 1960년대부터 개발한 기술은 현재 우리들이 사용하는 컴퓨터 기반 디지털 디자인, 가상현실, 렌더링의 기초를 이루고 있습니다. 이 내용을 간략히 이야기하고, 그 분의 생애에 대해서 나눔해 보도록 하겠습니다. 최초의 가상현실 시스템 (이반 서덜랜드) No.72 - 컴퓨터 그래픽스의 대부 이반 서덜랜드 - 팟케스트 방송توسط Tae Wook, Kang
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 NVIDIA GTC 2018 발표된 무인자율자동차 시뮬레이션, 스마트시티 인텔리전트 비디오 등 발표 사례를 간략히 요약해 보고, 이때 발표된 사례와 기술이 의미하는 바를 나눔해 보겠습니다. 아울러, NVIDIA GPU 및 딥러닝 플랫폼 핵심 기술에 대해 이야기해 보겠습니다. NVIDIA AI City(NVIDIA) NVIDIA GTC 2018 발표 사례와 핵심 기술 팟케스트 방송توسط Tae Wook, Kang
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안녕하세요. 오늘 팟케스트 방송은 3차원 그래픽 처리에서 빠질 수 없는 메쉬(mesh), 델라우니 삼각화 기법, 자료구조와 그 응용을 간략히 정리해 보겠습니다. 아울러, 삼각화를 통한 메쉬 생성할 때 자주 사용하는 오픈소스 라이브러리들을 간단히 소개해 보겠습니다. Delaunay triangulation(wikipedia) FEM(SOLVE. www.bdcuk.com) No 70. 팟케스트 방송 링크 - 메쉬, 델라우니 삼각화와 응용 레퍼런스 Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations Open simple solid 와 위상기하학(Topology geometry)…
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 컴퓨터 그래픽의 핵심적인 기술인 계산 기하학에 대한 이야기를 나눠보겠습니다. 우선, 앞서 방송에서 계산 기하학과 관련된 수치해석, 공간 인덱싱, 위상기하학에 대한 소개와 계산 기하학에 대한 대표적인 레퍼런스에 대한 이야기를 나눠보겠습니다. No.69 - 컴퓨터 그래픽스와 계산 기하학 소개 레퍼런스 1. Chiyokura, Solid Modelling with Designbase 2. Samet, The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structure 3. Mortenson, Geometric Modeling 4. FARIN, Curves And Surfaces For…
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 3차원 점군 처리를 위한 Point Cloud Library를 간단히 소개해 보도록 하겟습니다. PCL은 스캐닝이 필요한 다양한 곳, 로보틱스, 무인자동차, 물류 이동 로버, 공장 자동화 등에 활용되는 오픈소스 라이브러리입니다. 현재. 1.8.1 버전이 릴리즈되어 있으며, 다양한 파일 포맷, DEM(Digital Elevation Model), GPU 등을 지원하고 있습니다. No.68 - 3차원 점군 처리를 위한 Point Cloud Library 방송 링크 PCL 설치 링크 PCL test data set(media) PCL 활용 예 (Qbotics Lab. ROS+PCL)…
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 애플의 스마트폰 기반 증강현실 개발키트인 ARKit을 이해하기 위해, 기술을 좀 더 깊게 살펴보고, 동작원리를 살펴보겠습니다. 아울러, ARKit 출시의 의미를 간략히 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. Podcast 방송 링크 - Apple ARKit 기술 이해와 의미 Apple ARKit 기술 분석 블로그توسط Tae Wook, Kang
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 혼합현실(Mixed Reality) 응용 사례 및 기술적 문제점을 간단히 나눔해 보도록 하겠습니다. 이를 위해, 건설, 건축 분야에서 응용되고 있는 MR 유스케이스를 살펴보고 어떤 장점이 있는 지를 확인해 보겠습니다. 아울러, 홀로렌즈 기반 BIM뷰어 개발 과정을 통해, 어떤 기술적 문제점이 있는 지를 알아보는 시간을 가지겠습니다. Podcast 방송 링크 - Mixed Reality 응용 사례 및 기술적 문제점 Mixed Reality 홀로렌즈 기술 및 BIM 뷰어 개발 블로그توسط Tae Wook, Kang
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 드론, 무인자율운전에 많이 사용되고 있는 3차원 스캔 기반 비전 및 건설 엔지니어링 분야에서 중요한 부분을 하지하고 있는 역설계 기술 알고리즘을 간략히 소개해 보겠습니다. 아울러, 이를 손쉽게 구현할 수 있는 몇 가지 도구를 소개하려 합니다. Podcast 방송 링크 - 스캔 기반 비전과 역설계 알고리즘 소개 3차원 이미지 스캔, 비전 및 역설계 발표 슬라이드توسط Tae Wook, Kang
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CG Chatter 033: Why Learn Computer Graphics?
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16:18In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I discuss what computer graphics is, what it can empower you to create, and the many career options for those who create computer graphics. I also talk about my new online computer graphics tutoring services. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 032: Run, Kick, Shout!
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1:52:05In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Erik Jensen & Nick Hopkins, founders and creative directors of Run, Kick, Shout!, about starting a company with a friend, different 3D workflows, and how to avoid late nights. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 031: Pixels and Polygons Founder & Director Anthony Marquette
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52:38In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Anthony Marquette, Founder and Director of the Pixels and Polygons School of 3D Art and Animation, about education, competitions, and how to build your own computer. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 030: The Value of Budgeting
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17:59In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat about the value of budgeting for computer graphics folks, including saving for hardware purchases, keeping track of spending for taxes, and paying off student loans. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 029: Illustrator & Designer Sean Dove
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1:16:02In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Sean Dove, Illustrator & Designer, about keeping your portfolio and website updated, making comics, running a successful Kickstarter, and balancing your life. Learn more at cgchatter.com.
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CG Chatter 028: Senior Motion Graphics Designer Sergei Prokhnevskiy
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1:24:04In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Sergei Prokhnevskiy, Senior Motion Graphics Designer at FOX Sports and founder of ukramedia.com, about overcoming adversity, avoiding debt, and living one’s dreams. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 027: Animator, Digital Storyteller & Instructor Derek Cuneo
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1:34:12In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Derek Cuneo, Animator, Digital Storyteller & Instructor, about Adobe MAX, how to work effectively from home as a freelancer, and why teaching can be such a great experience. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 026: Freelance Editor & Motion Graphics Artist Doug Hanback
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1:19:06In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Doug Hanback, Freelance Editor & Motion Graphics Artist, about why video editors should learn motion graphics, and some considerations for editing spherical 360 video and VR content. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 025: Motion Graphic Designer Tim Weidelman
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1:25:12In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Tim Weidelman, Chicago-based Motion Graphic Artist, about his creative process, animation styles, tips on good client relationships, and working from home as a freelancer. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 024: Creative Director, Animator & Illustrator Jake Williams
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1:21:24In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Jake Williams, Creative Director, Animator and Illustrator at LooseKeys, about Chicago’s motion graphics community, social media mastery, education, and inspiration. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 023: Lead Concept Artist Sean Higgins
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1:39:07In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Sean Higgins, Lead Concept Artist at Outact, about working remotely from home, taking risks, and the differences between concept art and illustration. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 022: Senior UI Artist Meaghan Glynn
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54:10In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Meaghan Glynn, Senior User Interface Artist, about how UI/UX design fits into the game design pipeline, , and why Dungeons & Dragons is so awesome. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 021: Senior Animator Edward Hull
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1:04:13In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Ed Hull, Senior Animator at Turbine Games, about how he found his way to animation, how to not get burnt out at work, and why one should never stop learning. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 020: Senior Software Engineer Jono Forbes
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1:24:25In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Jono Forbes, Senior Software Engineer at Unity Labs, about the importance of community involvement, what he loves about virtual reality, and how to safeguard your personal time. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 019: Animation is Time-Consuming!
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24:07In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I discuss why animation is so time-consuming, how to prepare yourself for this, tips on communicating effectively with clients and producers, and ways to speed up your animation workflow. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 018: Lead VFX Artist Jamal Coleman
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1:01:33In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Jamal Coleman, Lead VFX Artist at Outact, about choosing a career path, creating an asset library, and the value of challenging oneself, and how to create real-time VFX for games. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 017: 3D World Artist Rogelio Delgado
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1:09:57In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Rogelio Delgado, 3D World Artist at Monolith, about perseverance, passing art tests, thriving in the game industry, and the workflow of an environment artist. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 016: Senior Concept Artist Hunter Schulz
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1:10:44In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Hunter Schulz, Senior Concept Artist at Turbine, about his illustration workflow, where he draws inspiration, and why health is so important for artists. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 015: John Gentile, 3D Visual Lead
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50:29In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with John Gentile, 3D Design Lead at Fusion Design Consultants, about making realistic architectural renders and creating career opportunities. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 014: Lead Technical Artist Jason Breneman
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1:04:15In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Jason Breneman, Lead Technical Artist at Turbine, about playing EverQuest with his dad and brother as kid, and why he loves rigging and technical art. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 013: Lead Animator Ron Friedman
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1:01:20In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Ron Friedman, Lead Animator at Disney Interactive, about the differences between film and game animation, the importance of acting for animators, and the value of having a mentor. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 012: Senior Graphic Artist & Art Department Manager Melsen Carlsburg
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1:04:16In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with my brother Melsen Carlsburg, Senior Graphic Artist & Art Department Manager at Three Twins Productions. Learn about screen printing, workplace ergonomics & good time management. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 011: Lead UX Recruiter Maureen Lawson
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49:00In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Maureen Lawson, Lead UX Recruiter at Clear Point Consultants, about what UX is, how to stand out as a CG artist, getting the most from networking events, asking for help, and work/life boundaries. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 010: Work/Life Balance
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11:59In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I offer eight tips on how to achieve better work/life balance, in order to avoid burnout, stay healthy, stay happy, and recharge your creative batteries. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 009: VFX Producer Lara Lom
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38:31In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Lara Lom, VFX Producer at Zero VFX in Boston, about moving from Switzerland to the United States, her work on several awesome films such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Skyfall, and advice for those looking to get into the VFX industry. Learn more at cgchatter.com.…
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CG Chatter 008: CG Artist Evan E. Richards
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1:01:26In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Evan E. Richards, CG Artist at Zero VFX in Boston, about growing up in Maine, his education at the University of Maine, and a career path that ultimately led to him working on VFX for feature films. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 007: 3D Animator Gordana Fersini
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1:00:12In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Gordana Fersini, 3D Character Animator, about growing up in Italy, her transition from economics to animation, her animation workflow, and what it’s like working in a big studio as well as from home. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 006: CG Generalist Sergio Villegas
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41:15In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Sergio Villegas, CG Generalist (Specialization in 3D camera matchmove) for Zero VFX in Boston, about his background in classical violin, some of his technical workflows, and the importance of passion, building relationships, and working hard. Learn more at cgchatter.com.…
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CG Chatter 005: Lead Animator Amanda Warner
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42:43In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Amanda Warner, Lead Animator for Giant Spacekat, about the positive impact parenting has had on her life and work, her co-founding of Giant Spacekat with Brianna Wu, and tips on time management when working remotely. Learn more at cgchatter.com.
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 컴퓨터 비전 오픈소스로 매우 유명한 OpenCV의 개요, 사용법 및 ROS(robot operation system)에서 사용할 수 있는 재미있는 예제에 대한 내용을 간단히 이야기 나눠보도록 하겠습니다. Podcast 방송 링크 - 컴퓨터 비전 오픈소스 OpenCV 개요, 사용법 및 예제에 대한 이야기 그림. OpenCV overviewتوسط Tae Wook, Kang
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CG Chatter 004: Senior Environment Artist Dana Loud
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40:08In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Senior Environment Artist Dana Loud about his early start in modding, his path to working on video games at Turbine, and advice on getting personal projects done. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 003 : 3D Generalist & Visualization Artist Jonny Allen
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36:53In this episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with 3D Generalist & Visualization Artist Jonny Allen about his work with Steelblue in San Francisco, previous work with Neoscape in Boston, and what he loves about working in viz dev. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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CG Chatter 002: Freelance Animator Mike Taylor
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59:33In this second episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I chat with Freelance Animator Mike Taylor about his career, training at Animation Mentor, work at Turbine, and advice for up & coming animators. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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In this inaugural episode of the CG Chatter Podcast, I introduce myself, my reasons for starting the podcast, and what to expect from it going forward. Learn more at cgchatter.com.توسط Eric Carlsen
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 북유럽 대표적인 국책 연구원인 핀란드 VTT에서 개발하고 있는 증강현실(Augmented reality)기술 및 연구 문화에 대한 이야기를 간단히 나눔해 보겠습니다. Podcast 방송 링크 - VTT Augmented Reality & Research Cultureتوسط Tae Wook, Kang
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안녕하세요. 오늘은 3D Point cloud processing과 관련해 사용할 수 있는 오픈소스들 중에, 많이 활용되고 있는 Cloud Compare에 대한 개요, 기능 및 기술에 대한 소개를 간단히 이야기해 보도록 하겠습니다. Cloud Compare는 포인트 클라우드의 특성(법선, 곡률, 차이값 등)을 컬러 스키마로 시각화할 수 있으며, 통계적 분석 방법을 제공합니다. 아울러, 정합, 필터링 및 메쉬 처리을 지원하며, 부족한 기능들을 Add-in 형태로 추가 개발할 수 있는 아키텍처를 가지고 있습니다. Podcast 방송 링크 - 3D Point cloud processing with open source - C…
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