We are a Gospel-centred church in Regina that exists to point people to Jesus.
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Our mission is navigating people to God. We are one church in multiple locations living out our core values of telling other about Jesus, connecting with people, serving everyone everywhere, and growing in our faith.
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The Compass Church consists of one body, with one mission, meeting in different locations and at slightly different times. Our mission is: Helping People Find & Follow God and our vision is to become a community of life transformation taking the hope of the gospel here, near and far. If you want to learn more about who we are and see our service times, visit thecompass.net.
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The weekly messages from Compass Church in Bloomington/Normal, IL. www.compassbn.com @compassbn
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The sermons and other presentations of Compass Church in Auburn Alabama
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Sermons by Compass Church Richmond
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Compass Women’s Ministry hosts a monthly bible study on the Fruit of the Spirit. We welcome you to join us for a blessed time of good food, fellowship, Bible study, and small group discussion.
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Compass Bible Church, led by Pastor Mike Fabarez, is a Bible-teaching church in Aliso Viejo, California.
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Compass Women's Ministry offers an outstanding free weekly Women’s Bible Study, which provides sound Bible teaching, thought-provoking homework, Christ-centered worship, and purposeful discussion groups.
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At Compass Bible Church, we believe that strong families are essential to the health of our church. To achieve this, we need strong, godly men to lead the way. This is the primary objective of our Men’s Bible Study. We meet every month to fellowship, study the Word of God, and participate in small group discussions.
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Compass Bible Church, led by Pastor PJ Berner, is a Bible-teaching church in Frisco, Texas.
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Pastor Elliott is the Senior Pastor of Compass Bible Church Tustin, an expository preaching church in southern California.
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Thrive is the Marriage Ministry of Compass Bible Church in Aliso Viejo, CA.
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To keep a clear conscience before both God and people, we must serve them with love and sympathy as God defines, not as we or they might prefer.توسط Compass Bible Church
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The speaker addresses the importance of unity within the church, warning against detrimental behaviors like gossip and envy that can foster division. Emphasizing the necessity of humility and forgiveness, the speaker highlights steps to build unity, such as committing to a Philippians 2-style preference for others, addressing gossip and envy prompt…
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In Philippians 4:10-23, Paul expresses gratitude for the Philippians’ generosity while revealing a deeper truth—his joy is not rooted in circumstances but in Christ. He has learned the secret of contentment, whether in abundance or need, because his strength comes from God. This week's passage challenges us to examine where we find satisfaction and…
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توسط Drew Sherman
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Have you ever considered that God Himself, in order to connect with you, penned a book to the whole world? The result? The Bible, the ultimate best-selling book of all time. This book is filled with stories and wisdom that can be life transforming. Let us know you're here! If you have a need or prayer request we can support you: thecompass.net/conn…
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This is the second installment of our study of Ephesians. 00:00 Introduction: Just the Facts, Ma'am 00:52 Misquoted Phrases and the Search for Truth 01:42 True Crime Podcasts and Selective Storytelling 03:11 The Bible: The Ultimate Source of Truth 04:23 Ephesians: The Assurance of Salvation 08:07 Understanding Our Inheritance in Christ 15:51 Trusti…
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Discipleship 101
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1:00:38توسط Pastor Mike Elliott
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Hope in God: Navigating the Seasons of Sadness in Your Life (Psalm 42-43) | Women's Bible Study | Carlynn Fabarez
Hope in God: Navigating the Seasons of Sadness in Your Life (Psalm 42-43) | Women's Bible Study | Carlynn Fabarezتوسط Compass Bible Church
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This sermon discusses the essence of godly leadership, emphasizing that it is no accident. Starting with the qualification of being above reproach, it delves into three critical aspects highlighted by Paul to Timothy in 1 Timothy 3: being a husband of one wife, being sober-minded, and being self-controlled. Drawing parallels to the 1986 Challenger …
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Bare Necessities: Three Crucial Pursuits for the Christian (John 17:11-19) | Pastor PJ Berner
The Bare Necessities of Discipleship Pastor PJ explores the concept of essential needs in life and transitions to discussing the essentials of following Jesus, emphasizing the bare necessities of discipleship. These are illustrated through John 17:11-19 and include pursuing holiness for the health of the church, abiding in Christ for personal spiri…
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You must realize the crucial and important claims of Christianity and be certain where you stand with Christ.توسط Compass Bible Church
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In this passage, Paul is going to address situations that every Christian will experience as we walk with Jesus. The first issue he will talk about is conflict in the church. He then will address common Christian struggles, joylessness, lack of grace for one another, and anxiety. Paul will give us the remedy to our struggles to focus our minds on t…
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Have you ever considered that God Himself, in order to connect with you, penned a book to the whole world? The result? The Bible, the ultimate best-selling book of all time. This book is filled with stories and wisdom that can be life transforming. Let us know you're here! If you have a need or prayer request we can support you: thecompass.net/conn…
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From Fatigue to Faithfulness (2 Timothy) | Pastor David Heggتوسط Compass Bible Church
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In this sermon, Pastor PJ delves into the blessings and responsibilities that come with being 'God's Kids' (GKs), drawing an analogy with the benefits experienced by pastor's kids (PKs). The key points include the significance of the High Priestly Prayer in John 17, where Jesus prays for his disciples and all believers, revealing three primary bles…
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توسط Pastor Mike Elliott
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Paul encourages believers to press on in their faith, striving toward the goal of knowing Christ fully. He acknowledges that he has not yet arrived but is determined to forget what lies behind and press forward toward the prize of God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus (3:12-14). He urges mature believers to adopt this mindset and warns against those …
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Have you ever considered that God Himself, in order to connect with you, penned a book to the whole world? The result? The Bible, the ultimate best-selling book of all time. This book is filled with stories and wisdom that can be life transforming. Let us know you're here! If you have a need or prayer request we can support you: thecompass.net/conn…
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A New Song: How to Pray in Times of Distress (Psalm 40) | Women's Bible Study | Kelli Atterbury
A New Song: How to Pray in Times of Distress (Psalm 40) | Women's Bible Study | Kelli Atterburyتوسط Compass Bible Church
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In this sermon, the focus is on John 17, where Jesus prays to God the Father, expressing a deep concern for the Father's glory. Pastor PJ emphasizes the importance of reliance on prayer, sharing a humorous anecdote about AI before diving into the scripture. Key points include Jesus' request for God to glorify Him so He may, in turn, glorify the Fat…
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And Who Is My Neighbor? (Luke 10:25-37) | Dr. Albert Mohlerتوسط Compass Bible Church
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Overcoming Opposition with Overwhelming Joy
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1:01:35توسط Pastor Mike Elliott
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In Philippians 3:1-11, we see the call for believers to place their confidence in Jesus rather than in human achievements (Law vs. Gospel). Paul warns against false teachers who rely on the flesh and recounts his impressive religious credentials—only to declare them worthless compared to knowing Jesus. True righteousness, Paul emphasizes, comes not…
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توسط Drew Sherman, Michelle Sherman
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Have you ever considered that God Himself, in order to connect with you, penned a book to the whole world? The result? The Bible, the ultimate best-selling book of all time. This book is filled with stories and wisdom that can be life transforming. Let us know you're here! If you have a need or prayer request we can support you: thecompass.net/conn…
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The Goodness of God: Confidence in His Power to Deliver (Psalm 32) | Women's Bible Study | Stephanie Schwartz
The Goodness of God: Confidence in His Power to Deliver (Psalm 32) | Women's Bible Study | Stephanie Schwartzتوسط Compass Bible Church
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A Clear Conscience: Resting on the Immutable (2 Corinthians 1:17-22) | Pastor Mike Fabarez
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1:03:44If we are to navigate the variabilities of this present life with confidence and a godly attitude then we must trust in the immutability of God and his good overarching plan.توسط Compass Bible Church
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The Right Stuff: What God's Looking for in the Heart of His Disciples (John 16:25-33) | Pastor PJ Berner
Sermon Notes In this sermon, the speaker examines the qualities that make up 'the right stuff' for a disciple of Jesus, drawing parallels from the Mercury 7 astronauts depicted in the 1983 film 'The Right Stuff.' Key traits discussed include humility, perpetual learning, and an awareness of human frailty. Utilizing John 16:25-33, the sermon highlig…
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توسط Drew Sherman
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توسط Pastor Mike Elliott
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In this week's text, Paul points to Timothy and Epaphroditus as living examples of selfless, Christlike service. Through their lives, we see the ripple effect of lives lived for the Gospel. Their commitment to the Gospel and sacrificial care for others demonstrate what it means to put the interests of Christ above personal gain. Their example chall…
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From music stars to sports legends, a Hall of Fame celebrates heroes who inspire greatness. Did you know the Bible has its own Hall of Fame? Join us for a study of Hebrews 11 and discover how the spiritual champions of old can inspire our faith today. Let us know you're here! If you have a need or prayer request we can support you: thecompass.net/c…
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The Freedom of Forgiveness (Psalm 32) | Women's Bible Study | Bethany Kelleyتوسط Compass Bible Church
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Do Hard Things: What to Expect on Your Discipleship Journey (John 16:16-24) | Pastor PJ Berner
Sermon Notes 00:00 Pastor PJ's Nerdy Intro 01:22 What is Discipleship? 02:14 Jesus Prepares His Disciples 03:17 Understanding Jesus' Words 08:51 Challenged Expectations in Discipleship 14:27 Encouragement for Different Stages of Faith 20:16 Jesus' Honest Words on Sorrow and Joy 20:47 The Cost of Discipleship 22:39 Worldly Joy vs. Spiritual Joy 28:1…
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A Clear Conscience: Aiming to Be a Blessing (2 Corinthians 1:15-16) | Pastor Mike Fabarez
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1:03:01Our love for God’s people ought to drive us to a purely-motivated loving service and care that goes even beyond what we think is possible.توسط Compass Bible Church
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What does it mean to workout our salvation? In this passage, Paul gives us four practical ways our salvation is to be worked out.توسط Pastor Murray Lutzer
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توسط Pastor Mike Elliott
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From music stars to sports legends, a Hall of Fame celebrates heroes who inspire greatness. Did you know the Bible has its own Hall of Fame? Join us for a study of Hebrews 11 and discover how the spiritual champions of old can inspire our faith today. Let us know you're here! If you have a need or prayer request we can support you: thecompass.net/c…
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