The Saints establish homes in the Salt Lake Valley. They build temples in the West. Many members from distant lands come to be with the Saints.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The pioneers travel from Council Bluffs to the Salt Lake Valley. They set up Winter Quarters. The Lord tells Brigham Young to divide the people into companies.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Under the guidance of Brigham Young, the Saints postpone their trek west and establish Winter Quarters.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Lord chooses Brigham Young to be the leader after Joseph Smith's death. Mobs drive the Saints out of Nauvoo. The Saints travel in very difficult circumstances.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Saints dedicate portions of the Nauvoo Temple as they are completed and perform many ordinances. The Saints are so eager that the temple remains open day and night.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Apostles lead the Church until a new leader is chosen. Sidney Rigdon wants to be the leader and apostatizes.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Although innocent, Joseph, Hyrum, and others go to Carthage Jail. A mob kills Joseph and Hyrum. They give their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Mobs form and persecute the Saints. Enemies start a newspaper with lies about Mormons. Joseph says the Saints will eventually be forced to leave Nauvoo.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Joseph Smith receives a revelation about angels. Heavenly Father and Jesus have a body of flesh and bones. The Holy Ghost is a spirit.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
John C. Bennett, the mayor of Nauvoo, becomes wicked. Joseph Smith become mayor after conflict with Bennett. Joseph prophesies of future conflicts.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Relief Society, a women's organization, is formed to help and bless the lives of others. The sisters make clothes for the men working at the temple, take care of the sick, and learn about the gospel.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Saints receive a special blessing in the temple called the endowment. They make promises and covenants with God and learn how to return to live with Him.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Joseph Smith receives a revelation to build a temple in Nauvoo. The Lord calls Hyrum Smith to be the Patriarch. Brigham Young learns he is to stay at home with his family.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Joseph Smith instructs the Saints to write down the crimes of those who were persecuting them. Joseph takes those letters to the president of the United States. The president does not help the Saints.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Brigham Young tells the Saints to leave Missouri while Joseph Smith is in jail. They go to Illinois in search of shelter, food, and jobs.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Joseph Smith and his friends suffer in Liberty Jail for more than four months. The Lord comforts him.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Mobs do terrible things to the Saints. They hurt and kill many people. Joseph and others are thrown into prison. Joseph silences the jail guards.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Joseph learns where the Lord will come for His Second Coming. Some leaders choose to disobey the prophet.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery see Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah and receive sacred priesthood power and keys.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Pearl of Great Price is a book of scripture written by prophets. It contains the Book of Moses, the Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith—Matthew, Joseph Smith—History, and the Articles of Faith.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The governor and judges of Missouri refuse the help the Saints. Due to the persecution from mobs, the Saints leave Missouri.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Lord reveals to Joseph the Word of Wisdom, a health commandment requiring respect and honor for our bodies. The Lord promises many physical and spiritual blessings for complete obedience.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Saints worry about disasters and wars that occur. Jesus reveals a prophecy to Joseph Smith about the Civil War in the United States and diverse wars in the world.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Heavenly Father reveals to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon the places where people go after they are resurrected, called the three kingdoms of glory.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
The Lord tells Joseph to publish the revelations of the Lord. This book is called the Doctrine and Covenants.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Some people persecute the Saints of God in the last days. There are many signs to help prepare people for the Second Coming. The Lord will come again as the prophets have testified.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Sidney Rigdon is baptized and leads many to Christ. Through the Lord's help, Joseph and Sidney reveal some of the missing doctrine in the Bible.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Only one man can receive revelation for the entire Church. Hyrum Page receives false revelations through a stone. He listens to the prophet and repents.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias
Joseph and Emma sacrifice much to spread the gospel. They rely on the Lord. Jesus tells Emma what she is supposed to do.توسط A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias