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Appamada is a contemporary center for Zen practice, inquiry, and community, located in Austin, Texas. If you appreciate these offerings, please consider making a contribution to support Appamada with the link below.
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Stories of Appalachia

Steve Gilly, Rod Mullins

Welcome to "Stories of Appalachia," the podcast where hosts Steve Gilly and Rod Mullins have been unraveling the captivating history and folklore of the Appalachian region since 2015. Join them as they guide you through mist-covered mountains and winding rivers, exploring the stories that define the heart and soul of Appalachia.
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Kevin Edwards hosts Appalachian Artists Live, a live in studio show featuring local artists performing original music, covers and interviews. Kevin has been following and promoting local artists for over 5 years throughout the Tri-Cities.
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The Appalachian Podcast

William Riddle

A Podcast dedicated to culture and interest within the Appalachian Region. We focus on racing, music, food, liquor, coal country, and more. From the biggest names in racing, to Grammy winning artists, TV personalities, and phenomenal Appalachian stories...we've got it all.
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Appalachian Excellence


Appalachian Excellence: Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity features faculty research, scholarship and creative activity that creates solutions and inspires change. In each episode, Karen Fletcher and Dave Blanks talk with faculty and their students to explore the incredible research happening at Appalachian State University.
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"Now, Appalachia"

Eliot Parker

Welcome to Now Appalachia Radio with host and thriller author Eliot Parker. The show will profile Appalachian writers and creative people. Proud to be part of the August on the Air Global Radio Network. Authors on the Air Global Radio Network is an international digital media corporation comprised of radio talk shows, podcasts, book reviews and anthology publishing with 3 million listeners in 40 countries and over one million social media friends.
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Learn about the true Appalachian, mysteries, legends, murder & history as well as those stories outside Appalachia as viewed by a true Appalachian. I’m Larry Bentley and I was born and raised in the Appalachian mountains of southwest Virginia. I want to take you on a fantastic journey through the Appalachian mountains and beyond. We’re going to explore everything from murder, native folklore and legend to true stories of hardship as seen through the watery eyes of an old Appalachian. Come jo ...
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The Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast

Apparel Entrepreneurship

In The Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast, Ana and Klas Kristiansson - apparel industry experts, authors, and speakers will discuss hands-on tactics touching all areas involved in running and growing a meaningful, successful apparel brand. Learn practical strategies about sustainability, design, product, marketing, sales, community, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship. You’ll also hear inspiring interviews with industry experts and entrepreneurs about their tips and journeys in this fast-paced in ...
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Appalachian Storms

Dianna Kilpack

Six book fantasy series located in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. Katie Johnson a Junior in high school doesn't realize she is about to enter into a fantasy world. Where she and others turn into were-animals. Each move she makes is like a game on a chess board where the decisions she makes will be life or death to her friends and family. The supernatural is common and is trying to destroy the natural world.
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Appalachian Farmcast

Appalachian Farmcast

A weekly conversation podcast with farmers in the heart of Appalachia. Featuring updates and hard lessons from each farm. Plus topics including rotational grazing of cattle, sheep, and pigs, pastured chickens and turkeys for meat and chickens for eggs, sustainable and regenerative practices, direct marketing and current events related to farming and our food system.
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Black in Appalachia

Black in Appalachia

Having long been in this region, Black Appalachians remain mostly invisible, while the dominant narratives of Appalachia depict an overwhelming, white cultural homogeneity. The Black in Appalachia Podcast challenges these misconceptions by highlighting how Black families have shaped and have been shaped by the region. Through historical and contemporary stories of people, places and experiences, hosts Enkeshi El-Amin and Angela Dennis interrogate what it means to be Black in Appalachia, crea ...
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Appalachian Outdoorosity

Appalachian State University

Appalachian State University is proud to present, Appalachian Outdoorosity, a podcast where you’ll hear stories that entertain, inspire and inform you about living an active outdoor lifestyle. Each episode features a story with the goal to get you outside and keep you going outside to improve your overall wellness.
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Talking Appalachian is a podcast about the Appalachian Mountain region's language or "voiceplaces," cultures, and communities. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Amy Clark, a Professor of Communication Studies and Director of the Center for Appalachian Studies at the University of Virginia's College at Wise. The podcast is based on her 2013 co-edited book Talking Appalachian: Voice, Identity, and Community. Her writing on Appalachia has appeared in the New York Times, Oxford American Magazine, Sal ...
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The Business of Apparel

Rachel Erickson

Rachel Erickson brings her 20 years of expertise in the apparel manufacturing industry to this show to inspire you to build your best brand yet. Each week, you’ll hear from Rachel along with other industry experts who are shedding light on what is needed to build your own apparel line from scratch or to take your existing apparel brand to the next level and create sustainable and unstoppable growth. Rachel’s big emphasis on proper techniques, sustainable practices and business clarity will b ...
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Custom Apparel Startups

Custom Apparel Startups

The Custom Apparel Startups podcast was started simply because we love both the apparel decorating business and the idea that almost anyone, with a small investment and a little dedication, cannot only start their own business but thrive! Our goal in starting CAS is to help educate apparel entrepreneurs about the business of the business, something often overlooked by people with an idea and a budget, but no business plan or experience behind them. We’ll be talking with the biggest names in ...
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Podcast de APPA

Bienvenidos al pod cast de APPA, Asociación de Profesionales de la Producción Audiovisual. Queremos ser un nuevo punto de encuentro en las ondas para todos nuestros socios y también, por qué no, para aquellos estudiantes y profesionales del sector audiovisual. Hablaremos con nuestros socios, directores de producción, jefes, ayudantes, de producción, localizadores, contables, ayudantes de dirección, coordinadores de producción de cine, televisión, documentales, publicidad, en definitiva de nu ...
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An overweight, 61-year-old retiree, with zero hiking experience, decided to hike the entire 2,185.3 mile length of the Appalachian Trail in 2014. What could possibly go wrong? As his brother, Mike, commented, "It's a bit like taking up boxing and fighting Mike Tyson in your first bout." Join Steve and his guests as they discuss all aspects of the trail, from gear to Lyme Disease, then back to trail magic and injury.
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Old Gods of Appalachia

DeepNerd Media

In the mountains of central Appalachia, blood runs as deep as these hollers and just as dark. Since before our kind knew these hills, hearts of unknowable hunger and madness have slumbered beneath them. These are the darkest mountains in the world. How dare we think we can break the skin of a god and dig out its heart without bringing forth blood and darkness? Old Gods of Appalachia is a horror-anthology podcast set in the shadows of an Alternate Appalachia, a place where digging too deep in ...
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Appalachian Mysteria

Jam Street Media

Welcome to Appalachian Mysteria, a true-crime podcast series focused on crimes committed in the hills and hollers of Appalachia. Hosted by Kendall Parkinson and Sarah James McLaughlin. Check out past seasons: Mared and Karen WVU Coed Murders, Big Savage The Death Of Alexander Stevens, Outlandish, and our new season dedicated to stories brought to us by our listeners.
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Couture Apparente

Claire Roussel

Bienvenue dans Couture Apparente, le podcast qui s’interroge sur la mode et l’impact qu’elle a sur nos vies. A la fois un art et une industrie, la mode soulève des questions sociales, politiques et écologiques que ce podcast aborde sans complexe. La mode et le féminisme sont-ils compatibles ? Comment créer des bijoux durables ? Quel est le coût d’une fabrication éthique ? Est-ce que la mode discrimine les minorités ? Qui sont celles et ceux qui s’engagent pour une industrie plus respo ...
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Appalachian Unsolved


From mysterious disappearances in the Great Smoky Mountains to decades-old murders, Appalachian Unsolved investigates East Tennessee's infamous cold cases. This is Appalachian Unsolved - The Podcast.
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Appalti al volo

Aurora Donato

Appalti al volo: novità, spunti e discussioni per imprese e amministrazioni che operano nel mercato degli appalti pubblici. A cura di Aurora Donato. Appalti al volo nasce nel 2019 ed è il primo podcast in Italia sugli appalti pubblici. Rivolto a imprese e amministrazioni che operano nel mercato degli appalti pubblici, il podcast affronta questioni rilevanti per gli operatori del settore, ragiona sulle novità normative e giurisprudenziali (che negli appalti pubblici non mancano mai) ed ospita ...
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Welcome to the Estell Boutique Podcast, your go-to destination for exploring the latest in women’s fashion trends and the captivating tips behind the styles. Founder of Estell Boutique, this podcast offers insights into the world of European designers women's apparel and the journey of building a boutique that redefines elegance and comfort. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or someone seeking inspiration, tune in to learn about timeless trends, styling tips, and the inspiring path that br ...
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Obscure Appalachia

Candis Casper

Hey, y'all. Pull up a chair and listen to paranormal stories from the Appalachian mountains. I'll tell you all about haints, cryptids, ghosts, hauntings, unexplained phenomena, and everything mysterious Appalachia has to offer.
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show series
En este podcast "Especial Premios Goya 2025" hemos querido celebrar que ocho de nuestros socios estaban nominados por sus fantásticos trabajos estrenados este último año y que dos de ellos se alzaron con el cabezón. "Casa en flames", "La Infiltrada", "Segundo Premio", "Mariposas Negras", "Buffalo Kids", "Guardiana de Dragones", "Rock Bottom" y "Caf…
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Send us a text Chapter 36 "Teaching the Malus" Katie learns Jared is off the platform and is alright. Todd the Malus insists Katie teach him and other Malus how to project clothes. She gets into a situation where the Malus tell her she is on their side and she explains why she is in Tartarus. Chapter 37 "David Meets Todd" David is at the rendezvous…
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LE LE LE LE! V družbi visokih gostov podelimo nekaj izkušenj iz naših potovanj, kot prave nacestnice. Matko odpre svoj 6 pack, ki ga je zaznamoval skozi leta spremljanja lige NBA, ker je dandanes itak ne gleda. Jo pa podrobno spremljata Tile in Štule, ki se dotakneta medenih tednov nove ekipe našega Luke. Aja, kaj mislite, da bi se zgodilo če bi uk…
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Join Mike and Artie on the Appalachian Brewing Company podcast as they tee off at the Carlisle Barracks Golf Course, home to ABC’s newest brewpub, the 1757 Grille. In this episode, they sit down with Golf Course Superintendent Jeff Green, who shares his expert insights into the art and science of golf course operations. From maintaining pristine fa…
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In this episode, we journey back to the mid-1700s to uncover the story of the Schwartzenau Brethren, also known as the Dunkards, who established one of the earliest settlements in the New River Valley of Virginia. Join us as we tell the story of this fascinating religious community, their unique beliefs, and the challenges one family of Dunkards fa…
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A beloved West Virginia hotdog restaurant closed in 2018. An annual tribute sale gives people a chance to relive its glory days. Also, a West Virginia town can trace its beginnings to the first place its founders lived — a giant stump. And, a few people still farm the way folks did before tractors — with horses. You'll hear these stories and more t…
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This week, a beloved West Virginia hotdog restaurant closed in 2018. An annual tribute sale gives people a chance to relive its glory days. Also, a West Virginia town can trace its beginnings to the first place its founders lived — a giant stump. And a few people still farm the way folks did before tractors — with horses. You'll hear these stories …
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Julijo mučijo more o izpadanju zob, Robi se pridruži možganskemu trustu z idejami za boljšo prometno pretočnost pločnikov, Veprčka pa je strah staranja. V poobritku Katarina potrebuje pomoč pri umirjanju otroškega kričanja v avtomobilu. Če ti je Če veš, kaj mislim! všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discor…
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V tem solo delu Aleš in Sašo spet izvesta štiri nove stvari! Katere? … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 219 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Kaj je teorija nakupovalnih vozičkov? Kdo ali kaj je akredebidlbodl? Če si alergičen na mačke … a si tudi na lev…
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Use These Tools to Build A Tech Pack in 2025 (The Great Tech Pack Debate) In this episode, Rachel turns to the Great Tech Pack Debate and clarifying what the best tools actually are to build an amazing tech pack. Essential tools shaping the industry's future, like Adobe Illustrator, Excel, Google Sheets are all great, but that's not all. Our focus …
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The second arc of Season Five begins. In the winter of 1944, sibling rivalry runs rampant in the house that Barrow built. CW: Family strife, discussion of the unnatural conception of a child, occult rituals, gore. Written by Steve Shell and Cam Collins Narrated by Steve Shell Sound design by Steve Shell Produced and edited by Cam Collins and Steve …
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We recorded EYECANDY a alternative punk rock band from Johnson City, Tn at Sweetbay Brewing in Abingdon Va on Feb 15 2025. EYECANDY performs some original tunes and also plays tunes from their favorite band Paramore. Later in the show Laken & Paul perform an amazing acoustic set from there favorite artists.…
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I saw a great Facebook post on one of the Appalachian Trail pages recently. Shelley Harris (Hopscotch) wrote her reflections after her thru-hike, offering common sense solutions to those contemplating such an adventure. Basically, Shelley suggested that you can figure it out as you go along, and you shouldn’t stress the details. Our over-cautious, …
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This show was our first video recorded podcast, and we welcomed an old friend in Mike ter Maat, recent Vice Presidential Candidate for the Libertarian Party, for an interesting conversation on the current political landscape. We discussed the first month of the new administration, looked back on the LP convention, advancing the message, the current…
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This is why your online sales will explode, as long as you can get your first 100 customers! BEST Design Tool → Join The Mastermind → For anyone looking to get more sales for their online business and make money online.…
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Send us a text Chapter 35 "Seeing Jared" In trying to show a Sleeper how important it is to learn things. Katie runs into Hank. Hank tells Katie he knows where Jared is. Katie insists Hank and Todd take her to "The Square" where Jared is. If you really like the fantasy world I created, show your interest by supporting this program. I'm not asking f…
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Reshared episode from Host and Historian Brigette Jones discussing Belonging in Tennessee with Black in Appalachia director William Isom. This interview was recorded as part of Humanities Tennessee's United We Stand Project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.توسط Black in Appalachia
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In this episode of the podcast, we tell the story of Reverend William Riley Rickman, a steadfast preacher who took on the liquor industry in Pocahontas, Virginia. Join Steve and Rod as they tell you about Rickman's fervent battle against alcohol in that Appalachian coal mining community. Rickman’s tireless efforts resulted in Pocahontas becoming a …
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In the 1930s, hundreds of mostly African American workers died digging the Hawk’s Nest Tunnel. A photographer brings their stories to life. When Jerry Machen began making art from old carpets, his wife Linda wasn’t impressed. And a new exhibit shares the cultures of Indigenous people who call Appalachia home. You’ll hear these stories and more this…
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In the 1930s, hundreds of mostly Black workers died digging the Hawks Nest Tunnel. A photographer brings their stories to life. Also, when Jerry Machen began making art from old carpets in Tennessee, his wife Linda wasn’t impressed. And, a new exhibit shares the cultures of Indigenous people who call Appalachia home. You’ll hear these stories and m…
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Jure in Anže bosta tekla. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #124 Zapiski: Kdo bo zmagal v teku na 60 metrov Shop the world’s most comfortable slippers for men and women. – RockDove Footwear Poglavja: 00:00:00 Začetek 00:00:01 Nika 00:02:55 Tekmovalnost in 60 metrov 00:11:59…
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Komik in psiholog Nejc Šmit, v tem delu ozdravi Sašota in Aleša! Poleg tega pa jima pomaga še ugotoviti: “Kdo ali kaj je Granadirmarš?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 218 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Podpornik tega dela je: Trgovina To je …
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Three private detectives investigate the mystery of Cold Sparrow - a town that's entire population disappeared without a trace over twenty years ago. Together, the detectives seek to unravel the town's mysteries and find the enigmatic Benjamin Veers, an eccentric billionaire who resided in the once picturesque town. Credits: Written by Mark Anzalon…
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Learn to Be A Successful Fashion Freelancer with Heidi Weinberg In today's episode, Rachel welcomes, by popular demand, successful fashion freelancer, Heidi Weinberg, aka "Sew Heidi" to the podcast! Heidi is sharing her journey from industry insider to earning 6 figures as a successful freelancer. Heidi compares niche in the fashion industry to mal…
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Jerry Mendenhall from Bristol Tn comes in the studio and brings his friends to perform some covers of David Frizzell & Shelly West plus some originals that he has written over the years. You may have seen Jerry and many open mics throughout Bristol of the past several years, now Jerry brings his talent to the radio for all to hear!…
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JC Van Etten, or Catmando returns to the show. We first met him on the Appalachian Trail a few years ago, I seem to have missed him on the PCT, but caught up with him again after his Continental Divide Trail thru-hike last year to complete his Triple Crown. Cat is a great raconteur, sharing plenty of advice through our conversation, as well as reco…
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On the latest episode of Now, Appalachia, Eliot interviews author Karen McElmurray about her new essay collection I COULD NAME GOD IN TWELVE WAYS. is the author of Wanting Radiance: A Novel. Her memoir Surrendered Child: A Birth Mother's Journey is a National Book Critics Circle Notable Book and winner of the AWP Award Series for Creative Nonfictio…
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