Z Gallery's multilingual podcast project with focus on art, social justice, political and human rights activists life stories. A series of interviews with individuals from all walks of life whose passion and life focus is to bring positive changes into our world locally and internationally. Our goal is to create a colourful and multilayered “Sound Quilt” in order to reclaim our stories and our communities. Our wish is to reach different communities in our city, country and beyond in order to ...
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توهر اپیزود از پادکست تد فارسی قراره یکیاز سخنرانی های TED به شیوه خودم براتون بگم.
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شبکه های اجتماعی چجوری روی ما تاثیر گذارند و دموکراسی از بین میبرن
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سالمندی و چالشهای فرهنگی به نظرم ارزش گوش کردن داره
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به نظر شما عشق سالم و عشق ناسالم چه تفاوتهایی دارن؟ اصلا میشه عشق نا سالمو تشخیص داد؟ در مورد ارتباط عاطفی برقرار کردن چی تا حالا بهمون اموزش دادن؟
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برای اینکه یک دومینو شروع به ریختن کنه باید اول یک نفر بیفته، من میخوام تواین موضوع یکی از اولین نفرها باشم، بیاین یاد بگیریم در عین ناراحتی چجوری رفتار کنیم
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تا حالا فکر کردین که بعد از مرگ قراره چه اتفاقی برای جسمتون بیفته؟
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به نظر شما صفحه های نمایش چقدر تو زندگی و شخصیت ما ادمها نقش دارن؟ و اینکه چرا استیو جابزبرای فرزندان خودش...
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به نظر شما ضریب هوشی آدما چقدر مهمه برای رسیدن به موفقیت؟
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به نظر شما شانس چقدر تورندگی ما تاثیر داره؟ تو این اپیزود یک پوکر باز حرفه ای قراره واسمون از تجربیاتش صحبت کنه
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به نظر شما چرا اکثر مدیرها و رییس ها اقا هستن؟ چرا ما خانومها خودمونو باور نداریم؟
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تا حالا به مرگ در اثر سقوط هواپیما فکر کردی؟
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تواین اپیزود قراره در مورد گذشته ، حال و اینده پول صحبت کنیم
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تو این اپیزود قراره در مورد انتخابهای سخت زندگی صحبت های اقای ((Routh chang )) را بشنویم.
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ما ادمها روایت کننده های صادق ودرستی از زندگی خودمون نیستیم
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عنوان این کنفرانس ۱۰ راه برای گفت و گوی بهتره که شاید شنیدن این ۱۰ راه حل باعث بشه خیلی از مشکلات شخصی و اجتماییمون برطرف بشه
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تو این اپیزود قراره امیلی در مورد افرادی واسمون صحبت کنه که چندین شغل و مهارت دوست دارن ولی جامعه به راحتی این افرادو درک نمیکنه
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تو این اپیزود قراره در مورد زندگی بعد از شکست سرطان صحبت کنیم، همچنین در مورد مرز بین سالم بودن و بیمار بودن .
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بهنظر شما چرا اثر کاهش وزن رژیم های غذایی دائمی نیست ؟
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به نظر شما مدیتیشن میتونه حالمونو بهتر کنه؟ اصلا مدیتیشن یعنی چی؟
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تو این اپیزود قراره درباره مرگ صحبت کنیم، در مورد از دست دادن ادمهای مهم زندگیمون
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این اپیزود روایت یک نماینده پارلمان دانمارک در مورد ساختن پل بین ادمهای یک جامعه است
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تواین اپیزود قراره یک چالش داشته باشیم برای انتخاب بین پزشکی یا موسیقی، به نظرتون کدوم جذابتره؟
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Hicham Kaye's interview was recorded online on May 20th 2020 Hicham Kayed A Palestinian filmmaker and activist originally from Jaffa, was born in Lebanon where he currently lives and works. He is the director and the multimedia coordinator of AL-JANA, The Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts in Beirut, organizations which work conducting writing a…
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Säye Skye’s Interview was recorded online on June 22nd, 2020. This Episode is in Farsi. Säye Skye is an award winning transgender Iranian rap artist and LGBTQ rights activist at the forefront of a new hip-hop movement that has its basis in social consciousness. With astonishing originality, his experimental raps challenge deep-rooted stereotypes of…
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قرارہ تو این اپیزود Patricia Ryan مارو بہ یک چالش دعوت کنہ ، بہ نظر شما اگہ انیشتین مجبور بود واسہ ارائہ ایدہ اش تافل بگیرہ چہ اتفاقی می افتاد؟
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تو این اپیزود قراره susan david برامون در مورد قدرت احساساتمون و سرکوب عواطفمون صحبت کنه
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قراره تو این اپیزود از پادکست تد فارسی سخنرانی Robert waldinger درمورد یکی از بزرگترین تحقیقات در زمینه داشتن اینده شاد براتون بگم.
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Interview with Bermal Che was recorded in June 2018 in the mountains of Kurdistan. Bermal Che is a Kurdish poet, Singer, songwriter and freedom fighter. Bermal was born and grown up in Bakur – Northern Kurdistan (Turkey). She is member of PKK. This Episode is in Kurdish. Music and songs by: Bermal Che Interview and Edit: Shahrzad Arshadi Translatio…
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Published on: December 05, 2019 at 1:00 AM Interview with Ronia was recorded in June 2018 in Kurdistan. Ronia Arial is a young Kurdish/Iranian writer, poet and freedom fighter. She was born and grown up in Sanandaj, Kurdistan (Iran). This interview is in Farsi. *Music and songs by: Bermal *Interview and Edit: Shahrzad Arshadi https://lifestoriesqui…
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Janet Lumb, born and raised in Toronto for twenty years and having lived in Vancouver for ten years, Janet Lumb has now been living in Montreal for the majority of her life. As a musician and sax player since ‘75 and working with dancers, poets and painters, she has been exploring her visual interests as a composer for film music for over 20 years.…
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Janet Lumb, born and raised in Toronto for twenty years and having lived in Vancouver for ten years, Janet Lumb has now been living in Montreal for the majority of her life. As a musician and sax player since ‘75 and working with dancers, poets and painters, she has been exploring her visual interests as a composer for film music for over 20 years.…
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Tess Tesalona is a Montreal based Filipino-Canadian union organizer. She is one of the founder and active member of Immigrant Workers Centre, Women of Diverse Origins and more….. Interview is recorded on October 20th, 2017 in Montreal.
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Tess Tesalona is a Montreal based Filipino-Canadian union organizer. She is one of the founder and active member of Immigrant Workers Centre, Women of Diverse Origins and more... Interview is recorded on October 20th, 2017 in Montreal.
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Interview is recorded on October 19th, 2017 in Montreal. To honour Freda Guttman, a great Montrealer and to celebrate her 85th birthday! A unique and wonderful Artist and Activist that we have the privilege to listen to her life story on this Quilt episode. Happy BirthDay Freda! “Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to sha…
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Interview is recorded on October 19th, 2017 in Montreal. To honour Freda Guttman, a great Montrealer and to celebrate her 85th birthday! A unique and wonderful Artist and Activist that we have the privilege to listen to her life story on this Quilt episode. Happy BirthDay Freda! “Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to sha…
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Talks are recorded on February 20 and March 2, 2019 in Montreal. For a World With Equality Against Forced Displacement, Religious Fundamentalism and Neo-Fascism To honour and celebrate 2019 International Women’s Day, Life Stories Quilt podcast created a small Audio Quilt for March 8, asking different people about the importance of International Wom…
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Interview is recorded on March 2nd, 2019 in Montreal. On March 2nd 2019 to celebrate International Women’s Day, The March 8 Committee of Women of Diverse Origins organized; Panel; Speakers, Culture, resistance and Bannock! This podcast episode includes three sections; First you will hear ZAHIA EL-MASRI speech. Zahia was born as a Palestine refugee …
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Interview is recorded on March 2nd, 2019 in Montreal. On March 2nd 2019 to celebrate International Women’s Day, The March 8 Committee of Women of Diverse Origins organized; Panel; Speakers, Culture, resistance and Bannock! On this podcast Episode you will hear Marlene Hale’s speech from Wet’suwet’en Nation. To know more about Women of Divers Origin…
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Interview is recorded on November 12th, 2017 in Montreal. Eileen Young, is a Montreal based painter, educator and social justice activist.
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Interview is recorded on November 12th, 2017 in Montreal. Eileen Young, is a Montreal based painter, educator and social justice activist.
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Interview with Medya is recorded in Kurdistan – June 2018. Medya is a Kurdish female fighter, poet and writer. ترجمه فارسى گفتگو با هوال مديا را مي توانيد با صداى هوال جوانا گوش كنيد
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Interview with Medya is recorded in Kurdistan – June 2018. Medya is a Kurdish female fighter, poet and writer.
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اوايل تابستان امسال در راه بازگشت از كردستان با كوله بارى از داستانهاى تازه از زنان مبارز كرد، كمتر از ٢٤ ساعتى را در آلمان با شادى امين، فمينيست و فعال برابری جنسیتی و دوست دوران تبعيد، گذراندم. مثل همه اين سالهاي كه ميشناسمش با همه سختي هاى كه مخصوصا در سه سال گذشته به ناحق به او روا شده بود باز پركار و سر بلند و لبريز از اميد براي آينده بود. وقت…
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