show episodes


Amir Andalibi

در هر شماره از این پادکست یک داستان کوتاه رو براتون روخوانی خواهم کرد
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مطربکده Motrebkadeh

Amir Tangestani

🎤 🗣️ 📢 🎛️ 🎧 🎵 به مطربکده خوش اومدید گپ‌ و گفتی پیرامون آثار و آرتیست‌ های موسیقی جریان فرعی و مستقل ایرانی 📸 Instagram: @motrebkadeh
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Hit Podcast

Atrin Sayadi - Amir Sayadi

پادکست «هیت» شامل گفتگوهایی است متنوع در دنیای مهاجرت، فرهنگ، جامعه، و تجارب شخصی. هدف ما مرور و کشف هیت های زندگی است.
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NerdCast | نردکست

Amir Fuladi

جدیدترین مباحث داغ مربوط به علم و فن آوری و ارائه نکات برای استفاده در زندگی روزانهits All about science baby :D Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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خداحافظ آفریقا


انسان در طول هزاره ها سفری پرفراز نشیب طی کرده است. ساپینس کنجکاو وقاتل تا امروز داستان های شگفت انگیزی پشت سر گذاشته است و اسماعیل میرفخرایی ژورنالیست و برنامه ساز پرسابقه رادیو و تلویزیون در گفت و گو با دکتر حامد وحدتی نسب انسان دیرینه شناس این ادیسه را مرور می کنند.تهیه کننده سیاوش صفاریان پورتدوین احسان مهرجو- مروا کاظم زادهگرافیک خورشید آزادی Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to Masty o Rasty "The Drunken Truth" podcast. In this show I tell some crazy, funny and tragic stories of my life as a nomadic artist and cultural miscreant. I sometimes even have guests who are brave enough to get as intoxicated as I am and delve into the taboo issues of our culture. Come on this ride as we shed light on the dark night of the soul. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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(: اینجا یه جای خوبه واسه همه ی قصه بازها سفری جذاب و باحال به دنیای قصه ها ( قصه های کوتاه فارسی و غیرفارسی ) قرار هم قصه گوش بدیم هم در کنارش قصه رو از زوایای مختلف بررسی کنیم و درمورد زندگی نویسندش هم توضیح بدیم راوی قصه ها : امیرحسین ابراهیمی لطفا برای گوش دادن به اپیزودها ، فیلترشکن روشن کنید
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ما در پادکست صفر تا موفقیت Zero to Hero قصد داریم تا داستان افراد، سازمان ها، برند ها، شهر ها و هر چیزی که از صفر شروع کردند و الان به موفقیت رسیدند رو برای شما بازگو کنیم.
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LEM | پادکست لم

Amir Shokati - Arman Hosseini

آنچه باید کشف کنیم --- در پادکست لِم راجع به توانایی‌های کوچک اما کاربردی صحبت می‌شود که با دانستن آنها می‌توانیم کیفیت زندگی و کار خود را بهبود دهیم. این برنامه توسط امیر شوکتی و آرمان حسینی ضبط می‌شود و زمان پخش آن چهارشنبه‌های هر هفته ساعت ۱۷ به وقت تهران است. --- LEM Podcasts talk about small but functional abilities that can help us improve the quality of our life and work. The program is recorded by Amir Shokati and Arman Hosseini and publish every Wednesday at 5 pm (Tehran Time).
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پاسخ تمامی سوالات مرتبط با دوره دیجیتال مارکتینگ رهنما کالج که دوره اولش پارسال پاییز برگزار شد و دوره بعدیش پاییز امسال برگزار میشه رو می‌تونید توی این پادکست پیدا کنید‌. روز خوش
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اوت کست فارسی، پادکستی که توهر قسمت به همراه یک میهمان کنکاشتی میکنه تو قعر مسائل مختلفت (سینما،تلویزیون،ویدئوگیم،کامیک،انیمه،تکنولوژی و ...) با نگرش نردی‌وگیکی مفتخریم که ما رو با یک فنجان قهوه همراهی می‌کنید. ;) به کمک هم پادکست تولید میکنیم برای موضوعات پیشنهادی با ما در ارتباط باشید 🔵 هاب اصلی ارتباط ما با شما _ _ _ _ _ لینک حمایت مالی 🟢 _ _ _ _ _ سرور دیسکورد 🔴 _ _ ...
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٭ «فرای قصه‌ ها» پادکستی بین‌رشته‌ای در ادبیات، فلسفه، و روان‌شناسی است. پادکست «فرای‌ قصه‌ها» برای کسانی است که داستان‌ها را دوست دارند و می‌خواهند درباره‌‌ی مفاهیم طرح‌شده در داستان‌ها بیشتر فکر کنند. در «فرای قصه‌ ها»، به سراغ ادبیات داستانی معاصر ایران می‌رویم. در هر اپیزود، مضمون مهمی از یک رمان معاصر را انتخاب می‌کنیم و از منظری فلسفی، اجتماعی، و روان‌شناسانه درباره‌ی آن مضمون گفتگو می‌کنیم. در هر اپیزود همچنین به سراغ فیلسوفان و روان‌شناسان برجسته جهانی می‌رویم و نظر آنها را درباره‌ی ...
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پرساژ طنز اجتماعیه و مسائلی که تو روز باهاشون سر و کار داریم رو با زبان طنز و آزمایش‌های مختلف بررسی می‌کنه. (مثلا اینکه چرا دروغ می‌گیم؟!). لایی هم طنز فوتبالیه و به دنبال تحریف ماجراهای فوتبالی به سبک خودش🤭 جفتش با هم می‌شن رادیو پرهام ما😉
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تاریخ شفاهی بنیاد مطالعات ایران

بنیاد مطالعات ایران

این برنامه شامل مصاحبه های شفاهی با کسانی است که یا به نوعی در عرصه تصمیم گیری، اجرای سیاست ها و تحقق اهداف عمومی در تاریخ معاصر ایران نقشی ایفا کرده اند، یا گواه مستقیم رویدادهای کلیدی این دوران بوده اند. بسیاری از دولتمردان، روشنفکران، سیاست پیشگان، دیپلومات ها، دانشمندان، کارمندان عالی رتبه دولت و امرای ارشد ارتش، هنرمندان، اهل ادب، روزنامه نگاران، و منتقدان و مخالفان نظام پیشین ایران، و نیز برخی از پژوهشگران و دیپلومات های غیرایرانی، در جمع مصاحبه شوندگان جای دارند
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show series
Ershad is a digial nomad and YouTuber who lives mostly on the road. When he's not traveling he's chilling either in Shiraz or Babolsar, translating books like the "Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**K" ------------------------- To learn more about psychedelic therapy go to my brother Mehran's page at: https://www.mind…
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This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Dr. Pejman Rahimian is a multidisciplinary scientist, diagnostic laboratory consultant and educator with 16+ years of experience in Microbiology. Dr Ali is an MD, family phys…
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This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Alireza Karduni is an assistant professor of Human-Centered Computing at Simon Fraser University, School of Interactive Arts and Technology. He is back on the show to talk ab…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Dr. Nazanin Moali is a clin…
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در این قسمت مروری داریم بر اعتراضات اولیه در منابر تهران علیه مسیو نوز و سپس بست‌نشینی تجار تهرانی در حرم شاه عبدالعظیم. بعد سفر سوم اروپایی مظفرالدین شاه را مرور می‌کنیم و نگاهی هم به شرایط عمومی اقتصادی ایران در آن بازه می‌کنیم. در انتهای این قسمت هم مرور مختصری بر داستان دختران قوچان داریم. نقل قول مستقیم از این منابع بود: خطبه تاسوعای بهبهانی ع…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Diana loves Japan. She keep…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Atabak works in sustainable…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Alireza Karduni is an assis…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Oros is a digital nomad who…
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Miran is a tatto artist based in Iran. In this episode he tells his story about he came into this field of work. --------- To learn more about psychedelic therapy go to my brother Mehran's page at: or to for his next retreat. ***Masty o Rasty i…
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Ramtin Bidares is a geneticist and researcher on Epigenetic Modifications and Therapy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Sapienza University of Rome. In this episode Ramtin explains the story of how we evolved into becoming humans. This is part of this series on evolution. ------------------------- …
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کیم یو جونگ، خواهر رهبر کره شمالی، یکی از مرموزترین زنان جهان است. فضای بستۀ کره شمالی برای بسیاری کنجکاوی‌برانگیز است. رهبر کره شمالی نه اجازۀ دسترسی اطلاعات به شهروندان کشورش را می‌دهد و نه اجازه می‌دهد اطلاعاتی از داخل مرزهای کشورش به بیرون درز کند. کتاب «خواهر» با مرور زندگی کیم یو جونگ، به مناسبات قدرت در کره شمالی می‌پردازد. سانگ یون لی نویسن…
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Arash the nomad is back on the show from his farm to fill us in on his latest adventures. You can listen to the first episode here. ------------------------- To learn more about psychedelic therapy go to my brother Mehran's page at: or to …
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Ash Koosha is a British-Ira…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Mohammad Jorjandi is a hack…
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Dr Ali is an MD, family physician, working mostly in general practice, addiction and hospital medicine. In this episode he talks to Raam about STDs and STIs. This is part 2 of this episode. You can listen to part 1 over here. ------------------------- To learn more about psychedelic therapy go to my brother Mehran's page at: https://www.mindbodyint…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Dr Ali is an MD, family phy…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Ardavan Hatami is a musicia…
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Arash Sobhani is a musician, TV host, producer and architect. In this episode he talks to Raam about all the current state of affairs with the Iranian diaspora, the future of Iran, his new album, and much more. ------------------------- ***Masty o Rasty is not responsible for, or condone, the views and opinions expressed by our guests *** ***مستی و…
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شانزدهم: تیر تا اسفند 1283 در این قسمت تشکیل یک انجمن مخفی دیگر به مدیریت ناظم‌الاسلام کرمانی را مرور می‌کنیم و شرایط اقتصادی ایران در سال 1283 و برنامه‌های درآمدزایی دولت را هم بررسی می‌کنیم. همچنین ارگان مدرسه علوم سیاسی را هم معرفی می‌کنیم. نقل قولهای مستقیم از این منابع بود: شرح شیوع وبا در ایران از کتاب «خاطرات حاج سیاح» اثر حاج سیاح محلاتی، ب…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Ava is a Spanish language i…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Hamid (actor and roboticist…
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Milad Hajizade (clinical psychologist) comes back on the show to talk about grief. In this episode he opens up about the loss of both of his parents within one week of each other. ------------------------- To learn more about psychedelic therapy go to my brother Mehran's page at: or to https://www.legacyjourneys.…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Amir Ghanei has a backgroun…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Farshad is senior director …
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Kamyar is self-taught artis…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Bahar Atish is one of the f…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Arash lives a nomadic lifes…
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زندگی در فضا همواره هیجان انگیز و استثنایی است. از جمله نیازها و چالش‌های همیشگی زندگی در ایستگاه و سفرهای فضایی ماجرا غذا خوردن فضانوردان است. خوراکی‌های فضایی روی میز این ایستگاه فضایی است. اسنپ فود، سرویس سفارش آنلاین غذا اسپانسر این اپیزود پادکست ایستگاه فضایی است. تهیه کننده سیاوش صفاریان پور سردبیر محمد صالح تیمار با حضور شهرزاد میر سلطانی، م…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Leyla runs Chai and Convers…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- In this episode Raam talks …
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Picassomo is an athlete, ma…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- In this episode Raam talks …
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Afta Hill is an independent…
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Safa Haratian is a coffee specialist who tests coffee for a living. This episode is about everything coffee related. ------------------------- To learn more about psychedelic therapy go to my brother Mehran's page at: or to for his next retreat.…
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در این قسمت مروری می‌کنیم بر ماههای ابتدای صدارت عبدالمجید خان عین‌الدوله و تصمیمهای سیاسی و اقتصادی او، و همینطور می‌پردازیم به معرفی مختصر اولین انجمن مخفی انقلابی مشروطه که به انجمن باغ میکده معروف شد. نقل قولهای مستقیم از این منابع بود: شعر در نقد امین‌السلطان و اتهام بی‌دینی به او از کتاب «تاریخ مشروطه ایران» اثر احمد کسروی دو مقاله تحت عناوین…
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Navid Mehr is a photographer, producer and documentary film maker. He is one of Raam's oldest friends. In this episode they catch up and recap on the events of 2024 and the future of mankind. ------------------------- To learn more about psychedelic therapy go to my brother Mehran's page at: https://www.mindbody…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Cassra is an OG artist from…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Edisa is a painter who sell…
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شَبَه علم: آیا فلسفۀ علم می‌تواند ما را از «شر» شبه‌علم خلاص کند سخنرانی امیرمحمد گمینی در کافه تلسی شهریورماه 1403 آیا روش علم استقرا یا ابطال پذیری است؟ آیا می توان مرزی میان علم و شبه‌علم کشید؟ آیا مطلوب است که همه یک طور فکر کنند؟ آیا بحث دربارۀ ارزش و برتری علم بحثی علمی است؟ معرفی کتاب چرا به علم اعتماد کنیم؟ نوشته نیومی اورسکیز. نشر نو فلسفۀ…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Darafsh is part of a team t…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Najmeh Tansaz is a trainer,…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Maria is an Iranian singer …
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نخستین اپیزود فصل جدید ایستگاه فضایی، مهمانی یلدا در فضاست. در این قسمت، ندا مبرا، شهرزاد میرسلطانی و محمدصالح تیمار با سیاوش صفاریان‌پور از انقلاب زمستانی و چرایی بلندتر بودن یلدا می‌گویند. همچنین راهنمای رصد سیاره‌ها و ستاره‌های شاخص آسمان زمستان، پیش روی شماست. یادمان باشد، امسال شب یکم دی، یک ثانیه بلندتر از ۳۰ آذر است. . این اپیزود با حمایت شر…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Valeh joined Raam for a ver…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- In this episode Raam talks …
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- In this episode Raam talks …
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Dr Ali is an MD, family phy…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- Dr Ali is an MD, family phy…
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This episode is sponsored by Become your own VPN provider. To get 50% off enter promo code: kingraam50 ------------------------- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. ------------------------- in this episode Raam talks …
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راهنمای مرجع سریع

در حین کاوش به این نمایش گوش دهید