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Marxist Voice

Revolutionary Communist Party

Marxist Voice is the official podcast of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) in Britain. Each week, we discuss Marxist theory, revolutionary history, and current events. Head to our website for daily news and analysis, as well as links to join and support the party, and to subscribe to our various publications.
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show series
The crisis of capitalism has brought serious attacks on the rights of women. Capitalism has failed women through austerity and imperialist warmongering that has seen places like Gaza turned to rubble and working class women in Britain pushed into further financial insecurity. In this episode of Communist Radio, Fiona discusses with Lotta and Lubna …
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The February Revolution brought an end to the blood-soaked Tsarist Empire. For the first few months, confusion reigned in Bolshevik party, most of whom failed to understand the limits of the Provisional Government; its interests opposed to the masses that brought it to power. In his April Theses, Lenin was able to theoretically re-arm the Party to …
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Trump's victory has meant the establishment and even some on the left have started to reject 'woke' identity politics. In this episode of Communist Radio, Fiona and Daniel sit down and discuss where identity politics came from and how oppression must be fought with class-based methods. 🔗⁠⁠⁠⁠ Head to The Communist website for daily news and analysis…
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Ideas form the basis of any revolutionary party and an understanding of the processes are key to how we orientate ourselves in the class struggle. In this episode of Communist Radio, Ben and Nelson talk through how the RCP is structured and what are the key questions to be discussed at the RCP Congress in 2025. 🔗⁠⁠⁠ Head to The Communist website fo…
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War is neither a result of mistake or madness — as the military tactician, Clausewitz, explained it is “the continuation of politics by other means.” Today, war is fundamentally waged by the capitalists to defend their profits, markets, and spheres of influence. As long as capitalism exists, there will be no end to war. In this session, In this epi…
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A storm is gathering on UK campuses, with cuts, course closures and redundancies set to be carried out at dozens of universities. In this episode of Communist Radio, Ben Gliniecki and Lubna Badi discuss why marketisation led to this crisis, and how students and workers can prepare for battle. 🔗⁠⁠ Head to The Communist website for daily news and ana…
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The Labour Party was one of the first mass parties of the trade unions and working class, formed in the heated struggles at the turn of the 20th Century. Enshrined in its early aims was the fight for common ownership of the means of production — the fight for socialism. With over a century since its first government, questions must be asked: Why ha…
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Establishment politicians from all of the main parties have been whipping up a culture war over the question of immigration, in order to divide and distract the working class. In this episode of Communist Radio, Ben and Khaled sit down to outline how Marxists approach to the question of immigration from an internationalist class perspective. 🔗 ⁠ He…
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The Bolshevik party was the only party in history which was able to lead the working class in a successful socialist revolution. In this episode, leading RCP member Rob Sewell explains how Lenin built this force, and the lessons to guide us in the struggle for revolution today. 🔗 ⁠Head to our website for daily news and analysis⁠ ✊ ⁠⁠Join the Revolu…
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The genocide against the Palestinian people shows the real, brutal face of imperialism. While the maniacal Netanyahu regime has signed a ceasefire deal in Gaza, it continues its onslaught against the Palestinian people in the West Bank, with the backing of US and British imperialism. Why has this genocide taken place? And how can the Palestinians, …
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Throughout history, mankind’s ability to develop knowledge and advance our understanding of nature has been shaped by material conditions and social forces. It is not simply individual geniuses that have helped science to take leaps forward, but revolutionary changes within society. Today, far from fuelling scientific progress, the profit motive an…
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Capitalism is in a global economic crisis. The working class everywhere are experiencing falling living standards, and have been for at least a decade. This inevitably has huge political and social effects. There is a bitter anger brewing deep in society, and these are exploding to the surface in many ways, including in the far-right riots across B…
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Today, Bangladesh is glowing with the white heat of revolution. The masses have once more entered the arena of struggle. They are rediscovering a rich revolutionary tradition that goes back decades. In reality, the tasks of this revolution are the unfinished tasks of an unfinished revolution, which began more than fifty years ago and culminated in …
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Schools are collapsing, universities are going bankrupt, and millions of students and children are living in poverty. All the while, our politicians fork out billions on bombs, and university bosses rake in a fortune through their ties to the Israeli war machine. We are living in an epoch of rising imperialist war, and we are expected to pay the pr…
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13 years ago, without any organisation, programme, plan or preparation, the Arab masses, in the words of Marx, ‘stormed heaven’. In a matter of weeks they brought down regimes that decades of petitioning by NGO’s and academic do-gooders could not budge an inch. The colossal state-apparatus, employing hundreds of thousands of spies, police officers,…
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The Syrian regime has collapsed. The resulting power vacuum is being filled by local militias and warlords, backed by various imperialist powers seeking to redivide the country and the region. The Syrian masses can only rely on their own strength. In this episode, Hamid Alizadeh, member of the International Secretariat of the RCI, explores the reas…
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The crisis of capitalism is resulting in is renewed tensions between the imperialist powers.They are sharpening their knives to defend the profits, markets, and spheres of influence of their multinational corporations.Defence spending is on the rise all over the world, while the masses everywhere suffer attacks on living standards to foot the war b…
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This year’s US election was one of the most turbulent in history. It came amidst rising class contradictions and great instability on the world stage. Never before has American bourgeois democracy been so discredited, and never has it been confronted with so many challenges to its position as the world imperialist power. While neither candidate cou…
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This week on Communist Radio, Fiona Lali and Ben Gliniecki discuss the victory of Donald Trump in the US elections, and the deep ramifications a Trump presidency will have for Starmer's government and British capitalism as a whole.🚩 Sign up for Revolution Festival 2024:✊ Join the Revolutionary Communist Party: https…
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This week on Communist Radio, Fiona Lali and Nelson Wan discuss why Labour's recent budget won't be able to paper over the cracks, and why capitalism has been in crisis ever since the 2008 financial crash.🚩 Sign up for Revolution Festival 2024:✊ Join the Revolutionary Communist Party:📰Subs…
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This week on Communist Radio, Fiona and Khaled discuss Fiona's 'Books Not Bombs' tour, the militarisation of universities in the UK, and some common questions that communists get asked about revolution and fighting imperialism.🚩 Sign up for Revolution Festival 2024:✊ Join the Revolutionary Communist Party: https://c…
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This week on Communist Radio, Khaled Malachi and Georgina Ryan discuss the chaos of world capitalism, the US elections, the revolutionary movements that have taken place in recent months, and why we need Marxist ideas to guide the struggle for communism.🚩 Sign up for Revolution Festival 2024:✊ Join the Revolutionary…
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With Hurricane Milton battering the United States, bringing carnage and suffering in its wake, the apocalyptic threat of climate catastrophe is at the forefront of people's minds.In this week's episode, Ben Gliniecki and Tom Crozier discuss why capitalism is to blame, the impact the climate crisis will have on consciousness, and why only communism …
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In this week's episode of Communist Radio, Ben Gliniecki and Khaled Malachi sit down to discuss Israel's deadly attacks on Lebanon, Iran's retaliation, and the rank hypocrisy of western leaders like Keir Starmer.As Ben and Khaled explain, revolutionary communists side fully with the oppressed against the oppressor.In order to put an end to Israel's…
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In episode three of Communist Radio, Fiona Lali and Ben Gliniecki discuss Israel's killing of hundreds in Lebanon; the first one hundred days of Starmer's anti-worker, imperialist Labour government; and how we can build a revolutionary party like Lenin and the Bolsheviks.✊ Join the Revolutionary Communist Party:📰Subscribe to The …
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In episode two of Communist Radio, Ben Gliniecki and Fiona Lali sit down to discuss Israel’s terrorist attack on Lebanon, why polls reveal an increase in support for communism, as well as answering some common myths about Marxism.✊ Join the Revolutionary Communist Party:📰 Subscribe to The Communist and In Defence of Marxi…
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In this latest episode of Marxist Voice, Ben Gliniecki outlines the role of British imperialism today, and how communists can fight to overthrow it.📚 Get your hands on Marxist classics like Lenin's 'Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism':✊ Join the Revolutionary Communist Party:📰 Subscri…
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Welcome to Communist Radio, the brand new podcast series by the Revolutionary Communist Party.Each episode, we will dissect the key political events of the week from a Marxist perspective, as well as how our Party is responding to them, by building a revolutionary alternative.This week, Ben Gliniecki and Fiona Lali sit down to discuss the crisis in…
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The national question is one of the most complex questions that Marxists must be able to answer, and has a renewed importance today, as the crisis of capitalism inflames national questions that were once considered fully resolved.In this talk, Jack Tye Wilson outlines Lenin and the Bolsheviks' approach and how it developed, the colonial revolutions…
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Little over a month after Starmer's landslide election victory, Britain has been thrown into turmoil, with far-right riots and attacks, as well as impressive counter mobilisations.These events are a foretaste of the instability in store, as British capitalism sinks deeper into crisis.In this episode, taken from the opening talk of the recent RCP su…
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⚠ Apologies for the poor audio quality. A piece of equipment malfunctioned. But since the analysis is so important we uploaded this anyway. Rest assured that we will have this fixed for the next episode.In the past week, Britain has been shaken by a wave of far-right violence, with migrants, asylum-seekers and Muslim communities facing intimidation…
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Fiona Lali's election campaign shows that revolutionary ideas can connect with wide layers of people. In this episode, we sit down with Daniel Morley to discuss elections, parliaments, and broader questions around communist methods and tactics.🔗 Read Daniel's article here:…
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We’re told we live in a democracy, but whether we vote for Starmer or Sunak, we’re going to get pretty much the same thing. What’s democratic about that?We’re told we have rights like freedom of speech and a free press, but the government is banning protests and the newspapers are all owned by billionaires. What’s the point of these “rights” if the…
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15 years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the economy is once again taking a turn for the worse. The past decade and a half has seen capitalism go from disaster to disaster. Instability and chaos are the new normal.Whether it’s environmental crises, economic crises or political crisis, the world has lurched from one extraordinary event to ano…
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The events of the German revolution are some of the most tragic in the history of the world workers movement. One year after the Russian revolution, the German workers rose up, overthrew the Kaiser, and set up Soviets all over the country.But unlike the Russian revolution, where the Bolshevik party had been founded 14 years in advance, the revoluti…
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The events of the Russian revolution were the greatest in all human history. For the first time, the exploited masses fought back and won. The revolution birthed the most progressive state the world had ever seen, with the Communist International — led by Lenin and Trotsky — becoming a beacon of internationalism, inspiring workers and poor everywhe…
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Following her takedown of Suella Braverman, and with a surge of grassroots support, Fiona Lali is standing as a revolutionary communist candidate for Stratford and Bow in the upcoming general election. Vote for Fiona! Bring down the warmongers!🔗 Support Fiona's campaign! Volunteer and donate:✊ Help us overthrow the warmonge…
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Student encampments in support of Palestine have rapidly spread to universities across Britain. This talk is from a meeting organised by the Revolutionary Communist Party which discussed how we aim to broaden, link together, and escalate this struggle.✊ Help us overthrow these hypocritical warmongers in Westminster! Join the Revolutionary Communist…
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Communists are often accused of being bloodthirsty and violent provocateurs, who would stop at nothing to achieve their malevolent aims. But our accusers are the same people responsible for the slaughters in Gaza, Sudan, the Congo and countless others. In this episode of Marxist Voice, Ellen Morton will explain the difference between their morals, …
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The RCP has been accused of antisemitism by Michael Gove in an attempt to cover up the crimes of British imperialism and its support of Israel’s genocide.We sit down with Fiona Lali to discuss Gove's outrageous smear, the ICC request for an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, and what lies ahead for the Palestine encampments.✊ Help us overthrow these hyp…
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‘Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition’, by Cedric Robinson, has featured in countless anti-racist reading lists across schools and universities. The title suggests it will be a synthesis of Marxism and the Black struggle. In reality, it is an attempt to divide the two entirely.What is the ‘Black Radical Tradition’, and how does …
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Fanon has been used by academics as a basis for a whole series of confused and reactionary ideas about “de-colonisation of the mind”. However, “Wretched of the Earth” is a book about revolutionary struggle against colonialism, arms in hand.In the book, Fanon issues very sharp and prescient warnings about the treacherous role of the bourgeoisie afte…
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The history of the British Empire is littered with horrendous crimes. From the partitions of India and Ireland, to the suppression of the Mau Mau uprising, to the violent Jallianwala Bagh massacre, to its murderous role in the Easter Rising and Bloody Sunday; it is impossible to mention all the brutalities of British imperialism.Many brave anti-imp…
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With the founding congress only days away, we are joined by RCP national secretary Ben Gliniecki for the final episode of the series, to discuss the importance of this event, how the congress works, and what you can do to prepare for this historic weekend.✊ Join the Communists! Build the RCP:💸 Donate towards the launch of…
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All across the world capitalism is in crisis. Climate change, imperialist war and the crushing poverty of the vast majority are exposing millions to the horror of the system and driving them towards revolutionary conclusions. But to bind these class fighters together and channel their anger into the fight for communism, a world party is needed, one…
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The Iranian Revolution was one of the most inspiring revolutionary episodes of the post-war period.Without any pre-adopted plan, programme, or leadership, the Iranian masses swept away the Shah, and began to take charge of society for themselves through popular councils.And yet, this power was not consolidated, leading to the decline and defeat of …
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With only two weeks to go until the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party, and with students heading back to campuses for a final term of university, we sit down with Fiona Lali and Lubna Badi – members of the RCP's campaigns department – to discuss how RCP branches can recruit and organise around universities.In this episode, we c…
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The powerful rise of the Scottish independence movement once struck fear into the British ruling class, threatening to break the United Kingdom and raise the rebellious spirit of the working class. Nearly ten years since the referendum that unleashed opposition to Tory Britain, and raised the Scottish National Party to unprecedented support, the mo…
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With less than three weeks to go until the founding of the Revolutionary Communist Party, we sit down with Jorge Martín, a leading member of the soon-to-be Revolutionary Communist International which is also being founded this summer.In this episode, we cover why the working class needs an international, the successes we've had in the recent period…
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In June, the International Marxist Tendency will take the monumental step of founding a new Revolutionary Communist International (RCI), to provide communist workers and youth around the world with a bold rallying point in the struggle to overthrow capitalism.In doing so, the RCI will build on the immense revolutionary legacy left behind by the Thi…
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