Imani Talks Astrology عمومی
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Imani Talks Astrology

youwomanyou astrology

This podcast is for astrology lovers and learners alike. Especially politicized healers and individuals working in movement spaces. Each week we take a deep dive into astrological transit in relation to our collective healing and liberation. Many of us hold ancestral traditions where healers and diviners served an integral role in sustaining communities as well as resisting, and surviving domineering cultures. This podcast is where these two worlds meet. A place where we can configure the st ...
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show series
This week we will be exploring the Sun/Saturn conjunction that culminates at 27 degrees of Aquarius on February 16th. Themes of shame, disillusionment, futility, maturity and perseverance will be explored in the natal chart and in transit. Other things covered were discarding gendered expectations, legacies of families, dealing with haters, and an …
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Let’s look at the astrology ahead for the month of October. With Mercury Rx and many planets going direct this will be a month where the Wheel of Fortune will begin to start turning once again and we have an opportunity to remove ourselves from a Sisyphean loop
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Back in December, we experienced the Great Conjunction (between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius) which initiated the Age of Air. This week I am joined by astrologer, medium and trauma-informed peer support specialist Elmina Bell. In Elmina's words "The age of air is an age where mediation and relationship become our allies for the embodied change we…
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Welcome back listeners. I'm offering my takes on Jupiter transiting the sign of Pisces as well on some updates on where I've been and what I've been doing. A couple of housekeeping pieces throughout the podcast. Jupiter will be in Pisces from May 13th to July 28th, when it will retrograde back into Aquarius. It will re-enter Pisces December 28th to…
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This episode we take a dip into the past and talk about the Age of Earth, Jupiter & Saturn in Capricorn. Then we’ll cover what’s being birthed with this Great Conjunction. As well as a few things to expect with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
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Sagittarius season is about belief and expansion. In this episode we will cover the 4 major lunar phases during this season. There is a special focus on the Lunar Eclipse on Nov 30th and Solar Eclipse on Dec 14, as well as the struggles illuminated by the quarter moons that anchor them. We will explore creation myths & cultural cosmologies and how …
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This week we will connect the symbolism of the marsh to the transformation and deep Scorpio season. We'll recap the transits we've experienced this month as the Scorpio Sun moves through it's final 10 degrees and we prepare for Sag season. Things Mentioned In the Episode: Book of Symbols by Taschen The Seven Sins by Liz Greene Jupiter Pluto conjunc…
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Let's talk about the growing pains of embodying new ways of relating to others. The big questions are: what comes with newness? what do we need to nurture newness. How do we have a hand in the welding of our own transformation? If we are in control of how we heal, what are our training wheels? We talk new moon, mercury rx and other aspects in the s…
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We talk about Libra season! How do we hold and balance multiple truths? How do find balance in conflicting ways of existence? How are we meant to be purveyors of love in justice in a moment of extreme resistance, in the presence of hate and injustice? I don't know, but this is what we can begin to figure out together. We'll see what the Moon cycle …
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Let's talk a bit about this Virgo season in relation to perfectionism, creating more possibilities, and non-linear/iterative solutions. I'll also cover today's Mars-Saturn square, the upcoming oppositions between Venus in Cancer and the three planets in Capricorn, as well as some other good stuff. As promised here are the things mentioned in the po…
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We’ll talk about fractals, the exciting week full of planetary ingresses like Mercury in Leo, Venus in Cancer and Lion’s Gate this Saturday. All centering around authenticity, the fractal we’re living through and our faith in our ability to return to ourselves.
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This week will make us very uncomfortable! As the Moon will take us for a ride in the final week of Cancer season. With Mars meeting up with Chiron, as well as the Sun opposing Jupiter AND Pluto; we have an opportunity to deepen our allegiance to your values on an emotional level. To. truly embody our values of liberation, justice and healing in a …
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Here is a lil gift for everyone. Here is the guided meditation from the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction webinar I hosted back in April. Here is the slideshow with all the symbols I mention throughout the meditation. Get a journal and something to write with. Find yourself a seat or somewhere to lay down to complete this meditation. Please do not complete…
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“When vision fails Direction is lost. When direction is lost Purpose may be forgotten. When purpose is forgotten Emotion rules alone. When emotion rules alone, Destruction...destruction” This is this week's quote from Octavia Butler's Parable of the Talents, Volume 2. So much of this year is about vision. How we view the past, present and future. W…
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"Who are were your people?" This is a question Ella Baker asked people she met. Critical in the Civil Rights Movement, Baker believed housing was a human right and was a champion for community-based health care solutions. Perfect person to bring us into Cancer season right? Where all we know is home and to learn not only what a physical home is, bu…
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This episode we explore the power of curiosity and possibility that comes from Gemini season. We take a deep dive exploring New Moon through the symbols of the Magician’s table in the tarot, Emergent Strategy, and a few other things.“To know, to dare, to want, to be silent.”Follow me on IG at @youwomanyou and @movementpodastro. Like share and tag m…
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This week we will cover the highly anticipated Venus Retrograde which will span from May 13th until June 25th. We will examine how this transit will impact our money, relationships, self worth, appearance and most importantly, our values. We will briefly cover this week's Last Quarter Moon as well as retrograding Saturn and Jupiter. The sky is slow…
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This week we will discuss April 30th to May 7th. During this week we will experience some intense aspects and transits all leading up to an even more intense week where all of the planets slowly start to go retrograde. We may feel nostalgic, impatient, and stubborn. This week is asking us to let go so we can uncover some of the beautiful inner poss…
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This is a reintroduction. A value realignment. I’ll talk about the changes to expect in the podcast formerly known as “Imani Talks Astrology.” We’ll be centering the lunation cycle as well as the core values of: evolving self awareness, authentic self expression, conscious relationships and collective healing & liberation. This weeks episode will c…
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Neptune, Mars and Uranus are star players in this month’s Full Moon. This full moon awakens our desire for freedom, but we must realize where our desire for liberation is at the expense of others. Where can our possibilities for the future center the needs and others.
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This season brings a surge of will, purpose and creative energy. Cooped up in a house it can be easy become stir crazy especially with so much energy. We have seen in the last few weeks mobilization of people and resources in the name of caretaking. Aries season asks us to advocate and fight for what makes sense for the collective. Saturn in Aquari…
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For this Worm Moon, we explore some of the self deception that leaves the dreamer uninspired, stuck and looping in old stories. Where can we take what’s dying and reform it into something that will inform our future. It’s not that we don’t have the answers is that our discernment must be used to see where we distort possibilities because of old hab…
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We are asking to be an objective witness of what is emerging from deep within our subconscious. Are we embodying unconditional love and compassion or are we dissociating from our needs. We must know our place and we can only do so if we realize programmed habit patterns that keep us looping in an old version of ourselves we began to give up long ag…
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In a season focused on the big picture, we are asked to remember our unique role we serve in community. We are called to reevaluate how we show up as a partner (to ourselves, to an actual partner, with a community) by chasing down our personal and healing needs by any means necessary. Happy Aquarius season! My books are closed at this time and will…
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Some one decided to believe that a created world had more value than and the earth and created the destiny for a time they could not see. That time is now. To re-evaluate beliefs that’s have structured our lives but do not serve our greater purpose of the sustainability of our Earth, of peace and our humanity. To book a reading, donate or rsvp for …
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More Hero’s Journey stuff! Let’s talk about the intense Solar Eclipse happening in the sign Capricorn. It will be the last for the next 19 years. To book a reading email me at To attend the webinar
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The final full month of the year, of the DECADE is on 12/12 at 12:12am EST. Sorry to everyone not living on the East Coast in the US, you don’t get to experience that magic. However, it’s still magical nonetheless. A beautiful culmination phase to look back at the hard fought battles that have resulted in this moment. We cannot succumb to temporary…
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Last week was hectic! Mars moved into Scorpio, Jupiter met up with the Galactic Center, Mercury stationed direct and Venus formed a conjunction with Jupiter in Sag. Many cosmic movements set the stage for an adventurous and freedom inducing Sadge season. We discuss the New Moon, Neptune stationing direct and many more things! To donate/tip: Venmo @…
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Today is 11/11! An important spiritual gateway unlike any other this year. We’ll talk about it’s significance, we’ll talk about what the f*** cazimi is and of course this beautiful Full Moon in Taurus. To donate/tip - Venmo: @youwomanyou or To book a reading email…
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Our final Mercury Rx of the year! From Oct 31st-Nov 20th. It’s a gentle one that’s relationship centered. We are being asked to outgrow old relationship patterns and tie up some loose ends. A new start awaits us, but let’s clear the weeds from the garden. To book a reading email To tip/donate:, Ven…
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Scorpio season is also all about connection, but it explores the truth and depth of relationship patterns and behaviors. What is the reason behind the interactions we have with one another? Is it out of an obligation to be seen as nice? Are the intersections of our identity requiring us to show up a particular way in a relationship with others and …
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Intense Full Moon Aries where tempers flare and unseen power dynamics arise from the level of ideological to internal. We will talk about gaslighting, gatekeeping, self awareness and our responsibility to ourselves. Fun stuff right? It’s a little crazy, but it’s all with good reason. To book a reading email me at To tip…
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To learn you’ve been working to maintain a hollow tower. Isn’t it maddening? The realization of the deep transformative work that is not just life building but world building. Our responsibility to each other increases as we realize our “world” is not sustainable. This theme exists on all levels at this time. Interpersonal and institutional. To boo…
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Libra season is the shift from personal to interpersonal. Relationships within us and outside of us serve as testers of our limits and how committed we are to preserving ourselves. Does the life we’re building require us to sacrifice and find the spaces where the scales are off? It absolutely does. Let’s explore it.…
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After it’s 4-5 month retrograde, Saturn is finally stationing Direct. While we can refer to this as a time of karmic retribution, we can also look at it as the beginning of this “true” way of being leading our lives from this moment forward. It’s a new chapter in our personal narrative that will unfold over the next few years. A new emotional lands…
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I think we’ve all been waiting for a much needed cycle to end and have looked back to see if there are any ‘I’s to be dotted or ‘t’s so be crossed. There is likely nothing in sight, because the ending of cycle lies within something so small. Forgiveness. Can we make rooms to forgive ourselves and leave the past behind us? An important and yet overl…
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This week we’re exploring some of the major events that occur during the Sun’s yearly trip through the sign Virgo. We are asked to examine what is worth it. Whether these are ideas, thoughts, people and places; many of us will be asked to sacrifice things in order to grow a long held dream that aligns with a more authentic way of being. Secrets are…
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What if I told you we have been time traveling all summer? Every time we explore our emotional depths, we have an opportunity to send back healing or bring it forward. Let’s go sign for sign and talk about this summer. I encourage all to listen to all 12 signs, but especially Aries and Pisces. Listen for your Sun, Moon, Rising, Midheaven and Venus.…
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August 15th we experience the Full Moon in Aquarius. We reaching a culminating point pertaining to love and value of self. It’s all about perspective. The transition to the heart space is only as easy as we make it. We get to tackle the reasoning behind a lot of self induced suffering in relationships, work, friends and family. And we get to set th…
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This week we have our first guest! Rachel is a certified Yoga & Meditation Instructor and Owner of Seed of Light, a crystal jewelry company. She talks about her spiritual journey, how crystals have aided it and some practical uses for crystals for each sign. Follow Rachel and purchase her products on IG @seed.of.light. She does customs! If you are …
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Catwoman, The Dark Lord and Jesus Christ. They seem like Powerpuff Girl ingredients but they are really just a few things that I’ve mentioned throughout this episode (I promise they’ll make sense). This week we explore Leo season and beyond. We’ve been in training for months. And it’s not over, keep pushing. Leo season takes the clarity and raw emo…
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We’re revisiting an old topic. For long time listeners, you’ll remember episode 4: My Philosophy, the Sun and Moon in which I talked about fractals and their connection to astrology. Many moons later, as I have come into a greater understanding of fractality...I’ve decided to share with simpler terms. I’ll answer 3 questions: What are fractals? How…
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We briefly talk about Mercury and Neptune Rx to frame a large discussion around the asks of the final eclipse of the summer. The world has experienced a lot of geological and political shakeups the last few weeks. Being that it is Bastille Day in would only make sense that we reevaluate the direction we’re going in and have the courage …
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Tensions and emotions run high in the weeks leading up to the Eclipse, especially with family. This eclipse cycle is really big for our county. We’ll talk briefly about some rare but potent aspects that will be happening in the coming months. Despite the emotional ups and downs of the coming weeks, there is an air of lighthearted fun and humor. In …
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