Parenting comes with a lot of expectations, but have you ever stopped to ask where they come from? On this episode of This Is Woman’s Work , we unpack the myth of “the good mother” with Nancy Reddy , author of The Good Mother Myth . Nancy shares her personal experience of confronting the unrealistic ideal of motherhood: endlessly patient, always available, and completely selfless. She hilariously and heartbreakingly debunks these outdated ideals, rooted in flawed mid-20th-century research by figures like Harry Harlow and Dr. Spock. Nancy explains how bad science from the past continues to haunt modern parenting, creating pressure, guilt, and shame for today’s mothers. But this conversation is about more than debunking myths—it’s about empowerment. Because when you prioritize what matters and let go of perfectionism, you’re not just doing woman’s work—you’re modeling it. Connect with Nancy: Newsletter: Book: IG: Essay: I Was Promised That The “Golden Hour” Would Make Me A Mom: Related Podcast Episodes: 126 / The Parenting Map with Dr. Shefali 090 / Unmasking Modern Motherhood with Katherine Wintsch 155 / Executive Motherhood with Ashley Quinto Powell Share the Love: If you found this episode insightful, please share it with a friend, tag us on social media, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform! 🔗 Subscribe & Review: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music…
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