Welcome to Fraggle Talk: Classic where we dive deep into the 1980s Jim Henson show “Fraggle Rock,” one episode at a time. Join us for (mostly) spoiler-free episode analysis, behind-the-scenes tidbits, wild speculation, lots of laughs, and thoughts on how to make our world a little Fragglier. Presented by ToughPigs.com.
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 220, A Cave of One's Own
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1:16:04In which Red and Mokey go from best friends to roommates to enemies to best friends again. PLUS: We plot Roz’s takeover of Movin’ Right Along. #OhMyGodTheyWereRoommates. “Feeeed me, Mokey!” Commit to the knit! That’s not very Live, Laugh, Love of you, Mokey. Featuring special guest Roz Strand!
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In which Boober accidentally creates a magical but dangerous concoction. PLUS: Julia & Adam’s Mountain Goats Corner. Wembley’s Scooter Fist™! Our request for a Fraggle MIA music video. What is the invisibility property of radishes? Oppenboober or Boobenheimer?
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In which Gobo must write the Glory Song and save the Ditzies. PLUS: We are not going to Fraggle fancast Rent. Engage the Infinite Shenanigans Engine! A host fight worse than Red Vines vs Twizzlers? Possibly the most majestic mustache of all time. Featuring special guest Morgan Roe of the Zeitgeist Radio podcast!…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 217, "Fraggle Wars"
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1:38:31In which Mokey is captured and the World's Oldest Fraggle declares war. PLUS: Dead rat king or clump of hair? Can Junior grow Atomic Sour Warheads? Background rock-carrying shenanigans. How many light bulbs? Mokey the wedding planner. Featuring special guest JD Hansel! (Content warning at the beginning of the episode)…
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In which WanderMcMooch cons Junior into selling the castle, but Mokey and Red help him turn the tables. PLUS: Sonic the Capitalist Frog! The weird things we ate as kids. Dan Garza’s very sweet headcanon. Do Gorgs have capitalism? New Solemn Oath just dropped! Featuring very special guest Dan Garza from Back to the Rock!…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 215, Manny's Land of Carpets
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1:01:25In which a gift from the Wish-Granting Creature invites the Fraggles to different wondrous lands, creating a schism between them. PLUS: Very special guest Dan Garza from Back to the Rock! Should Junior start a union? Manny’s Mattress Palace! The DC Tangent. Gobo has big Moses energy. Gillis is back! “Follow the Road” = ordering at IHOP. The Great T…
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In which Wembley seeks Convincing John’s help to cure his wembling. PLUS: A perfect satirical skewering of toxic positivity. Shout-out to Chidi from The Good Place. Patreon Adventure Time side quest! Did we finally find a seam in the worldbuilding??
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 213, Red's Club
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1:18:16In which Red starts a helping club and recruits Cotterpin Doozer. PLUS: Becca’s the leader now! Sprocket has a license to dog. “I Want Candy” mashup! How many Rule Number Ones are there? Adam learns how Doozer puppets are operated! Are the Zappa kids Muppet fans? Featuring special guest Becca Petunia!…
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In which Flange and Modem reignite the ancient Doozer vice: competitiveness! PLUS: Boober predicts Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Adam plans the perfect Chicago-specific crime spree. We learn a lot of Doozerish insults. Helmet yeet! Traveling Matt colonizes the CN Tower in Toronto. What sketchy stuff is Ned Shimmelfinney up to? Featuring special gues…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 211, The Wizard of Fraggle Rock
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1:02:12In which Wembley trades places with a huckster who’s fleeing the Poison Cackler. PLUS: Why is he called Seven Words Max? Richard Hunt Appreciation Hour! “Horse enchiladas”?? Wembley’s formula for a perfect life. What is that thing in the salon mirror behind Traveling Matt?? Featuring special guest Anthony Strand!…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 210, A Friend in Need
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1:00:12In which Sprocket gets stuck in the hole to Fraggle Rock. PLUS: Bloodborne Bert and Snuffy. Fraggles (sort of) snowboarding! We enthusiastically support Shane’s Studio Ghibli journey. Sprocket-Gobo nose boop when? Adam’s cool new game “Mousetrap Trap.” The 360 Buttered Dog Yeet! Featuring special guest Shane Keating!…
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In which the Fraggle Five disguise themselves as a Gorg legend. PLUS: Junior does not get The Talk. Aretha appreciation time! What the heck IS Sir Hubris, anyway? Ancient Greek theater history. The Fraggle Five try Muppet Man! Featuring special guest Danny Horn!
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SPECIAL PREVIEW - Fraggle Talk: Back to the Rock season 2
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1:19:05ToughPigs is proud to present the season 2 premiere of FRAGGLE TALK: BACK TO THE ROCK! This premiere episode - and the rest of the star-studded season - will be playing on the "Muppet Fan Podcasts with ToughPigs.com" channel. Available wherever you listen to podcasts. We hope you enjoy this teaser! Fraggle Talk: Classic will return soon!…
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We're on summer break! In the meantime, check out the original Fraggle Talk podcast about season 1 of Back to the Rock right here!
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In which Cotterpin Doozer runs away to become a Fraggle. PLUS: Do Doozers have a concept of ‘naked’? The (totally unnecessary) Lippizaner Stallion Tangent. What is a cotterpin? Morgendorffer/Belcher 2024. Why does Wingnut need to wax the dog? Featuring special guest Wendell Britt!
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We review episode 7 of season 2, “Mokey and the Minstrels,” in which Mokey… well, joins the Minstrels! PLUS: Cantus is back! Is Brool a veteran? Mokey’s robe modification. Why no postcard scene? The Minstrels are snoring in harmony! Mokey confirmed Burnt Out Gifted Student.
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 206, Boober's Dream
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1:00:01In which we meet Sidebottom, and Boober must learn how to either live with him or stay awake forever. PLUS: It’s the episode where we all say “****!” What does it mean to dream about red-and-white striped socks? Wembley’s noises! Flying dreams! Is there an official spelling of “Whoopi/e/e”? More naps in public spaces! Getting nerdy about IFS therap…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 205, Uncle Matt Comes Home
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1:02:13ToughPigs’ Katilyn Miller joins us to review “Uncle Matt Comes Home,” in which Gobo and Traveling Matt try to find the legendary Crystal Cavern. PLUS: Have we all been in Doc’s closet the whole time? Gillis Fraggle is here! Is a radish meringue cake like a pavlova? Matt’s mustache mech. What happens if you cross a Furby with a Bratz doll? Gobo’s “I…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 204, Red's Sea Monster
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1:09:36Red befriends the Last of the Lily Creatures but no one believes her. PLUS: Seaweed research time! Gaslighting vs Casslighting. The subjectivity of rock beetles. We demand Marlon’s Monster Museum T-shirts! It was only a matter of time before we referenced the Folgers commercial.
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In our latest FRAGGLE TALK: CLASSIC, we review episode 3 of season 2, “The Trash Heap Doesn’t Live Here Anymore,” in which Philo and Gunge recruit Wembley and Boober to help Marjory through some big changes. PLUS: Doc goes full Mr. Wizard. Forsoothian Gorgs! Fraggles = Hobbits? The Dark Souls II Gender-Swap Coffin-Toolshed. Wheelbarrow naps! The ma…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 202, Boober Rock
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1:04:33Doc’s workshop has become Full House. Sometimes noise too much! Red’s diss track. DO NOT INHALE BLEACH. Gary the Face-Harp Guy. Obligatory Kermit tangent. The cultural significance of Whoopie. The Storyteller returns! The Caves of Executive Dysfunction. Poetry is the hero of this episode! Hermit Eric from Boy Meets World.…
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We’re back with season 2! Fraggle Tumblr vs Fraggle DSM5. Could this egg fit two human babies? The Dogma tangent. Sprocket walked so the Curiosity Mars Rover could run. Does this species of bird share a common ancestor with giraffes?
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Bonus episode! Season 1 Wrap-Up
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1:32:28We’re wrapping up season 1 with overall impressions so far, listener questions, and Becca Petunia stops by for a mini episode of “Hubba Wha?!” Hear Adam’s theories for season 2, and how we’d make the world a little Gorglier and more… Doozery? Doozerish? Doozerian?
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 124, The New Trash Heap in Town
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1:35:38How much does Google weigh? Tuberous vegetable discussion time! Do Fraggles have doctors? How did Traveling Matt get to Australia? Let Marjory knit! Fancasting the Hairy-Chested Batworm. The different flavors of Mokey + Power. The script idea that (thank goodness) never was. The Fraggles can have a little religion, as a treat. With special guest Jo…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 123, The Beast of Blue Rock
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1:13:46Doc has your grandma’s crockery. Peak '80s Dad fashions. What is the Doozer Equinox? This trio of wemblers defends wembling! The introduction of Large Marvin! Limbo-ing hype rats, swimming Fraggles, and Extra Beings. Yeet the puppet (serious). How many times will Adam get fired before the end of the episode? With special guest Jarrod Fairclough.…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 122, Mokey's Funeral
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1:13:23Sprocket finally sets some boundaries. Why are you a person if you’ve never built a boat? Garlic gumdrops as a metaphor for conflicting accessibility needs? Defining the music genre “Fragglecore.” Hiccup lore. Do Fraggles know what ice is? Junior goes full Elmer Fudd. The Official and Serene Holy Gorg Toot to the Dead! Special guest: JD Hansel of T…
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Why and how is Doc making freeze-dried erasers? Are dog whiskers like cat whiskers? Look, Fraggle family trees are confusing. Fandom Corner has feelings about SuperWhoLock. Professor Adam teaches us about air elementals.
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 120, The Garden Plot
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1:08:06With special guest, ToughPigs’ Ryan Roe! Doc & Sprocket = Pinky & the Brain? Someone please write fanfiction of Jareth kidnapping Junior Gorg so he can become best friends with Ludo! How do the Gorgs have dynamite? Introducing B-list Batman villain Pumpkin Face.
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Jerry Juhl Appreciation Hour! Is there a car mileage conversion conspiracy? Tiny hype-rat pajamas! That time that Beth tried to make real edible Doozer sticks. Doozers say trans rights! Mokey finally steps up. Beware the Ark of the Shimmelfinney!
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With special guest Grant Harding! Living with Doc is like living with a toddler. Fraggle pajamas! Brool lives! P!nk: the Cantus of our times. Foreshadowing season 4 cactus people. The return of Junior Gorg’s radish onesie!
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We're going to start airing every other week
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 117, Marooned
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1:24:55Content warning: Yup, this is the (first) episode about death, folks! But we manage to find the humor in discussing The Pagemaster holding up remarkably well, Dave Goelz chewing all the scenery and all the bubblegum, and Chad the Fearless. Let’s get existential with special guest Roz Strand!
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When in doubt: research! Is rapturous the same as boring? Weird Marvin vs Weird Marlon vs Large Marvin. Wait, how does the moon work? Not one, but three seam/seem puns.
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Fraggles clearly don’t have an OSHA. Where does all of Marjory’s trash come from? Depression: but faster! Is the robot dog just terrifying, or is it terrifying and cute?—send us your fan art! Adam and Beth try to convince Julia to read Animorphs. Red tests out her tight five.
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Double the Adams, double the fun! Today we’re joined by fellow Muppet podcaster Adam from Muppeturgy to talk about 1983 home computers, Gobo’s Guitar Guy Energy, Ma Gorg’s glow up, the Traveling Matt postcard cut from Apple TV, and Gorg ears.
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Jocelyn Stevenson Appreciation Time! We keep adding to our Fraggle Talk bingo cards. What are piano pedals for? How many Fraggles live in Fraggle Rock, anyway? The very short C Plot with Mokey’s jar of paint. Why does Marjory have so many love potions??
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 112, The Finger of Light
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1:02:05Doc decides to impinge his mixtape on the whole neighborhood. Tag @ToughPigs in your fan art of Doc and Sprocket as the Doctor and his companion! Do Fraggles have coffee? Red just casually drops the harshest, most powerful burn of 1983. What has the Echo Hole done to our brains? Show notes: Katilyn’s 40 Years Later review of this episode…
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Is Sprocket a Red Vines guy or a Twizzlers guy?—the fight that started a Fraggle Talk mutiny! Would Sprocket’s lightning deflector hat actually work? MLMs are bad, kids. Is this one of Marjory’s good days? Gobo is John Wayne. Show notes: Beth got the whole “fear + oxytocin = bravery” thing from the book Wonderworks by Argus Fletcher…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 110, Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk
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1:04:29ToughPigs’ own JD Hansel joins as our guest and commits to the bit. Gobo is Long Furby? Fraggles have a very low dance threshold. Does Marjory have a metabolism? All of the implications are terrifying! Episode notes: JD’s ToughPigs articles
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 109, The Lost Treasure of the Fraggles
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1:10:37Special guest Becca Petunia! Don’t put roller skates on your dog. How long is a squintillion days? We demand a prequel show, Fraggle Rock: The Age of the Third Drafting. Which Fraggle is which Spice Girl? Chekhov’s peach and garlic pie. Junior Gorg needs a union. Philip Balsam appreciation time! Does Doc have a jackhammer license? Bonus derailment …
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We love the Storyteller! Sir Blunderbrain = Beowulf? The Fraggle version of Marco Polo. For once, Boober’s anxiety is warranted and his superstition is useful! What are the potential benefits of a collapsible bookshelf? Show notes: Anthony’s 40 Years Later review of this episode Alternate theme song with Wembley…
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Fraggle Talk: Classic - Episode 107, I Want to Be You
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1:06:32Special guest Anthony Strand! Marjory’s least helpful moment so far. “Mokey is George W. Bush? (not clickbait)” Karen Prell is awesome. Traveling Matt disguised as a pig. Do Fraggles do Grub Hub? The secrets of Gorg body suit construction. Boober is too young to die! Show notes: Follow Anthony and Ryan’s podcast, Movin’ Right Along!…
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Relatable Doc moments. How do you sew a button on a fried egg? The Solemn Oath of the Fraggle and the bonkers amount of power it carries. Traveling Matt tries to eat a steel pipe. Our first Jim Henson character! Wibbly-wobbly time distortion. How does Convincing John know what a human is?
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Julia’s Dog Care Corner. Adopting Wembley as the mascot of bisexuals. How do you get a Fraggle on a rollercoaster? “Who’s on First?” in the Gorgs’ garden. What happens when an oracle has a bad day? Boober as the voice of job interview anxiety. Sometimes “I don’t know” is the right answer! Show notes: JD Hansel’s (spoilery!) article Doozer Kapital: …
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What the heck is a stave shaver? Dave Goelz is awesome. Mokey = Marvin Suggs? #OmgTheyWereCoHypeMenForTheTrashHeap. Cameo by the Blustering Bellowpane Monster. The 2013 animated show “Doozers.” #Justice4YakketySaxToddlerFraggle.
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Yes, Doc was also the bartender in Boondock Saints! Wembley’s eye-rolling mechanism, Pa’s giant bathtub, and Gorgish lore. Where did the Fraggles get a popcorn machine? The dangers of electricity + bathtime. Cthulhu poorly repairing a boiler. Show notes: Mr. Rogers visits Stomp “White Wine in the Sun” by Tim Minchin…
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The introduction of Fluffinella and Ned Shimmelfinney. Ghosts and volcanoes and the agony of dingy gray laundry! Human-sized Fraggle puppets? Adorable Fraggle armor! Do the Gorgs have access to baking soda? Special guest appearance by Magnus the dog! Show notes: The Foo Fighters’ cover of “Fraggle Rock Rock” from “Back to the Rock.”…
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Fraggle Talk is back! In Fraggle Talk: Classic, we dive deep into the original Fraggle Rock series, one episode at a time. Whether you’re a Fraggle nerd like Beth, rewatching after a while like Julia, or watching for the first time like Adam, join us for (mostly) spoiler-free episode analysis, behind-the-scenes tidbits, wild speculation, lots of la…
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