Holy Impact Ministries is a "Sola Scriptura" (Scripture ONLY) ministry that does not prescribe to man-made denominational dogma, philosophical theologies, or early church father hermeneutical gymnastics. BIBLE ONLY! Visit us at: HolyImpactMinistries.com
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Just how many is God according to Scripture? Who can claim to be God? Was the Jesus of the church God the Father? Why did Yeshua pray for us all to be one with God just as he was one with God? Why is it written that it was God’s will to crush Yeshua? Who was Yeshua according to Isiah chapter 53? Get the answers to these biblical questions and more …
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How important was the new commandment that Yeshua gave us to keep? What is the difference between the love of man and the love of God? Can someone truly love without God being within them? Who created love? Where does true love emanate from? Is there a direct connection between truth and love according to scripture? Is love always kind? https://ody…
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Just what do we need to believe in order to have salvation? Why can some people not come to God? Was Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) God? Why did Phillip want to see God? Did Phillip see God? What is the most important number in the Bible? Who is greater that Yeshua (Jesus)? Will Yeshua do whatever we ask whenever we ask him? Who was Yeshua going to in…
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Why was Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek Language) so concerned with preparing his disciples for his departure? Why would someone kill you thinking that they’re doing God service? How important is the Holy Spirit of God in our lives today in our time? Why did Yeshua’s disciples not understand him when he spoke? Who is supposed to overcome the world? http…
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What happened when the Son of man was lifted up? Who is “The Son of man? Why did so many not believe? Why did those who did believe not follow? Why did John quote Isiah in chapter 53? What does Isiah chapter 53 tell us about the identity of Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek)? What does the Bible say about God’s wrath on the unrighteous? Who fears God toda…
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John 12b From Beginning to End
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1:21:21Just who is this Son of David exactly? Why does it matter? Why were the Gentiles inquiring of him? How was the Son of David glorified? Why was the Son of David glorified? What is the “stump of Jesse”? Why must we go to where he is? Why is it dangerous to call good evil and evil good? Who are the true followers of the Lamb of God really? https://Hol…
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John 12d Did Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) Come to Save The World?
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1:11:56Did Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) come to save the world… or those who accept him? What happens when the righteous increase? What happens when the righteous decrease? How does God decide who will rule over his people? Does God do anything without including his people in his decisions? What happens when the wicked rule? What causes the wicked to rule?…
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What is the Holy Spirit exactly? What spiritual concepts and understandings do we as modern-day Christians lack today in our time? What is it exactly that makes us all “one”? Did God give his Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) to people in the Old Testament? What is God exactly? Did David Yeshua Jesus human father have the Holy Spirit according to Script…
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John 15b Are You A Goat?
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1:03:01Will Christians be persecuted according to our God-breathed Scriptures? Does God love you too much to allow you to suffer? Are you greater than your Master? Does your church have an excuse for its sin? Who did Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) mark as the weeds? Who belongs on Earth and who does not? Who will be taken and who will not be taken? Are you r…
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John 15 One… Not Three!
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1:00:16What does “abiding in Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek)” actually mean? Who are the “friends of Yeshua” according to Yeshua? Just what is “obedience” and how does “obedience” play a part in our salvation according to Yeshua? Should we be tossing our pearls to swine this season? https://odysee.com/@HolyImpactMinistr... Or: http://holyimpactministries.com/…
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Who are amongst the chosen according to our God breathed Scripture? Can a Christian fall from the Grace of God or not? Who did God love and who did God hate and why? Why did Yeshua (Jesus) wash his disciple’s feet? Why was the betrayal of Judas Iscariot recorded for all of us to see and know about today in our time? Just what is “belief” according …
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John 11b and 12a The Plot to Murder Yeshua and Lazarus
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1:15:57Who were the High Priests of Yeshua’s time really? Why did these High Priests want to murder Lazarus? Was Caiaphas a good guy or a bad guy? How did Caiaphas know what Yeshua was going to do before he did it? What does the Old Testament say about Yeshua riding a donkey? Why was that written in the Old Testament? What did Judas have in common with th…
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John 1Creating Man In Jesus Image?
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1:42:07Was man created in the image of the Jesus of the church? Who… or what… was with God in the beginning according to Scripture? From who does Salvation come from according to Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek)? Was the “Jesus” of the church the Son of David or not? Who created the world and everything in it? https://holyimpactministries Or: https://odysee.co…
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John Chapter 7B Is This The Christ?
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1:18:52Why were the people so divided about whether or not Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek language) was the true Son of David or not? Who was it among the crowds that did know who Yeshua was? What law was Nicodemus quoting from when he challenged the Pastors of that time? What law was Yeshua quoting from when he commanded them to judge righteously? https://Ho…
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John Chapter 6c The Chosen vs The Un-Chosen
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1:15:26What does the Bible truly say about who is chosen and who is not chosen and who it is that does the choosing concerning who is chosen? Did Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) stop those who turned away from him and beg them to come back? And if not… why not? What is the biblical definition of the love of God? What is the only way that we can justify our lo…
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Why did Yeshua cause the Pastors of his time to drop their stones and to stop them from stoning the so-called adulterous women? What did Yeshua (Jesus) write on the ground before the Pastors of his time? Why did the Pastors of his time walk away? What commandment did Yeshua give the women who he dismissed? Why is all of this important for us as mod…
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John 3b Baptized In The Love of God
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1:15:34Is being baptized legalistic? How are “acceptance” and “toleration” and assimilation working out for the church today in our time? Who commanded baptism; Yeshua (Jesus) or God the Father? Who is it that we should be walking like; the church… or Yeshua? Who does the Bible say is a liar and has no truth in them? How is God’s love perfected in us? htt…
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John 1c Was John Elijah?
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1:10:14Was John the Baptist Elijah or not? What did Yeshua (Jesus) say about who John the Baptist was? Why is “spiritual language” a language that a true believer must learn? Why did John quote from the prophet Isiah when asked if he was Elijah? What did Elijah do? What did John the Baptist do? How will Elijah restore all things? Why is it important for a…
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John 1e Yeshua (Jesus) The True Rabbi
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1:11:56Why is it important that we know that the Bible says to let God be true and every man a liar? How does Rabbi Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) command us as brothers to address one another? Why is it important that we know the Bible rebukes the Roman Catholic “Good Friday” and “Easter” as abominations? What caused the disciples of John the Baptist to cal…
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When and where was Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) first born? Why is Yeshua called God’s “Servant”? Why is Yeshua called God’s “Prophet”? What did Paul say about being set apart before he was born? What did Jeremiah say about being set apart before he was born? What did David say about knitted together in his mother’s womb and why? https://HolyImpactM…
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John Chapter 10 The Master And The Shepherd
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1:34:59What is the parable of the “Good Shepherd” all about? Who is the “Master” … who is the Shepherd… who are the sheep… who gave the Shepherd the authority to lay his life down and pick it up again and why? Did Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) tell the Jews he was God? What did Yeshua say about being God? Can the Father be seen in you? https://HolyImpactMin…
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John Chapter 4 The Women At The Well
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1:10:34What is “life-giving water”? Who were the Samaritans? Why did Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) spend two days with the Samaritans? Why was the Samaritan woman surprised that the Jewish man Yeshua requested a drink from her? Why did Yeshua give the man from Capernaum a sign and not the Pharisees and Scribes? https://HolyImpactMinistries.com Or: https://o…
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John Chapter 8b Before Abraham Was I Am
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1:06:10Does the law of God still exist in the New Testament, and is it still to be applied today in our time according to Scripture? What did the Apostle Paul teach about the law in the New Testament? What did Yeshua teach about the law in the New Testament? Why could the “Pastors” of Yeshua’s time not understand the word of God that Yeshua was teaching? …
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What was the purpose of Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) raising Lazareth from the dead? How was this resurrection of Lazareth representative of the coming kingdom? Why did Yeshua and his Apostles heal the sick and the lamb and allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear? How is Yeshua the resurrection and the life? What “resurrection” did Martha think …
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John 1bThe New Thing God Is Doing
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1:25:03What exactly was the Apostle John attempting to convey to his readers concerning Yehovah and Yeshua? What “new thing” did the Apostle John understand that the church today does not understand? Why was it important to John to bring out the “oneness” of spirit between God the Father and his only begotten Son? Does John really tell us that the world w…
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John Chapter 9, I Was Blind But Now I See
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1:14:22Why did the wicked Pastors of Yeshua’s time reject the healing of the man who was born blind from birth? Who did God speak through in John chapter 9? Who heard the words of God and who did not in John chapter 9? Did Yeshua (Jesus) come to save the world or condemn it… or both? For what purpose was this man born blind from birth? Did God command us …
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John Chapter 7 The Two Laws
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1:06:33Were there two laws given during the days of Yeshua (Jesus) and his Apostles? If God’s law was not the only law… then where did the other law come from? What Feast Day did Yeshua keep in John chapter 7? Who were the Jews that were seeking to Kill Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek Language)? What did Yeshua teach about circumcision? https://HolyImpactMinis…
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John Chapter 6b The Bread of Life!
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1:09:04What is “the bread of life”? What did Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) mean when he said that we must eat his flesh and drink his blood? Why do Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John seem to disagree concerning Peter walking on water? What is the spiritual meaning of Yeshua walking on water? What is the difference between physical bread and spiritual bread? What…
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John Chapter 5 Yeshua (Jesus) Equal With God?
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1:13:53Why was Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) at the Jewish Feast in Jerusalem? Was Yeshua our example or not? Who are according to Pual “false apostles”? Can you do good work on the Sabbath? Is Yeshua equal with God the Father according to Scripture? Was Yeshua able to save himself from death? https://HolyImpactMinistries.com Or: https://odysee.com/@HolyImp…
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John Chapter 3c Under Law or Grace?
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1:25:52What are we as modern-day Christians baptized into? Is baptism a sprinkling or a submersion? What is the Biblical definition of the word “sin”? How can we be dead to sin as Paul tells us to be? How can we be “slaves of God” as Paul says without obedience to God’s word? What’s the difference between “lawlessness” and “righteousness”? https://HolyImp…
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What is the difference between living according to the flesh and living according to the spirit? What serpent was lifted up in the wilderness that Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek) is likened unto, and why? Why is there only one true “Rabbi”? What is the biblical mission of a Pastor, Evangelist, or Teacher? Why did Nicodemus the Pharisee not know these t…
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John 1f and 2 The Lion of Judah And The Rulers Staff
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1:09:36What did Philip and Nathaniel both know that most modern-day Christians today do not know about Yeshua (Jesus in the Greek)? Why does today’s modern-day “Rabbi” forbid the Jewish people to read Isaiah chapter 53? Was Yeshua (Jesus) a prophet according to Scripture? What was the difference between Moses and the Prophets of old? Can the “Jesus” of th…
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John Chapter 1d Behold The Lamb of God!
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1:11:39What does “the Lamb of God” mean exactly? Where do we first read about the Lamb of God and why is it important? Was Yeshua (Jesus) God, or a God? Why was Abraham chosen to be the father of all nations? When did Yeshua receive the Holy Spirit of his Father according to Scripture? Did Yeshua have to learn obedience? How did Yeshua grow in stature? ht…
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What is different about the Gospel of John from the other three Gospels? What kind of relationship did John have with Yeshua (Jesus)? Was John part of an inner circle of the Apostles? Who was the “beloved follower” of Yeshua? Was the un-named “beloved follower” of Yeshua Mary Magdalene or the Apostle John? What does John include in his writings tha…
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[MP3]불가능을 향한 도전(여호수아 10:1~14) - 조준목 목사 2017-08-15
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1:33:58온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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[VOD]불가능을 향한 도전(여호수아 10:1~14) - 조준목 목사 2017-08-15
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1:34:10온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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[MP3]두려움을 향한 도전(마태복음 14:22~33) - 김승수 목사 2017-08-08
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1:33:58온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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[VOD]두려움을 향한 도전(마태복음 14:22~33) - 김승수 목사 2017-08-08
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1:34:10온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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[MP3]꿈과 비전을 향한 도전(여호수아 14:6~15) - 김승수 목사 2017-08-01
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1:33:58온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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[VOD]꿈과 비전을 향한 도전(여호수아 14:6~15) - 김승수 목사 2017-08-01
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1:34:10온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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[MP3]숨겨진 보물(마태복음 13:44~46) - 임은미 선교사 2017-07-25
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1:33:58온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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[VOD]숨겨진 보물(마태복음 13:44~46) - 임은미 선교사 2017-07-25
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1:34:10온누리교회 대학청년 연합집회영상입니다. Please visit this at http://www.cgntv.net/توسط CGNTV
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