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Our guest, Dan Scheeringa, member of BCC, delivers a heartfelt and thorough devotion of this imprecatory psalm, Psalm 109. We look deeply at David's plea to the Lord, our Lord "Who is there", and tackle difficult questions such as "where are you, O God?" and "why are You taking so long to answer me?".We learn a yet deeper way to trust in God's plan…
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Today's Psalm is 8. We explore the attribute of God our Lord...our Master...our Lord. His Name is majestic, towering above all names. ALL names are subject to His great Will, and we stand in awe of His great power! "Out of the mouths of babes" will His glory be proclaimed!توسط Ryn Cochran
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Pastor Ryan begins us on a new journey through the Psalms, concentrating on those Psalms that express unique names of our Lord God Almighty. Today we concentrate on Psalm 20, where the character of God our General is expressed. The name of YHWH (Yahweh) Nissi. the Lord our Banner is used here, our Gd going forth before us in battle, the great, alwa…
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Pastor Symps leads us through a spiritual tutorial on Biblical fasting, sharing the distinction that fasting, with an eye towards greater intimacy with our Lord, is far different from general fasting; not all fasting is Biblical, not all fasting must be done alone, NO Biblical fasting is a hunger strike! Matthew 6:16-18 and Acts 13:1-4 are our pass…
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Pastor Ryan provides a review of the "I Am" statements from Jesus in the Gospel of John - we concentrate on their universal declaration: Jesus IS the Life! He offers abundant, deep, spiritually purposeful and eternal Life for all who follow Him. Pastor Ryan concentrates on the 3rd soil from the Sower Parable - here worldly concerns and affections c…
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He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! We shout this almost as loud as Jesus shouted "Lazarus..come OUT!" giving Lazarus' family, and us, the most celebrated of His miracles (in John ch. 11). As Pastor Ryan expounds, Jesus displays His power and authority now more than ever, even over death itself. The Scripture records our Christ's compelling action abo…
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Today, Palm Sunday is delivered to us via a special presentation given by our youth ministry, "Face2Face".Senior student member Samuel Birkey delivers a learned prequel regarding the OT understating of Christ's entry into Jerusalem (our Palm Sunday). Following dramatic excerpts of the Passion by our youth, Youth Minister Shane Heidinger delivers a …
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Pastor Ryan continues with the second affirmation from Christ's famous divine declaration, "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life". Here we are confronted with the awesome reality that the Truth is a Person, this wonderful Person who is God Incarnate, who knows us intimately...and yet offers us life, eternal life!…
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Pastor Symps shares of that glorious proclamation that Lord Jesus gave to his disciples at the Last Supper, "I Am the way, the truth, and the life." Pastor Symps exhorts the truth that Jesus is THE way, for eternal life, and for Kingdom service here. John 14:1-15 is our Scripture passage for today.توسط Symps Ndlovu
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Pastor Ryan leads us in a study of John 15:1-17, where our Jesus extols His divine attribute as the True Vine, supplying all the spiritual nutrients to His branches. He is the true Vine, and our Father is the Good Gardener. We must learn, out of this passage, to submit to God's glorious pruning so that we bear much good fruit. And, we learn to cond…
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Our regular sermon series is interrupted so that we can focus on the blessings of our outreach ministry, "In As Much". Director Mary Ann Mings shares what "In As Much" is currently experiencing during these challenging but rewarding times, and through report and testimony, shares what her vision for the future holds. In As Much (and its daughter mi…
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Pastor Ryan continues our study in John Chap. 10, moving on the the next great "I AM" statement from our Lord Jesu: "I Am the Good Shepherd. We see Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promise in Ezekial 34, where He declares that He Himself will be Israel's shepherd. We also explore all of the fulfilled attributes of what it takes to be the Good Shep…
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We have two passages today: Ezekial 34:1-16 and John 10:1-10. Ezekiel prophesies of God's displeasure with the spiritual shepherds of his day, their carelessness, abuse, and cruelty angering Him. God declares that He will be the Good Shepherd to His flock, and Jesus declares His fulfillment of this beautiful promise. Jesus IS the gate to the sheepf…
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In John 6: 1-40, Jesus declares that He is the One who satisfies, eternally! Only He can sustain us through all the temptations of earthly desires and needs. Unlike the people during Jesus' time, we have little worry over having our belly full, but Satan, that great liar, convinces us of our appetites and hungers - it is Jesus that assures us of ou…
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Pastor Symps speaks lavishly on the great "I Am" declaration from Jesus that He is THE light of the world, and how Scripture demonstrates that He has always been and will always be the Light of the World. Also, how the Lord's intent, command, and gift to us is to not only. continue IN His light, but for us to convey and to be, to a desperately need…
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We delve into one of Jesus' most lengthy discourses with the people, found in John 8:31-59. Many people, wanting to believe, but perplexed (some angry) at Jesus' claims of intimate deity with the Father, climaxing with the resounding, eternal description that Jesus gives of Himself: I AM!توسط Ryan Cochran
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Pastor Ryan leads us through Exodus 3: 1-15, the moment, after 40 years of waiting, the Lord reaches out to Moses to call him to free Israel from the clutches of Egypt.This Scripture passage, Paster Ryan reminds< declares emphatically that God cares, God hears, and God is with us!توسط Ryan Cochran
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Pastor Ryan introduces us to a new year of Scripture messages. Anticipating a difficult year ahead for all, we explore James 1:1-5 and Philippines 2:10-25, where we read of the Lord's plan to lead us "through" trials and difficulties instead of going around , over or under them. Just as Jesus went through the cross for us, we too can look beyond th…
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We close our short series, and our year, with testimonies from several of our BCC family. Pastor Ryan introduces us to the reality that "grief and hope are sisters". Our testimonies today are from God's children who have experienced both during this year's journey, sharing from their heart how God carried them through, and how, unlike the rosy pict…
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Highlights from our BCC Christmas Eve service on Dec. 24th. Pastors Ryan and Symps provide devotional messages focusing on the rich theological content found in our classic Christmas carols, and their significant proclaiming of the Good News, Christ's arrival and its offer of redemption and salvation.…
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Our passages are from the glowing reports of Luke, Chap. 2. Children's Minister Jena Schwab shares with our children the meaning of prophet Anna's long-anticipated reward for her patient waiting for the Messiah, and Pastors Ryan and Symps co-share of Simeon's equally joyous blessing as he too sees the young Savior- in the temple, many saw Mary, Jos…
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"God is coming to rescue us from our enemies!" That, says Pastor Ryan is the main point of the song from Zechariah, who understood that man had found favor with Gos as He gave unto us a Savior! How the enemy wishes we would miss such a Christmas gift as this!Luke Chapter 1: 5-25, 57-80 are our Scripture passages for today.…
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We look at Luke 1:26-56, the famous story of Mary's conception, visit with Elizabeth and her famous first Christmas song, known as the Magnificat. Pastor Ryan emphasizes the content and character of her song, no lullaby here, but a declaration of deep conviction that God will delver, God will save, this Most High God has shown and will show mercy.…
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Pastor Symps closes out our semester series on "Uncommon Unity" with a glowing and exciting description of our final destination to the Church's uncommon unity. Working with Revelation 7:9,10 and 21:1-8, Pastor Symps expounds on the promise from our Lord of what this wonderful oneness with Him will look like in His now-perfected Kingdom. Hallelujah…
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We start with Ephesians 2:1-10, a glorious proclamation of God's eternal intent to call us into service and conformity of our Lord Jesus, this by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Ryan expounds on the wonderful paradox of how unique, even individual, our callings from the Lord are, yet He has the power to make us and declare us one in the Spirit…
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We look soberly at Acts Chapter 15. We see a significant divergence in the this stage of the Apostle Paul's life, where at chapter's beginning we see him working diligently for that uncommon unity befitting the Body of Christ. Yet at chapter's end, a dispute cancels his missionary relationship with brother Barnabas. How can we discern between dispu…
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Pastor Ryan concentrates on Romans 14, where the Apostle Paul exhorts for the Body of Christ to not mistake our wonderful diversity as something to foment disputations - we learn that our God-given differences are to model every opportunity to be lead by the Spirit to delight in acceptance, forbearance, and uniqueness. Do not let disagreeing in opi…
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We explore the Gifts of the Spirit, as described and defined in I Corinthians chap. 12:1-11. Here, Pastor Ryan explains, the Apostle Paul declares emphatically the intent of the gifts: as diverse and unique as they are, they are truly the Lord's working to build and unite the Body. Every gift is needed, every good for the common good of the Body of…
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Pastor Symps shares a bounty of Scripture dealing with the Lord's command to forgive, and to reconcile, and their roles in exercising our uncommon unity in the Body. Pastor Symps examines the differences between forgiveness and reconciliation, looking at God's Word for definition and the unique properties that are necessary to execute in order for …
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Pastor Ryan explains the Biblical vision for this uncommon unity found in the Body of Christ, and how diversity can demonstrate the miraculous vision of our innate uniqueness in creation yet profoundly united in the Holy Spirit. Pastor Ryan explains, using Gen. 1 and Ephesians 2, the Biblical vision for diversity, and the worldly barriers to experi…
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Our unity in God is blessed with His intentional expression of diversity, found from His inception of our creation to now. The world attempts to imitate His unity with a contrived expression of uniformity, but we can only celebrate how different we are when we acknowledge and live His divine creative reality of "one in the Spirit", an essence of Hi…
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The Indwelling Holy Spirit, the very Spirit of the Godhead, inhabits every one of God's children, uniting us with each other through spiritual gifting from Him, and through common understandings of our hope for now and for the future, for the obedient desire for the Church, and to see God's will be done on this earth as well as Heaven. we see how i…
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Pastor Symps leads us through a deep look into John 15. Here our Lord shares one of the more intimate and expressive titles bestowed upon us: "I call you friends". Our unity with Christ is declared by such a familial identity! And not only this, our Lord instructs us to spread such deep and personal connection with one another, that our abiding fri…
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The Apostle John expresses, by the Holy Spirit, the glorious tome to brotherly love in the 4th chapter of I John. Here, Pastor Ryan explains, we see the commanding exhortation to love, because our Father (OUR Father) is the essence of Love to us , ALL of us!. As God loves us, so we are to love one another, evidencing our declared and decreed unity …
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Pastor Ryan launches our new series in full swing, providing the exposition to accompany Chapter 1 of our study. The study explores the Triune God as embodied in the Person of the Father. In our sermon, Pastor Ryan approaches this cardinal, majestic subject from the other end: God's wisdom expressed in His design for US to be in unity, for OUR unit…
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We welcome Pastor Ryan back to the pulpit, fresh from his sabbatical. He introduces us to our new series for the Fall, emphasizing our identity with and calling from our Lord Jesus, both contributing to the unique position we have in our knit union with the Father, all thanks to the work and calling or our Savior, Jesus.Matthew 3:13 - 4:11 is our S…
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Pastor Symps wraps up our summer series on "One Another", emphasizing how membership in small groups can bolster and strengthen your ability to serve the Lord in loving one another. God uses His children to mature His children to serve His children, so that the world knows us by His love shed abroad in us!Hebrews chapters 3 and 10 and Colossians ch…
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Pastor Kevin Butcher, President of "Rooted Ministries", guest preaches at Broadway today. He expounds deeply and passionately on two vital things that Jesus proclaimed before and after the cross: "I love you" and "I am with you always".How can we possibly convey these truths to one another unless we grasp and trust them intimately for ourselves?…
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Pastor Symps continues our "One Another" series, tackling the Godly attribute that defeats our primary sin of pride. Pastor Symps uses passages from Philipians 2, Romans 12 and I Corinthians 10 to provide us with the kind of Biblical, God-defining character of humility and willingness that produces Christlike fruit of service and care...for one ano…
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Dr. Davis finishes his all-too-brief yet deeply searching series on relations that emulate God's intent for us to "love one another". We focus on "vine and branches" (John 15:1-5; Luke 13:6-9). Will we honor our Savior and trust Him to teach us how to nourish our brethren's roots so that together we yield better fruit?…
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Dr. Davis continues his brief tenure with Broadway, speaking on healthy "one another" relationships and how they model God's plan and will for the Body. Today he speaks on the importance of communicating, strategies on how to share...and to listen! James 1:19, et. al., is our principle Scripture passage.…
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Dr. Jerry Davis, chair of the graduate counseling department of Huntington University, blesses Broadway with a three-part series on healthy relationships. Today he speaks on our spiritual mental health, transforming our natural tendency to conform to the world into a healthy metamorphosis by the renewing our minds in Christ, enabling and preparing …
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Pastor Symps discusses the Christly demands of bearing one another, in the reality of unity of the Body as expressed through caring for one another and serving one another.Passages from I Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians and Ephesians are our Scripture focus today.توسط Symps Ndlovu
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BCC Elder Ben Fisher delivers a deep and thoughtful message on the covenant of Godly love, His "hesed". Ben shares on its importance in our modeling of God's loving kindness, emphasizing its innate balance of justice and mercy, so important as we walk in the Spirit, walking with our broken brethren as Christ would have us walk with them.…
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Rev. Steven Kozak, Co-founder of Fort Wayne's "RemedyLive" Health Ministry, guest leads or congregation through an interactive poll and sermon regarding the power of mental-health healing, from God and to one another, when we are brutally honest with ourselves before Him.توسط Steven Kozak
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Jesus asks, "whom do you say that I Am?". Pastor Bruce Cochran leads us through Matthew 16, focusing on this cardinal premise: if Jesus IS the Son of God, that changes everything!We look into this, and Pastor Bruce exhorts us twards this One Who commands us to love one another.توسط Bruce Cochran
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Our Global Outreach director Eldon Claassen hosts several of our long-standing members of Broadway, each giving us a clear testimony of God's care and loving lordship over their lives. Whether it be discipline, calling, providence, protection, guidance or even romance, in these testimonies we hear of God's faithfulness in demonstrating His love for…
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