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An internal investigation team at Nippon Television Network Corp., or Nippon TV, has drawn up a report on the "Sexy Tanaka-san" drama series that aired from October to December last year, following the apparent suicide in January of Hinako Ashihara, the creator of the title's original manga series.توسط 時事通信社
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オンラインで就活生と採用面接を行う三井住友海上火災保険の担当者、1日午前、東京都千代田区2025年春卒業予定の大学生らの就職活動で、政府が採用選考活動の解禁日と定めた1日、主要企業による面接が始まった。 Major companies in Japan started job interview sessions Saturday for university students who are expected to graduate in spring 2025.توسط 時事通信社
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Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara and his Chinese counterpart, Dong Jun, met in Singapore on Saturday and agreed that their countries' defense authorities will continue dialogue, including on the stable management of a bilateral hotline established last year.توسط 時事通信社
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【シンガポール時事】木原稔防衛相は1日午前、中国の董軍国防相と訪問先のシンガポールで会談した。 Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara and his Chinese counterpart, Dong Jun, met in Singapore on Saturday and agreed that their countries' defense authorities will continue dialogue, including on the stable management of a bilateral hotline established last year.…
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記者団の取材に応じる岡野正敬外務事務次官、キャンベル米国務副長官、韓国外務省の金※均第1次官、31日、ワシントン近郊【ワシントン時事】日米韓3カ国の次官協議が31日、ワシントン近郊で開かれた。 Senior Japanese, U.S. and South Korean diplomats met near Washington on Friday and issued a joint statement criticizing North Korea's recent missile and satellite launches.توسط 時事通信社
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暗号資産交換業者のDMMビットコインは31日、同社のウォレットからビットコインが不正流出したと発表した。 Japanese cryptocurrency exchange DMM Bitcoin said Friday that about 48.2 billion yen's worth of bitcoin has been stolen out of its wallet.توسط 時事通信社
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日本テレビ本社、東京都港区日本テレビは31日、昨年10~12月に放送したドラマ「セクシー田中さん」の原作者で漫画家の芦原妃名子さんが今年1月に死去した問題を受け、「社内特別調査チーム」がまとめた報告書を公表した。 An internal investigation team at Nippon Television Network Corp., or Nippon TV, has drawn up a report on the "Sexy Tanaka-san" drama series that aired from October to December last year, following the apparent suicide in January of Hinako Ash…
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記者会見する日産自動車の内田誠社長、31日午後、横浜市西区日産自動車の内田誠社長は31日、横浜市内で記者会見し、3月に公正取引委員会から下請法違反で勧告を受けたことへの対応策を発表した。 Nissan Motor Co. will set up a reform promotion office in June following a Japan Fair Trade Commission recommendation in March over violations of the subcontract law, President and CEO Makoto Uchida said Friday.…
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経済産業省は31日、デジタル分野などの産業政策の在り方を検討する有識者会議を開き、次世代半導体の国産化を目指すラピダスへの支援で新たな枠組みを検討する方針を示した。 Japan's industry ministry suggested Friday it is considering guaranteeing private loans to Rapidus Corp. to help the Japanese chipmaker mass-produce next-generation semiconductors at home.توسط 時事通信社
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ハロウィーンを迎え、多くの人で混雑する東京・渋谷のスクランブル交差点、2022年10月、東京都渋谷区東京都渋谷区は、ハロウィーンなどの期間に限り、渋谷駅周辺の路上での飲酒を禁止する条例を見直し、禁止期間を通年に拡大する方針を固めた。 Tokyo's Shibuya Ward plans to extend its ban on street drinking around Shibuya Station to year-round from limited seasons such as Halloween, ward officials said.توسط 時事通信社
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規制改革推進会議で発言する岸田文雄首相、31日午後、首相官邸政府の規制改革推進会議は31日、一般ドライバーが自家用車を使い有償で客を運ぶ「ライドシェア」の全面解禁に向け、検討の加速を求める答申を岸田文雄首相に提出した。 A Japanese government regulatory reform panel on Friday called for working out the details of a legal system by the end of this year to allow technology firms and others to offer ride-hailing services.…
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The Japanese government will allocate 52 billion yen in special tax grants to a fund Ishikawa Prefecture will set up for reconstruction after the Jan. 1 Noto Peninsula earthquake, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday.توسط 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday that the threshold for the disclosure of information on those who purchase political fundraising party tickets will be lowered to over 50,000 yen under a bill proposed by his ruling Liberal Democratic Party to revise the political funds control law.توسط 時事通信社
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The Japanese government compiled Friday a plan to overhaul the system allowing foods to be labeled as having specific functions on health, following a string of health issues caused by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co.'s dietary supplements containing "beni koji" red yeast rice.توسط 時事通信社
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経済産業省が31日発表した4月の鉱工業生産指数速報値は101.6と、前月比0.1%低下した。 Japan's industrial production in April fell 0.1percentagefrom the previous month, down for the first time in two months, the industry ministry said Friday.توسط 時事通信社
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会談に臨む岸田文雄首相と公明党の山口那津男代表、31日午前、首相官邸岸田文雄首相は31日、公明党の山口那津男代表と首相官邸で会談し、政治資金規正法改正に関し、パーティー券購入者の公開基準額を「5万円超」に引き下げる方針を伝えた。 Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday that the threshold for the disclosure of information on those who purchase political fundraising party tickets will be lowered to over 50,000 yen under a bill proposed by his ruling Lib…
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機能性表示食品制度の見直し方針をまとめた関係閣僚会議であいさつする林芳正官房長官、31日午前、首相官邸政府は31日、小林製薬の紅麹製品を巡る健康被害問題を受け、機能性表示食品制度の見直し方針を関係閣僚会議でまとめた。 The Japanese government compiled Friday a plan to overhaul the system allowing foods to be labeled as having specific functions on health, following a string of health issues caused by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co.'s dietary supplements conta…
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能登半島地震復旧・復興支援本部で発言する岸田文雄首相、31日午前、首相官邸岸田文雄首相は31日、首相官邸で開かれた能登半島地震復旧・復興支援本部の会合で、石川県が創設する「復興基金」の財源として、特別交付税520億円を措置する考えを明らかにした。 The Japanese government will allocate 52 billion yen in special tax grants to a fund Ishikawa Prefecture will set up for reconstruction after the Jan. 1 Noto Peninsula earthquake, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday.…
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【図解】完全失業率と有効求人倍率厚生労働省が31日発表した4月の有効求人倍率は、前月比0.02ポイント低下の1.26倍だった。 Japan's seasonally adjusted rate of effective job openings to seekers in April fell 0.02 point from the previous month to 1.26, the first drop in two months, the labor ministry said Friday.توسط 時事通信社
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最高裁、東京都千代田区性同一性障害で男性から性別変更した40代女性が、変更前の凍結精子を用いて女性パートナーとの間にもうけた次女から親子関係の認知を求められた訴訟の上告審弁論が31日、最高裁第2小法廷で開かれた。 Japan's Supreme Court is set to rule on June 21 whether a transgender woman can be recognized as a parent of a child she had with a female partner using sperm frozen before her transition.توسط 時事通信社
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参院本会議で改正マイナンバー法などが賛成多数で可決、成立し、一礼する河野太郎デジタル相、31日午前、国会内マイナンバーカードの氏名や住所、顔写真といった情報をスマートフォンに搭載できるようにする改正マイナンバー法などが31日、参院本会議で与野党の賛成多数で可決、成立した。 Japan's parliament on Friday enacted a law that enables personal information on My Number social security and taxation identification cards to be stored in smartphones.…
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【図解】都区部消費者物価指数の月別推移総務省が31日発表した5月の東京都区部消費者物価指数は、価格変動の大きい生鮮食品を除く総合指数が106.7と、前年同月比1.9%上昇した。 Core consumer prices in central Tokyo in May rose 1.9percentagefrom a year before, up for the 33rd straight month, the internal affairs ministry said Friday.توسط 時事通信社
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Prices are set to be raised for 614 food and beverage products in Japan in June, with processed foods and sweets especially being affected, a survey of the country's 195 major food makers by research firm Teikoku Databank Ltd. showed Friday.توسط 時事通信社
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A former Kumamoto governor who was involved in successfully catching the eye of the world's largest contract manufacturer of semiconductor chips calls on the Japanese government to offer long-term assistance to the industry.توسط 時事通信社
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政府は31日の閣議で、2024年版「ものづくり白書」を決定した。 A Japanese government report on Friday urged the country's manufacturers with overseas operations to redouble efforts for efficiently managing their businesses, including at subsidiaries abroad.توسط 時事通信社
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改正産業競争力強化法が可決、成立した参院本会議、31日午前、国会内中小企業より大きい従業員2000人以下の会社を「中堅企業」と定義し、重点的な支援を行うための改正産業競争力強化法が31日の参院本会議で可決、成立した。 Japan's parliament Friday enacted a bill to provide targeted support to midsize companies, including tax benefits for those conducting mergers and acquisitions.توسط 時事通信社
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【図解】6月の主な食品値上げ帝国データバンクは31日、主要食品メーカー195社の価格改定動向調査を発表した。 Prices are set to be raised for 614 food and beverage products in Japan in June, with processed foods and sweets especially being affected, a survey of the country's 195 major food makers by research firm Teikoku Databank Ltd. showed Friday.توسط 時事通信社
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Japan's latest white paper on food, agriculture and rural areas, released Friday, included a new chapter dedicated to environmental matters in which the government explained measures to help mitigate environmental impacts from agricultural production.توسط 時事通信社
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有機栽培で生産されているレタスなど政府は31日の閣議で、2023年度の食料・農業・農村白書を決定した。 Japan's latest white paper on food, agriculture and rural areas, released Friday, included a new chapter dedicated to environmental matters in which the government explained measures to help mitigate environmental impacts from agricultural production.…
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こども政策推進会議で発言する岸田文雄首相、31日午前、首相官邸政府は31日、全閣僚で構成するこども政策推進会議を首相官邸で開き、「こどもまんなか実行計画2024」を決定した。 The Japanese government adopted Friday an action plan for child-related measures, including those to shore up the low birthrate such as expanding child allowances as well as enhanced steps to reduce child poverty.…
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男子100メートルで力走するサニブラウン、30日、オスロ【オスロ時事】陸上のダイヤモンドリーグは30日、オスロで行われ、男子100メートルは昨夏の世界選手権6位入賞のサニブラウン・ハキームが9秒99で2位に入り、パリ五輪代表に決まった。 Japanese sprinter Abdul Hakim Sani Brown clocked 9.99 seconds to finish second in the men's 100-meter sprint at the Diamond League in Oslo on Thursday, securing his ticket for this summer's Paris Olympics.…
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Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has given up on a plan to pass its bill to revise the political funds control law through the House of Representatives by the end of this week, in the face of a hardened stance by its coalition partner, Komeito, informed sources said Thursday.توسط 時事通信社
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