Weekly message from our world outreach center in Minden, Louisiana with pastors Paul and Ginger Gray.
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Over 18,000 people per day, from all over the world have found the Morning Mindset a great, Jesus-filled way to help them get their minds aligned with the truth of God's word, every single morning! Episodes are drawn directly from scripture, life-application-based, steeped in prayer, and challenging to mature and beginning Christ-followers alike. 7 minutes to get your day started with Jesus! Find out more at http://YourMorningMindset.com or become a monthly partner and get access to our Part ...
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The Christian Mindset Coach with Alicia Michelle: Spiritual Growth and Mindset Tips for Christian Women
Alicia Michelle | Christian Mindset Coach
Use brain science + the Bible together to manage emotions and overcome fear for more joy, peace + confidence in Christ! Discover practical emotional management tools and heartfelt wisdom for spiritual growth and emotional health in this multi-award winning podcast by author + ICF-certified NeuroCoach Alicia Michelle (ACC, CPLC). Each week Alicia shares insight from her work with hundreds of clients on breaking free from perfectionism, people pleasing and anxiety caused by "knowing" biblical ...
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Meistere Dein Mindset und Du meisterst Dein Leben! Mein Name ist Christian Bischoff. Ich bin Mindset-Coach und darf seit fast 30 Jahren das tun, was ich wirklich liebe: Menschen helfen, über sich hinaus zu wachsen und ihre eigenen Grenzen zu sprengen. Als 19-jähriger begann ich diese Mission als Profi-Basketballtrainer, ehe ich mit 30 meine Selbstständigkeit als Seminarleiter und Vortragsredner startete. Es ging los mit der Schultour MACH DEN POSITIVEN UNTERSCHIED, die ca. 250.000 Jugendlich ...
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A HOLY MESS | Christian Mindset & Personal Growth, Christian Recovery & Emotional Healing, Breaking Free From Shame, Regret, Burnout & Finding Purpose
Dani Sumner - Christian Life Coach & Faith Led Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Director, Mentor, Christian Life Transformation Coach
Do you ever feel stuck, emotionally drained, or like you’re constantly striving but never “enough”? You’re in the right place! Welcome to A HOLY MESS Podcast (ranked in the top 1% globally🎉), a podcast designed for you if you’re ready to break free and heal from self-doubt, burnout, and overgiving—so you can step into confidence, peace, God’s grace and purpose with clarity. Each week, I share biblical wisdom, mindset shifts, and real conversations to help you: ✨ Overcome self-doubt and fear ...
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CONSIDER JESUS, Christian Moms, Biblical Mindset, Christian Marriage and Family, Christian Intimacy, Christian Parenting
Michelle Castro, Christian, Biblical Mindset, Kingdom Woman, Christian Marriage, Christian Parenting, Biblical Mindset, Christian Mindset, Bible, Biblical Truth, Christian Living, married sex, christian intimacy
Hey there friends! Thanks so much for stopping by, I’m Michelle Castro, the host of the Consider Jesus Podcast. I’ve gone back and forth on what to share here and how to prepare you for what’s to come. I’m a bottom line kinda girl and the nuts and bolts of it is…I want to encourage you to CONSIDER JESUS in all you do, but I also want to do that while having REAL, RAW, and HONEST conversations about those things we, as Christians, just don’t seem to talk about. Things like grief, sex, loss, m ...
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Fruition Mindset, Christian Life Coach, Mindset Coach, Woman Business Owner, Personal Development, Spiritual Growth
Kayla Eggenberger, Christian Mindset Coach, Mindset Coaching for Christian Entrepreneurs, Life Coach for Faith-led Business Owners
Welcome to Fruition Mindset where it’s all about mindset coaching for Christian entrepreneurs! Ever feel like life is passing you by? Do you want to have a purpose-filled business that lights you up? Do you keep procrastinating and putting your dream on the back burner? Are you struggling to get things done in your business (and life)? When I wanted to start my first business over 10 years ago, I was the same way. It didn’t matter how many letters I had behind my name or what my credentials ...
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Living In His Purpose Podcast, Christian Mindset life coaching, Professional organizing, Living in Simplicity
Eve King, Christian Mindset Life Coach, Professional Organizer, Nurse
Hey friend! I’m Eve, a mindset coach for Christian women who want to learn to hear God’s voice above the world’s chaos. I’m on a mission to empower Christian women to create space in their lives to know their Creator, know themselves, and live their legacy now. Are you tired of feeling like the world is running you and you are not running your world? Do you need to know how to live this crazy busy life with more peace and leading from Holy Spirit? Do you wonder in the busyness of it all that ...
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Have you ever wrestled with the question, “God, is that You?”You’re not alone.Doubt can cloud our ability to hear God’s voice, but He is not trying to confuse you—He is always speaking. In this episode, we’ll talk about how to discern whether a nudge is from God or just your own mind, what happens in your brain when you doubt, and how to confidentl…
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Be an encouragement to others (ROMANS 16:1-6): Christian Daily Devotional Bible Study and Prayer
To become a follower of Jesus, visit: https://MorningMindsetMedia.com/MeetJesus (NOT a Morning Mindset resource) ⇒ TODAY'S DAILY SPONSOR: Listener, Darlene - In memory of my husband, Bob, who enjoyed listening to your daily podcast every day. You can sponsor a daily episode of the Morning Mindset too, by going to https://MorningMindsetMedia.com/Dai…
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Today, Jim (my therapist) and I are talking about the importance of recognizing those special people who've been "beacons of light" in our lives. The ones who loved us back to life. I remember when I couldn't see or recognize the people from my past who were looking out for me along the way. That's why questions like the one Jim asked me in today's…
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Polyamorie: Verantwortungsvoll mehrere Partner lieben – Im Gespräch mit Anne Christ (Folge 527)
Heute geht es zum ersten Mal im Mindset-Podcast um das Thema Polyamorie. Zu Gast ist Anne Christ. Anne lebt nicht nur in einer polyamoren Beziehung, sondern ist auch leidenschaftliche Pionierin darin, binäre Rollenbilder herauszufordern und Weiblichkeit neu zu definieren. Mit ihrem tiefgreifenden Engagement für Feminismus und als Coachin (DGTA) bri…
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The time has come when the demands of my new role as Lead Pastor at GracePoint Church (https://gracepoint.life) requires me to step away from the Friday prayer episodes. You can hear about that decision in this brief announcement... BUT, on the heels of that sad news is some EXCTING new opportunities to translate the Morning Mindset into Spanish an…
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302: How Toxic Thinking Led to Infidelity and How Managing Emotions Led to Healing with Mark and Jill Savage
Navigating emotions in marriage isn’t always easy, but the right mindset can make all the difference. Today, marriage coaches Mark and Jill Savage join us to discuss the importance of changing your mindset in marriage because when you change your thoughts, you change your relationship. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: [04:23] Mark and Jill’s Story of Repairing T…
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