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Tony Guthrie from Learning and Developing Expository Preaching reveals all of his expository sermon preparation and delivery principles so you can be ahead of the preaching curve and make meaningful biblical impact on your listeners and see them transformed for God's glory. Discover how you can interpret scripture and develop expository messages that cause your congregants to develop a deeper appreciation for God's Word and for living a meaningful and impactful Christian life. Dr. Guthrie wi ...
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show series
Baptism is the sacrament that initiates us into the covenant of grace. We picture the water as representing the reality of being handed over to death, made alive, and triumphing in Christ. It reminds us of the pouring out of Christ’s blood for redemption and the establishment of a community to live for Him. We think of the water as the washing away…
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Christ’s association with tax collectors and sinners, considered unclean by the Pharisees, posed a problem as it contradicted their understanding of holiness. They show their hand by being grumblers. This recalls for us tragic times in Israel’s history when Israel lost sight of God’s purpose. Christ does not directly interact with their complaint, …
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The means of grace, the preaching of the Gospel, and the sacraments are means that God uses to nourish Christians. They are not the source of life, but the means to being nourished by life. Sacraments communicate the visible gospel. While the sacraments are important, they should not be elevated above Christ or the preaching of the Gospel. They are…
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Normally we think of God being a God of love. John, the beloved apostle repeats that God is love two times in his first letter. Christ does not communicate that God is love, but that we are called to hate our family and our own lives. This seems to contradict Moses's calling us to honor our parents. There are certainly other places we can appeal to…
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Banquets are normally attended by people who are worthy to attend the banquet. If there is a prestigious banquet, it is for those who share prestige. The seating arrangements typically reflect the social significance of the guests. This is true for Rome, and this is true even in our day. In many cases, these gatherings can also be transactional, bu…
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Christ’s blessing is not based on personal righteousness, faith’s worthiness, or even outward covenant membership. Only receive Christ’s blessings through faith and the Spirit. The catechism clarifies that faith is the instrument by which we receive Christ’s blessings, secured by his righteousness, not our own. We only receive this by faith. This a…
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The city of man will always try and triumph over the city of God. This is seen in the interaction between Christ and Herod. The Pharisees warn Jesus that Herod wants to kill him, but their motives are uncertain. They might be a faction that legitimately cares, or they might be with the rest of the Pharisees who want to silence Jesus. Herod himself …
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Many times as Christians we can be influenced by Greek thought. We can fall into a mindset that the body is merely a temporary shell for the soul. However, Scripture teaches that God redeems his people as whole people. He redeems us body and soul. The apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, makes it clear that we are not merely escaping fleshly tombs in…
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Jesus reminds us that we often ask the wrong questions, which leads us away from the truth. Instead of asking, “Have I done enough?” we should be asking if we are truly striving to enter through the narrow door on Christ’s terms. Many assume they are in good standing with God, much like thinking they are a luxury car with minor flaws. However, the …
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Jesus continually overturns people’s expectations. Christ does not fail to disappoint when we continue in Luke 13 when He heals a woman on the Sabbath. This woman had been suffering for 18 years—bent over, unable to stand up straight. Christ heals this woman, but the leaders are outraged. Why such a reaction? Because their rigid view of the Sabbath…
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Peter knows the weight of suffering. When Satan requested permission from Christ to sift Peter he caved. He denied his savior three times. One would think that such a record would disqualify Peter to talk about suffering. However, Peter encourages us to rejoice in suffering, feel blessed when insulted, and glorify God. This sounds a bit hypocritica…
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So often we reduce Job down to a book about suffering, but we miss the deeper theodicy. Theodicy is dealing with the issue of a just God and suffering in this world. Job is a book about God showing he will triumph over Satan, and addressing the issue of theodicy. The seed of the woman will be crushed. Job, the main actor in this historic story, is …
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The return of Christ is not just a concept, but it’s a reality that orients and grounds how we live today. Many of us, when we think about His return, are either tempted to ignore it as something so future that we doubt Christ is coming at all. On the other hand we might fear the looming judgment. But Scripture tells us that Christ’s return is both…
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Colossians 3:1-4 assures us of the significance of Christ’s dual nature and heavenly position. Lord’s Day 18 contrasts two heretical views that contradict the two natures of Christ: Eutychianism and Nestorianism. Eutychianism blends the two natures in such a way that Christ is a hybrid human who is a man god or god man, but not God and man. The div…
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The Christian life is often seen as one where believers coast carelessly in Christ's finished work, secure in their righteousness through Him being completely indifferent to morality. However, the gospel calls for a responsive life, marked by tenderness and sensitivity to Christ's leading, driven by new desires as the Holy Spirit works in Christ’s …
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The resurrection of Christ is a profound doctrine that assures us of our redemption and transformation in Christ. While it might seem straightforward—Christ lived, died, took our sin, and was raised to life—the challenge lies in understanding its full implications for us today. Some may believe that Christ’s resurrection means we have already reach…
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The passage explores Christ’s teaching on material wealth and priorities through the lens of a parable about a man seeking his inheritance. Initially, the issue is framed around a personal dispute where one brother demands his share, revealing a heart of covetousness rather than a concern for family legacy or honoring God’s wisdom. Christ rebukes t…
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Christ enters history as the suffering servant to overcome the problem of sin. Sin’s problem is deeper than we can imagine. Sin’s depth and severity demand a redemption only Christ provides and overcomes. The problem of sin is a hellish problem. Christ’s being fully God and fully man enables him to endure the eternal punishment of hell in a way we …
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In Luke 12:1-12, Jesus confronts the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, warning his disciples to beware of the “leaven of the Pharisees.” This is the fermented product from the old loaf that is put in the new loaf. He exposes the dangers of living for outward appearance rather than living by faith in the Holy Spirit. True piety is living before the face o…
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In Galatians 3:10-14, Paul makes clear that we are not going to remove the sting of death by our works. The law demands perfect obedience, and no one can meet its standard. This reveals the depth of human sin and the impossibility of earning God’s favor through self-effort. Paul underscores that righteousness comes not through the law but by faith,…
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What do we make of the statement, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Does this mean that Christ is a sinner? If that is the case then we are in a horrible predicament. What does Paul mean? Paul is describing the heart of the Gospel and the ministry of reconciliation. He explains …
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Christ’s birth turns the world values upside down. Ceasar established world peace, but the story communicates that Ceasar can only maintain peace through power. This is contrasted to the true king born in a peasant’s home God is showing us something profound: His kingdom doesn’t operate according to the world’s priorities of wealth, power, and stat…
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We can misunderstand redemption. We can make redemption something that is sentimental and miss the deeper implications of redemption. Israel is enslaved for 400 years. We can think of their redemption through the Red Sea, but miss the point that they deserve to be cast down and held in bondage. We also see that we are redeemed because Christ is the…
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Christ enters history through a scandalous line calling into question his credibility. However, God defies human expectations. We expect the Lord to fail, but he succeeds. The Lord shows that he can take broken and sinful people and use them to secure his victory. He is bigger and stronger than his people. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba display …
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Paul opens the chapter by reminding believers of their freedom in Christ: “For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (v. 1). The gospel frees us from striving in the flesh that misses Christ, and the gospel as we conform in our power. It also shines a light so we see where we sinfully …
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Genesis 21 recounts the fulfillment of God’s long-awaited promise to Abraham and Sarah—the birth of Isaac. This chapter centers on God’s faithfulness, the nature of grace, and the surprising ways God accomplishes His purposes. The chapter opens with the Lord visiting Sarah, just as He had promised (v. 1). At the age of 90, Sarah gives birth to Isaa…
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Paul addresses a fractured church, divided into factions based on allegiance to specific leaders—Paul, Apollos, Cephas, or even Christ in a tribalistic sense. These divisions reveal the human tendency to seek identity and superiority in secondary things, even in the church. Paul responds by re-centering their focus on Christ alone, emphasizing that…
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In Acts 17:22–31, Paul addresses the philosophers in Athens, presenting the gospel, and calling them to see that they do not market god. It is God who continues to uphold this creation whether we affirm it or not. Paul begins by acknowledging the Athenians’ religiosity, even pointing to their altar “to an unknown god.” He uses their cultural and sp…
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The crowd is seeking signs, challenging their demand for proof, but Christ says they will receive the “sign of Jonah.” Jonah was the sign to Ninevah so Christ is the sign for the current generation. Then Jesus shifts to a metaphor of light and vision. The problem isn’t the light (the gospel) but the eye (our spiritual perception). If our “eye” is h…
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We welcome Mr. Roy Kim to our pulpit while Pastor Paul Lindemulder enjoys a week off. In Job 3, we see Job’s raw and unfiltered anguish. After losing everything—his wealth, his children, and his health—he breaks his silence and curses the day of his birth. This chapter shows us the depths of human suffering and the honesty of biblical faith. Job do…
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We welcome Mr. Roy Kim to our pulpit while Pastor Paul Lindemulder enjoys a week off. In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells the parable of the workers in the vineyard. This parable challenges our sense of fairness and exposes the radical nature of God’s grace. A vineyard owner hires workers at different times throughout the day, yet pays them all the sam…
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Psalm 55:22 is part of David's deeply personal and anguished prayer, where he laments betrayal and overwhelming sorrow. He describes the agony of war and ultimately being betrayed by a close friend. He wrestles with feelings of fear, anger, and despair. Yet, in verse 22, David pivots from venting his pain to expressing trust in God. David acknowled…
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Jesus heals a man who was mute due to demonic possession, sparking amazement among the crowd. However, some accuse Him of using demonic power (Beelzebul) to cast out demons, while others demand a sign from heaven to prove His authority. Jesus responds with powerful logic, exposing the absurdity of their claim—why would Satan work against himself? I…
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In Galatians 4:1-7, Paul explains that believers in Christ are no longer like slaves with no real exercise of the inheritance. It is in Christ that we are children of God through faith. We are no longer under the tutor who would teach us to be adults and function at some point as an adult. With Christ’s coming, however, believers are redeemed from …
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Jesus’s disciples want to learn how to pray from their teacher. Jesus teaches them to pray to the father who places our absolute reliance on our heavenly father as citizens of his kingdom. Jesus then shares a parable about a persistent friend. In this story, a man goes to a friend at midnight to ask for bread. At first, the friend is reluctant, but…
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Ephesians 2:1-10 highlights the transformative power of God’s grace in the lives of believers. Historically because of Adam we are dead, living in sin and separated from God (verses 1-3). However, in verses 4-5, God takes the iniative by his mercy and love making us alive together with Christ. His resurrection is not just overcoming our physical de…
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Hebrews 10:19-25 emphasizes the boldness and confidence believers have in approaching God, based on the sacrifice of Jesus. In verses 19-22, the writer encourages Christians to draw near to God with sincerity and full assurance, holding fast to the hope of salvation, because we have a final priest who has cleansed and opened the heavenly sanctuary.…
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Genesis 3 records the fall into sin. This is a tragic day when Satan enters the garden, challenging the Lord’s word. Eve is tempted, and Adam fails to defend the Garden Sanctuary. They eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil only to discover that death is separation from their communion and fellowship with God. Adam and Eve realize their …
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In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus enters a village, and Martha invites Jesus into her home. She is going to host Jesus with her sister, Mary. Martha is busy preparing and serving while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, listening to his teaching. Frustrated, Martha tells Jesus to make Mary help her. However, Jesus gently tells Martha that while she is worried about m…
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In Romans 5:12-21, Paul explains how sin entered the world through our representative Adam, leading to death for all humanity. He contrasts Adam’s disobedience with Christ’s obedience. While sin and death spread through one man’s failure, God’s grace and the gift of righteousness come through Jesus. Paul emphasizes that just as death reigned throug…
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Jesus rejoices in the revelation of truth to the humble and contrasts it with the wise. By God's grace, anyone is considered among the humble. Christ then engages with a lawyer who asks, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” The man summarizes God’s law. The lawyer, seeking to justify himself, asks, “Who is my neighbor?” In response, …
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Genesis 8:20–9:17 Noah the soother gives off a soothing aroma after the ark rests (noahs) on the top of Mount Ararat. builds an altar and offers sacrifices, which pleases God. God delivers Noah, and his family, through the flood onto a new creation. It is the precedent and picture of God shepherding his church from this world to the glorified creat…
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Jesus sends out 72 disciples in pairs to bear two-fold witness to announce his coming. He gives them specific instructions, telling them to rely on the hospitality of those they meet, heal the sick, and proclaim that the kingdom of God has come near. Their reception in the village determines the village’s reception of the messengers. They are lambs…
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In Luke 9:51-62, Jesus resolutely sets out for Jerusalem, knowing His mission involves suffering and sacrifice. On the way, a Samaritan village rejects Him, but He rebukes His disciples for wanting to call down judgment on them. As they continue, different people express a desire to follow Jesus, but He warns them that following Him demands radical…
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Paul writes this letter to Titus in Crete. Paul encourages Titus to teach believers to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age. Believers are encouraged to see themselves stationed between two epiphanies, that is two events where God has manifested himself. On the one hand G…
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In this passage, Peter highlights the profound work of Christ in His suffering and victory, showing how the gospel reshapes everything—even our understanding of baptism. Jesus, the perfectly righteous one, suffered and died for the unrighteous to bring us to God, demonstrating that salvation is entirely a work of grace. He didn't just die; He was r…
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Mr. Sen Zorilla exhorts us this evening from Luke 17:5-10. The disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith. In response, Jesus tells them that even a small amount of faith, as small as a mustard seed, can achieve great things, such as uprooting a mulberry tree and planting it in the sea. This passage emphasizes that faith takes hold of Christ’s vic…
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Mr. Sen Zorilla exhorts us this morning from 1 Peter 4:12-19. The Apostle Peter encourages Christians to be prepared for suffering, particularly for their faith. Suffering for Christ is framed as something to rejoice in, as it means sharing in His sufferings, which will eventually lead to glory when Christ returns. Peter makes a distinction between…
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