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Afrikansk politikk

Bjørnar Østby og Maren Sæbø

En podkast hvor Maren Sæbø og Bjørnar Østby møtes et sted mellom journalistikken og konfliktforskningen for å snakke om gammelt og nytt innen afrikansk politikk. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Julie N. Tshidibu

Das „Bild der Schwarzen“ im täglichen, beruflichen Kontext ist gekennzeichnet von Überrepräsentation in Berufszweigen der „unteren“ Schichten oder aber von erfolgreichen ”Unicorns”, die Wege gegangen zu sein scheinen, die für die “Mittelschicht” unerreichbar wirken. Es gibt wenig Vorbilder, wenig Führungskräfte, und wenig Beispiele für das, was beruflich im DACH Raum für Schwarze Menschen möglich ist. Afrikanah hinterfragt das negative Bild, das in den Medien und im Alltag oft hervorgehoben ...
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Hadithi Afrika

With the Son of the African Soil: Bett Kiprono

This platform will connect you with different shows broadcast on Zanj Radio and others exclusively. The African Continental Show will air every week. Hadithi Afrika will also feature a series that will highlight stories from Kenya and beyond. It will feature diverse topics including alcoholism and substance abuse, mental health and suicide, leadership failures and successes, cultism and other humanitarian crises that happened or are happening in Africa. . Thank you for being with us.
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Afrika. Konstruktiv. Differenziert. Das ist der 55 Countries Podcast mit Julian Hilgers. Immer am 5. im Monat erscheint eine neue Folge mit einem Schwerpunktthema rund um den afrikanischen Kontinent. Julian Hilgers hat African Studies studiert und arbeitet als Journalist - am liebsten zu Themen rund um die 55 Staaten Afrikas. Fragen, Ideen und Kritik könnt ihr via Instagram oder Twitter loswerden (@55countries) oder per mail an
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Willkommen beim Afrikanische Geschichte Podcast, Ihrem Tor zu den faszinierenden und oft übersehenen Geschichten des afrikanischen Kontinents. Wir tauchen tief in die reiche und vielfältige Geschichte Afrikas ein und beleuchten Erzählungen, die häufig ignoriert, vergessen oder nicht erzählt werden. Von alten Zivilisationen und Imperien bis hin zu modernen Bewegungen und kulturellen Meilensteinen erkunden wir die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart Afrikas durch die Stimmen seiner Menschen.Jede Episo ...
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Die Bybel vir vandag @

Thru The Bible Afrikaans, Die Bybel vir Vandag

Die program “Die Bybel vir Vandag” is deel van die wêreldwye bediening van Thru the Bible. Die studiereeks is oorspronklik deur Dr J. Vernon McGee ontwerp en is al in meer as 100 tale en dialekte vertaal en aangepas. Dit is ’n daaglikse radioprogram van 30 minute wat die luisteraar sistematies deur die hele Bybel neem. Hierdie programme is nou ook aanlyn tot u beskikking. Ons is bly dat u aangedui het dat u meer van God se Woord wil leer deur na hierdie programme te luister. Ons beveel aan d ...
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Learn Afrikaans with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Ghana In Focus aims to bring you the lowdown on Ghana including critique on the hot topics making waves in Ghana as well as buying property in Ghana, renting in Ghana especially in the capital, Accra. Also looking at building a property in Ghana and some of the things to look out for such as building materials and environmental factors. We will also be looking at land acquisition in Ghana, giving insight into issues like site plan, indenture, title and land certificate. Ghana In Focus aims t ...
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Afrikaanse Manne

Hugo Swanepoel

Hierdie "Podcast" is sout van die aarde tiepe chats tussen ou en nuwe vriende. Hugo, Hardy, Dewald & vriende praat oor die verlede, die toekoms & alles tussen in. Kom join ons elke Maandag vir 'n lekker chat. Ons is daai moeilike oggend werk toe ry Radio Praatjie. Afrikaanse Manne is its nuuts vir jou ore! Kom Geniet Afrikaanse Manne; Kom Luister Afrikaanse Manne!
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A New Afrikan

Consult Cranston

On the show we discuss African heores, both past and present, and what set them apart. The show is based on a book trilogy 'A new Afrikan, by celebrated author and medical practitioner Dr Molapo Selepe
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Topics of discussion are: Afrikan Spirituality, Religious Ideology and Interpretation thereof, Know Thyself Black Woman, Health, and Spiritual Anatomy & Physiology, Guest Speakers(interviewed by Host), Guests to Interview Host,etc. Support this podcast:
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Donsie Wa Afrika

Donsie Wa Afrika

I am Donsie Wa Afrika from South Africa, Mpumalanga, Nelspruit township. One of the most experienced DJ major in Deep House, other genre's House Music. Please Follow Me on___ Facebook Donsie Wa Afrika Mobile @+27646059077
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Tarihin Afrika

RFI Hausa

Tarihin Afrika ta hanyar zamanin manyan mutanen Nahiyar. Shirin na kunshe da sautin shugabannin Afrika da suka gabata da wadanda suka yi zamani da su. Babu wanda ke iya share tarihin wata al’umma, domin duk al’ummar da ba ta da tarihi kamar duniya ce babu rayuwa. Alain Foka ne ya gabatar da shirin daga RFI sashen Faransanci a Paris wanda aka fassara zuwa Hausa.
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Dear Young Afrikan

Nana Fredua Agyeman

Welcome to 'Dear Young Afrikan' with your host, Nana Fredua Agyeman. This podcast is dedicated to empowering and inspiring the next generation of African leaders and change-makers. In each episode, we explore topics that matter most to young Africans today so whether you're all about hustling in entrepreneurship, leveling up in personal growth, or fighting for change in your community, consider this your go-to podcast. This is 'Dear Young Afrikan'—where inspiration meets action.
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Podden om Afrika

Liselott Lindström och Hanna Nordenswan

En podd om Afrika av de finlandssvenska journalisterna Hanna Nordenswan och Liselott Lindström. Hör berättelserna som sällan når över nyhetströskeln i Europa.
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Tomm Kristiansen har vært Afrika-korrespondent for NRK i mange år. Han har truffet mennesker i byen og i bushen og vært øyenvitne til de flere av Afrikas viktigste øyeblikk. I denne podcastserien forteller han personlig om hvordan han husker menneskene og begivenhetene som har preget vår samtid. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
  continue reading Afrika's ReAscension is a forum for the unapologetic, uncompromising, culturally-centered Afrikan population. Here we will deal with Afrika's wisdom ON HER OWN TERMS, untainted by foreign ideas, with the intended goal of reclaiming our birthright glory. Are you ready to lay the foundations to create societies and nations that will make KMT look small? If so, this is the place for you. We ascend above the confusion and lies told in the name of Afrika & give ...
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Raw Afrika Himself

Raw Afrika Himself

South African Performance Club Dj located in Tzaneen (Limpopo/South Africa). I Gained My Deejaying TECHNICS WITHIN CLUB SCENE AROUND my HOMETOWN & NEIGHBORHOOD CITIES. My Passion Lays Heavily In afro House Music, AfroTech & EDM, GROOVES WITH THE ESSENCES OF AFRICAN SOUL.I'm Looking forward to more challenges in house music mixing Locally & Abroad to uplift my deejaying profile. I BELIEVE THAT MUSIC IS A LANGUAGE and I SPEAK THAT PARTICULAR LANGUAGE VERY WELL.F O R B O O K I N G S Am availabl ...
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This is the beginning to understand how and why disparity and injustice exists for people of Color in America. It is not intended to demean or villify any race, sex, gender, or ethnicity. Instead it is intended to educate in order to uplift and strengthen the will of the oppressed. The understanding of the existence of GOD within every living person is the most powerful weapon available to initiate change and the metamorphosis of any person into a new being. One who fears GOD and loves all o ...
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Stories behind the culture of design problems, systems and solutions. We’re talking to creatives from every corner of Africa and learning how they use design. Brought to you by Nairobi Design (@nairobidesign_). Hosted by Adrian Jankowiak (@adrianj.ig) Edited by David King'ori. Produced by Episodes and transcripts at Thank you for tuning in, hope you enjoy the show! Please leave a review to let us know what you thought.
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True Crime South Africa – die Afrikaanse weergawe vertel die ware verhale en intrigues agter van Suid-Afrika se mees berugte en skokkende misdade ooit. Dié episodes het meer inligting wat op spesifiek die slagoffers fokus. Hier hoor jy meer oor die stories wat jy gedink het jy ken. Die episodes is nagevors, geskryf en vervaardig deur Nicole Engelbrecht vir haar gewilde True Crime South Africa reeks. Dit word oorvertel in Afrikaans deur JacarandaFM se Gerda de Sousa.
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In Afrika Besta Ik Niet

NPO Luister / ZWART

Als Nanoah in hun tienerjaren uit de kast komt bij diens Nigeriaanse vader krijgt hen te horen dat queer-zijn on-Afrikaans is. Dat is een van de redenen waarom Nanoah zich nooit verbonden heeft gevoeld met diens Nigeriaanse roots. Na de moord op George Floyd in 2020, waardoor de BLM-beweging een groter platform krijgt, lijkt het voor Nanoah ineens te moeten: verbondenheid met je roots. Maar Nanoah voelt alsnog een grote blokkade: hun queerness. Want hoe kunnen die twee dingen naast elkaar st ...
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sbA kmtyw - "Towards Pan-Afrikan Economics"

Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, PhD

sbA kmtyw - "Towards Pan-African Economics" with Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. is a weekly one-hour podcast that discusses and analyzes pertinent economic news of Africa and the African Diaspora from a Pan-African perspective. On the show we take complex economic issues drawn from the mainstream and independent news outlets of the countries of Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas and through cultural, historical and political contextualization make them comprehensible to the audience regar ...
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WuV = aktuell Unser Hauptanliegen ist es, wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen auf ihre ethischen und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen hin zu untersuchen. WuV = für alle da Jede und Jeder kann bei WuV dabeisein und mitmachen. WuV = kooperativ Den Austausch an den Universitäten sowie zwischen Universität und Öffentlichkeit zu fördern, ist uns ein großes Anliegen.
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show series
Der Krieg im Sudan ist die momentan wohl größte humanitäre Krise auf der Welt. Mehr als 30 Millionen Menschen sind laut den Vereinten Nationen auf Hilfe angewiesen. Über die Hintergründe zu diesem Krieg und die Rolle der beiden Kriegsparteien habe ich bereits vor Kurzem in Folge 51 gesprochen. Hört da also unbedingt noch mal rein, wenn ihr diesen z…
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Send us a text This week's edition of Afrika n Focus continues our review of 2024. We begin with events in Ghana that concluded with the dramatic 2024 elections, where the New Patriotic Party (NPP) experienced a huge defeat. The opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), rose to prominence with an unprecedented 56% of the vote, marki…
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In this episode, we explore the early partnership between Milton Obote and Idi Amin, two key figures in Uganda’s post-independence history. Their alliance was built on mutual necessity—Obote needed Amin’s military strength to consolidate power, while Amin relied on Obote’s political backing to rise through the ranks. But beneath the surface, ambiti…
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In dieser Episode beleuchten wir die frühe Partnerschaft zwischen Milton Obote und Idi Amin, zwei Schlüsselfiguren in der Geschichte Ugandas nach der Unabhängigkeit. Ihre Allianz beruhte auf gegenseitiger Notwendigkeit – Obote brauchte Amins militärische Stärke, um seine Macht zu festigen, während Amin auf Obotes politischen Rückhalt angewiesen war…
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In dieser Episode beleuchten wir Idi Amins Rolle bei der brutalen Niederschlagung des Mau-Mau-Aufstands in Kenia in den 1950er Jahren. Während seiner Zeit bei den King’s African Rifles lernte Amin, wie Gewalt, Furcht und Macht genutzt werden können, um Kontrolle zu erlangen. Wir erkunden, wie diese prägenden Erfahrungen seinen Führungsstil formten …
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You are perfect just the way your are, But please do not talk to me that way, Because stones might hurt, But words, … you could never heal from words thrown at you in an insensitive fashion Once again, this is the Love Train right here n Hadithi Afrika, I hope you have an amazing evening, Support the show…
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This episode delves into Idi Amin’s role in the brutal suppression of the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya during the 1950s. While serving in the King’s African Rifles, Amin learned how violence, fear, and power could be used to maintain control. We explore how these formative experiences shaped his leadership style and influenced the strategies that lat…
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Hierdie potgooi spruit direk vanaf ons Pleasant Memories Education Kindervideo YouTube Kanaal. Hoop om jou daar te sien. Hardop lees vir kinders in Afrikaans is so 'n belangrike vaardigheid, dat daar elke jaar, 'n internationale HARDOP LEES dag gehou word om bewustheid te bring oor die belangrikheid van hardop lees vir jou kind of vir jou kind wat …
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Folge 53. Seit mehr als drei Jahren gibt es nun „55 Countries“ als Podcast. Und noch immer ist das Interesse am afrikanischen Kontinent eher gering. Viel Wissen rund um die 55 Staaten fehlt noch immer, vor allem wenn es um die Geschichte geht. Stève Hiobi versucht das zu ändern. Er bezeichnet sich selbst als „Afrofluencer“ und versucht in den sozia…
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Hierdie potgooi spruit direk vanaf ons Pleasant Memories Education Kindervideo YouTube Kanaal. Hoop om jou daar te sien. Kinders moet eers speel, voordat hulle formeel kan skryf. Ons help vir mamma, juffrou en opvoeders 25 maklike aktiwiteite om te doen in hierdie Gratis Opvoedkundige Afrikaanse potgooi, om jou kind gereed te kry om met sukses hand…
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Hierdie potgooi spruit direk vanaf ons Pleasant Memories Education Kindervideo YouTube Kanaal. Hoop om jou daar te sien. Welkom by ons Afrikaanse opvoedkundige potgooi, waar ons ouers help om die meeste uit ons leesprogram vir jong kinders te haal. Ontdek hoe jy jou kind se leesvaardighede kan versterk en hul liefde vir boeke kan kweek. Bly ingeska…
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Es ist die letzte Episode für 2024, am letzten Tag von 2024 und auch die letzte Episode, bevor es eine längere Pause mit dem Afrikanah Podcast geht. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Christopher Wade, Vice President für Internal und Employee Engagement Communications bei Fresenius Medical Care. Chris teilt seine beeindruckende Lebensgeschichte, wie e…
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Hierdie potgooi spruit direk vanaf ons Pleasant Memories Education Kindervideo YouTube Kanaal. Hoop om jou daar te sien. Welkom by ons Afrikaanse Opvoedkundige potgooi, waar ons vandag gesels oor hoe jong kinders gesonde koskeuses kan maak. Ons deel praktiese wenke om kinders te help begryp watter kos gesond is en hoe om hul eie keuses te maak. Lui…
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Send us a text This week's episode of Afrika in Focus reviews the year 2024 and offers listeners an in-depth examination of the key events shaping the continent. We start with South Afrika -- With thirty years since the end of apartheid, South Africa faces a seismic political shift as the African National Congress (ANC) lost its parliamentary major…
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In dieser Episode tauchen wir in die prägenden Jahre von Idi Amin als Soldat der King’s African Rifles, der britischen Kolonialarmee, ein. Von seinen frühen Tagen als unerfahrener Rekrut bis zu seinem Aufstieg in den Rängen war Amins Militärkarriere geprägt von Disziplin, Ehrgeiz und einem unerschütterlichen Willen, hervorzustechen. Während er Aufs…
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In this episode, we delve into the formative years of Idi Amin as a soldier in the King’s African Rifles, the British colonial army. From his early days as a raw recruit to his rise through the ranks, Amin’s military career was marked by discipline, ambition, and an unyielding determination to stand out. As he suppressed rebellions and earned both …
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Beyond the Veil: Where Curiosity Knows no Limits. Welcome to "Beyond the Veil", an electrifying X Space hosted by Mbiti Mwondi and Bett Kiprono! Every Tuesday at 9 PM, we’re diving into the wildest rabbit holes of the universe—conspiracy theories, mind-bending philosophy, and the ever-enigmatic world of aliens Support the show…
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What happens when personal trauma and systemic discrimination shape a leader’s worldview? In this episode, we explore the controversial leadership of Idi Amin, Uganda’s self-styled “man of the people.” From his early life as a Kakwa Muslim under British colonial rule to his rise as a polarizing figure, we unpack the lessons—and warnings—of Amin’s s…
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To our incredible listeners from all corners of the globe and the family of Mindscape Africa, including the vibrant communities of Taboo Thursday and our other shows: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Mindscape Support the showتوسط With the Son of the African Soil: Bett Kiprono
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