A compilation of podcasts from TWiT.tv host, Mikah Sargent. Subscribe to this feed to get access to all the TWiT.tv audio and video episodes featuring Mikah.
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A compilation of podcasts from TWiT.tv host, Mikah Sargent. Subscribe to this feed to get access to all the TWiT.tv audio and video episodes featuring Mikah.
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Aktuelle Themen mit Aha-Effekt - zum Lachen, Lernen und Weitersagen. Bei uns kommen Kinder und Experten zu Wort, es gibt Rätsel, Witze, Reportagen, Buch- und Basteltipps, Experimente und Musik.
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Bi-Weekly Soulful, Deep, Jazzy & Afro House Music Podcast
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Junior the Himbo although a genuis about anime. Broghan (Yes it's a weird name) our favorite GenZ Boomer. And Mikayla who is just happy to be here :) Three friends who are just trying to make it to 30yrs.
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Prekaarisuus, taide, feminismi ja ilmastokriisi. Podcast, joka antaa voimaa kamppailla arjessa. Äänessä Veikka Lahtinen ja Pontus Purokuru. Yhteydenotot ja yhteistyöehdotukset: mikameitavaivaa@gmail.com Arvostelukappaleet yms. posti: Mikä meitä vaivaa / Purokuru, Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, PL 14, 00530 Helsinki (huom. iso B oleellinen)
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Abenteuer im Kopf: Hier findet ihr lustige, spannende und informative Kinder-Hörspiele und Lesungen. Außerdem gibt es unsere neue Märchen-Reihe: Der Schauspielern Stefan Kaminski liest die Klassiker der Brüder Grimm. Alles für euch von Mikado, dem Kinderprogramm im NDR.
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Welcome to the Mikayo podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Streetcast de Mika @paquetmi sur Twitter
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Welcome to the mikail podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast by mikasouza
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In this podcast I am talking about Rheumatoid Arthritis and go through the pathobiology of it.
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Vill du öka din försäljning ännu mer? Vill du få insikter från toppsäljare och erfarna säljchefer? Då har du kommit rätt! I den här podcasten diskuterar vi världens bästa ämne, sälj!🚀 Mikael Arndt är en av Sveriges främsta föreläsare inom försäljning. Han har över 40 års erfarenhet av försäljning och har de senaste 20 åren föreläst för säljare i över 25 länder runt om i världen. Han har också byggt upp säljbolag med över 300 säljare samtidigt och sålt flera bolag till internationella storbol ...
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Welcome to the 🍒Mikaela_peached podcast, drama world 😏
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Welcome to Mikala P, where amazing things happen.
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Your weekly dose of Islamic Podcast from MIKAIL Kaiserslautern. Seri monolog, dialog, dan tanya jawab interaktif tentang keislaman. yuk follow dan share jika dirasa bermanfaat !
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For my Creative Nonfiction Project, I will be discussing Alzheimer's disease.
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株式会社mikanの Podcastチャンネルです。 プロダクト開発の考え方や、社内のカルチャーを中心に話します。 お便り・ご感想は #timesmikan または https://app.mikan.link/times-mikan まで。 --- mikanは採用強化中です。 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご連絡ください! ■会社紹介資料 https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/culture-deck ■メンバーページ。入社理由ブログやSNSリンクが記載されています。 https://mikan.link/members ■技術ブログ https://mikan-tech.hatenablog.jp/ ■技術スタック https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/techstack ■公開カンバン https://app.mikan.link/issueboard ■募集職種 https://herp.careers/v1/mikan
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Today, we talk about the popular topic, should phones be allowed in the classroom. Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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hello! I am mika and I talk about kpop and etc.
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Welcome to the Mikayla Muff podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Twee havo-5 leerlingen die praten over allerlei onderwerpen.Elke vrijdag een nieuwe aflevering.Veel luisterplezier!
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Welcome to the Mikayla Childress podcast, where amazing things happen.
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World's Tallest Fitness/Fetish Model Talk Show
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Moments with Mikaylia is a podcast to discuss issues from faith, to Black millennials, life, and everything in between. Be sure to follow, like, share, and subscribe on all social media outlets! YT: Mikaylia Dudley FB: @momentswithmikayliapodcast Twitter: @mikayliamoments IG: @momentswithmikayliainc LinkedIn: Mikaylia A. Dudley Periscope: @mikayliaaleece To patronize the podcast, please see below Cash App: $momentswithmikaylia Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/momentswithmikaylia For Booking ...
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Jogo coisa velha, gosto de filme merda e sou um rabugento. Você não vai encontrar nada de bom por aqui, não diga que não avisei.
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Gue nggak bisa lunch bareng semua orang, jadi gue ngerekam podcast agar lo bisa dengerin apa yang kira-kira akan gue bahas seandainya gue ngobrol sama lo.
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Mika dan Echan akan memberikan rekomendasi kepada kamu untuk banyak hal (yang mungkin tidak kamu perlukan).
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Seuls au monde
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A kickback a group of friends hang out, Tell stories have fun and mess around definitely a place you wanna join into and not miss out on
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The Catcher and the Rye Podcast
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ALFA制作番組「Last of Mikatty」の公式ブログです。『Last of Mikatty 80's』あの番組が帰って来た!個性派トークでリスナーの心を掴んで離さない不思議系番組Last of Mikatty。Mikattyの日常のひとコマから、大好きな80年代に纏わるエピソードまでを語り尽くします!更に今度は新しいパーソナリティ(記録媒体?)も加わってますますパワーアップです!
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Mikä maksaa? etsii vastauksia tavallista kansalaista askarruttaviin talouden kysymyksiin. Minne rahamme menevät? Ja kuka rahan kulkusuunnan lopulta päättää? Entä mitä kansalaisen pitäisi tietää kansantaloudesta ja globaalitaloudesta? Ohjelma on suora lähetys, ja vieraina on talouselämän vaikuttajia ja asiantuntijoita. Toimittaja Juho-Pekka Rantala Taustatoimittaja Jussi Pylväs Kuva Jukka Lintilä & Hans Weckman Tuottaja Marjo Harju
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An all new sport commentary show and podcast by Minds Wide Open Media, hosted by the Atlanta loving and real keepin' it, Mikal B.
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Geheime Verschwörungen, gemeine Belagerungen, irre Entdeckungen, wirre Verwicklungen - reist mit Moderatorin Cleo Punkt Patra und den Zeitreportern in die Vergangenheit!
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Sea of flames
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bonjour dans cette chaîne de podcast vous trouverez ici des conseils pour mieux vendre ou mieux louer votre bien bien immobilier, notre site web : https://www.kwpartners.fr/ tous nos réseaux sociaux : https://www.apibots.io/mikaelmoing
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Germany Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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Was essen die Grönländer am liebsten? Zu welcher Musik tanzt man in Tansania? Welche Tiere leben in Australien? Wo gibt es die längste Eisenbahnstrecke der Welt? Mikado nimmt euch mit auf eine akustische Reise rund um den Erdball. Ihr hört Wale singen und Rentiere rufen, das Grummeln der Vulkane in Island und die flirrende Luft der afrikanischen Wüste.
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Jakso 116: Ulkoistettu ajattelu
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Intro: Podcast-jumppaPontuksen kuuluminen: hyperbolaa, hyperkytkeytymistä, hyperkiihtymistä eli syksy on tullut.Veikan kuuluminen: Uhkaako grantifikaatio eli apurahaistuminen hävittää aktivismin ja valkokaulustyön rajat?Pontuksen vaiva: Ajattelun ulkoistaminen erilaisille järjestelmille on aikamme ilmiö, jota voi havainnollistaa kolmella esimerkill…
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I veckans avsnitt så pratar jag om merförsäljning – det snabbaste sättet att öka försäljningen! Du får höra hur de mest framgångsrika företagen använder sig av merförsäljning och hur du kan dra nytta av upselling och cross-selling för att ta din försäljning till nästa nivå. In och lyssna, nu kör vi! Vill du veta mer om min säljutbildning The Academ…
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On Hands-On Mac, Mikah answers questions about adjusting a setting within the Google Maps app, whether there's a difference in audio and video quality between a Roku TV and an Amazon Fire stick, what music players will work for Android to play all the songs of an individual artist, getting legacy hardware to connect to an iPhone hotspot, and what p…
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On Hands-On Mac, Mikah answers questions about adjusting a setting within the Google Maps app, whether there's a difference in audio and video quality between a Roku TV and an Amazon Fire stick, what music players will work for Android to play all the songs of an individual artist, getting legacy hardware to connect to an iPhone hotspot, and what p…
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Was für ein Haustier habt ihr und wie ist das so drauf? Erzählt Martin davon, was ihr mit euren Tieren schon erlebt habt - in unserem Live-Podcast!
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Wir stellen euch fünf Bücher für Kinder vor - mal spannend, mal witzig, mal nachdenklich - und alle absolut lesenswert!
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Tech News Weekly 360: GitHub Copilot Goes Multi-Model
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Like Google, Amazon has a list of products the tech company discontinued. Is one of your favorites on the list? What Apple announced this past "Mac Week." What GitHub announced at its GitHub Universe 2024 event. And how Apple's Genmoji generator will operate when it's released with the future iOS 18.2 release. Mikah Sargent talks about a great arti…
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Tech News Weekly 360: GitHub Copilot Goes Multi-Model
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Like Google, Amazon has a list of products the tech company discontinued. Is one of your favorites on the list? What Apple announced this past "Mac Week." What GitHub announced at its GitHub Universe 2024 event. And how Apple's Genmoji generator will operate when it's released with the future iOS 18.2 release. Mikah Sargent talks about a great arti…
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Unleash the full potential of macOS's Preview app as Mikah explores how to combine, rearrange, and edit PDFs without needing third-party tools. From duplicating files to protect originals, deleting unnecessary pages, and mastering the Contact Sheet view for seamless page reordering, this episode is packed with practical tips. Mikah also demonstrate…
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In this episode, Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard explore Apple's powerful iWork suite of productivity apps. Learn why these free alternatives to Microsoft Office and Google Workspace deserve your attention. The hosts break down the advanced features of Pages for document creation, Numbers for spreadsheets and data visualization, and Keynote for …
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I veckans poddavsnitt intervjuar jag NLP-coachen Tommy Bysell. NLP (neuro-lingvistisk programmering) är ett samlingsbegrepp för tekniker och metoder för att förstå och påverka mänskligt beteende och kommunikation. Vi pratar om allt från hur du skapar bättre kemi med dina kunder, hur du bemöter rädslan för att bli avvisad i säljsammanhang, till hur …
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On Hands-On Mac, Mikah answers questions about Cloudflare's WARP app and VPNs, whether there's a program to help remove duplicate music files on a computer, and the best cloud storage option for a viewer! Susan writes in, asking if Cloudflare's + WARP app could work as a VPN. D A is looking for an application that can find and remov…
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On Hands-On Mac, Mikah answers questions about Cloudflare's WARP app and VPNs, whether there's a program to help remove duplicate music files on a computer, and the best cloud storage option for a viewer! Susan writes in, asking if Cloudflare's + WARP app could work as a VPN. D A is looking for an application that can find and remov…
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Wieder heißt es Mitknobeln und Daumen drücken. In verschiedenen Raterunden treten Schulkinder gegen ihre Lehrerin an. Wer ist besser beim Lösen der kniffligen, verdrehten, lustigen Rätsel? Zum Star der "Rätselhaft"-Sendungen ist der Schiedsrichter geworden: Herr Müller, ein gutmütiger Hund, der immer den Überblick behält. Diesmal hat er eine Überra…
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Tech News Weekly 359: FIDO Alliance Explains Passkeys Portability
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Would you use an AI chatbot in your disagreements with your significant other? A discussion on mental health and the complexities with AI technology and social interactions. The FIDO Alliance published new specs to help promote credential portability. And Apple releases the next wave of upcoming Apple Intelligence features in the latest developer b…
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Tech News Weekly 359: FIDO Alliance Explains Passkeys Portability
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Would you use an AI chatbot in your disagreements with your significant other? A discussion on mental health and the complexities with AI technology and social interactions. The FIDO Alliance published new specs to help promote credential portability. And Apple releases the next wave of upcoming Apple Intelligence features in the latest developer b…
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Learn how to export PDFs like a pro using macOS's Preview app. This episode covers key tips on compressing PDFs, using Quartz filters for unique effects, and locking or password-protecting your documents to secure your content. Whether you're optimizing file sizes or preventing edits, this step-by-step guide will help you take control of your PDFs …
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Hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard dive deep into Apple's powerful Continuity features, exploring the seamless integration between Apple devices. Learn how to master essential features like AirDrop, Universal Clipboard, and Handoff to boost your productivity. Don't forget Continuity Camera, iPhone mirroring to Mac, and Universal Control! Plus…
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I veckans avsnitt av podden så pratar jag om hur du säljer mer på mässor. Jag går igenom några av de absolut vanligaste misstagen och hur du istället ska göra för att få in fler kvalificerade leads som leder till ökad försäljning. In och lyssna nu kör vi! Är du intresserad av att rekrytera en ny säljare eller säljchef? Läs mer om hur vi hjälper för…
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From transferring data between external hard drives to setting up content filtering on your home network, Mikah provides expert advice and step-by-step guidance to help you solve your tech problems. He also delves into the world of AirTags, offering tips on how to make the most of their notification features, and discusses the pros and cons of usin…
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From transferring data between external hard drives to setting up content filtering on your home network, Mikah provides expert advice and step-by-step guidance to help you solve your tech problems. He also delves into the world of AirTags, offering tips on how to make the most of their notification features, and discusses the pros and cons of usin…
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MikaySA Oct Mixtape 2024 MikaySA - Before Sunrise (Original Mix) (Unreleased) D. General feat. Nastic Groove - City Streets SpheraQ - Kalee (Original Mix) Exte C - On The Edge Sculpured Music - May 80-81 (MikaySA's Bootleg Remix) (Unreleased) D. General feat. Exte C - Seventeen Earful Soul, Poizen & Kabza De Small - You Can Win MikaySA - If I Could…
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Tüfteln, hacken und coden - darum geht es bei der Code Week, die noch bis zum 27.Oktober in Hamburg stattfindet. Aber auch außerhalb dieser Veranstaltung können schon Kinder tolle Sachen programmieren. Wir haben zwei Kinder aus dem Schülerforschungszentrum Hamburg zu Gast, die selbst z.B. einen Fahrradcomputer oder ein Handschriftlesegerät entwicke…
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Chris findet es toll, die neuen Erfindungen auszuprobieren, auch wenn sein Vater immer wieder warnt: "Vorsicht, das ist noch nicht ausgereift!".
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Tech News Weekly 358: FTC's New Click-to-Cancel Rule
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The FTC is making it easier for you to cancel your subscriptions. Apple is celebrating ten years of Apple Pay. Android 15 is rolling out now to Pixel devices. And Amazon announced new Kindle devices, set to be released at the end of October. Fresh off her appearance on This Week in Tech, Jennifer Pattison Tuohy celebrates the FTC's new rule, making…
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Tech News Weekly 358: FTC's New Click-to-Cancel Rule
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The FTC is making it easier for you to cancel your subscriptions. Apple is celebrating ten years of Apple Pay. Android 15 is rolling out now to Pixel devices. And Amazon announced new Kindle devices, set to be released at the end of October. Fresh off her appearance on This Week in Tech, Jennifer Pattison Tuohy celebrates the FTC's new rule, making…
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Just because you downloaded a JPG doens't mean you're stuck with a JPG. Mikah Sargent shows you how to use Preview on macOS to converte image file types, adjust image compression, and access hidden/legacy export options. Convert image file types using Preview on Mac - Apple Support - https://support.apple.com/guide/preview/convert-image-file-types-…
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Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard dive into the exciting new features headed to your Apple devices. From intelligent notification summaries to AI-powered focus modes, the hosts explore new tricks all iPhone users should try out! In the Feedback segment, the duo tackles a tricky iMessage issue for users with multiple SIM cards, offering practical s…
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In Episode 25 of the JBM Podcast, Junior, Broghan, and Mikayla dive into a mix of pop culture and politics that will keep you hooked! Topics: P. Diddy Drama: We get into the latest controversies surrounding P. Diddy and why he’s been getting a lot of heat. Is he really as terrible as people say? Let’s talk about it. Chappell Roan’s Election Decisio…
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I veckans avsnitt av podden intervjuar jag Judymay Murphy, en internationellt erkänd framgångscoach och författare vars åtta böcker har publicerats i 28 länder och översatts till sju språk. Med omfattande medieerfarenhet, inklusive över 200 internationella TV-framträdanden, är hon en eftertraktad expert för coacher, författare och talare världen öv…
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On Hands-On Mac, Mikah answers a listener's follow-up question about being unable to remotely access their friends' Mac after a recent update, why an external drive is taking a while to be detected by a newer Mac, and a previous listener's follow-up question about a connection error they were having with their Apple TV and an interesting fix that w…
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On Hands-On Mac, Mikah answers a listener's follow-up question about being unable to remotely access their friends' Mac after a recent update, why an external drive is taking a while to be detected by a newer Mac, and a previous listener's follow-up question about a connection error they were having with their Apple TV and an interesting fix that w…
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Schloss Einstein, Hanni & Nanni oder auch Harry Potter: Geschichten über Kinder im Internat gibt es viele. Aber wie ist das wirklich, so ein Leben im Internat? Das finden wir diese Woche bei Mikado für euch heraus.
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Tech News Weekly 357: Internet Archive Hacked
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Apple TV+ can now be accessed through Prime Video. The latest on the Google Antitrust case and what the judge is considering doing with Google. And officials are facing antisemitic attacks on X over the response to Hurricane Helene. Dan Moren joins Mikah Sargent on the podcast this week. Dan talks about Apple and Amazon striking a deal between one …
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Tech News Weekly 357: Internet Archive Hacked
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Apple TV+ can now be accessed through Prime Video. The latest on the Google Antitrust case and what the judge is considering doing with Google. And officials are facing antisemitic attacks on X over the response to Hurricane Helene. Dan Moren joins Mikah Sargent on the podcast this week. Dan talks about Apple and Amazon striking a deal between one …
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You might have heard about the new feature in macOS Sequoia, iOS 18, and iPadOS 18 that lets you schedule a message to send later, but have you figured out how to do it? Mikah Sargent shows you where to find the Send Later feature and shares everything you need to know about using it. Schedule a message on Mac to send later - Apple Support - https:…
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Hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard showcase must-have accessories to complement your latest Apple devices. Check out the MOFT Snap Flow, a versatile MagSafe-compatible notebook and stand, and get a look at Apple's clear case for the iPhone 16 Pro Max. The duo also suggests Belkin's new AirPods cleaning kit, Anker's innovative dual USB-C cable…
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In this jam-packed Episode 24 of the JBM Podcast, Junior, Broghan, and Mikayla are back with a mix of real-life stories and internet drama that you won’t want to miss! Topics: Junior’s Community Service: We get the inside scoop on Junior’s court-ordered community service, and let’s just say it’s a story for the books! 😂 Internet Celebrity Controver…
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I veckans avsnitt pratar jag om Storytelling och hur du använder det för att öka din försäljning. Vi går igenom varför berättelser engagerar dina kunder på ett djupare plan och hur forskning visar att Storytelling påverkar köpbeslut. In och lyssna nu kör vi! Vill du veta mer om mina säljutbildningar som jag nämner i avsnittet? Maila mig på mikael@a…
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