Learning to Walk by faith while establishing a relationship with the one who made me! Check out our website: https://theholyghostandme.net/ .
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Have you ever flown a kite? Learn how to fly your kite the correct way by staying connected to the master!
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Don’t loose hope, Gods working on the promise. He is your promise keeper!
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Are you ready to learn about submission? This episode breaks down the meaning and importance of submission. Check it out!
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Have you ever tried to make a plan and everything seemed to go astray. Well maybe it’s because you didn’t allow the Holy Ghost to takeover! Check out this podcast to learn the importance of yielding all your plans to God!
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Stop Letting the devil punk you out of the places you know you are called to be! You are anointed and called to be right where you are! Watch God move!
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We are launching our new daily devotional! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0578830310/ref=dbs_a_w_dp_0578830310
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Stop running from caterpillars and wait for butterfly transformation!
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Get ready this is your year of maturity and growth! God is about to complete what he started!!! Get Ready! Be Ready! Stay Ready!
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Remember that something’s in life ain’t got nothing to do with you! Get you some steel toe boots and kick it off!
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Life is full of Disappointments take them to the throne!
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In this episode I define HOPE in a unique context. Take a listen!
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A quick reminder to mind Gods business! Matthew 6:33
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It’s a New Season
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Full Circle Moments
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God Has the Last Word
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Mind your business God doesn’t need your help to complete the promise!
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Get ready to break every strong hold and get rid of every misplaced spiritual snake!
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Chile you can’t run from God so stop trying!
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Speak your truth with the wisdom of God by your side!!
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Check your thought life!
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Stop being double minded and make up your mind! Job 22:28
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Chile go rest!
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Is your spiritual house dirty maybe it’s time to clean your house and prepare a place for God to move! He can’t add something into your life if your holding on to the past. Let it go! And go clean your dirty house!!
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Gods trying to get your attention are you ready to listen??
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Learn how to operate in faith! Activate your faith and watch your oranges manifest!
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When God tells you something know that it’s on the way!! So go rest under the oak tree of the Holy Ghost!
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Baby! Check yourself are you being Selfish, Self-less, or a Doormat!!
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Are you waiting for a sign that your miracle is on the way, we’ll listen to this episode!
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It’s Bible Study Time!! Let’s study together!!
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Hunny who are you holding unforgiveness towards! Don’t you know that’s not hurting them it’s hurting you! Drop that anchor and love like you never been hurt before! Don’t let the devil have a seat at your table!
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Are you tired of that old season! Well maybe it’s time to let it go! Walk into your new beginning! Expect Gods favor and grace today!
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Are you in a season you don’t like. Well hunny declare that you are completing that season and moving into a new season! Expect Gods greatness!
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You ever Felt tired and wanted to give up! I’m here to tell you to keep your hands raised! God got you!!
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A L.I.L. Zo takeover where she teaches you to trust God and trust yourself. A child’s perspective!
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A L.I.L. Zo take over about helping other people! A child’s perspective!
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The First episode of Lil ZO taking over! Learn about God our protector from the eyes of lil Zo.
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Do you know your true identity? Well this episode will teach you about that true identity . An interview with L.I.L. Zo! A child’s perspective!
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God gives us the pieces, the directions, and spiritual guidance. It’s our decision to actively choose to follow him to complete the puzzle.
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Are you ready? Gods working on something, he’s creating full circles! Expect his greatness!
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You are a mighty warrior! So act like it!! Rise up and know your authority!
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Sit in Your Holy Ghost Rocker, with your Ice Tea and Your Holy Ghost Shotgun and Be Unbothered
Have you ever seen an old southern man on his porch, he’s often sitting on the porch with a glass of tea, a shotgun and is truly unbothered! That’s how you have to be in the spirit! So get read this podcast will teach you how to rock in the spirit, drink your ice tea, and carry your Holy Ghost licensed shotgun!…
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How many friends do you have? I only have a few and even then only a couple are members of my inner circle. I often need true warriors to pray fight with me that’s my Holy Ghost crew (HGC)! I think it’s time for you to identify your HGC!
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Your a Warrior and it’s time to act like it! It doesn’t matter what the battle looks like it’s already won! And guess what god gets the glory and you get the promise! So get it together Warrior! Rise up and fight for your life!
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Have you ever been over eager to get something and then you finally get it and your like wait I’m not ready? Have you ever wanted something but kept saying not yet God...I’m not ready? Well maybe it’s time to stop saying I’m not ready and get ready for what God is about to do!
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Ever Warrior needs to be reminded to keep there guard up. So I’m reminding you just because it’s quiet in your house to keep your guard up!
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Can God really trust you? Are you truly ready for what you have been asking for?
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Ever wondered how to find your god given gifts and talents. Well listen close to today’s episode.
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Who is the Holy Ghost?
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Have you ever had a long week and just couldn’t wait till Friday showed up? I know I have. Well this episode details how everyday should be a Friday for you when your following the Holy Ghost!
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Have you ever found yourself with little faith? Well you have to listen to this! A special guest talks about her lifelong experience with faith! You don’t want to miss it!!! Faith without world is dead!
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