Interview of the people who have excelled in their field with their dedication, devotion and determination. In this podcast channel you might listen to writers, poets, doctors, teachers, professors, business professionals, psychologists, coaches etc who have started with several difficulties but at the end they got what they really dreamt of. Every guest has something unique to share which can ignite some sparks in you as well. While taking the interview I have a learnt a lot from each of th ...
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Episode 3 Shiksha pe Charcha with Nitin Menaria
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29:37Nitin Menaria is the executive manager of Bal Vinay Mandir in Udaipur, Rajasthan.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 2 Poetess & Writer Vasudha Goyal sharing her poetic essence
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31:57Vasudha Goyal has recently published her anthology 'Kasturi' and has been writing for magazines and many other poetic groups for a long time. Let's listen to her views about poetry and life.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 1 Inner Self Conversation with Manoj Joshi, Founder of IT Solutions & Services
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42:48Manoj Joshi, the founder of IT Solutions and Services has been in the field of IT for a decade and has reached to a new level of accomplishments in the field of his passion and interest with his firm will power, determination and perseverance.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 29 एक सोलह वर्षीय लड़के मलय का डॉ मलय कुमार झा के रूप में केंद्रीय विद्यालय के सफल प्रधानाचार्य तक का सफर
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1:00:35आज के एपिसोड में हम सुनेंगे डॉ मलय कुमार झा जी को जो कि केंद्रीय विद्यालय के प्रधानाचार्य हैं और जिन्होंने २००० से ऊपर कवितायेँ लिखी हैं. सभी विद्यार्थी, शिक्षक और जोश व जूनून की क़द्र करने वालों को ये साक्षात्कार अवश्य ही सुनना चाहिए. और यदि आपको सुनने में आनंद आया और आप कुछ सीख पाए तो अपने सभी प्रिय जनों के साथ साझा करना न भूलें .…
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Episode 26 Lions Club GC Yoga Propagation and Yog Guru Satyapal Chugh Ji
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41:25सत्यपाल चुघ जी को मैं पिछले पांच वर्षों से व्यक्तिगत तौर पे जानती हूं। इनसे हमारी मुलाकात योग की वजह से हुई थी। हमने किराए पे एक फ्लैट लिया था और उस के सामने बहुत ही प्रचलित शनि मंदिर था। वहां सुबह सुबह हर रोज कुछ लोगों को योग करते देख पूछा कि मैं भी उनके साथ कैसे सामिल हो सकती हूं। तभी वहां गुरुजी के रूप में स्वर्गवासीय सतपाल चंगोत्रा जी थे। उन्हो…
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Episode 30: Life Story of Surinder Kumar Dhawan, Sharing lifelong journey from a kid who lost his father to a retired Bank Manager
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48:39An inspiring story in hindi. Must listen for every such individual who thinks that he doesn't have anything or he is not capable of doing anything. An inspirational story of a life time learner.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 31 १७ वर्ष स शिक्षण क्षेत्र में कार्यरत प्रधानाचार्य मधुकर झा जी के शिक्षा सम्बन्धी विचार व अनुभव
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1:28:49मैथिल मन मंदिर के छठम एपिसोड में छथि एक अद्भुत मास्टर साहब जे जाहि विद्यालय में पढ़ला ओहि में पढ़बे लेल सेहो एला और फेर कहियो पाछू मुड़ के नई देखला । जी आई के अपन सभक साथी छथि मधुकर झा जी। आई अपने जी डी गोयनका विद्यालय के प्रधान आचार्य छथ। बिरला विद्यालय और उषा मार्टिन विद्यालय के पटना में स्थापना में अपने के ही हाथ छन। आई के पीढ़ी के शिक्षक, माता पिता…
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Episode: 33 मिथिला के सशक्त बेटी एक परिष्कृत कवित्री, अनुपमा झा
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57:15अनुपमा झा जी अनुनाद के नाम सा अपन संकलन के प्रकाशित केने छथि. सब गोटे हिनकर काव्य के आनद उठबे लेल और हिनकर विचार सा परिचित होय के लेल पूरा सुनू.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 34 मनोवैज्ञानिक, मनोविश्लेषक, REBT , CBT और अन्य psychotherapies में निपुण डॉ चीनू अग्रवाल जी से बातचीत
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56:26डॉ चीनू अग्रवाल BHMS करने के उपरांत मनोविज्ञान के क्षेत्र से जुड़ी और फिर मनोविज्ञान में पीएचडी किया. उसके साथ ही डॉ चीनू ने मनोविज्ञान के क्षेत्र में बहुत सरे शोध किये हैं और कई थेरपीएस में महारथ हासिल की है. इनका 'फीलिंग माइंडस' के नाम पे यूट्यूब चैनल भी हैं और साथ ही ये समय समय पे तरह तरह के बच्चों के लिए, वयस्कों के लिए, शिक्षकों के लिए, ट्रेनर …
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Episode 35 Words of expression by Brilliant Poetess of Hindi English and Urdu: Aafiya Siddiqui
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47:20Aafiya Siddiqui a brilliant poetess writes in Hindi English and Urdu expressing her deep thoughts using the vast vocabulary stock that she has built up in her life. Must listen and share the sweet voice of Aafiya and enjoy her poems.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 36: Journey of Graphologist and founder of A to Z Graphology, Zubin Vevaina
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36:58Zubin Vevaina the founder of A to Z Graphology started his journey in graphology in the year 2005. He had started learning Graphology more out of curiosity than any particular purpose. Graphology not only proved to be practically correct but also gave positive, life-changing results like no other subject to Zubin Vevaina. As per Zubin, "Genuine pro…
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Episode 37: Poetic life journey of Vasudha Goyal
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34:10Vasudha Goyal is a poetess who has published many of her poems and expresses it elegantly in simple but profound words.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 39: Poetic Journey of Jigna Mehta, who explores spirituality through her words.
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33:48Jigna Mehta a poetess in hindi who expresses her emotions in words and touches hearts.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 40: डॉक्टर कीर्तिनाथ झा जी, आँखक डॉक्टर, मेडिकल कॉलेजक प्रोफेसर आ मैथिली लेखक के संग मैथिली पर विशेष चर्चा
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1:00:42लोहना सा लॉस वेगास तक के यात्रा वृतांत के लेखक, तिरुवल्लुर के कुरल के मैथिली अनुवादक, खलील जिब्रान के 'द ब्रोकन विंग्स' के 'टूटल पाइख' के नाम सा मैथिली अनुवादक और जड़ी नामक काव्य संकलन के अलावा मैथिली साहित्य में अपन योगदान देबे बाला डॉक्टर साहब कीर्तिनाथ जी के ह्रदय सा नमन। मैथिली साहित्य के लेल कीर्तिनाथ जी जेहन और बहुत गोटेक आवश्यकता थिक। अपने सब…
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Episode 41: Expressing Philosophy and Spirituality of the Psychologist Gauri Row Kavi
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56:31Gauri Row Kavi, the founder of Self Align, an affiliated center of Albert Ellis Institute. She is a Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist and Life coach Certified Assessor of Development Centres (XLRI), Certified in many psychometric assessment tools, like MBTI, DISC, 16 PF, E.Q, etc. Specialties: Certified practioner of well known …
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Episode: 42 Business Development Specialist & Strategist, John D Allen
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47:04John D Allen from London, Canada Metropolitan Area sharing his life long journey as a business development specialist who has helped more than thousands of small business personnel in his journey of 19 years as a business development coach. John himself came out of the death bed to help many small business holders as the supporter of the Big Guy wi…
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Episode 43: रंजना बंसल जी के काव्यात्मक सफर की रोचक यात्रा
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1:06:11रंजना बंसल जी एक कमल की कवित्री हैं जो कि बड़ी ही सहजता से बहुत ही गहरी से गहरी बात को अपने शब्दों के माध्यम से कह जाती है। इनकी जिंदगी की कहानी भी एक मिशाल है उन सभी स्त्रियों के लिए जो कई बार बंधनों में बंधकर स्वयं को ही भूल जाती हैं। परिवारऔर स्कूल के साथ साथ समाज के प्रति अपने दायित्व को भी पूरा करती आई है। जिस तरीके से इन्होने बात की है ऐसा लगत…
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Episode 44: काव्य गुरु संजीव शुक्ला जी के द्वारा पारम्परिक हिंदी कविता की सुंदरता का विश्लेषण
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1:11:25संजीव शुक्ला जी पारम्परिक हिंदी में छंद और सवैयों की प्रस्तुति करते हैं और साथ ही नवयुवकों को हिंदी भाषा के लिए प्रेरित करते है। उन्होंने काव्य के प्रति अपने रुझान को बड़ी ही सादगी के साथ साझा किया है। हमे इनके जैसे लोगों की समाज में बहुत जरूरत है जो युवा पीढ़ी को भाषा के असल अस्तित्व को दिखते है।توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 46: Story of graphologist Nidhi Chugh from a fantasy designer to Writeright trainer
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46:03Nidhu Chugh has been working as an interior designer for the first five years of her professional life using her vastu knowledge and numerology skills. At present she is on a drive to spread awareness among the people about graphology. Let's listen to Nidhi Chugh and learn the importance of graphology and vastu from her experiences.…
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Episode 45: Life Story of Emotional Intelligence Author, Speaker and Mind Trainer: Vasant Agarwal
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59:39Vasant Agarwal is the Director at Discover My Mind, a Lifeskills platform, and the author of several books including “The Complete Guide to Emotional Intelligence”, "Parenting with Emotional Intelligence", “The Accidental Addict" and "The Power of Positive Thinking”. He is a speaker at international conferences across India, a Director in the India…
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Episode 48: रंग मंच के खिलाडी और कविता प्रेमी रंगकर्मी अनुज शुक्ल की काव्य यात्रा
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49:00Must listen to the brilliant theatre artist Anuj Shukla.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 49: A Spiritual Poetic Mentor, editor and publisher Alta H Mabin, specialist in Haiku from South Africa sharing her poetic journey
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1:05:31Alta H Mabin is a publisher of two international poetry magazines : Poets unlimited and Haiku for your soul. She helps the budding writers to compose poems and let them publish their poems in her collections. She writes more on spirituality and inner awakening. It was a great moment interacting with Alta for almost an hour and sharing that with all…
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Episode 50: Story of the host of 'The Inspiring Talk' Bijay Gautam who is on a mission to share whatever he has learnt in his journey of life
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1:02:58Bijay Gautam is the Co-founder of WYN Studio, a creative content studio specialising in audio storytelling and podcasts. He hosts one of the top podcasts in India- The Inspiring Talk reaching over half a million people. On this podcast, he chats with top entrepreneurs, best-selling Authors, Thought leaders and celebrities about their journey. His p…
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Episode 51: The bold and daring intellectual Indian Clinical Psychologist Shruti Ahuja sharing her learnings on how to control addiction
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52:15Clinical and health psychologist with work experience in education, sales and management from Budapest,Hungary. Currently, she is self-employed and conducts training and coaching seminars for mental health professionals and students. She has a strong background with multiple cultures and she loves meeting people from different parts of the world.. …
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Episode 13: Principal of Shana School sharing her views on education and the requirements in the field of education for the development of our society
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56:17Pushpalata Jha is a self made woman of India who started as a teacher, established her own school and now she is a principal of Shana International school in Bikaner which follows the tradition of Gurukul. Despite living away from Mithila, she reserves the core culture and value of Mithila and has a special place in heart for her mother land. Liste…
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Episode: 10 कर्ण कपूर जी की अनुपम जीवन यात्रा उनकी ओजपूर्ण कविताओं के सृजन के साथ
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35:16कर्ण कपूर साहित्य के क्षेत्र में अपनी एक अलग छाप छोड़ रहे हैं। कर्ण जी की कई कविताएं, लेख व अन्य रचनाएं प्रकाशित हो चुकी है। अभी हाल में ही इनकी एकल काव्य संग्रह "खुद से मुलाकात" प्रकाशित हुई है। ये रंगमंच की चकाचौंध वाली फिल्मों की दुनिया में भी अपने हुनर का प्रदर्शन कर रहे है। आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इसे पूरा सूने और अपने प्रतिक्रिया भी व्यक्त करे…
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Episode:09 Be Safe' and make the nation Safe inspired by the words of Deepti Shankar: the founder of 'Safe Campus'
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38:29Interview of Deepti Shankar, the founder of 'Safe Campus'توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 08 एक सफल डॉक्टर के असल सफलता के राज़ जानू रेडियोलाजिस्ट डॉक्टर अच्युत आनंद झा
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33:45Interview of the Radiologist Dr Achyutanand Jha in Maithiliتوسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 07: Aarti Jha, Founder of Maithili Community 'Sakhi Bahinpa'
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26:11Aarti Jha sharing her views for Maithili and mithilanchal. She is doing a great work for the local business in Mithila.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 06 An Author Who Created his own Path in the field of literature, Anchal Mogla
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28:24Anchal Mogla is a self made poet and author working with dairy technology and a constant learner. recently got a certificate as a graphologist.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 05: निधि सहगल जी की किशोरी से युवती तक की साहित्य यात्रा
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20:55Poetess and editor of Shabdanchal sharing her life journey from a simple life to a fulfilling poetess life.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode: 04 अनिता जी की शब्दों की दुनिया
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27:35Listen to the renowned poetess and Doha Guru Anita Sudhir mam to know about her journey as a poetess.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode: 03 प्रचलित कवि व लेखक नितिन मेनारिया जी के जीवनमूल्य Nitin Menaria
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15:35Nitin Menaria has been associated with the field of association for a long time. Listen to his words to get the in-depth of educational system and what are the qualities required to be a great teacher and principal with principles like him.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 02: Get rid of every problems listening to the Success Journey of NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist Vivek Mantri
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32:25Learn from Master NLP practioner and Hypnotherapist Vivek Mantri sir the tricks to live a more contented and constructive lifeتوسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode:01 Inspiring Success Journey of Manoj Joshi - Founder of IT Solutions & Services, New Delhi
Interview of the Social Media Specialist and founder of IT Solutions, Manoj Joshi. Comspire: Communicate to Inspire. It's a platform where we will have guests from various scales of life sharing their philosophy of life, their motivation and their success mantra with all of us. It's a platform where we can share our views and perceptions on various…
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Episode 12: Gully Writers Founder, Lipi Gupta as a powerful woman of India sharing her experiences
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52:45Lipi Gupta is the founder of Gully writers and The Tantrum Fits for the writers of our nation to give them a platform to improve their creativity. Lipi has published the renowned anthologies "She Roses" and "Tabula Rasa" along with a few others on her list. You can listen to Lipi to know how confidence mantra and also the secret of her positive att…
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Episode 28 Aarti Bansode, MRS.INDIA 2019 BEAUTY WITH PURPOSE
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27:15आरती बनसोडे जो कि स्त्रियों की मिसाल हैं। आरती जी ने कई नॉन गवर्नमेंट ऑर्गेनाइजेशन और गवर्नमेंट ऑर्गेनाइजेशन में बतौर समाज सेविका काम किया है। इन्हे इनकी इस आंतरिक सुंदरता के लिए 2019 में Mrs India 'beauty with purpose' का खिताब भी मिला था। आरती जी हर तरह के लोगों को प्रोत्साहित और प्रेरित करने को अपने जीवन का मकसद मानती हैं। She has been Honoured …
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Episode 16: Madhubani Painting Specialist Mukti Jha sharing her life experiences and journey of being a renowned painter today.
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36:32Mukti Jha has received Sita Devi award recently for her her Madhubani art and she has been training the art to the women of villages to empower them and make them financially independent. Listen to Mukti Jha if you are a lover of mithila, maithili or Madhubani art.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 15: Anshu Mala Jha, hindi teacher who devoted her whole life to language teaching sharing valuable lessons of pronunciation
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1:06:01Anshu Mala Jha has recently retired from the post of head of the department of Hindi from DAV School. Listen to her to see the energy level and passion of a real teacher who has devoted her life to teaching. She is one of the most powerful lady teachers in our nation.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 14: Monika Kapoor a writer and poet sharing her life lessons as a powerful and positive woman
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27:19Monika Kapoor is a renowned writer well known on many of the social media platforms because of her brilliant writing skills as well as oratory skills. She has started a program named 'Guftagu' on insta which presents the writers and poets of our nation on its platform. Please listen to her and share with your friends to spread positivity all around…
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Episode 19: Doctor Sahana, an optimistic personality sharing her secret of being positive
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26:53Dr Sahana who has been working as a gynecologist for more than fifteen years is the kind of personality who spreads her energy wherever she visits. She manages her time efficiently giving time for her family, friends, physical health, and hobbies apart from working as a doctor. Listen to Dr Sahana and learn the way she manages to adapt herself base…
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Episode 18: Dr Haritha HOD of Anatomy in Bharati Vidyapeeth sharing her life's journey.
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43:58Dr Haritha, Head of the department, Anatomy at Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College has always been passionate about her research work and training her students. At present, she is also exploring the field of counselling where she has helped many people to come out of stress.توسط Anupam Mishra
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Episode 20: Dr Nasreen Rustomfram Professor in Tata Institute of Social Sciences sharing her life long lessons on Women's day.
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1:07:23Dr Nasreen has been associated with Tata Institute of Social Sciences as a professor at present and has been working as a professor for more than 3 decades in higher education institutions. Dr Nasreen did her phd in social work focusing on Non-profit management from TISS . She has been involved in curriculum building, designing, and delivering capa…
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Episde 21 मिथिला के बेटीक अपन पिता, भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम के सेवा निर्वित विकास पदाधिकारी स साक्षात्कार, Interview of a father taken by the daughter
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22:59I have taken this interview as a daughter from a father asking him to share his learnings and wisdom for the newer generation to come. My father, a retired development officer of LIC has been a kind of idol for not only me but many other people in the small city named Sitamarhi in Bihar. He is well known for his generosity and helping nature. I wou…
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Episode 22 Success Story of One of India's Greatest brand Builder, founder of Startup Business Academy, Neeraj Kapoor
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40:22Neeraj Kapoor is One of India's Greatest Brand Builders recognized @ Global Stage. He is on a mission to enable and empower passionate entrepreneurs to transform their startup dreams into Billion Dollar Brands & realize their dreams with ease, grace, power, and simplicity. His ventures offer world-class business consulting & the world's finest educ…
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Episode 23 Breathtaking Story of the Shero of our Nation, digital marketer, Jaitrali Jhanjhariya
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40:00A must listen to story for every age group and gender. The story tells how life takes twists and turns without any notification. Let's listen to the story of Jaitrali Jhanjhariya, an all-time remarkable marketer, Jaitrali is a charming specialist and strategist with a name already built both nationally and internationally. She is a Digital Marketin…
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Episode 24 World Record Holder Mirror Image Writing Expert Dr Piyush Goyal
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47:11पियूष गोयल जो कि पेशे से तो मैकेनिकल इंजीनियर हैं पर इन्होंने मिरर इमेज में किताबे लिख कर विश्व रिकॉर्ड बनाए हैं। इनकी कहानी बड़ी ही रोचक व दिलचस्प है जिसमे इन्होंने कुछ अलग करने की सोच के साथ ऐसा कुछ किया जो सुनने में तो बच्चों के खेल सा मालूम पड़ेगा पर वैसा कुछ करना किसी जुनूनी व्यक्तित्व से ही संभव है। इन्होंने सन 2003 से 2015 तक 16 मिरर इमेज मे…
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