Inspiring people with every day life in a major way while spreading positivity like its contagious! Life can be difficult enough and having a positive outlet is always a beneficial resource to release the pressures we experience daily! Press play and escape from everything for a little while!
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My personal testimony of how I experienced God’s love. There is so much about God’s love I’m experiencing on my faith journey. I hope by me sharing a snippet of my life helps you reflect on how God’s love is changing your life.
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This episode takes a dive into encouraging women to break free from old habits, mindsets that do not align with God’s Word to become a new creature in Christ that will please God. As you are on a journey of faith and thriving in femininity God’s way this series is a safe place to be encouraged, empowered to live unapologetically in the destiny of p…
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This is a series to promote the lifelong journey of emotional detoxing & healing from past wounds and trauma. Let's do the work to become the healthiest versions of ourselves to have meaningful connections.
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God is reminding you everything you are going through is for a season and a purpose. It’s not over and not the end of your story.
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A viewer shared his testimony on how It’s Not Over Part 1 changed his situation from mourning to happiness. Sharing your story with vulnerability have the power to change lives.
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I share a story that helped me to learn to trust God, be patient, and wait for His timing. I hope this encourages you to trust that God knows what’s best for you!
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In every season God transform us and lead us to the most beautiful places when we trust in Him, but sometimes it feels like it’s over until God says it’s not over. In this episode I share my season of isolation and how God spoke to me in a simple way through a daily devotional titled It’s Not Over!
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We have been in so many situations where our perspective have been manipulated to thinking that people are our enemy instead of focusing on the real problem. If we can change our response and take ownership for ourselves in the uncomfortable situations; we can defeat the problems that are trying to hurt our relationships and lives.…
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Q & A and a few lifelong jewels at the end of this fun episode.
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Let’s take time to reflect on the blessing in the lesson of growing and becoming more accountable for our purpose and life.
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When the right guy come into your life you will know!
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Viewers emailed questions and I got the answers on this episode!
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I’m making a comeback from my extended break. Today was super fun and I wanted to share the fun with you by playing an icebreaker game before we get back to stirring the pot of new content this upcoming week
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It’s been 4 long months since the last recorded episode! It feels great to be back. We have so much catching up to do; so let’s start with this episode. Enjoy!
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What’s more important- your past, present, or future state?! You must listen to this!
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Part 2: What Women Need to Know!
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A woman's nature is to love and nurture and this episode helps women put our natural mechanisms into perspective so that we don’t enable men or scare them off!
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To every success story there are humble beginnings and a foundation that needs to be in place on this episode Charity who is a student, photographer, and entrepreneur discusses how to balance keeping God first while pursuing your dreams. We want to inspire you all that you can be successful and still maintain your integrity of what you believe! Cha…
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When reaching new levels in life you will need to separate yourself in order to obtain a different lifestyle! Cut the ties with anything that will sabotage you reaching the highest heights in your life.
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Let's enjoy a Thursday with a fun-filled episode while discussing relationships
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I give you a few reasons you don’t have to apologize listen to this!!
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Start your week rejuvenated with this sweet and short message!
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We need more experienced people to use their influence to pave the way in truth and in real love to the youth! Change the game with your voice!
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5 key lessons that everyone needs to consider in this life journey is on today’s episode.
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This is an audible sample of Master the Art of a Godly Relationship: Becoming a wife before your wedding day. This Ebook is available on
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It’s time for you to get back to your happy place.
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We make the mistake of worrying and stressing about things we can’t control. On this episode I share a story that was shared with me and it will teach us all a valuable lesson.
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We catching up on this Monday
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Valuables have to be protected including you and your worth
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It may already be right in front of you and you're overlooking the best searching for better!
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I’ll be launching new episode next week stay tuned!!
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Men and women both have important roles and we need to understand that we need each other equally. This episode brings a healthy balanced perspective to men and women!
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Giving a quick reminder that staying positive, the right mental attitude, and keeping your energy shifted in the right will make for a good day!
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A gentle clapback and a dose of reality to a video on Instagram!! You have to hear this!!!!
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When you sit at the table you'll never sit there the same way by the end of this episode! Check this out!!
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I explain what I learned about myself and why I settled for unhealthy relationships and 5 love languages singles edition is putting the icing on the cake!
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It's Monday for one and I have something I want to share with you about this new book and how it'll help us be better at loving ourselves and others.
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Do you have a circle of supportive individuals that won't compromise your purpose because there's a respect level for who you are
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We build walls as protective measure to keep out the people who will harm us! But does it really work? Listen to this episode that speaks on defense mechanisms!
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The environment that you're coexisting in is very vital to your growth and happiness
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Don't love someone with the selfish intent of them not hurting or disappointing you!
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I answered some questions with my twist of commentary! Challenge your mentality with a personality test
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My circle may be small in number but my circle is big on real love! Having the right kinds of friends matters!
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Showing all my listeners love and sharing a new venture with you!
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Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!
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It can be so frustrating waiting on life, desires, goals, dreams, and visions to manifest into living color! Trust me I know!!! This episode is discussing the waiting season and I'm giving you some words that help, lift, and encourage you in your "waiting season"
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We are living in such uncertainty and 2020 is not only the year of your vision being clear but it's been the year of the unexpected! A lot of people are going through difficult times and someone needs you! Please listen to this!!!
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Happy Monday everyone on this episode I give a short motivational quote including my two cents to charge you up for the week!
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