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Catholic Daily Reflections

My Catholic Life!

My Catholic Life! presents the beauty and splendor of our Catholic faith in a down to earth and practical way. These daily audio reflections come from the "Catholic Daily Reflections Series" which is available in online format from our website. They are also available in e eBook or paperback format. May these reflections assist you on your journey of personal conversion!
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Stray Reflections

Jawad Mian

Stray Reflections is a macro advisory and community for top CIOs and PMs across the globe. Our job is not to predict the future; it’s to see the present clearly. Discover investing ideas and advance your thinking in truly novel ways.
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Perspectives and reflections on the writing and publishing life. Mark Leslie Lefebvre, a writer, bookseller, digital publishing advocate, professional speaker, and publishing consultant explores inclusive and collaborative opportunities for writers and book publishing professionals via interviews, discussions, and reflections about the industry. (Mark's personal website is
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Catholic Apostolate Center Reflections

Catholic Apostolate Center

Listen to reflections by various Center staff and collaborators about topics pertinent to the liturgical seasons and current events. Find Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.’s weekly reflections as well as reflections from Brian Rhude, the Center’s project coordinator. Listen to audio from recent Center webinars and audio from presentations at recent conferences.
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The Simple Reflections Podcast is a collection of gentle conversations with people from all walks of life, looking at small, seemingly insignificant ideas that have gone on to have profound impacts on their lives. Join Transformational Coach, Dave Hill and his guests for a cup of tea and a biscuit and reflect on where the conversation goes.
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Bishop James Golka shares his weekly reflection on the readings for the upcoming Sunday Catholic Mass. Bishop Golka is Bishop of the Diocese of Colorado Springs. If you want to watch the video version, please visit the diocesan website: and click on ”Bishop Golka’s Videos”
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Reflections on Generosity

Serving Nonprofits by Chany Reon Ockert Consulting, LLC, CFRE

Kick off your week with a 5-minute reflection on generosity to ground yourself as you go about your fund development tasks. Each reflection includes a question to ponder throughout the week to aid your work.
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Biblical Reflections

Cogworks Media

Join host Andrew as he walks us through sections of scripture allowing us to reflect on what God is telling us. Yeah, he is one of those guys who knows Greek. But coming out of a working-class home, he speaks plainly and clearly. His podcasts are thought-provoking and entertaining. His passion for God’s Word comes out in every episode.
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In this podcast, we’ll explore the rich tapestry of Christian literature, delve into the timeless wisdom of the Bible, and discuss my own books in ’The Chronicles of Divine Realms’ series. We’re diving into the thrilling and inspiring world of my book, ’The Genesis War: An Epic Beginning.’ So sit back, relax, and let’s embark on this epic journey together.”
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Reflections from The Lutheran Hour

Lutheran Hour Ministries

In addition to the weekly message, The Lutheran Hour program includes a segment that provides time for discussion and reflection on the day’s message. Each week in this new segment entitled “Reflections” you will hear a substantive discussion related to that week’s message. “Reflections” is designed to give the listener a deeper appreciation and insight for their faith walk.
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Torch Trust is a Christian organisation with a worldwide vision for people with sight loss. We produce a weekly radio programme called Reflections which airs on RNIB Connect Radio. The show focuses on faith and disability in today's world and here you can find a podcast version of the show. Uploaded weekly, after our Sunday broadcasts, this version has had music tracks removed.
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I thought I was living a happy, fulfilling life but in REALITY, I bought into the "me culture" and materialism. I never found peace, happiness or true love and acceptance. Then God found me and everything I believed was the purpose and meaning of my life turned upside down.
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Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy

My Catholic Life!

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy: 365 Days with Saint Faustina. Reflections and prayers inspired by the Diary of Divine Mercy. The Diary of Saint Faustina is a spiritual treasure given to the Church by Jesus Himself through the humble instrumentality of a cloistered nun. It consists of Saint Faustina’s six handwritten notebooks revealing her faith and her daily encounters with our Lord. These short reflections were written to help you discover the spiritual wisdom revealed by Saint Faustina ...
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Readings and Reflections

Archdiocese of Atlanta

Every day, Mass is celebrated at St. Dominic’s Chapel at the Chancery Offices of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. This podcast includes the daily readings and homily from a previous year. You may recognize voices proclaiming the readings and homilies as employees, former employees, priests, bishops or friends of the Archdiocese.
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Climate Reflections dives into the world of sunlight reflection methods, also known as solar geoengineering: a set of ideas to reflect a small amount of sunlight back to space to help counteract global warming. This may sound like science fiction, but it’s an idea that scientists really are studying. Join podcast host Peter Irvine, a sunlight reflection scientist, to explore what different ideas are being studied to reflect sunlight, what impact they might have, and what is going on in the w ...
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Feed Your Soul Gospel Reflections is a weekly podcast presented by Dynamic Catholic. Each Thursday we provide a fresh, new perspective, full of relatable wisdom on the upcoming Sunday Gospel. Listen along and prepare for Sunday Mass like never before! For more great content like this or to experience this program in video format, go to
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Discussion and analysis of characters and themes in films and books that I have found particularly engaging, thought-provoking and inspiring.You may be interested in my YouTube channel (Fernie150) and my blog ( from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: KVEVPPSTHACBJLGO
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Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections

Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections

Reflections and homilies rooted in the Gospel of John and the wisdom of the Church, helping you walk the journey of faith. Join Fr. Michael, a priest of the Community of St. John in New Zealand, as he unpacks the Word of God, explores the depths of grace, and leads you to encounter Christ, the Word made flesh.
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show series
When others reject us, we thirst for acceptance, and God provides it. For more on the topic of this issue, use GNM’s video "How to Stand Up to Persecution" @ The text of this podcast can be found on our website @ Subscribe to receive the Good News R…
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Imagine a dictator of a country who has absolute power and is also a very angry, malicious and vengeful man. This is not someone you would want to upset. Now imagine the opposite. Imagine one who has absolute power and is also blessed with a heart of pure Mercy. This is our God. And in addition to our God having these qualities, He passes them on t…
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God is bigger and more powerful than any disaster and sinful interference, more loving than any loss. Reflect more on the topic of this podcast with GNM’s "Prayer for God's Guidance" @ The text of this podcast can be found on our website at Subscribe to receive the…
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Fetched by an unknown user agent! at 2025-03-21T02:40:00.586Z from IP: Headers: accept: */* accept-encoding: gzip, br connection: Keep-Alive user-agent: PlayerFM/1.0 Podcast Sync (3 subscribers; url= This podcast reflects a single request, it does absolutely no server-side logging or tracki…
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Mark has a virtual beer with Kevin J. Anderson while they talk through various aspects about writing and publishing. This episode is from a live chat that was hosted on the evening of Sunday March 16, 2025. This episode is sponsored by Superstars Writing Seminars: Teaching you the business of being a writer which takes place in early Feb 2026 in Co…
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No person is an evil person. Evil-doers are children of God living in ignorance of their true identity. For more on the topic of this issue, use GNM’s video: "Light in our Darkness" @ The text of this podcast can be found on our website @ Subscribe to…
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Cursed or Blessed - where do you hope and trust? Join this channel to get access to perks like LIVE coaching and MORE VIDEOS helping you with your Soul, Mind and Body: I would love to come speak at your conference, association, men/women/youth event or parish! I also lead retreats and pa…
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Reflections On The Word with Richard Kay War And Victory | The Christian Fight of Faith Today's Show is called "A Treasure In Heaven." Listen to Richard deliver another compelling message directly from God's Heart, which always confirms His Great Love for us, His compassion for us never fails, and His Great Faithfulness toward us in every regard. h…
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Every day, Mass is celebrated at St. Dominic’s Chapel at the Chancery Offices of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The following is a recording of today’s readings and homily from a previous year. You may recognize voices proclaiming the readings and homilies as employees, former employees, or friends of the Archdiocese. Today’s homily is given by Bishop…
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Welcome to the first episode of the new sub-series on Pop Culture Reflections, Justin & Greg Present! In this series, Justin is joined by Co-Host, Greg Hoey. Each episode they’ll compare, contrast and discover pop culture in a variety of fun and exciting ways. In episode one, Justin and Greg put the two biggest bands in Punk Rock up against each ot…
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Read Online “Therefore, I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.” Matthew 21:42 Are you among those from whom the Kingdom of God will be taken away? Or among those to whom it will be given so as to produce good fruit? This is an important question to sincerely answer. The first …
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March 20, 2025 Today's Reading: Catechism: The Creed - The Second Article Daily Lectionary: Genesis 24:1-31; Mark 7:24-37 Who has redeemed me…not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death… (Small Catechism: The Creed - The Second Article, Explanation) In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. I once heard …
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Action Item: Reflect on where you are rooted; listen and plant yourself in God’s Word. Sign up at Formed Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. You can listen to this series and other great Catholic content at Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Help support this podcast and the Augustine Institute by…
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Today is the first day of Spring! How does Spring reflect Lent? Father Kubicki explains this parallel which helps us to have hope has we continue the journey of Lent in preparation for the Spring of Easter.توسط Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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There are rules in every society–and in today’s Gospel, Jesus breaks one of these rules. The result? One of the longest recorded conversations between Jesus and any other living person. Join Matthew and dive into the wisdom of this will help you break out of your comfort zone and deepen your faith this week!…
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On March 20, 1973 — Roberto Clemente becomes the first Hispanic American to gain election to the Hall of Fame. The Baseball Writers Association of America announces the results of a special ballot, with Clemente receiving 393 of 424 votes. Clemente died in a plane crash on New Year’s Eve. In light of his tragic death, the Hall’s Board of Directors …
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For the Third Sunday of Lent, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. reflects on persevering in our efforts to grow in fruitfulness for ourselves and others through the grace of Christ. Follow us: The Catholic Apostolate Center The Center's podcast website Instagram Facebook Apple Podcasts Spotify Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. also appears on the podcast, On Mission, w…
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In this episode of Reflections of the Father's Heart, Sandi Derby discusses the complex topic of idolatry and its impact on our relationship with God. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the journey of sanctification, distinguishing it from justification, and encourages listeners to approach their spiritual growth with curiosity rather t…
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And some other rambling incoherent jabber! Join this channel to get access to perks like LIVE coaching and MORE VIDEOS helping you with your Soul, Mind and Body: I would love to come speak at your conference, association, men/women/youth event or parish! I also lead retreats and parish m…
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If you have prayed the “Hail Mary” prayer, then you have prayed for your last hour in this world: “Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” Death is frightening to many people, and the hour of our death is not usually something we want to think about. But the “hour of our death” is a moment we should all look forward to with the utmost joy an…
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Every day, Mass is celebrated at St. Dominic’s Chapel at the Chancery Offices of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The following is a recording of today’s readings and homily from a previous year. You may recognize voices proclaiming the readings and homilies as employees, former employees, or friends of the Archdiocese. Today’s homily is given by Fr. Ig…
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Read Online Jesus said to the Pharisees: “There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. And lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Dogs even used to come and lick his sores.” Luke …
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Action Item: Rejoice in all that God foretold and accomplished in Joseph. Sign up at Formed Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. You can listen to this series and other great Catholic content at Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Help support this podcast and the Augustine Institute by becoming a m…
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March 19, 2025 Today's Reading: Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 Daily Lectionary: Genesis 22:1-19; Mark 7:1-23 And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.” (Matthew 2:14-15) In the Name + o…
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We can rise above the suffering by living in God's embrace. Reflect further on the topic of this podcast with GNM’s WordByte: "Why does God allow evil?" @ The text of this podcast can be found on our website @ Subscribe to receive the Good News Refl…
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Today is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. Many people have father issues in one way or another. Do you find yourself in this category? Did you know Saint Joseph can help you with those wounds? Father Kubicki explains how.توسط Fr. Kubicki 2 Minute Prayer Reflections
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On March 19, 1927 --- Don Richard (Richie) Ashburn is born in Tilden, Nebraska. A five-time All-Star, Ashburn will be a solid center fielder and a solid hitter for the Philadelphia Phillies. He will hit over .300 during 9 of his 15 major league seasons, twice capturing the National League batting title and conclude his career with a .308 lifetime a…
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Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly. Such was his intention when, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take …
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