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show episodes
Der Checker zum Hören! Tobi checkt zusammen mit einem Kind drei Fragen zu einem Wissensthema. Lustige Experimente, kluge Expertinnen und Experten sowie die schlaue Datenbank helfen ihnen dabei. Und am Schluss jeder Folge verrät Checker Tobi ein persönliches Geheimnis. Ob es um Bäume, Märchen oder Schleim geht, im CheckPod macht Wissen Spaß und gute Laune. Alle neuen Folgen gibt es immer eine Woche vorab exklusiv in der ARD-Audiothek!
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Catch all the South Florida Sports News, Silly Sauce & Hot Takes you can handle. Radio visionary and borderline journalist Brendan Tobin teams up with former All-Pro Running back Leroy Hoard to deliver the latest sports updates with a sprinkle of Silly. JFig and Marcos round out the the team and help bring a fresh outlook to your every day sports consumption.
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Leichtigkeit in Leadership – das ist das Ziel dieses Podcasts. Mit praktischen Tipps, relevantem Know-how und ehrlichen Einblicken in den Alltag eines Leaders, trainieren wir deine Leadership-Muskeln. Mit Tobias Teichen als deinem Personal Leadership Trainer lernst du, das Gewicht der Verantwortung zu stemmen – egal ob für dich selbst, deine Familie oder dein Business.
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Tobias Beck Podcast

Tobias Beck - Wöchentliche Interviews mit inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten

Tobias Beck’s Podcast ist der Podcast für Menschen mit großen Visionen und jeden, der den Traum verfolgt sein eigenes Ding zu machen! Tobias Beck und seine Interview-Gäste motivieren, inspirieren und geben dir Denkanstöße, während du beim Sport bist, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder gerade entspannst. Du bist auf der Suche nach neuen Perspektiven und spannenden Geschichten aus der Welt von erfolgreichen Unternehmern, Speakern und Menschen, die den Status Quo infrage stellen? Dann ist der Tobias B ...
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TobiHochZwei - Doppelt Tobi, Doppelt Tech

Tobias Wittenburg,Tobias Allweier

Die beiden Tobis nehmen dich mit auf eine spannende Reise durch Software, Cloud und Technologie. In jeder Folge tauchen wir tief in aktuelle Themen wie Softwareentwicklung, Cloud-Architekturen, Künstliche Intelligenz und technologische Innovationen ein. Unser Fokus? Praxisnahe Tipps, spannende Gäste und Erkenntnisse, die dich inspirieren – egal, ob du in der IT-Welt neu bist oder schon Erfahrung mitbringst.
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The Internet and mainstream media are inundated with misinformation and superficial hot takes. That’s why you’re not getting the full story. Take another look with JNS Editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin as he takes deep dives into the most critical stories and controversies impacting the Jewish world with insightful commentary and fascinating interviews. If you want to understand the bigger picture and the context of the issues that really matter, this show is for you. Thanks for listening to Jo ...
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De Stijn, Tobi en Jeppe Show

Dag en Nacht Media | Podimo

Het tweede, derde en komende seizoenen zijn nu exclusief te beluisteren op Podimo MET BEELD! 📺 Probeer de eerste maand gratis via Iedere vrijdag bespreken we de belangrijkste vragen des levens. Trendwatcher Stijn van Vliet neemt de laatste trends mee, Jasper Demollin voorziet de podcast van een inspirerende quote en Tobias Camman topt het af met een bijpassend culinair versnaperingetje. En natuurlijk betrekken we jou er ook bij: we helpen je met al je levens- of seksvragen! D ...
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We are passionate about helping leaders, HR, and ethics professionals build healthy cultures that enable mission success, a thriving workplace and responsible impact. Every other Thursday we post insightful and actionable conversations with leading thinkers, researchers, and practitioners on culture, values, ethics, and transformational change.
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I säng med Tobias & Gabriel

Tobias Karlsson & Gabriel Forss

Tobias och Gabriel är bevis på att motgång kan vändas till framgång. En Melodifestivalvinnare och en vinnare av Let's dance. Två "vanliga" gaykillar som lever sina drömmar genom sång och dans. En inspirationspodd om vänskap, familj, vardagsliv, arbete och fest. Välkommen att krypa ner mellan lakanen och bli vår vän! Nytt avsnitt varje måndag.Följ oss gärna på Facebook:ölj oss gärna på Instagram: Hosted on Acast. See ...
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Building, growing, and selling your business does not have to be as complicated as people think it is. I've built eight businesses, sold a few, and learned a ton along the way. As a strategist and entrepreneur for almost twenty years, my commitment to you is to provide you with simple, practical ideas that help you across the life cycle of entrepreneurship.
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Zuhause in Essen - Ein Podcast der Sparkasse Essen - mit Tobias Häusler

Tobias Häusler - Team (Sparkasse Essen): Frank Weßing, Nadine Steinkamp, Sylvia Twiehoff, Sebastian Kirchner

Früher war alles besser? Nein. Das Beste passiert jetzt. Tobias Häusler spricht mit Gästen, die unsere Zukunft in Essen selbst prägen und gestalten - zwischen Karnap und Kettwig, zwischen Frintrop und Freisenbruch. Freuen Sie sich auf spannende Gespräche des WDR Talk-Moderators (und Rüttenscheiders) in einer Serie, die selbst bereits für mehrere Preise (z.B. "Tacken") nominiert wurde. Vor allem aber freuen Sie sich auf die Gäste aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Stadtentwicklung, Wirtschaft, Kultur ...
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Tobias Höckert

Tobias Höckert

För dig som vill leva livet på dina villkor: 🌱Kognitiv beteendecoaching 🌱Holistiskt självförsvar 🌱Vägledande samtal Välkommen! /Tobias kontakt:
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Tobiloba Marquis

Tobiloba Marquis

I grew up with the view that some things ought not to be as they are. Sadly, we seem to have accepted these things as the norm. In the podcasts, I shall share things that would cover issues such as Faith, Love, Life. It's a great journey that I hope would bless you as you take the trip with me. I am excited as much as you are.
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Welcome to Tobi Delly Podcast where we discuss and share paradigm shattering information and ideas on Business Leadership Entrepreneurship Success lifestyle Interviews Books This podcast is powered by Tobi Delly International.
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The TobinLeff M&A Podcast

The TobinLeff M&A Podcast

Building your business was hard, and you only sell it once. With a focus on marketing, communications, digital, and service businesses, the TobinLeff M&A advisory team is dedicated to helping owners maximize and monetize their life’s work. For over a decade, the TobinLeff team has completed nearly 200 successful merger, acquisition, and exit planning engagements across the U.S. Visit to contact a partner today or for additional resources and case studies. Subscribe or sign up f ...
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Tobi Alex Oni

Hey guys this is my podcast 😁 I'm just a normal kid that has a wild imagination anyone can be anything it just takes hardwork and determination Instagram:. _.tobiofficial Twitter: _.tobiofficial Snapchat: tobster450 Email:
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Mobility Allstars – Der Podcast zur Mobilitätswende – Mit Tobias und Stephan

Tobias Pusch (Mobilitäts-Journalist), Stephan Tschierschwitz (Vorstand Mobility Allstars)

Die Mobility Allstars sind eine Plattform für Mobilitätsgestalter*innen. Wir unterstützen wichtige Projekte zur Gestaltung der Mobilitätswende in der D-A-CH-Region und machen auf diese in der Öffentlichkeit aufmerksam. Dabei hat jeder Verkehrsträger seine situative Berechtigung. Alle Verkehrsträger sind Stars. In unserem Podcast diskutieren unsere Hosts Stephan Tschierschwitz und Tobias Pusch mit hochkarätigen, meinungsstarken Personen über die Mobilität der Zukunft. Außerdem beleuchten die ...
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Auf meiner Reise, die Welt durch Marketing zu einem besseren Ort für uns zu machen, habe ich mit meinem Buddy Roger diesen Marketing Podcast gestartet. Wir stellen dir effektive und umsetzungsorientierte Marketing-Konzepte vor. Damit kannst du mit deiner Marke mehr Geld verdienen.
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Tobias Motivations is a place to tune into your favorite morning motivational messages. Tune in, you will be deeply inspired toward better in Christ! Thanks for stoping by, come through daily! 😁 Support this podcast:
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- Du verstehst bei Versicherungen nur "Bahnhof"? - Du hast keine Lust und keine Zeit Dich stundenlang in Versicherungsunterlagen reinzulesen? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig! - Ich bringe Licht in den Versicherungsdschungel - Ich teile mein Wissen mit Dir - Ich teile meine Erfahrungen mit Dir Dein Podcast rund um das Thema Versicherungen! Damit Du optimal versichert bist und dabei Geld sparst!
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Tobi Sells Podcast

Tobias Sell

In meinem Podcast beschäftige ich mich mit den Gedanken und Impulsen aus den Büchern, die ich gerade lese. Als Gründer geht es vor allem um Themen wie Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Motivation, Dankbarkeit, Leadership und Organisation. Alle Beiträge findet ihr auch in schriftlicher Form auf meinem Blog:
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Ein selbstbestimmtes Leben als Selbstständiger bzw. Unternehmer ist der Traum vieler Menschen. Ich selber habe bereits mit 14 Jahren davon geträumt nicht mehr zur Schule gehen zu müssen, und mir mein eigenes Business aufzubauen. Heute gibt es für angehende Unternehmer mehr Chancen als je zuvor. Trotzdem bleibt die finanzielle Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit für die meisten ein unerreichbarer Traum. Doch woran liegt das? Dank angesagter "Geschäftsmodelle" wie Amazon FBA, Dropshipping und Affiliat ...
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show series
De grote première week! Onze musical in het Beatrix Theater in Utrecht was unaniem een belachelijk groot succes. Iedereen die erbij was: enorm bedankt! De dag erna doken we meteen de studio in om ons 'Ivo Niehe-momentje' vast te leggen. Het thema van deze week is dan ook ‘premières’. Het is een aflevering geworden met veel ontboezemingen: Tobi deel…
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Die beiden Tobis sprechen über die Azure Developer CLI (AZD), warum sie so mächtig ist und wie sie Entwickler*Innen im Arbeitsalltag hilft. Unsere Lieblings-Phrase dieser Episode ist übrigens "Infrastructure-as-Code-Code". Darüber wurde gesprochen: (00:57) Was ist die Azure Developer CLI? (02:14) Welche Probleme löst mir die AZD? (03:14) Was brauch…
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Auf einer wilden Schnitzeljagd um die Welt muss Checker Tobi seine Jugendfreundin Marina finden und das Geheimnis der fliegenden Flüsse lüften.Tobi erhält eines Tages ein verschlossene Schatzkiste. Sie stammt von seiner früheren Ersatzoma, Frau Vogelsang, die verspricht: Wer die Kiste öffnet, erhält den größten Schatz der Welt. Doch nur ein Mensch …
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Der Checkpod macht Winterpause, aber heute gibt es trotzdem eine neue Podcastfolge: Hört rein bei "Alle gegen Nico - Zockt um die Quizkrone": Helen und Oliver sind dem selbsternannten Quizkönig Nico im Thema Pop-Musik weit überlegen, da sind sich die beiden Freundinnen sicher. Nur gilt das auch, wenn die Musik vom schrägen Spielleiter Horsti kommt?…
  continue reading Esta semana en nuestra “Sección principal” tengo una petición de nuestra mecenas de Ivoox y donante vía PayPal Conchi Agra Creo que me ha pedido que comente “Speak no evil”, película danesa de 2022 que ha tenido un reciente remake estadounidense. Os aviso que esta es una película no apta para todos los públicos. Además en nues…
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The best conversations about the Dolphins from The Joe Rose Show, Tobin & Leroy, and Hochman & Crowder following the final game of the season. Discussing the apparent dysfunction in the Fins' locker room, Chris Grier and Mike McDaniel's comments after the season finale, and Tyreek Hill's future in Miami. Featuring Dolphins reporters Omar Kelly, Dav…
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(HR.1) HEAT get revenge on the JazzLeroy teaches us a new Weather term and Frogboy earns a point within the 1st minuteNotre Dame squeaks a victory out against Penn State in the OrangebowlLeroy feels bad for Penn State following a late game blunderWe look ahead to the Cotton Bowl for the final matchup to decide the National Championship participants…
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Leroy teaches us a new Weather term and Frogboy earns a point within the 1st minuteNotre Dame squeaks a victory out against Penn State in the OrangebowlLeroy feels bad for Penn State following a late game blunderWe look ahead to the Cotton Bowl for the final matchup to decide the National Championship participantsWe take a look on how the Cold Weat…
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Tobin gives us the latest headlines including a look around at the local schedules for the weekend Gilbert Burns makes his UFC return at potentially the next UFC card in MiamiWe get a few more details about potential matchupsDrew Rosenhaus discusses Tyreek's committment to the Miami DolphinsIn the same breathe he reveals he's not 100% sure Tyreek w…
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We begin the 3rd Hour with some Breaking News surrounding Deshuan WatsonHe tears his achilles again while working his way back to the fieldTobin makes a wild trade proposition that would send Tua to Cleveland for the 2nd Overall pickLeroy doesn't think Tua will find success if traded to the AFC NorthTobin continues to pester Leroy with make believe…
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It's Official! The Miami Hurricanes have secured Carson Beck at a whopping 4/mil in NIL moneyWhat's next for the Canes?How does Carson's NIL money compare to other professional athletes in the cityDairy Queen Blizzard flavors are discussedWe find out why Frogboy's mom lied to him as a childLeroy and J-Fig recount creepy moments in their lives cours…
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Spo disagrees with the refs and refuses to be shy about itNo more Trickery for Spo!Niko almost gets sent back to Serbia 1 day after Tobin gave him the keys to the franchiseHis whining to the refs nearly caused spo to blow a gasket following his flagarant foul
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Welcome to the Tobin & Leroy show, todays show the guys recap the Florida Panthers 4-1 win over the Utah Hockey club. We also learned that next season NHL winter Classic will be held in Miami as the panthers will host the New York Rangers at Loan Depot Park. The Miami Heat will be in the same arena tonight as they play the Utah Jazz tonight. the He…
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In this last hour of the show, Tobin & Leroy talk Tyreek Hill as his agent Drew Rosenhaus was on the Pat McAfee show talking about what happened with his client at the end of the season. The crew challenges Tobin who is hoping that the Jimmy Butler Miami Heart drama carries on for another week so he can enjoy the chaos that is brewing in Miami.…
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In hour 3, Tobin reads The Athletic Sam Amick report on the Jimmy Butler and Miami Heat drama. This 6 game road trip can bring the team closer and if they play well and the Jimmy situation isn't resolve before his suspension ends, what will happen? Panthers beat the Utah Hockey Club
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In hour Tua, Tobin& Leroy take a look at the comments made by Dolphins players about the tardiness for meetings that certain players were for. It seems like there needs to be a change in the culture with the Fins. Do players respect Mike McDaniel? The Miami are in Utah tonight to try to get revenge on the Utah Jazz for their beat down of the Heat r…
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It's Thursday and Tobin & Leroy get you ready with your sports fix. The Panthers went to Utah got under the hockey club skin and won 4-1. Jesper Boqvist scored 2 goals as the Cats head back home for a Saturday matinee vs the Bruins. In more Panthers news the team will be hosting the 2026Winter Classic at Loan Depot Park vs the New York Rangers on J…
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What is the legacy of U.S. President Joe Biden? As President-elect Donald Trump is set to assume power on Jan. 20, inflation is rampant, wildfires destroy Los Angeles, the Middle East is on fire and the Russia-Ukraine war rages on. JNS editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin sits down with John Podhoretz, editor of Commentary Magazine, to discuss the legacy…
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Jeder kennt das Gefühl, keinen freien Parkplatz zu finden – das endlose Suchen, der Stress, der Frust. Genau hier setzen Malte und Christopher an – mit einer innovativen Lösung, die das Parken für immer verändern könnte. In dieser inspirierenden Podcastfolge erzählen die beiden Gründer, wie sie die PEUKA-App ins Leben gerufen haben. Sie ermöglicht …
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(HR.1) The Niko Era is upon us! Have the Heat FINALLY Broken Through?Tobin questions how healthy it is to have his happiness depend on the HEAT's successHEAT defeat the Warriors yesterday during the 2nd game of their back to backNikola Jovic makes Tobin shed a tear of JoyWile-HEAT-Coyote declares the team now belongs to NikoLeroy is skpetical this …
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I veckans podd har Gabriel lett allsången på Cancergalan! Tobias får känna på okunskapen kring HIV i Sverige och Tobias befinner sig i Thailand. Vi kommenterar årets Golden Globe-gala. Att vara kring barn är som att vara lärarvikarie.. Till sist listar vi Nästan tre gånger som vi varit som mest stressade. Nu kör vi! I säng med Tobias & Gabriel prod…
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Tobin questions how healthy it is to have his happiness depend on the HEAT's successHEAT defeat the Warriors yesterday during the 2nd game of their back to backNikola Jovic makes Tobin shed a tear of JoyWile-HEAT-Coyote declares the team now belongs to NikoLeroy is skpetical this will last as he claims he has "history" on his side while Showpony si…
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We take a stroll through the Tobin & Leroy Color paletChris Grier continues to put his foot in his mouth with questionable comments during yesterdays end of the year presserGrier scolds Tua for taking too many risks with his bodyHe doubles down on dump trucking on Tua as he reiterates the need for his QB to be availableLeroy blasts Chris Grier for …
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Frog Boy and Leroy get into a quibble over the song Paper Planes by M.I.A.A surprsing debate resolution finds Frogboy victoriousPanthers back in action against the Utah Hockey ClubThis leads to Chili Peppers being placed on the game as the guys put together a Panthers ParlayCharles Barkley blasts Jimmy Butler for painting this entire situation as a…
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Leroy continues his skepticism over these Cuddle Salons currently sweeping polandWe do our best to talk him out of his Cynic point of viewLeroy counters with more Body Shaming and assumptionsTobin expresses his want for a Sergei Bobrovsky Bobble HeadWe get a date for next years Winter Classic at Marlins ParkLeroy finds another way to almost get can…
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Charles Barkley blasts Jimmy Butler for painting this entire situation as a "Joy" issue when clearly its Money relatedThe guys debate whether or not Jimmy is deserving of the extensionBarkley calls out Washed players for demanding Contracts well past their prime
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Nikola Jovic makes Tobin shed a tear of JoyWile-HEAT-Coyote declares the team now belongs to NikoLeroy is skpetical this will last as he claims he has "history" on his side while Showpony simply has hopeTobin has a strongggggg feeling the history will be filled with a Niko & Kel'el combonationLeroy predicts what Spo said about Nikola Jovic before w…
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(HR.1) HEAT find another way to lose as they fall to the Kings in Double OTReports surface that the Dolphins may have been running a "Willy Nilly" Operation in the Locker RoomLeroy gives us a players insight on what goes on in the locker room that doesnt respect leadershipSabonis proves to be too much for the HEAT to handleA double overtime loss to…
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Reports surface that the Dolphins may have been running a "Willy Nilly" Operation in the Locker RoomLeroy gives us a players insight on what goes on in the locker room that doesnt respect leadershipSabonis proves to be too much for the HEAT to handleA double overtime loss to the Kings sends shockwaves through HEAT nation Yet another demoralizing lo…
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Tobin is exhausted with the College Football PlayoffWWE premiers on Raw & Hulk Hogan gets boo'd out the stadiumJalen Ramsey denies wanting out of MiamiThe guys theorize what will happen with Jimmy Butler and whether or not he'll play for the HEAT again this yearTobin calls out the HEAT for not forseeing this Jimmy Butler blow upLeroy points out tha…
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We get the latest headlines from around the Local Sports sceneHEAT culture continues to be under fire as more talking heads bash Pat Riley's management Gilbert Arenas blasts Pat Riley for costing the HEAT star playersLeroy and Tobin get into a quibble concerning Gilberts criticisimReports begin to circulate that Jimmy's camp is reaching out telling…
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Chris Grier & Mike McDaniel speak with the Media following a disappointing seasonThe Dolphins General Manager addresses the Tyreek Hill comments and reveals what has been said to CheetahMike McDaniel opens up about the excessive tardinessManagement admits to disciplinary issues within the organizationChris Grier Fiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaallllll…
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Happy New Year! You want to grow this year, and I know it. So do I. But, not so fast. Before you go for "more", make sure you don't grow the parts of your business that are not healthy and profitable. First, analyse your business, then simplify it. Then scale it. Do it by understanding the core geometry of your business.…
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(HR.1) Dolphins season comes to a crashing halt. Stephen Ross makes surprising statementIt all comes crashing down for the Fins as the Season comes to a dissapointing endRegardless of the dissapointment Stephen Ross announces Mike McDaniel and Chris Grier will be backWe look ahead to the Draft order to see how the 1st couple picks will go in the NF…
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It all comes crashing down for the Fins as the Season comes to a disappointing endRegardless of the disappointment Stephen Ross announces Mike McDaniel and Chris Grier will be backWe look ahead to the Draft order to see how the 1st couple picks will go in the NFLThe guys review Stephen Ross' statement on maintaining the same regimeWhat do we do at …
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Tobin proposes the idea that Tua should add weight to increase durability We attempt to resolve the issues with the Fins offensive lineJerod Mayo out as the Patriots Head Coach, the guys discuss the details surrounding the firingTyreek Hill has the nerve to advertise his clothing store in Aventura mall after quitting on teamLate night double header…
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Leroy Hands out his Game Balls and Game Bums following the Fins finaleMike Evans gets praised for doing something only Jerry Rice has doneTyreek Hill says he's ready to leave Miami in the best interest of his Career and Family Leroy unpacks what Tyreeks statements meant after the gameWe read Omar Kelly's follow up to his now Viral video of Tyreek c…
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Tobin is confused by a Wacky Jets related HeadlineLeroy asks permission to speak on his own show Panthers back in action tonightWe hear from Mathew Tkachuk following the Panthers latest winLeroy explains the problem he has with SpoWe discuss the correlation between Jimmy Butler's absences and the lack of extensionWe dive deeper into Jimmy's secret …
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We get the Latest on the Jimmy Butler Saga as HEAT reveal their plan for once Jimmy's suspension endsIf the HEAT fail to find a good trade partner, Miami may seek to retain Jimmy Are the Phoenix Suns bullying Bradley Beal?Tobin votes in favor of Chaos regarding the Jimmy Butler sagaThe Market doesn't seem to be where Jimmy thought it would be as th…
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