This channel hosts KiranPrabha Talk Shows on variety topics, Films, Literature, Biographies etc in Telugu
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Want to sound Russian when you speak it? Kira demystifies Russian pronunciation, one word at a time!
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Разговоры о карьере в IT & Digital
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Assamese Songs and Culture Talk.Interview. অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতি লগতে অসমৰ সকলো সঙ্গীত শুনিব পাৰিব লগতে অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ সকলো বিষয় সামৰি লোৱা হৈছে । মূখ্য পৰিচালক কিৰণ চন্দ্ৰ নাথ। কলিয়াবৰৰ নগাঁও অসম 9864160507
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The introduction to my station.
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A smart & sweary podcast for women in midlife that teaches the skills to get more joy & love in your day. Every day. Join me weekly, as I teach science-based, smarty-farty topics and break them down in to bite-sized lessons you can apply to your life. All while sharing my own shit show life & love stories that you can learn from. Topics I discuss: Getting more joy on a daily basis, thriving in midlife, figuring out perimenopause, healthy dating & relationships, building self-worth, body posi ...
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"Just Listen to Yourself" with Kira Davis is the podcast that asks people, politicians and pundits to just listen to the things they say out loud and think about what they actually really mean. Words have meaning, so before you spout off some talking point...just listen to yourself
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2 orang podcaster yang hobinya cuma bertahan hidup.
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Halo kawan-kawan! Selamat datang di kiraipodstaka. Podcast ini merupakan media dari kiraipustaka. Kami akan update konten tentang keseharian, dengan sudut pandang orang biasa. Yuk saling belajar. Selamat mendengarkan :)
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Ways to travel to toronto Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Freestyle Cover art photo provided by Andreas Fidler on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the Kira podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Ahol a videók életre kelnek
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Welcome to the Kiran Kafle podcast, where amazing things happen.
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1 Ekim 2018'den beri etkinliklerini sürdüren Kıraathane İstanbul Edebiyat Evi'nde gerçekleşen konuşma, söyleşi ve dinletilerin kayıtlarını bu kanaldan dinleyebilirsiniz.
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Welcome to the Kiran G podcast where amazing things happen.
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I am a 27 year old Sydney based Karachi boy, who loves travelling and making digital content. I travel and make videos because I believe that there are thousands of untold stories which deserve to be known by many here in this world.
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الدكتور هارون منصر يقرأ أعمال أشهر المؤلفين برنامج قراءات يشكل وعدا بالترحال داخل العوالم الجميلة و العميقة و المفيدة للكتب و مؤلفيها البرنامج يعنى بروائع الكتب العربية و العالمية و أروع المدارس و أجدد الإصدارات Dr. Menaceur Haroun recites the work of the most recognizable authors A program that promises to travel into the beautiful, deep and useful worlds of books and their authors The program is concerned with the masterpieces of Arab and international books, the most wonderful schools and ...
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New Quieres ms de la vida ests buscando respuestas Snate te ensear cmo encontrarlas en tu interior Este libro cambi mi vida y creme tambin cambiar la tuya Una obra maestra de empoderamiento MEL ROBBINSautor de El poder de lossegundosLa Psicologa holstica proporciona un enfoque revolucionario para la sanacin personal que usa el empoderamiento del yo y genera un cambio definitivo hacia la paz interiorComo psicloga clnica la Dra Nicole LePera a menudo se senta frustrada por las limitaciones de ...
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Tee Up with Kira is about golf and travel industries. Getting those untold stories from the community, companies in the industry and fans of the golf and travel world.
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Hindi poetry
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This podcast will be about my life. I will retell stories that I never told before and share my interesting life with a bunch of strangers. Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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In this podcast I explore topics that include employee onboarding, self service and the Employee Experience in organizations. Come join me and join the community at
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Are you ready for a day out at the KIRAKIRA Patisserie? Well, Curecast has it covered! From music to stories, Cure Whip has everything for your Pretty Cure needs! Enjoy the podcast!
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Bienvenidos sean a este podcast donde me escucharan hablar sobre diversos temas como juegos y cultura XD Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash:
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Tomi eltűnése után csak egy kazetta vár a felmentőseregre, ami tájékoztatja őket egy borzalmas hírről. Tomi többé nem az életük része, de még el akarja mondani, hogy mi történt. A kazetta hátoldalán egy kis adathordozó van, rajta egy "Tomi naplója" felirat. Ki tudja mit rejt az adathordozó? Csak Tomi, és a felmentősereg.
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Engage in the magic as Kira Harlamor, the number one solo podcaster for dating and relationships in today’s era, in her surrounding areas, discusses 50 Ways To Love, The Do’s and Don’ts Of Dating In Today’s Era which also includes...Sex, Fetishes & going deeper...!!! Why not give it a try and join in the magic? Sending a hug and see you soon! Communication is key 🔑 to being happy! 💖
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Hello everyone, I’m Sudheer Kiran. Let’s talk about digital marketing basics, trends, news, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
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Our future depends on humanity and ai living in harmony. On this show we help you develop a better understanding of both. Support this podcast:
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I’m an actor, singer, dancer, choreographer & arts educator (currently performing at ‘The Shaw Festival’ in Niagara-on-the-Lake). Through my work, I‘m constantly striving to understand the world & myself in it. Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working with artists of all kinds who cultivate their lives in ways that continually inspire me. Thank you to my guests for sharing their time and wisdom. And thank you to Ali Momen for editing this podcast! Intro/Outro music: Written & Perform ...
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A weekly podcast hosted by Kiran Girija interviewing hospitality professionals and sharing actionable insights, strategies, tips on various topics including Revenue Management, Sales, Marketing, Technology, F&B, and everything that a hotelier would like to hear. Kiran is an experienced and passionate hotelier with a decade-long experience in Digital Marketing, Distribution, and Revenue Management, working with national and international brands in India, Singapore, and UAE. Views expressed ar ...
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साथियों यह हिंदी भाषी पॉडकास्ट है मेरा नाम किरन आचार्य है। जिंदगी बहुत ही सुंदर और खूबसूरत है शर्त यह है कि हम सकारात्मक भावों को अपने भीतर पनपने दें खुशियों को फलने फूलने दे आशाओं के दीप जलाएं और उम्मीदों की उड़ानें भरी जीवन के सफर को और भी सुंदर बनाने के लिए मूल्यवान बनाने के लिए गुणवत्तापूर्ण बनाने के लिए जीवन और उसके आसपास के वातावरण और लोगों को समझने के लिए इस पॉडकास्ट में सामग्री को जोड़ा जाएगा फिलहाल श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के श्लोक और उनके अर्थ व उनसे जुड़े हुए तथ्यों को हम इन पॉडकास्ट में ...
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A podcast for the lazy pagan(Me) To chillax and relax. We have alot of topics, but Trump is not one of them... yet. If you want a chance to appear in a episode, you can donate! I will pick one lucky listener from the donations to join me! Cover art photo provided by Krystal Ng on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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Biz bilim ve teknoloji meraklısı üç eski orta okul arkadaşı Ahmet Ali, Burak ve Oktay 20 yıl sonra bu podcast serisi için bir araya geldik. Aradan geçen zamanda biz (Ahmet Ali ve Burak) turizmci olduk, Oktay doktora sonrası araştırmacı . Kariyerlerimiz değişti ama ne olursa olsun ortak merakımız hiç değişmedi. Podcast serimizde gündemde yer alan teknolojik ve bilimsel gelişmeleri, uzayı, marsı, yapay zekayı ve en çok da canımızın istediği her şeyi hepimizin anlayacağı bir dilde konuşuyoruz. ...
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Welcome to the This is Kira & Amanda podcast! This has been an idea of ours for well over a decade, and with technology being what it is today, we decided to go ahead and jump on the bandwagon. This podcast is about best friends, one dwelling in LA and one in Chicago: Amanda and Kira. Both ladies have been in the fitness industry for over a decade and have a lot to say, so listen up!! You may learn a lot....or nothing at all. We make no guarantees. Enjoy!
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Melissa and James Bello Wedding by Kira Kwon
Kira Kwon, wedding photojournalist and lifestyle portrait photographer
Melissa and James Bello were married on February 27, 2010 in Peoria, Illinois. This movie and the photographic imagery included was created by wedding photojournalist Kira Kwon. For more information about Kira Kwon, visit her blog at
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Eshâb-ı kirâm) kitâbının başında, Peygamberimiz Muhammed aleyhisselâmın Eshâbının üstünlüğünü, Eshâb-ı kirâma dil uzatanların haksız ve câhil oldukları anlatılmakda, ayrıca; (İctihâd)ın ne olduğu açıklanmakdadır. Tenbîh kısmında, bir islâm düşmanının yazdığı (Hüsniyye) kitâbına cevâb verilmekdedir. Bir kısmında, büyük islâm âlimi İmâm-ı Rabbânî hazretlerinin ve Seyyid Abdülhakîm-i Arvâsî hazretlerinin hâl tercemeleri anlatılmakdadır. Müslimânların İki Göz Bebeği kısmında, Hazreti Ebû Bekr ve ...
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Hello! Ez egy internetes beszélgetős-hülyéskedős műsor. Eddigi vendégeink voltak; B. Tóth László, Besenyei Péter, Koltai Róbert, Jakupcsek Gabriella, Gálvölgyi János, Cicciolina csak, hogy egy párat említsünk. A műsor minden második csütörtökön elérhető itt a YouTube csatornákon és Audio Podcast formátumban épp itt. Szeretnénk ezt a műsort, csak és kizárólag rajongók patronálásából fenntartani, ezzel megőrizve a műsor eredetiségét és függetlenségét ;) Aki a műsorban beszélget a mindenkori ve ...
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Ep. 303 - Just Listen to the Top Ten Media Lies of 2024
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Kira breaks down the top 10 biggest media whoppers of 2024. From Biden as the “sharpest President we’ve ever had” to “Beyonce at the DNC” we’ll take some of the worst fake news of the year out for a spin one last time before Daddy gets home next month. Happy New Year to all the JLTY listeners out there. Let’s go have a great, big 2025!…
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TWO SPOTS LEFT for THRIVE Midlife Program! My brand new positive psychology program with optional retreats for women over 40 to learn the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to Stop Overthinking, Realize Your Worth, & Have the BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE! ✨ Ditch the stuff that’s making you feel stuck. ✨ Discover what lights you up (and keeps you glowing). …
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📣 Как заонбордиться в международную компанию и стать частью команды. Интервью с Маргаритой Сандомирской, техническим рекрутером в американском стартапе-единороге Supabase. О чём поговорим: 1. Ожидания vs Реальность работы в американской компании-единороге 2. Самоонбординг и культурная адаптация 3. Выстраивание системы самоподдержки 🔗 Аудио (https:/…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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607_মৰিগাঁও জিলাৰ কৃষি, পশুপালন আৰু ৰেচম বিভাগৰ অগ্ৰগতি ২২০৪ বৰ্ষৰ ।
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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#klsaigal #bollywoodsongs #bollywoodmusic Kundan Lal Saigal (1904–1947) was a trailblazing Indian actor and singer, widely regarded as the first superstar of Indian cinema. Born in Jammu, Saigal’s journey from a railway timekeeper to a cinematic legend is truly inspiring. He joined New Theatres in Kolkata in the 1930s, where his unique singing styl…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Ep606 Assamese kabita path by Chaild
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Drags Mukta Asom
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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The Englishman Who Saved Telugu Literature | C.P. Brown | తెలుగు భాషోద్ధారకుడు । సి.పి.బ్రౌన్
This talk show discusses the life and extraordinary contributions of Charles Philip Brown (CP Brown), a 19th-century British officer who dedicated his life to Telugu language and literature. Despite a demanding career in the British government, he single-handedly collected, edited, translated, and published thousands of Telugu manuscripts, includin…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Ep 605 Interview with bookreader At Bookfair Ngaon
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Justin Hart of joins Kira for a light-hearted discussion on how we can use AI for a lot more than defeating humanity. has launched its own AI, Arthur, who is designed to write parody and satire as well as curate news articles. Is AI frightening or fun? According to Justin, there’s way more fun available than people think. See Ne…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Editor, Director Akkineni Sanjeevi | అలనాటి , ఉత్తమాభిరుచి గల ఎడిటర్, డైరెక్టర్ । అక్కినేని సంజీవి
Akkineni Sanjeevi (A.Sanjeevi) (1927-2002) was a well known editor and director who worked for multiple language films, mainly telugu film industry. in his 30 years film career, Sanjeevi edited hundreds of films in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Oriya languages. He was also a successful film director during 1960s and 1970s. He directed 8 Telugu films and…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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📣 Как оценивают Data Scientists в международных бигтех компаниях Интервью с Mark Eltsefon, Staff Data Scientist @ Meta, ex-TikTok Обсудили: ➤ Кто такие Data Scientists на международном рынке и почему нельзя называть себя ML ➤ Какие типы интервью ждут DS на собеседованиях в бигтехе ➤ Особенности HR-скринингов, технических собесов ➤ Подробно поговори…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Ep 605 Int Book reader at Granthamela Nagaon
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Krishi Aain Aru Krishakar Adhikar by Saptadipa Bhattacharjya KVK MARIGAON
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Invoking the blessings of their gods, the Dalo's celebrated their most important festivals " Bastob puja, Sitala puja andKamakhya puja". Members of the community gathered together in a spirit of identity and belonging to perform various rituals .An OB based prog covering various aspects of this celebration…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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ఓ అబ్బాయి, ఓ అమ్మాయి.. చిన్నప్పుడెప్పుడో అనుకోకుండా కలిశారు. మళ్ళీ ఎదురౌతారా? ఎదురైతే ఏమౌతుంది? జీవితగమనంలో సంబంధ , బాంధవ్యాలు ఎలా మొదలౌతాయి, ఎలాంటి మలుపులు తిగుతాయి? ఒకరితో ఒకరికి "ఏమి సంబంధము?" అనే సందర్భాలు ఎలా ఉంటాయి? విశ్వనాథ వారు వ్రాసిన అతి సున్నితమైన ప్రేమకథ. Full Story Link:…
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Not all advice is created equal. Some of it is gold, but a lot of it? Straight-up garbage. This episode is about shaking off the bad advice that keeps us stuck and stepping into 2025 ready to own it. If you’re tired of the same old stuck, it’s time to shake things up. Your next chapter isn’t going to write itself—so let’s make it the best one yet. …
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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Check out Kira’s video library at and if you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at – and someone go tell Reddit for me! Счастливо! 🌷☀️🦋🌱💫توسط Kimberly (Kira) DiMattia
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601-অসম লোকসেৱা আয়োগৰ প্ৰতিযোগিতাত মূলক পৰীক্ষা এটি প্ৰতিবেদন
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