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show episodes
AARP’s weekly podcast The Perfect ScamSM tells the stories of people who find themselves the target of a scam. Host Bob Sullivan introduces listeners to those who have experienced scams firsthand, as well as professional con artists and leading experts who pull back the curtain on how scammers operate.
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perfoRMind Podcast

Michele Romano & Luis Aparicio Villa

Sport Practice, Strength & Conditioning, Recovery, Mindset and Nutrition. These are the fundamental pillars that can lead to high performance. The experiences from professionals in these fields will be shared in this podcast.
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Welcome to High Performance. Through fascinating conversations with remarkable guests, Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes uncover the secrets behind High Performance and explore how we can all become the best version of ourselves. We focus on uncovering the learnings from top performers in every field, from sport to entertainment, business, health and wellness.​ No matter where our guests have excelled, they all have first-hand experiences and lessons to share. On High Performance we find out w ...
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Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

Cele mai importante știri ale zilei, selecționate de Recorder și grupate într-un newsletter audio. De luni până vineri. Vă puteți abona aici și la newsletterul nostru săptămânal, în varianta text: Sau puteți să-l citiți direct pe site-ul Recorder:
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CRASH – La chiave per il digitale

Andrea Daniele Signorelli & VOIS

Intelligenza artificiale e deep learning, realtà virtuale, social network, bitcoin e criptovalute, capitalismo della sorveglianza: le nuove tecnologie digitali stanno cambiando il mondo in cui viviamo a velocità sempre crescente, lasciandoci spesso pieni di domande senza risposta. Ogni settimana faremo chiarezza e approfondiremo i temi più inquietanti e affascinanti del mondo digitale, cercando di capire qual è il futuro che ci attende. Sono Andrea Daniele Signorelli, da anni racconto i risc ...
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Perfecting Motion® is a new STLE podcast series, hosted by Dr. Neil Canter, STLE Advisor – Technical Programs and Services, that features conversations with leading industry professionals sharing their insights about current issues and trends impacting the global tribology and lubricants community.
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Perfect Guy Life

Perfect Guy Life

Perfect Guy Life is a podcast hosted by Sam Hyde and Nick Rochefort based in Providence, RI. The show discusses topics such as comedy, film, pop culture, conspiracy theories, automotives, business, and much more. They've featured guests such as Shane Gillis, Luis J Gomez, Dan Soder, Ryan Long, amongst other comedians.
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Punctul pe știri, un podcast cu Magda Grădinaru, marca Rock FM. Suntem asaltați de știri, informații și dezinformații din toate părțile. E greu de găsit o cheie de interpretare a tuturor în actualitatea agitată la care suntem martori și din care facem parte. Jurnalista Magda Grădinaru și invitații ei vor încerca să pună evenimentele în context, să pună întrebările de care avem nevoie și să formuleze răspunsuri posibile. Un dialog inteligent, relaxat și necesar.
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An accomplished God fearing first generation college turned corporate career professional experienced burnout early in her career and vowed “never again” sharing lessons learned navigating careers, personal life, and entrepreneurship.
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In My Perfect Console, Simon Parkin, award-winning writer for the New Yorker and The Observer newspaper's video game critic invites a well-known guest from the worlds of gaming, film and television, music, comedy and more to pick the five video games they would like to immortalise on their very own fictional games machine. They discuss those five games in chronological order of release, interspersed with biographical chat about the guest’s life and career –– a lens that often leads to new an ...
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Il nuovo servizio di rassegna stampa audio di, curato dal giornalista Federico Pizzinelli, presenta, da lunedi al sabato, in modo semplice, essenziale e completo, una sintesi dei pi interessanti articoli sul mondo del vino.
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Comunicare per essere®, la comunicazione valoriale che ti permette di manifestarti, di essere, di relazionarti, seguendo sempre i massimi valori che ispirano la tua vita. Un approccio dialogico, relazionale, generativo, applicato alla vita quotidiana, che accompagna e sostiene la tua evoluzione e la strada della massima espressione di te. Pensare bene per vivere bene. Agire bene per creare valore. Fare le scelte giuste, capire quali siano, impegnarti per raggiungerle. Come dare il meglio di ...
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Bate Pé

Mafalda Castro e Rui Simões

Podcast de Mafalda Castro e Rui Simões. O nome da Mafalda veio primeiro porque o Rui é cavalheiro. Um casal à conversa sobre temas pouco relevantes para uns e muito pouco relevantes para outros. Sabemos falar línguas mortas e fazemos uma dourada no forno incrível. Não é um convite. Até já!
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Performance Talk addresses key issues, opinions, theories within the modalities of strength and conditioning, nutrition, sports psychology, rehabilitation, etc... Our national and international guests are recognized for their aggressive approach to improving the world of human performance in sport.
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Ningú no és perfecte és un podcast de cinema i sèries amb la mirada posada al fantàstic i als còmics. Ressenyes, monogràfics i especials de pel·lícules, sèries i còmics. Espais per a fans de Star Wars i Star Trek, entrevistes, superherois, terror, ciència-ficció i anàlisis de productes de gènere amb els millors col·laboradors. Escolta tots els programes aquí:
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Perf Damage

Adam & Charlotte

Adam and Charlotte dive into the exciting world of film, examining it from their unique perspectives of film restoration and development. This self-proclaimed film geek husband and wife team tackle lost treasures, explore subgenres, directors and actors and discuss the art of the perfect double feature. They may even have some friends drop by to help them tackle the important questions.
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We Boast In Our Weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Like a puzzle piece, we all have strengths and weaknesses. The strengths allow us to connect to others, but the weaknesses allow others to connect to us. I want to show the power in embracing the un-perfected.
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Beats per minut

Catalunya Rdio

Amb scar Broc. Dissabte, de 22.00 a 23.00. Msiques electrniques per a tots els pblics. El msics que triomfen a les xarxes, el so negre ms urb, l'escena local, els dj's, els festivals...
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Peak Performance

Dr. K and Coach Kyle

The Peak Performance Podcast offers direct, practical health tips and facts to enhance your life. It focuses on straightforward advice for physical and mental well-being optimization.
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Practice Made Perfect

American College of Cardiology

This occasional series from the American College of Cardiology, developed by members for members, features conversational expert interviews on non-clinical competencies, skills, well-being, and best practices for the entire heart care team.
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Pixel Perfect Videojuegos

Pixel Perfect Videojuegos

El programa de radio de ninguna radio presentado por Dani Turienzo (DOF6, Game40, Dreamcast Official Magazine, PlayStation Power) y Nacho Hernández (DOF6, Game40, Micromanía, Computer Hoy Juegos). Actualidad, debate, noticias, entrevistas, retro y todo lo relevante del mundo de los videojuegos. Grabado en directo en formato radio desde Madrid y Praga,
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李拾壹學長+Per老師 兩個搬到台北的香港人 分享你(以為)你不需要知道的生活小事 如果 you don't wanna sleep at all 不要滑手機了 聽這個吧! 2021年到了嗎? 甚麼?差不多過了一半? 由小強到米奇把我們從舊家迫遷 到終於找到(暫時)最理想的家園 今集跟大家好好交代一下!!!!! ______________ Patreon 支持我們 /成為乾爹 / 收聽自己限定Podcast -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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A podcast about all things human performance. Listen in as Andrew May explores the latest in human performance with an all-star cast of subject matter experts covering physical and psychological wellbeing, performance psychology, sport, business, entertainment, the performing arts, leadership, and science. Learn valuable lessons that can be applied to optimising performance in your personal and professional life. Performance Intelligence applies to the way we turn up in relationships and the ...
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Perfect Contemporan

Ramona Boldizsar

Un podcast cu şi despre literatură. Din când în când mă întâlnesc cu autori contemporani şi despicăm firul în patru pentru a vedea de ce scriem, ce e în spatele unei cărţi, despre impulsurile care ne pun în mişcare şi nu numai. Nu e nimic „perfect” la Perfect Contemporan, dar totul e mai mult sau mai puţin contemporan.
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Have you ever wanted to sit down with your favorite artists and talk about what happens behind the scenes? Have you wanted to hear the crazy stories about recording, touring, and creating art that we all know exist? Performance Anxiety gets those stories for you.
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show series
Este podcast tem o apoio do Activobank. Duas coisas que agradecemos por viver em 2025: ser aceitável andar de fato de treino na rua e haver fact checking nas redes sociais. Uma delas vai desaparecer e não sabemos lidar. Se tivessemos nos Estados Unidos ganhavamos milhões com o ovo que encontramos em casa, mas como estamos em Portugal o melhor é lig…
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Vineri, 10 ianuarie. Durata: 30 minute Producător: Sorin Turcin Soluția nucleară a CCR, de a evita dezastrul unui președinte a cărui campanie, ne spun autoritătile, a fost manipulată chiar de un actor statal străîn, a fost interpretată la partide prin candidatura lui Crin Antonescu. Cel puțin deocamdată, pentru că urmează măsurătorile. Cert e că Ma…
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Ég svara 7 spurningum um besta kafla lífsins og spyr þig á móti spurninga sem geta hjálpað þér að skoða eigin líf og sjá það í nýju ljósi. Ekki missa af „Besti kafli lífsins" laugardaginn 11. janúar 2025! → Má bjóða þér á örnámskeiðið „Besti kafli lífsins" með Lindu Pé? Taktu þátt laugardaginn 11. janúar 2025, og þú lærir aðferð sem getur hjálpað þ…
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(00:43) Stefano Bucci racconta chi è stato e perché verrà ricordato il grande fotografo scomparso a 82 anni per le conseguenze di una malattia incurabile. (07:17) Simona Lorenzetti parla dell’assoluzione (nel nuovo processo d’appello) del ragazzo che nel 2020 ha ucciso il padre violento per difendere la madre. (13:37) Guido Olimpio spiega la strate…
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Kick off the new year with bold faith on The Unperfected Life Podcast! In this episode, we’re embracing 2025 with confidence—not in our strength, but in God’s amazing grace. Join me as I share our family’s recent RV adventure, lessons learned from God’s surprising creativity, and how His grace carried us through a season of stepping outside our com…
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Rangan Chatterjee is a well-known physician, author, and podcast host with a passion for helping people lead healthier and happier lives. Known for his accessible approach to well-being, Rangan brings a wealth of knowledge and a deeply empathetic perspective to his work, making him a trusted voice in the health and self-care space. In this episode,…
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(00:44) Matteo Persivale racconta le devastazioni subite dalla città californiana negli ultimi 6 giorni (e non è finita qui). (07:13) Giovanni Bianconi spiega perché il ministro della Giustizia Carlo Nordio ha revocato l’ordine d’arresto per l’ingegnere iraniano detenuto a Milano e considerato una pedina di scambio per la liberazione di Cecilia Sal…
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In this Bite Size from episode #111 Firefighter Sam Monaghan talks about how he is able to almost instantly shift his state from sleeping or doing paperwork into a high adrenaline firefighting situation. Sam also explains how he is able to use particular methods to keep himself calm and not become over aroused while in the field which can also lead…
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Losing control never feels good, but it always has the potential to produce great good. Times of crisis open our eyes to how little control we really have in this fallen, troubled world. Those that experience losing the illusion of control know the kind of desperate prayers that can come from those moments. In crisis and impossible circumstances, w…
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Nuova puntata dell’appuntamento domenicale di «Giorno per giorno»: le repliche dell’editorialista alle domande e osservazioni che avete mandato via WhatsApp al 345 6125226. I link di Trump vuole la Groenlandia: l’altolà di Francia e Germania Dal 2027 si andrà in pensione a 67 anni e tre mesi A Milano da fine 2025 stop al fumo all’apert…
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Il rispetto, è rispetto. Si vede, si sente, e si dice. Con le parole, con gli atteggiamenti. Ogni forma di amore ha bisogno di rispetto. Il rispetto si costruisce. Se quando discuti con il partner, lo offendi, non ci sono scuse. Sbagli. Se quando pensi a te stesso, ti offendi, non ci sono scuse. Sbagli. Se quando ti relazioni con gli altri, amici, …
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Fa temps que el rap, amb perms del pop, s el gnere ms comercial. Per a banda d'estrelles com Drake, Kendrick Lamar o Nicki Minaj, hi ha una escena de creadors que tamb est convertint el rap en un terreny frtil per a l'experimentaci i la creativitat sense filtres. Ens fixem en els rapers i raperes que no tenen milions de "followers" per que han canv…
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Pixel Perfect Videojuego, el programa de radio de ninguna radio, presentando nuestro programa número 100. Llevamos 4 años con vosotros disfrutando de la actualidad de los videojuegos, y en este episodio más noticias que nunca. En Lo Más Fresco volvemos a hablar de los rumores de la futura consola de Nintendo: la Switch 2. ¡Más madera! En Made in Ja…
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In the first of a three-part series on artificial intelligence (AI) in cardiology, Dr. Effie Andrikopoulou is joined by two leading cardiologists, Drs. Ashley Beecy and Rohan Khera, to explore how AI is transforming the field. Discover how AI is reshaping physician workflows, enhancing decision-making, and improving patient care without replacing h…
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perfoRMind Podcast - Episodio 26 - Giulia è una Psicologa e Insegnante di Yoga. Laureata Triennale in Psicologia all'Università di Bergamo, successivamente ha conseguito una Laurea Magistrale all'Università di Utretch in Psicologia della Salute, Sociale e Organizzativa. È certificata come Insegnante di Yoga per eventi traumatici, depressione ed ans…
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In this 2023 episode, YouTube star Kitboga has turned scam baiting into performance art, delighting his 3.6 million followers with his many characters and laughs at the expense of online criminals. It started out as pure curiosity, and a way to avenge his grandparents who'd been victims of scams, but along the way, he's helped return money and hija…
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The Energy Equation is here to help you unlock your full potential by exploring the fascinating connections between energy, health, and daily life. Hosted by physiologist and lifestyle expert Oli Patrick, this brand-new podcast dives deep into the science of movement, sleep, nutrition, and stress. Every episode unpacks how these factors shape your …
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(00:37) Massimo Gaggi racconta le devastazioni procurate dai violentissimi incendi che stanno colpendo la città della California. (07:24) Monica Guerzoni riassume i punti principali toccati dalla presidente del Consiglio nell’attesa conferenza stampa davanti a 160 giornalisti. (14:22) Greta Privitera spiega perché il regime degli ayatollah ha decis…
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Summary In this episode of the Peak Performance Podcast, Coach Kyle and Dr. Keith Ellis, a medicinal chemist, discuss the complexities of long COVID, exploring its symptoms, potential treatments, and the challenges faced in defining and diagnosing the condition. Dr. Ellis shares his background in medicinal chemistry and his shift towards researchin…
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In this episode, Andy Rogers, PA-C and Margaux Cousturian, PA-C dive into two major types of chronic cholestatic liver disease, PBC and PSC. Tune in for symptoms, natural remedies, and monitoring labs and tests that are crucial for tracking inflammation of the gut. Check out our brand new online vitamin store: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠http…
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A fost tare dezinvoltă și faină discuția cu Sabina și a fost un prilej pentru mine să mă gândesc nu doar la modurile diferite în care apucăm scrisul și în care explicăm această înclinație, dar și la această depărtare de casă și dorința de a fi în două lumi atât de diferite. Pe care, temporal, spațial, le putem plasa metaforic și în secvențe/regiuni…
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James Collier is a renowned nutritionist and co-founder of Huel, dedicated to improving health and longevity through better nutrition. With decades of experience and a no-nonsense approach, James has become a trusted voice in the world of dietary science and food innovation. In this episode, Jake and Damian dive into James’s mission to help people …
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(00:49) Fiorenza Sarzanini racconta i retroscena della scarcerazione della giornalista italiana, detenuta in Iran da tre settimane. (09:14) Cesare Giuzzi commenta le immagini che hanno rivelato cosa è successo la notte tra il 23 e il 24 novembre 2024 a Milano, con la morte del 19enne caduto da uno scooter inseguito dai carabinieri. (15:02) Martina …
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L’ansia è molte cose, molti stati interiori, molte sensazioni e molti pensieri. Alcuni tipi di ansia sono forti ed evidenti, altri, sottili e nascosti. Sempre, però, si tratta di uno stato che toglie molte energie alla costruzione positiva della tua vita. A volte, anche in ciò che non fai, si nasconde l’ansia, intesa come paura e remora. Non decidi…
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As the year comes to an end, we're getting ready to unwind and take a break, syncing with our company's rhythm. We understand and encourage our audience to find some time to rest and reconnect with yourselves, as there is great value in pausing to recharge and restore. While holidays are perfect for relaxing, for some of us it means reaching for al…
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Comencem l’any amb una prèvia, comentem les primeres impressions del tràiler de Superman i especulem sobre com podrà ser la pel·lícula de James Gunn.A continuació un especial sobre la temporada 4 de The Boys. En farem la crítica de la temporada, n’explicarem tota la producció i la influència que ha tingut l’spin-off, Gen V. Tot seguit analitzarem l…
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