Freie Meinung, kluge Gedanken: "Essay und Diskurs" präsentiert zu Fragen der Gesellschaft, die aktuell diskutiert werden, ein eigenes Radioformat.
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Este é o 'Durma com essa', podcast de notícias do Nexo, um jornal digital para quem busca explicações precisas e interpretações equilibradas sobre os principais fatos do Brasil e do mundo. De segunda a quinta, o programa traz para você a notícia mais instigante do dia. E que pode continuar a ecoar por aí.
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Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
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A essência de um ofício, um percurso, um legado, uma personalidade, um evento, uma época, um livro.A história, as artes, a ciência, a diplomacia, as ideias e o pensamento.
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Fabio Porchat tira as melhores histórias de três convidados e participação da plateia com a intenção de buscar conexões entre eles.
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Leading writers on arts, history, philosophy, science, religion and beyond, themed across a week - insight, opinion and intellectual surprise.
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Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hil ...
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Denis Botana e Danilo Silvestre contam alguma coisa um para o outro. Histórias, causos, experiências pessoais, algo que um de nós descobriu, viveu ou leu sobre nos últimos tempos. Tem do submundo dos perfumes às origens dos reality shows, passando por vício em xadrez e arte contemporânea.
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ADHD Podcast for Parents and Educators
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Um programa onde se fala de vinho, gastronomia e cultura. Para ouvir Segunda-feira às 23h40.
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Der Essay bietet Produktionen auf höchstem Niveau und mit literarischem Anspruch. Unsere Autor*innen sind Philosoph*innen, Dichter*innen, Soziolog*innen, Künstler*innen. Im SWR Kultur Essay denken sie laut. Manchmal denken sie auch leise. Aber immer hörbar und meinungsstark. Der Essay: Ein akustisches Theorie-Theater.
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A podcast for those who want to join us on our journey into the stranger side of the county. We will be exploring the folklore, urban legends and supernatural encounters that form part of it's rich history.
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Apprendre, découvrir et explorer de nouveaux champs de connaissances, progresser ensemble, aborder et partager des sujets qui vous touchent directement, c’est le programme d'ESSENTIEL academy ! Retrouve Julie & Mag tous les mercredis à 20h pour une séance express de coaching !
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Mit der buch|essenz stellen wir Sachbücher von besonderer Bedeutung für den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs, als Buchzusammenfassungen für dich bereit. Du musst Sachbücher mit mehreren hundert oder gar tausend Seiten nicht gänzlich lesen, um die Kernaussagen und Argumente der Autoren zu verstehen – denn genau dies decken unsere kompakten Buchessenzen ab. Mehr:
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Neste podcast, você vai ter a experiência de ouvir livros que adoramos ler, com histórias que amamos escutar. Vai ser melhor ainda se você estiver com o livro em mãos pra poder acompanhar esta aventura sonora. Pelo Instagram, o adulto que te acompanha nessa jornada pode se comunicar comigo, me mandar uma mensagem sua pedindo "Conta essa história pra mim?". ACESSE: APOIE O PODCAST:
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Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an
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Welcome to Essex Ent. Audio Porn, where we will be uploading awesome ASMR porn experiences!
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essenZ fürs Ohr – der Podcast für alle mit Wissenshunger! Jeden zweiten Freitag im Monat veröffentlichen wir – Dr. Heike Niemeier und Team – eine neue Folge, in der wir Themen rund um Essen und Ernährung auf den Tisch bringen – und das gern auch mit Gäst:innen. Leicht verdaulich und geschmackvoll werden so Wissenschaft und Kochtopf, die Theorie und die Praxis, zusammengebracht.
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Podcast oficial del paraiso del house de la FM mezclado y seleccionado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE. Cada fin de semana en tu dial favorito de radio y en nuestro podcast oficial en
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The finest House, Soulful, Nu Disco and Jackin in the World each week
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A place where joy and smiles are the order of the day as music lifts our spirits and souls
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Vetiver Vibes is a podcast created to open the conversation around becoming a certified aromatherapist, creating a successful health business and your go to place for general tips and tricks in aromatherapy. Join us weekly where we teach people to be empowered in Aromatherapy and bring you the Essential Oil Scoop!
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A show in which musicians and other creators talk about the songs that shaped who they are.
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Ironia, sarcasmo, acutilância. As perguntas que marcam o dia são lançadas por Paulo Ferreira e Júlio Magalhães. Todas as manhãs depois das 7, na Rádio Observador.
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Essential Church exists to remove every non-essential barrier between people and God and move them towards a loving relationship with Jesus Christ that can be enjoyed for all eternity. For more information, visit
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¡Bienvenidos a el Podcast de Essenta FisioSalud! Somos una clínica de fisioterapia ubicada en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, comprometidos con tu bienestar y salud integral. En nuestro canal, encontrarás contenido informativo y educativo sobre salud, fisioterapia y bienestar. Además, contamos con un emocionante podcast en el que invitamos a expertos y profesionales del sector para discutir temas relevantes y compartir sus conocimientos. ¡Únete a nuestra comunidad y descubre cómo mejorar tu calidad ...
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Um podcast sobre discos e suas histórias, apresentado por Danilo de Almeida.
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Fortnightly podcast on Essex County Cricket Club
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future college student...which means hella podcasts😂 #GSC22
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Edufaith Essentials is an educational podcast dedicated to providing essential tips and knowledge about diverse learners: students with disabilities, Section 504, ESOL, MTSS/Response to Interventions, teaching, leadership, and current information. Edufaith Essentials' mission is to bring awareness, tips, and information to impact and promote inclusion in education positively. Edufaith Essentials aims to Restore Faith in Education, One Student at a Time.
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Improve your tennis with the Essential Tennis Podcast, the very first podcast dedicated to tennis lessons and instruction! Tennis professional Ian Westermann answers listener questions about technique, strategy, mental toughness, and much more.
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Hello everyone, and welcome to Learning Essentials. I’m your host, Herly. I am excited to be back and share podcast episodes about anything that speaks on the essentials of day-to-day learning within the realm of workplace scenarios or life in general. As we start the year, allow me to take you on another journey to inspire us as we start the new year with the new YOU. Subscribe now and make Learning Essentials a part of your weekly routine. Let’s dive into Our Essentials!
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Interviews with leading critics, filmmakers, scholars and other creators about the craft of videographic criticism. Hosted by Will DiGravio. Learn more at
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Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum du isst, was du isst? Oder warum es manchmal so schwer fällt, deine Ernährungsziele zu erreichen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Im Podcast Kopfsache Essen tauchen Life Radio Redakteur Philipp Granbacher und die bekannte klinische Psychologin Cornelia Fiechtl ( tief in die faszinierende Welt der Ernährungspsychologie ein. Hier erfährst du, wie dein Gehirn deine Essgewohnheiten beeinflusst und wie du diese Erkenntnisse nutzen kannst, u ...
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My vision for Essential Zodiac Podcast is to provide valuable and reliable information on a variety of topics related to astrology. We'll discuss New and Full Moons, important monthly transits and unique Astrological happenings. The podcast is released every other week, on the Friday closest to the New and Full Moons.
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The Essential Reads podcast is a collection of classic audiobooks from your favourite authors such as Orson wells, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Mary Shelley, and many more, narrated by Isaac Birchall. Join Isaac on his journey to help get these books to the masses in an easy accessible way. Support the show and Join the Book Club
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Programa "Vida e Essência" Com Mayra Soares pela Rádio Cloud Coaching
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Comunicare per essere®, la comunicazione valoriale che ti permette di manifestarti, di essere, di relazionarti, seguendo sempre i massimi valori che ispirano la tua vita. Un approccio dialogico, relazionale, generativo, applicato alla vita quotidiana, che accompagna e sostiene la tua evoluzione e la strada della massima espressione di te. Pensare bene per vivere bene. Agire bene per creare valore. Fare le scelte giuste, capire quali siano, impegnarti per raggiungerle. Come dare il meglio di ...
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No universo dinâmico do empreendedorismo, cada passo é uma jornada repleta de desafios e aprendizados. No "Lancei Essa", mergulhamos fundo no emocionante mundo dos negócios para explorar as histórias por trás das startups e dos empreendedores visionários que as impulsionam. Fuckup Night: Fundadores compartilham falhas e lições aprendidas, inspirando empreendedores a superar adversidades nos negócios. Ecosystem of a Startup: Exploramos o ciclo de vida de uma startup, entrevistando diversos at ...
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Featuring extended interviews with some of the biggest names in football and in-depth analysis of the latest talking points with Sky Sports' football journalists, dive deeper with the Essential Football podcast. Follow, like or subscribe today and make sure you don’t miss an episode.
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Msgr. John Esseff
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Get the essential astrology download for your week! Your host, Veronica Perretti, delivers the forecast with humor and clarity so that even the newest astro-phile can follow along. Discover how current events are impacted by the movement of the planets. Find out what's happening up there in the heavens so you can dictate your fate down here on Earth.
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Join AOT2 and Ugochi on their wild journey as they discuss everything Pop culture, music, movies and more. 234 Essential focuses on Nigerian pop culture but goes beyond trending topics on social media. It looks at the bigger picture and provides accurate historical and societal context to what is trending online. 234 Essential Podcast is another podcast original from Global Village. For fan mail: For ads: 234 Essential on Twitter 234 Essenti ...
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Nurse Essentials is a podcast about all things nursing — from tips for making your next shift easier to advice on how to handle the big challenges you face. Whether you’re just starting your practice or have years of experience, we’ve got you covered.
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Wladimir Kaminer fragt, warum unsere Nachbarn im All, welcher Gestalt sie auch sein mögen, bisher nicht auf all unsere Versuche mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, geantwortet haben.(SWR 2024)
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Ministros que querem mudanças mais regulares na Política. E ainda, passo atrás na medida de obrigar as motas a ir à inspeção. Será possível os carros também deixarem de ir? See for privacy information.توسط Observador
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The Taurus Full Moon illuminates the sky with grounding, earthy energy, despite also carrying a restless, unpredictable tone. This Full Moon suggests the possibility of abrupt endings or the need to release attachments, challenging us to embrace change even if it feels unsettling. Grounding activities, like spending time in nature, can help us find…
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Aufgaben, die uns unangenehm sind, schieben wir gerne auf – und manchmal fehlt einfach der nötige Fokus. Doc Esser und Anne erklären, was im Gehirn passiert, wenn wir prokrastinieren, und verraten Tipps, wie wir uns selbst überlisten können. Das sind die Themen in dieser Folge des Gesundheitspodcasts: (3:50) Warum schieben wir Aufgaben auf? – Ein B…
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MacTee SA - Deep House Is Life [Chillax Dance Mix 2024]
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A place where joy and smiles are the order of the day as music lifts our spirits and soulsتوسط MacTee
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Tardamos em olhar para o fenómeno como um problema transversal à sociedade e que chega a áreas improváveis. É o caso do Hot Clube: está aberta uma investigação interna a casos de assédio por mensagem. See for privacy information.توسط Observador
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AOT2 and Ugochi discuss Nigerian's national debt, the Equatorial Guinea sextapes and other news that made the rounds this week. OUTLINE 00:00 - Introduction 04:45 - Catch up 43:50 - X of the week 56:50 - Each Nigerian Owns An Average of N619,501 as national debt hits N134 Trillion 01:17:50 - Equatorial Guinea sextapes 01:42:20 - Prop and Flop of th…
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In this episode, Eckhart talks further about freeing ourselves from the ego. He says while it served a powerful purpose for our spiritual growth, it’s now time to let it go. Eckhart explains one of the pitfalls of the ego is our emotional reactivity. He says challenges have the potential to pull us into anger and fear. When we react, we’re at the m…
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A força-tarefa da Secretaria de Segurança Pública paulista anunciou nesta quarta-feira (13) ter afastado policiais civis citados na delação premiada de Vinicius Gritzbach, empresário assassinado na sexta (8) numa emboscada no aeroporto de Guarulhos. O Durma com Essa explica as conexões de Gritzbach, que revelou esquemas de lavagem de dinheiro do PC…
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Na virada do anos 90 para os 2000 o mundo conhecia uma banda de jovens de 20 e poucos anos que viria a se tornar um fenômeno mundial nos anos seguintes, já que em 24 de outubro de 2000 era lançado o disco de estreia do Linkin Park, o Hybrid Theory. O disco desbancou o Appetite for Destruction do Guns N Roses em número de vendas e se tornou o disco …
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Essential deLuxe 1262
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Edición #1262 del paraíso del house de la FM mezclado y presentado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE con su nuevo track 'Take Slow'. Además novedades de Aaron Smith bajo el remix de Tony Arzadon, Afro Medusa bajo el remix de Andruss, Albert Marzinotto & Maiya Sykes, Andre Le Phunk x Maiya Sykes & Zac Samuel, DJ Jean & B.O.B. Ltd, Felix Leiter, Gala ba…
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Porchat recebe Gero Camilo, Paula Cohen e Yohama Eshima. Na plateia, uma vergonha real em Londres.توسط GNT
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I problemi di comunicazione nella coppia sono, prima di tutto, problemi di relazione. Prima ancora, problemi di evoluzione personale. Prima ancora, problemi personali legati alla vita, alla storia individuale, alle relazioni (tutte), ai successi ed alle sconfitte. Risolvere i problemi di comunicazione nella coppia si può. Risolvendo i problemi di r…
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 2, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D Dorian Gray seems to be just as h…
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Um navio australiano em 2012 foi visitar uma ilha no Pacífico e descobriu que ela não estava mais lá. Como uma ilha pode ter desaparecido? A partir desse caso, que inclui mitos, enganos, falcatruas e armadilhas, contamos histórias que colocam em dúvida todos os mapas, os dicionários e as enciclopédias do mundo. No que é possível confiar? Este é mai…
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Mudam-se as cores dos boletins de saúde para incluir toda a gente, mas a falta de condições continua. Ainda, ministros que fazem "body shaming" à RTP? See for privacy information.توسط Observador
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Jens B. ist mit 151 Kilogramm stark übergewichtig. Seine Ärzte sehen nur einen Lösungsweg: eine bariatrische Operation. Der Schock sitzt tief beim 51-Jährigen, denn er weiß, dass ein solcher Eingriff mit Risiken verbunden ist. Ernährungs-Doc Silja Schäfer teilt seine Sorgen: „Eine Operation sollte nicht das erste Mittel sein, um Übergewicht loszuwe…
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The Pluto Return of the USA continues and this election has illuminated this potent, destructive, and transformative transit. Please tune in for some musings on how we can remember that we are all part of one cosmic consciousness. With Pluto entering Aquarius on November 19th, we all are being called to connect with the people in our community and …
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Mais uma greve nas escolas, mais uma greve à educação. Trump é conselheiro de Putin? COP29 vai discutir o dinheiro para as alterações climáticas. Pode a natureza ser comprada? See for privacy information.توسط Observador
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Send us a text Krista Burch is a Tax Principal at Bateman MacKay with 10 years experience in corporate structures, mergers and acquisitions and tax compliance. She obtained her CPA in 2014 after graduating with an Honors in accounting from Brock University. Krista is currently in pursuit of her tax and estate planner designation to begin to provide…
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A Essência da Península de Setúbalتوسط Renascença
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#8 Fisioterapia Respiratoria y Uci con Inma Vinuesa
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Espero que les guste el podcast charlando sobre fisioterapia respiratoria, Uci y cuidados intensivos.
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Der ungezügelte Kapitalismus treibt die globale Ungleichheit unaufhaltsam voran. Er untergräbt unsere Demokratie und zerstört unseren Planeten. Es bleibt nur ein Ausweg: Wir müssen dem unmoralischen Prinzip der hemmungslosen Gier endlich ein Ende setzen und die Würde des Menschen ins Zentrum aller gesellschaftlichen Überlegungen rücken. Es gilt anz…
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Ainda há dúvidas que as 11 mortes tenham sido causadas por atraso no socorro. O que se passou é demasiado grave e perturbador para ser varrido para debaixo do tapete? O Estado pode falhar desta forma? See for privacy information.توسط Observador
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Falscher Hunger - wenn wir essen, obwohl wir gar nicht wirklich hungrig sind. Es gibt verschiedene Gründe dafür, warum wir essen. Hunger ist nur ein Grund davon. Allerdings der einzige Grund, warum wir wirklich essen sollten. Was genau "falscher Hunger" ist ... wie wir erkennen können, ob der Hunger "echt" oder "falsch" ist ... und was wir dagegen …
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Er hat Börsenmakler und Trapper gespielt, den großen Gatsby und den kleinen Romeo. Und zig andere Männertypen. Aber was für ein Typ ist er selbst? Zum Geburtstag darf man mal fragen.(Produktion SWR 2024)
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The Politics of Jesus Part 3 Thy Kingdom Come Essential Church November 10, 2024 SUMMARY: The speaker emphasizes that the central focus of Jesus' teachings was the kingdom of God, not political agendas or ideologies. The speaker explains that the kingdom of God is not a physical, political entity, but a spiritual reality that is present among us an…
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Essential House 941 (Michael Gray)
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 1, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D Basil Hallward, a renowned artist…
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Einsamkeit ist ein großes Thema in den westlichen Gesellschaften geworden. Sie kann jede und jeden treffen. Ist in jeder Altersstufe anzutreffen. Die Zahl einsamer Menschen ist in den letzten Jahren gestiegen. Was kann man dagegen tun? Von Stefan Kühl, Essay und Diskursتوسط Stefan Kühl
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Something I learned about gratitude is that whatever journey you are in is a wonderful path to begin with. There is a reason why things happen, and this could help us realize the value of things that we often ignore, put aside, or don't care about. Without even realizing that these experiences shape us, build us, and ultimately help form the person…
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Steve Angello - Radio 1's Essential Mix 2024-11-09
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Se non cambi il mondo, il mondo cambia te. “Mondo” da intendersi in senso specifico, il tuo mondo, la tua vita. L’influenza dell’esterno è inevitabile, meno inevitabili sono gli effetti. Tutto, ti cambia. Le relazioni importanti, le scelte tue e degli altri. Quello che ascolti e quello che leggi. Quello che vedi, e quello che senti. Non con l’udito…
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In this special episode of the Essential Tennis Podcast, you're going to learn the top 3 tactical secrets of Novak Djokovic that you can apply in your very next match. Use these tools to gain precision, consistency, and offense to make your opponents more uncomfortable, win more points, and win more matches.…
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MacTee SA - Tribute To Caiiro's Album [Afro House Travelling Mix 2024]
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A place where joy and smiles are the order of the day as music lifts our spirits and soulsتوسط MacTee
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A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle chapter 6 Tobias Gregson Shows What He Can Do, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D…
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Ron Walker and Sam Blitz look ahead to Chelsea against Arsenal, a potentially pivotal match in the title race and a game you can watch live on Sky Sports on Sunday. Hear also from pundits Paul Merson and Gary Neville, as well as Chelsea's Levi Colwill who describes what it's like playing under Enzo Maresca. Listen to the full interview with Colwill…
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A questão é que o 112 não pode, nem deve, ter situações de emergência. A greve do INEM colocou em causa a assistência pronta. Afinal, que serviços do Estado conseguem, de facto, cumprir a sua função? See for privacy information.توسط Observador
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# 60 Schnack und Snack mit Dr. Malte Rubach
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Warum Veganer nicht immer recht haben, aber manchmal eben doch.In seinem aktuellen #Buch „Die größten plant-based #Ernährungsmythen: Warum Veganer nicht immer recht haben, aber manchmal eben doch“ (Droemer-Knaur Verlag, 2024) stellt der Ernährungswissenschaftler und Autor @Dr. Malte Rubach die 10 größten anti-plant-based Mythen den 10 größten pro-p…
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Altersforscher sind dabei, das Altern zu entschlüsseln und suchen nach Wegen, wie wir länger gesund bleiben. Das Versprechen von "Longevity", also Langlebigkeit, trendet. Anne und Doc Esser besprechen in dieser Folge, welche Medikamente und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel uns länger leben lassen könnten – und was wir selbst tun können, um möglichst gesund…
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Sem perceber a América e... o fenómeno Trump. Apesar de tudo - e de o republicano já cá andar há anos - muitos não queriam acreditar que regressaria à Casa Branca. Afinal, o que nos está a escapar? See for privacy information.توسط Observador
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In this episode, Eckhart talks about the two different aspects of knowing: conceptual knowing and a deeper kind of intuitive knowing. He says indigenous cultures and people in the ancient world were deeply familiar with the idea that everything has a soul. They shared a profound empathy with nature and felt its aliveness. Eckhart says we have lost …
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Fernando Haddad cancelou sua viagem à Europa para tratar de um assunto urgente: o pacote de cortes. A proposta, prestes a ser apresentada, tenta adequar os gastos públicos ao arcabouço fiscal. O Durma com Essa desta quarta-feira (6) explica por que o tema entrou na lista de prioridades do governo agora. O programa tem também Mariana Vick comentando…
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Il concetto di crescita evolutiva è un concetto che trovo straordinariamente ispirante: crescita, andare avanti, progredire. Evolutiva, cioè progredire in armonia con la persona che sei e scegli di essere. Siamo stati seminati nella vita è una frase che altrettanto mi ispira: vuol dire che stai lì, dove sei, per un motivo, un motivo forte ed import…
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Essential deLuxe 1261
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Edición #1261 del paraíso del house de la FM mezclado y presentado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE donde se sigue presentando el lanzamiento del 15 de noviembre 'Take Slow'. Además novedades de Alok & Firebeatz, Dave Winnel & The Melody Men, Felipe Allenn x Jaydon Lewis x Bryn Christopher, Illusionize & Jenn Morel, Inner City x Carl Waller, Kryder, …
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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen chapter 61, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D final chapter closes all of the stor…
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