Welcome to the Avenue T Church of Christ Sermon & Bible Class Podcast, your source for enriching sermons and insightful Bible studies delivered straight to your ears. Join us as we journey through the scriptures, exploring their relevance to our lives today and discovering timeless truths that shape our faith and actions.
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Have you ever wondered how the Bible all fits together? This is the class for you! We start at the beginning and journey through, just us and our Bibles.
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The CrossPointe Bible Class is Northside Baptist Church's Adult Sunday School Class taught by Pastor David Armstrong.
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Kareena's Time Capsule 2019
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Bible Class
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Downtown Bible Class daily radio podcast
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This Podcast will be about the Bible.
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Dynamic class on End-Time Prophecy
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Who is the resurrected Jesus? What is he up to now? Does it matter? Hebrews is written especially for those of us stuck in guilt, running in circles, and feeling far from God.
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A close up and personal look at the trials and adventures of a man called by God to face down kings. Follow this courageous young man as he speaks to a nation in crisis.
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Official Email Address: offinp2003@gmail.com Teaching the true doctrine of the one and only Church of Christ established on the day of Pentecost. (Acts Chapter 2)
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The Jesse Tree is an Advent Tradition. Make an ornament to go with each day's story and hang it on a bare branch or on your Christmas tree. Each of the 31 stories is only about 5 minutes long.
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A weekly Bible study from the Gloster Street Church of Christ
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"AJS Ministry Weekly Tuesdays Bible Class @ 2 PM, & AJSM Podcast Wednesdays @ 2 PM & Thursday @ 7 PM
Elder Anton & Elder Jennifer Seals
Elder Anton & Elder Jennifer Seals invite you to the Wkly AJS Ministry Bible Class, Tuesdays @ 2 PM; the 2 Wkly Wednesday @ 2 PM AJS Ministry The Tabernacle of Worship Intl. and The Tabernacle of Fire NU Podcast" Thursday @ 7 PM Click to view Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays Zoom/Facebook Streaming Recordings via: https://ajsministryblog.wordpress.com/ For more information, please call 773-234-3108 to leave an email or voice message. Leave a Prayer request, give a donation/sponsor AJSM, @ A ...
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The newest sermons from Bible Baptist Teen Class on SermonAudio.
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Overwhelmed at the thought of reading the Bible? New to the idea? Or looking to get more out of it? Spend time each day hearing from Nicky and Pippa Gumbel as they take you through the whole Bible in 365 days and help you to understand it better. Drawing out a theme for each day from the designated Bible readings, Nicky and Pippa’s thoughts on the Proverbs, Psalms and New and Old Testament excerpts are full of insight, wisdom and application.
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Bible 101 for the new believer - interactive class with Pastor Marlan Knittel
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Proclaiming the Good News of God's Sovereign Grace.
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The "Renew" class takes an aerial view and review of the entire Bible. This "Adventure through the Bible" covers a summary of every book in the Scriptures.
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Come and Reason Ministries conducts a Bible study class, taught by Dr. Tim Jennings, discussing topical subjects of the Bible and the true character of God.
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The Come and Reason Bible study class meets Saturday mornings at 10:15am in the Seminar Room of Collegedale SDA Church on the campus of Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN (18 miles east of Chattanooga). Class participants discuss topical subjects of the Bible and about the true character of God. Up to 160 people from late teens up to retirees attend the class taught by Dr. Tim Jennings (and other members of the class from time-to-time).
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Come and Reason Ministries conducts a Bible study class, taught by Dr. Tim Jennings, discussing topical subjects of the Bible and the true character of God.
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Come and Reason Ministries' Bible study class, taught by Dr. Tim Jennings, discusses topical subjects of the Bible and the true character of God.
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Come and Reason Ministries conducts a Bible study class, taught by Dr. Tim Jennings, discussing topical subjects of the Bible and the true character of God.
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Audio from the Adult Sunday School Classes at Providence Bible Fellowship in West Chester, Ohio USA. Providence Bible Fellowship is a congregation of disciples of Jesus Christ. Our fellowship was born out of a desire to see the Church grow in faith through biblical expositional preaching, meaningful relationships, and God-centered worship. Our desire is to glorify God in all we say and do � teaching others to do the same as we grow together in the grace and knowledge of Him.
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The Bible read to classical music daily. The concept is simple. The Bible is read over suitable classical music by the Greats and never heard before music composed and performed by John Richmond. All of John's music can be found on all major streaming platforms. Search for "J Richmond." All links to the albums can be found at www.ClassicallySpeaking.co.uk Season 1 has the Bible read over classical music by famous composers eg Beethoven and Rachmaninov. Season two focuses on the New Testament ...
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On Sunday morning, March 16, 2025, Cole Tuck delivered a powerful sermon titled "Speaking the Truth in Love." The message emphasized how the world has distorted morality, exchanging good for evil and vice versa. To counter the deception of men, God's truth must be shared boldly. However, truth must always be delivered with love, ensuring that it re…
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Philippians 1&2, End of Acts Paul is shipwrecked while being transported to Rome for trial. Because of him the entire crew, the soldiers and all the other prisoners survive the shipwreck. When Paul arrives in Rome he is kept under guard but continues to be well-respected and is allowed to preach and teach to visitors. It is during this imprisonment…
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توسط David A. Brown
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Psalm 36:1–12, Luke 4:14–37, Numbers 13:26–14:45 If God is so generous to us, we also should ‘always be generous’.
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Proverbs 7:21–27, Luke 3:23–4:13, Numbers 11:4–13:25 Temptation is not sin; Jesus was ‘without sin’, yet even he was ‘tempted in every way, just as we are’ (Hebrews 4:15).
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Psalm 35:19–28, Luke 3:1–22, Numbers 9:15–11:3 Remember God’s goodness to you, especially in Christ, who is the ‘high priest of the good things’ God gives (Hebrews 9:11).
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On Sunday morning, March 16, 2025, Cole Tuck continued our Bible class in 1 Corinthians, focusing on spiritual gifts, humility, and the contrast between division in the world and unity in the body of Christ. The discussion emphasized how spiritual gifts should be used with humility to strengthen the church rather than create division.…
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Psalm 35:11–18, Luke 2:41–52, Numbers 7:66–9:14 How do you develop intimacy with God?
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Psalm 35:1–10 ,Luke 2:21–40, Numbers 7:1–65 How should you respond to this extraordinary good news? ’ The amazing truth of Christianity is that in Jesus *you* *do have a saviour*.
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Proverbs 7:6–20, Luke 2:1–20, Numbers 5:11–6:27 Faithfulness is something we should strive for in marriage, friendships and in our relationship with God.
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Psalm 34:11–22, Luke 1:57–80, Numbers 4:1–5:10 Jesus Christ sets us free.
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Psalm 34:1–10, Luke 1:39–56, Numbers 2:10–3:51 Today’s New Testament passage uses a Greek word that we translate ‘blessed’. It means to be the privileged recipient of *God’s favour*, and to be fortunate and happy because of it.
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Psalm 33:12–22, Luke 1:26–38, Numbers 1:1–2:9 How can you navigate the spiritual battles of life?
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Paul’s Trial, Philippians 3&4, Philemon Governor Felix never gives Paul a full trial. He lets him sit in jail for two years. Paul takes the opportunity to write several letters. Paul is still there when Governor Festus arrives to relieve Governor Felix of duty. Festus can’t figure out what to do with Paul. He has a trial that goes sideways in a hur…
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Riot in Jerusalem Over the strenuous objections of all those who love him, Paul persists in returning to Jerusalem in spite of the danger. He delivers the contributions he’s collected for the church, and they advise him to make a public display in the Temple of how devout and law-abiding he is. The plan backfires spectacularly. Instead of appeasing…
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On Sunday evening, March 9, 2025, guest speaker Dennis Winningham from Gospel Sharing Ministries delivered a thought-provoking sermon titled "Self-Examination: Where I Am." The message emphasized the challenges facing the Lord’s church, drawing parallels to the struggles of the first-century church addressed in Paul’s letters. It underscored the re…
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On Sunday morning, March 9, 2025, guest speaker William Hardy from Gospel Sharing Ministries delivered an inspiring sermon titled "The Battle Belongs to the Lord, and The Victory is Sure." The message encouraged believers to live victoriously, rejoice in the salvation found in Jesus, and share this truth with others.…
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On Sunday morning, March 9, 2025, guest speaker Larry Lovett from Gospel Sharing Ministries delivered an impactful Bible class titled "Gospel." The lesson emphasized the importance of sharing the gospel, defining it as the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It challenged listeners to reflect on their salvation and whether they are assured of…
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Proverbs 7:1–5, Luke 1:1–25, Leviticus 26:14–27:34 God’s ‘rules’ are his boundaries for life, given out of his love for us.
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Psalm 33:1–11, Mark 16:1–20, Leviticus 25:1–26:13 Today we see three reasons why, if you put your trust in the Lord, *you can be confident about your future*.
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Psalm 32:1–11, Mark 15:33–47, Leviticus 23:1–24:23 In the passages for today we see the very high cost and huge blessing of God’s forgiveness. As P.T. Forsyth (1848–1921) pointed out, first, you have to know the ‘despair of guilt’. Then you can appreciate ‘the breathless wonder of forgiveness’.
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On Sunday morning, March 2, 2025, Cole Tuck delivered an impactful sermon titled "Prayer – With and Without." The message emphasized the importance of praying with sincerity and respect while encouraging believers to pray without ceasing, without anger, and without selfishness. The sermon offered practical insights into cultivating a healthy, power…
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On Sunday, March 2, 2025, Cole Tuck led our morning Bible class on 1 Corinthians. The class covered Paul's teachings on the Lord's Supper, spiritual gifts, and the works of the Spirit. The discussion emphasized the significance of communion, the diversity of spiritual gifts within the church, and how the Holy Spirit works through believers to build…
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Psalm 31:19–24, Mark 15:1–32, Leviticus 21:1–22:33In the New Testament passage for today, we see the background to the extraordinary claim of the New Testament that the one ‘*they crucified*’ is in fact *my Lord*.
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Proverbs 6:30–35, Mark 14:43–72, Leviticus 19:1–20:27 We are all created in the image of God. Human beings are capable of acts of great love, courage and heroism. Yet, not one of us (apart from Jesus) is without sin. Do you know what’s in your heart?
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Psalm 31:9–18, Mark 14:17–42, Leviticus 17:1–18:30 ‘*But*’ is a powerful word when facing trouble, tests and temptations.
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Psalm 31:1–8, Mark 13:32–14:16, Leviticus 15:1–16:34As you face difficult situations you can trust that God will rescue you.
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Psalm 30:8–12, Mark 13:1–31, Leviticus 14:1–57 Following Jesus is life-changing. He constantly turns people’s lives around. He turns despair into joy.
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Proverbs 6:20–29, Mark 12:28–44, Leviticus 13:1–59 In the passages for today we see five key ways to keep your spiritual heart healthy.
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Psalm 30:1–7, Mark 12:13–27, Leviticus 11:1–12:8God views things through a wide-angled lens: he takes a long view and he wants you to enjoy a lifetime of his favour.
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Discussion of February Sermons
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1:02:13On Sunday evening, February 23, 2025, Cole Tuck led an engaging discussion reflecting on the month's sermons. The conversation covered key biblical themes, including the relationship between Christianity and culture, the nature of hell, and insights from previous lessons. Thought-provoking dialogue encouraged deeper understanding and application of…
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